Valve Confirms DotA 2 for 2011


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Comic Sans said:
Diablini said:
SteelStallion said:
i'll stick to HoN until then
League of Legends is better AND free.
LoL is a mess. The matchmaker is bad, the balance is borked, they care more about pushing content than stabilizing the game, the game eats system resources for lunch, and their client is awful (adobe air ftl). And you don't even get all the heroes. To buy them all would cost well over $100. And then you still need runes to be competitive. In HoN you pay $30 for everything. It has better balance, better UI, voice chat, great replays that work with any version (unlike WC3, where you can't watch replays of older versions), and the heroes actually take skill, so while it's harder to learn, once you do it's way more fun. LoL is fun, yes, but it has too much baggage weighing it down, and HoN is way more polished.

In my experience the ones who bash HoN hardest are the ones who either never played it or suck at it.
Let me address the first half of your statement first.

LoL has some balancing issues, mostly with new champions, but with any growing competetive game balancing and rebalancing will always be an ongoing process, not a finalized target. Adobe Air can be annoying but I have noticed No performance issues with it, and they push content because players WANT new content. They're creating a dynamic community, not a game that will sell once and then vanish in 6 months.

Yes, HoN is far better balanced. Because it's the same game, and same hero's, and same items, as DoTA, which had years of development and consistant testing.

I noticed no VoIP when I played HoN. Maybe this has changed.

The UI and graphics are not better- the art and shop system are an eyesore. LoL has it's store seperated into convenient and easy to understand tabs by item properties and role, characters are given "reconmended items" to help ease new players in. The Art style of LoL provides distinction and immediate recognition, similar to TF2's highly distinctive "recognize at a glance" art. HoN lacks this, and it was difficult for me to seperate characters and creeps and maintain visual track of my character and their momentum due to the art style. LoL does this far better - oh, and it has range icons to indicate skill effect radii.

Now I shall address the second half.

I played HoN. I didn't like it. "if you don't like you your not good at it" is part of the reason I didn't like it - the egomaniacle, ratings obsessed culture HoN gathered for itself with the DoTA community as well as it's "gameplay rating" culture where people are booted from games for having too low a score.

HoN is old news.

EDIT: As for runes and in game buffs, these can only be bought by gaining levels (mastery points) or influence (or buying new champs or runes) which is only earned by playing the game. Matchmaking matches you with players of a similar summoner level and runebook kitout, and I find runes don't make that big of a difference.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Okay, to all the people whining about Episode 3 ... well I'll just say this:

YES! You have every right in the world to whine about it. Valve makes, in general, very good games with great consistency. That being said, they are blatantly either ignoring or procrastinating on their flagship franchise, the one that another poster on this thread pointed out 'put them on the fucking map.' I hadn't even heard of DotA. In fact, I've already had to go back on this thread three times to even remember what DotA stands for. Sure the game will sell but, come on, is any solid number of people super duper hyped over it? I somehow doubt it.

Now, a company can have a good reason for yanking the chord on a big franchise. Bungie in my opinion, wisely put the Halo series to rest. They were smart enough to realize that it had been played out, so they should come up with a new thing. This is not the case with the Half Life games. Half Life and especially the Half Life 2 saga has more or less remained a beacon of sharp immersive environments, good character development, crisp writing, and outstanding voice acting. Simply put Half Life 2 hasn't suffered from a decay of storytelling or gameplay with each installment (although Episode 1 didn't quite rate as high, it was sort of just a story advancer.) Every time a new installment in the series comes out, people more or less jump to buy it. How many people bought the Orange Box just for Episode 2?

If you asked Valve's fan-base which game they are most anticipating from them I just about guarantee 80% would say Half Life 2: Episode 3. About 15% would probably say Portal 2 but that has a release date (Feb. 9th and it's all mine!) The remaining 5% would say something else. This is made worse by the huge cliffhanger ending of Ep. 2. If Blizzard decided not to make Starcraft 2, I'd have been bummed, but at least Starcraft was one story; though there was a small sequel hook at the end of Brood War. But to leave the end of Ep. 2 just flapping in the breeze. That's like if Lucas called it quits after The Empire Strikes Back. If Halo 3's tagline was "Finish the fight." HL2: Ep.3's tagline should be "Finish the damn story."

So yes, whine some more in fact, whine some MOAR! I'm just trying to do so in a justifiable manner. Episode 3 will not be Half Life 3. I'm pretty sure that's already been confirmed. Episode 3 will finish the story arc and Half Life 3 will be something new entirely. I'm willing to wait 6-7 years for Half Life 3, but not for an episode. If Duke Nukem forever, the butt-monkey of every vaporware joke in the universe, winner of Wired magazine's Vaporware Lifetime Achievement Award, is going to be released next year courtesy of Gearbox, then Ep. 3 should've been out by now. Come on Valve, do you really want one of your games to take over DNF's throne of vaporware joke fodder? Yeah I didn't think so either.

Comic Sans

Oct 15, 2008
United States
TsunamiWombat said:
Comic Sans said:
SteelStallion said:
Diablini said:
SteelStallion said:
i'll stick to HoN until then
League of Legends is better AND free.
no, it's imbalanced and free. want some advantages over the others? you'll be forking over a lot of cash.

you get what you paid for.
You want to PAY for your heroes?

Wrong trolls are wrong. Game performance cannot be bought. Characters and Cosmetic items can. Characters can also be bought with Influence, gainable only by playing the game.

Influence is also the ONLY resource one can use to buy Runes, which do give in game bonuses, but automatch, as the name would suggest, automatches you with enemies of comperable levels and rune books.
Um, game performance IS bought, in the sense that people with more heroes have the advantage. Your team needs a tanky character? If the only tanky character you have is Garen, he's practically permabanned in pubs. Looks like you can't tank, unless there is a free one that's halfway decent that hasn't been picked or banned that you can use well. Yes, you CAN grind it out and get new heroes. It takes quite some time though, especially for the 6300 IP ones. And grinding for heroes means you are NOT grinding for runes, and runes are a huge advantage. One of my mains is Pantheon, and thanks to my physical carry rune page (armor pen reds and quints, MP/5 blues and yellows), I can spear harass endlessly in a lane without needing to buy mana regen, allowing me to get a Long Sword as my first item and make my lane harass even more powerful. Without that mana regen from runes, my laning presence would be nothing. So yes, you CAN buy power because it gives you more options, and in a game like this having all the necessary possible picks at your disposal is a big deal.

TsunamiWombat said:
Comic Sans said:
Diablini said:
SteelStallion said:
i'll stick to HoN until then
League of Legends is better AND free.
LoL is a mess. The matchmaker is bad, the balance is borked, they care more about pushing content than stabilizing the game, the game eats system resources for lunch, and their client is awful (adobe air ftl). And you don't even get all the heroes. To buy them all would cost well over $100. And then you still need runes to be competitive. In HoN you pay $30 for everything. It has better balance, better UI, voice chat, great replays that work with any version (unlike WC3, where you can't watch replays of older versions), and the heroes actually take skill, so while it's harder to learn, once you do it's way more fun. LoL is fun, yes, but it has too much baggage weighing it down, and HoN is way more polished.

In my experience the ones who bash HoN hardest are the ones who either never played it or suck at it.
Let me address the first half of your statement first.

LoL has some balancing issues, mostly with new champions, but with any growing competetive game balancing and rebalancing will always be an ongoing process, not a finalized target. Adobe Air can be annoying but I have noticed No performance issues with it, and they push content because players WANT new content. They're creating a dynamic community, not a game that will sell once and then vanish in 6 months.

Yes, HoN is far better balanced. Because it's the same game, and same hero's, and same items, as DoTA, which had years of development and consistant testing.

I noticed no VoIP when I played HoN. Maybe this has changed.

The UI and graphics are not better- the art and shop system are an eyesore. LoL has it's store seperated into convenient and easy to understand tabs by item properties and role, characters are given "reconmended items" to help ease new players in. The Art style of LoL provides distinction and immediate recognition, similar to TF2's highly distinctive "recognize at a glance" art. HoN lacks this, and it was difficult for me to seperate characters and creeps and maintain visual track of my character and their momentum due to the art style. LoL does this far better - oh, and it has range icons to indicate skill effect radii.

Now I shall address the second half.

I played HoN. I didn't like it. "if you don't like you your not good at it" is part of the reason I didn't like it - the egomaniacle, ratings obsessed culture HoN gathered for itself with the DoTA community as well as it's "gameplay rating" culture where people are booted from games for having too low a score.

HoN is old news.

EDIT: As for runes and in game buffs, these can only be bought by gaining levels (mastery points) or influence (or buying new champs or runes) which is only earned by playing the game. Matchmaking matches you with players of a similar summoner level and runebook kitout, and I find runes don't make that big of a difference.
1. See, the problem with Riot is that their model of making money encourages them to push out champs asap, with little regard to balance. Let's look at the heroes that have been released lately:

Urgot: HORRIBLE champion. Good early game, but can't capitalize on it. Waste of a slot.
Miss Fortune: Insanely good laning, heavy utility, great farmer, hard carry. Outclasses almost every ranged DPS in the game.
Sona: I'd say she's fairly balanced, but could use some tweaking. Riot took the chickenshit way out of adding yet another aoe ult on a hero rather than something more creative. Requires no skill to play, since you just stand in the back and run your fingers over QWE.
Swain: Better than Urgot, but that's it. Outclassed completely as a nuker and support. Only good skill is his snare, and that's easy to avoid.

So out of the last 4 heroes released, I'd only call one balanced is Sona. And I didn't even get into how bad heroes like Ezreal and Xin Zhao were when released. It took MONTHS to balance out Ezreal. Riot needs to stop releasing heroes and stabilize their game. When there are clear better champs and clear horrible waste of slot champs, there is something wrong. There will always be heroes that excel, but junk heroes that drag a team down when picked are inexcusable.

2. HoN has added several new heroes, tweaked some mechanics, and changed some of the old heroes around. Even with their changes, the game is pretty balanced. I love that there are no heroes where I groan as soon as they are picked because they suck so bad (see: Teemo, Eve, Urgot).

3. Hon has ALWAYS had voice chat. Even in closed beta. Saying it doesn't makes me question how much you actually played it.

4. The LoL shop takes ages thanks to those damn tabs. Click, click scroll, click click. HoN's REALLY isn't that hard. Once you learn the organization, you can get any item in like 3 seconds. Yes, the LoL shop is easier for beginners. However, HoN's really isn't that hard. If you need to check out the items, there's a practice mode for a reason. As for art style, that's preference. I had no trouble at all figuring out what was what in either HoN or LoL. it's just a matter of playing the game and learning, much like most other games. The heroes all look totally different in both games. If you don't know what the heroes are to begin with, or course you will puzzle over them a bit.

5. See, I have little problem with the community. If someone bothers you, ignore them. I have a lot more fun with the people there than in LoL. People are usually much better at the game. I am shocked at how bad even level 30s are in LoL. They have no game sense, play horribly, use heroes they never used before in ranked games, and rage as hard as any HoN player. When you play a team game, it's expected that everyone carries their own weight. When someone doesn't, especially in such a team oriented game, people get mad. If you play like you have a brain cell, and talk to your team, you will be fine. It's the initial hump that's hard.I've had 3 friends, all of them LoL players, try the game, and they all love it, one of them having bought it already and the others are going to soon.

6. I play LoL quite a bit. I am well aware of how matchmaking works. it is flawed because individual skill means little in LoL. In HoN a good player with a carry can make a huge difference in the outcome. Individual skill shines more in HoN. In LoL it's all team, so it's easy to get dragged down by a bad team. And saying runes are not important is just silly. Armor pen runes make you do almost true damage in the beginning of the page if you run the right masteries as well. I start with 35 armor pen. Huge on anyone who relies on physical damage. The right rune setup makes a huge difference, especially the overpowered ones (armor pen and MP/5 in particular).

How much did you play HoN? If you SERIOUSLY couldn't tell everything apart, I chalk it up to inexperience or being too stubborn to learn the game and expecting to dive straight into a in-depth game.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
I look forward to DoTA2, albeit having playing very little dota and quite alot of HoN. Whilst i like S2 and what they have achieved so far, I'm very curious about what Dota 2 would be like.
Oh and for all the people who say LoL is free, it is free to play but you need to spend ungodly amounts of hours to earn the hero's/runes without paying for them with irl money (which costs 180+ just for hero's) and you can't just go oh well i'll just earn all the hero's since you need the runes or your severely gimped the entire game. I think i'll stick with a game where I pick my hero, and am able to play him to their full potential from the very first time i play.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Diablini said:
SteelStallion said:
i'll stick to HoN until then
League of Legends is better AND free.

LoLed so hard.

EDIT: I'll also be playing HoN until DotA2 comes out at which point I'll give it a go. If it's anything like LoL though with micro transactions and skins etc etc. I'll probably stick with HoN. There is no way I'm going to spend 60 dollars to buy every single hero individually and still be paying money when new ones are released nor am I going to compete with players who are buying advantages with their parents money.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
thatstheguy said:
Mezzo. said:
Oh stop whining about Episode 3 already, it'll come when it comes.

Seriously, they're trying new things out because they can, deal with it.

...God, I have issues.
Obviously. :p

Anti Nudist Cupcake

New member
Mar 23, 2010
It's like valve is trying to do everything in their power to make sure they WON'T release half life 2 episode 3. Maybe they think the game is haunted, did somebody die when they started to make it?
After this and portal 2, they will probably say something like "uhhhh, we can't make episode 3 because we are ummmmmm... Making new keyboards now?"

lol not that I care about episode 3 but this is just ridiculous.
Valve, BE A MAN!


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Mordwyl said:
Half Life Episode 3 is the new Duke Nukem Forever, so stop waiting for it.

I thought DotA was a WCIII mod... Wait, TFC was originally a Quake mod and look at how TF2 turned out. This will be glorious delicious cake.
That does not fill me with confidence. Regardless, get Episode 3 out the door! You didn't have that great a problem getting the second one out the door, and this wouldn't mbother me so much if that one didn't end on a massive cliffhanger.


Jan 23, 2008
smallharmlesskitten said:
someone forgot the robin quote I told them.

stupid cali..
The quote you showed me has nothing to do with what I said. Hats will still exist. A lot of pointless crap will still exist in TF2.

Also they already implemented the crafting blueprint for the set hats, and it's absurd, as expected. But even if it wasn't, hats would still exist.

Sir John the Net Knight said:
Stupid replies like this one are the reason I pretty much got run out of the TF2 group here.
Fixed that for you.

Sir John the Net Knight said:
I'm really sick of this fanboy whining. You guys sound like a spoiled rich kid who didn't get the right gaming console for his birthday, so he kicks and whines like a freaking brat so that everyone knows how much he hates his gift.

Do you people really want a half-assed half-life that's rushed to market? I'll bet you'd ***** about that too. If I can say one thing that disgusts me about the gaming community now. It's this level of entitlement that a person is supposed to start shedding at around 14 at the latest. Or at least that's how it used to be. That's why everyone who isn't a gamer doesn't like gamers. Because gamers act like tossers to each other, so they probably like tossers in general.
Here's where your half assed reply falls short and, again, makes you look bad (which you should be used to by now): I bought the game. I paid the full store price for it. I didn't ask for them to add stuff. I LIKE that they add some stuff that I'm not forced to play with if I don't like (like, say, maps). Other stuff, like hats that I can't turn off, kinda fucks up with the game I bought/paid for.

Imagine you go out to dinner. Imagine you buy a really nice dinner. Now imagine the restaurant owner walks up to your table and offers you free dessert if you want. Nice right? Indeed. Now imagine the owner comes back and drops one big wet turd on your dinner, totally free of charge (you still pay for the dinner though). You wouldn't complain right?


PS: Don't care about Episode 3. What bothers me is what they're doing to this game. Now what they might, potentially, do about a game that might or might not exist that I haven't even paid for.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Meh, played LoL, sucked ass.

All I did was "feed," so DotA 2, Dota 3, or Dota: Any-sequential-number-release-in-the-future is out.

DominicxD said:
Episode 3



I am in agreement


New member
Jul 10, 2010
Oh for fucks sake. Will you people quit obsessing over HL2 Episode 3 already? The only reason episodes 1 and 2 were so buggy upon release is that they were rushed to hell because of fan pressure. It's not like half life is the ONLY game they make, and frankly I'm tired of seeing "MAKE EP3 ADN RELEASE IT NAO" type comments. Maybe they're holding it off because they're afraid that the hype surrounding EP3 will overshadow all their other games that they're producing. Plus, again, they don't want it to be buggy as shit upon release. So will you people give them some more freaking time? It's not like they're freakin magical.


Jan 23, 2008
Sir John the Net Knight said:
And thank you for spilling that business onto main forums, though I really expect nothing less from you, at this point.
You brought it up when you were diligently trying to insult me John...

Sir John the Net Knight @ 159) 15 October 2010 5:45 am said:
Stupid statements like this one are the reason I don't belong to the TF2 group here any longer.
Caliostro @ 173) 15 October 2010 9:20 pm said:
Fixed that for you.
Notice how my post is a reply to yours... And it only exists because you posted yours.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Racecarlock said:
Oh for fucks sake. Will you people quit obsessing over HL2 Episode 3 already? The only reason episodes 1 and 2 were so buggy upon release is that they were rushed to hell because of fan pressure. It's not like half life is the ONLY game they make, and frankly I'm tired of seeing "MAKE EP3 ADN RELEASE IT NAO" type comments. Maybe they're holding it off because they're afraid that the hype surrounding EP3 will overshadow all their other games that they're producing. Plus, again, they don't want it to be buggy as shit upon release. So will you people give them some more freaking time? It's not like they're freakin magical.
The whole idea of episodes was supposed to be short games with a short development time, 3 years for a game that would likley be the same length as ep 1 or 2 is just rediculous, we've had no news or anything, in that time, that's why people're annoyed, ep 1 and 2 still took ages, therefor any bugs in them were hardly the result of them being "rushed" because they took bloody ages to come out.


New member
Dec 14, 2008
Giving the high-end players incentive to help out newbies is a great idea, I think. I helped out a lot of newbies in Diablo II by giving away some almost-top-end items, but only because they were dirt-cheap (the absolute best of the best items oversaturate the market, so they're relatively cheap and everything else is near-worthless)


New member
Jun 24, 2008
DoTa was the cancer that killed Warcraft III (Sc 2 was just the last nail in the coffin). So youll forgive me if im not jumping for Joy.