Valve Delivers Blizzard-esque Dota 2 Trailer


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
antipunt said:
Alar said:
Riot Games, no doubt, finds this ridiculous.
Or I guess you could say... they find it a complete riot!
You, sir or madam, win an Internet. That made me chuckle.
Genixma said:
Alar said:
Riot Games, no doubt, finds this ridiculous.
Well compared to their trailer of LoL, DoTA2's trailer looks slow and I'm getting a crazy Ashe vibe from the archer.
Honestly though, the characters look like blatant copies of the original DotA characters. I know Ashe is based off of a DotA character too, but look at how many are easily recognizable. I'm not saying the game will suck, but it's not going to pull me away from LoL any time soon. That game is nicely polished for my tastes.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
KCL said:
Soviet Heavy said:
It sounds to me like someone simply wants to ***** at Valve for no reason, thereby allowing him to declare that any who disagree with him are blind fanboys.
It sounds to me like uninformed people spouting their nonsense opinions. Which is pretty much par for the course, actually. For example:

Twilight.falls said:
I see Dota 2 as a chance to finally give back to Icefrog for maintaining the game for so long, considering that Eul and Guinsoo are now making enormous profit off of League of Legends.
This guy has no idea what he's talking about. Eul isn't involved with Riot or League of Legends in any way whatsoever. Guinsoo is just an employee doing work for hire. Neither of them is making these completely imaginary gobs of cash.
My apologies for my ignorance. I seem to have gotten Eul mixed up with Pendragon, who also worked on Dota.

I also looked up Guinsoo and realized, yes, he isn't as influential as I had first thought.

Again, my sincerest apologies.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Trailer looks Great, its nice to see how far Valve's cinematics have come since the first Tf2 trailer.

Also, can anyone link me to something that states Valve IS actually charging for DOTA? I have honestly not seen any statement on whether or not its going to be free *like Alien swarm, and recently tf2* or if their charging for it.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
So it's been a while since vanilla Dota, I play LoL because of the new heroes, but most of those heroes look like rips of Dota heroes if not all. Lame Valve, really Lame.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Earnest Cavalli said:
thenumberthirteen said:
Is it just called Dota 2? Like nothing else? Not Defence of the Ancients 2, but Dota 2.
Yup. Which is at least half of why I find this whole thing very, very funny.
Dota is Dota is Dota. Saying "Defence of the Ancients" by now is akin to bragging about your half-forgotten family ancestor.

I'm not sure about the game, but by now I'm pretty sure I want Valve's animation department to do a full-length movie. If the same guys made Portal 2's trailers, the Meet The... videos, and this, then I can predict I'll watch the hell out of whatever they cook up.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Twilight.falls said:
Well, supposedly Riot copyrighted Defense of the Ancients, preventing Valve from using the name, despite the fact that Riot is no longer affiliated with Dota.

It was purely a move made to deny Valve the title Defense of the Ancients, forcing them to say Dota2.
Incorrect. Riot does not own "Defense of the Ancients." Riot doesn't own "DotA," either. As far as I know, nobody actually has the official legal rights to that name, but the closest to it is probably Blizzard given that the original DotA was a custom WC3 map on, and their terms of use likely give them rights on whatever's created with their map editor.

Both Riot and Blizzard have, however, condemned Valve's use of the "DotA" name, because they believe it belongs to the WC3 community that created and supported the original mod. That may be what you're thinking of.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Hum. I've already got LoL, so I can't say I'm much looking forward to this.

Don't like the trailer much either. Seems like every MOMBA game needs a frost archer (god forbid they have a flame archer, or maybe even a light archer), and the magic blasts just lack impact, as do the arrows. Feels kind of... floaty.

Much prefer my League cinematic trailer. :D


New member
Jun 17, 2009
it's amazing how on a forum where capitalism(ho) is usually praised through the roof people start bitching about it as soon as it comes to their sacred cow. If you invent something cool and don't bother to somehow protect it or get money out of it someone else will, that's how shit works.

OT: if it is hat-powered i will give it a try


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Twilight.falls said:
Blank Kold said:
Meh. The amount of stuff that they're taking directly from blizzard's games is rather disheartening.
Are you aware of the fact that Dota originally started as a modification for a Blizzard game?
Would be funny if the next blizzrd game will be CS 2 or something like that.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
KCL said:
Soviet Heavy said:
If I understand correctly, Valve hired the guy who made the original. So arguments about quality are debatable.
You don't understand correctly. DotA was originally created by Eul. It was then taken, without permission, and made into DotA Allstars by Guinsoo. After being hired by Riot, Guinsoo then handed it off to IceFrog.

The saddest part of this whole thing is that the real creator and popularizer of DotA hasn't gotten any of the credit because kiddies can't be bothered to get their facts straight. Apparently, the real way to break into the game industry is simply to steal someone else's work.
ok ok hold up.

NONE OF THIS is true. Eul made the original DotA for WC3 based off of AoS from Starcraft, and when The Frozen Throne came out decided to not continue updating it. At this point, several different developers made their own versions of DotA for TFT, Allstars being the most popular as it took all of the most popular heroes from the other versions and put them in one map. After a few years, Guinsoo decided to stop updating the map and Icefrog took over. This was NOT the same time he was hired by Riot, that was later.

Icefrog then introduced 75% of the heroes we have today, as well as remaking or removing most of the originals. The only heroes today that really haven't changed since Guinsoo are Traxex and Leoric, two heroes with fairly basic skills. Under Icefrog, Allstars became so popular that it became the only DotA map, and a few months ago finally dropped allstars from its name.

But good job "getting your facts straight."


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Oh, Hey Ashe, Hey Sion, Hey Skarner, Hey Nocturne, Hey Malphite, Hey Galio!!!

Poor form Valve, poor form.


New member
May 9, 2008
Supp said:
Eul made the original DotA for WC3 based off of AoS from Starcraft, and when The Frozen Throne came out decided to not continue updating it. At this point, several different developers made their own versions of DotA for TFT, Allstars being the most popular as it took all of the most popular heroes from the other versions and put them in one map. After a few years, Guinsoo decided to stop updating the map and Icefrog took over. This was NOT the same time he was hired by Riot, that was later.

Icefrog then introduced 75% of the heroes we have today, as well as remaking or removing most of the originals. The only heroes today that really haven't changed since Guinsoo are Traxex and Leoric, two heroes with fairly basic skills. Under Icefrog, Allstars became so popular that it became the only DotA map, and a few months ago finally dropped allstars from its name.
Thank you for setting the record straight finally. This is how things unfolded, and how as I remember them taking place.

Originally, DotA wasn't any more popular than any other of the successful custom WC3 maps. In Guinsoo's version was horribly balanced and it wasn't until Icefrog took the time to get the Heros, Items, and map in shape that it became the phenomenon that it is today and so many games proto-type from. Icefrog's dedication to keeping the game competitive allowed for the professional community to develop.

DOTA 2 is basically taking all the good of that custom map, nearly byte for byte and giving it a true port to a robust engine with a lot of talent and seasoned developers backing it to flesh out features but retain the feel and pace of the original. Some things you just can accomplish in the WC3 engine and this gives Icefrog the opportunity to continue updating and expanding his game free of those restraints.

Oh, Hey Ashe, Hey Sion, Hey Skarner, Hey Nocturne, Hey Malphite, Hey Galio!!!

Poor form Valve, poor form.
I swear, people must be deliberately being ignorant just to troll. DotA 2 Heros are based on their DotA 1 counterparts, you know, the same that LoL/HoN copy/remix.


New member
Aug 15, 2010
This is why I hate reading a thread that has anything to do with the genre, every person who plays their specific game be it Dota, LoL or HoN seems utterly convinced everyone is stealing their games character designs, or it looks so much like their game or theirs is so much better (and of course some claim this without ever even playing any of the others). Maybe one day people will just learn to enjoy the game they like and stop feeling the need to constantly claim how much better their game is then everyone else's. Anyway with that rant out of the road as someone who plays Dota, LoL and HoN and enjoys all 3 I can't wait for this :D

Averant said:
Hum. I've already got LoL, so I can't say I'm much looking forward to this.

Don't like the trailer much either. Seems like every MOMBA game needs a frost archer (god forbid they have a flame archer, or maybe even a light archer), and the magic blasts just lack impact, as do the arrows. Feels kind of... floaty.

Much prefer my League cinematic trailer. :D
You're totally right, maybe they should change Ashe to a fire archer *cough* *cough* anyway I need to leave this thread before my head explodes.

Fortesque said:
Oh, Hey Ashe, Hey Sion, Hey Skarner, Hey Nocturne, Hey Malphite, Hey Galio!!!

Poor form Valve, poor form.
Oh I can't even... nope, must leave thread, must leave thread.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
AnteGravity said:
Oh, Hey Ashe, Hey Sion, Hey Skarner, Hey Nocturne, Hey Malphite, Hey Galio!!!

Poor form Valve, poor form.
I swear, people must be deliberately being ignorant just to troll. DotA 2 Heros are based on their DotA 1 counterparts, you know, the same that LoL/HoN copy/remix.
Not being ignorant or trolling. LoL is just far superior to DotA and I cant see this doing that well.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Am i the only one who thought the merchant guy had a very strong resemblance of Gabe Newell, and thus assumed it was in fact Gabe talking (despite it being a completely different voice)?


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Looks awesome. DO WANT.

Wrt the various passionate screeds about "it's so wrong to make money off a free community project!!!", I feel two things should be pointed out:

1. DotA is not free, it requires a copy of Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. W3:TFT is not a free game.

2. As far as I'm aware, Valve have not even said that DOTA2 will require a purchase. Given the way that TF2 has gone, I'd be very surprised if at least the base DOTA2 experience wasn't free to play.


New member
May 9, 2008
Fortesque said:
AnteGravity said:
Not being ignorant or trolling.

LoL is just far superior to DotA and I cant see this doing that well.
This should be the dictionary example of contradiction.

DotA 2 will be doing very well for itself for a plethora of reasons. Valve/Steam, Professional community interest, Icefrog DotA Zealots, etc.