Valve Delivers Blizzard-esque Dota 2 Trailer

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Meh. Unless it's free, I probably won't buy it. I already have LoL, which does fine, so I see no need to fork over money for something that may not be better.


New member
May 9, 2008
Irony said:
Meh. Unless it's free, I probably won't buy it. I already have LoL, which does fine, so I see no need to fork over money for something that may not be better.
If it _IS_ free then you couldn't buy it anyway.

DotA is already a superior game to LoL, and thus by extension, DotA 2, even before any improvements are added.

Don't conflate cheap and easy with better.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
AnteGravity said:
Irony said:
Meh. Unless it's free, I probably won't buy it. I already have LoL, which does fine, so I see no need to fork over money for something that may not be better.
If it _IS_ free then you couldn't buy it anyway.

DotA is already a superior game to LoL, and thus by extension, DotA 2, even before any improvements are added.

Don't conflate cheap and easy with better.
I don't know if DotA is a superior game or if you just like it more.

As for cheap and easy being better, never said that. But a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I'd rather keep the game that's been plenty good for me and is free over the unknown game that cost money.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Supp said:
ok ok hold up.

NONE OF THIS is true.
Wrong. All of it is true.

Supp said:
Eul made the original DotA for WC3 based off of AoS from Starcraft
Wrong. DotA isn't based on the original AoS map any more than BioShock is based on Doom. They share some basic gameplay. That's it. In fact, DotA grew out of other WC3 AoS maps, which were wildly popular on from day one of WC3's launch.

Supp said:
and when The Frozen Throne came out decided to not continue updating it.
Also wrong. In fact, Eul tried to up the ante when The Frozen Throne came out. He created DotA 2: Thirst for Gamma. It sucked, and everyone was playing Tides of Blood instead (which is where the name of the Vladimir ability in League of Legends comes from). Since other people had stolen DotA from him and DotA 2 was a failure, Eul abandoned WC3 modding.

Supp said:
At this point, several different developers made their own versions of DotA for TFT
Correct. Of course, people had been making their own versions all along, just like people still make their own versions of Allstars today. But none of this has anything to do with what I said.

Supp said:
Allstars being the most popular as it took all of the most popular heroes from the other versions and put them in one map.
Wrong. There were actually multiple competing versions of Allstars, too. All of them used the "most popular heroes from other versions" shtick. They even took heroes from non-DotA maps. And this also has nothing to do with what I said.

Supp said:
After a few years, Guinsoo decided to stop updating the map and Icefrog took over. This was NOT the same time he was hired by Riot, that was later.
Wrong. It wasn't the same time that he announced his future plans or that Riot announced the new game. It was the same time that these discussions were happening behind the scenes. And once again, this has nothing to do with what I said.

Supp said:
Icefrog then introduced 75% of the heroes we have today, as well as remaking or removing most of the originals. The only heroes today that really haven't changed since Guinsoo are Traxex and Leoric, two heroes with fairly basic skills.
Not even close. A) IceFrog doesn't design the heroes. B) Plenty of other heroes date from Guinsoo's tenure, but like IceFrog he simply took heroes from the community (as well as from, so who cares? C) None of this has anything to do with what I said.

Supp said:
Under Icefrog, Allstars became so popular that it became the only DotA map, and a few months ago finally dropped allstars from its name.
Actually that happened under Guinsoo. There were then and still are other maps that have DotA in their title, but there's only one DotA. It's been that way since 2004. IceFrog's decision to drop the "Allstars" was purely symbolic.

Supp said:
But good job "getting your facts straight."
I know it was.


New member
May 9, 2008
Irony said:
AnteGravity said:
I don't know if DotA is a superior game or if you just like it more.

As for cheap and easy being better, never said that. But a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I'd rather keep the game that's been plenty good for me and is free over the unknown game that cost money.
If you A) Don't know if it better or not, B) Refuse to give it a sincere try to find out, C) Highly skeptical of other people's judgements, then you are simply beholden to an insufferable position.

Thus, the only thing I can discern is that you must be too poor/cheap/miserly and looking for some vague rationalization to excuse still expressing some opinion on the game.

What can possibly change your choice from "it maybe not be better" to "it is worth the asking price?"


New member
Feb 22, 2011
I can still see much of the Warcraft influence in the characters, like the lumbering meat golem from WoW and WC3, and even the Tauren with the totem.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
AnteGravity said:
Irony said:
I don't know if DotA is a superior game or if you just like it more.

As for cheap and easy being better, never said that. But a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I'd rather keep the game that's been plenty good for me and is free over the unknown game that cost money.
If you A) Don't know if it better or not, B) Refuse to give it a sincere try to find out, C) Highly skeptical of other people's judgements, then you are simply beholden to an insufferable position.

Thus, the only thing I can discern is that you must be too poor/cheap/miserly and looking for some vague rationalization to excuse still expressing some opinion on the game.

What can possibly change your choice from "it maybe not be better" to "it is worth the asking price?"
Woah, you're read way too much into what I've said. I don't have much interest in the genre, and am not in a hurry to try it out. Will I eventually? Sure, I've heard good things about DotA. As for me being skeptical of you, it's simply to full on stated that DotA was the superior game. How can I tell whether this is an accurate evaluation of the game or if it's just some rabid fan spewing their love of their chosen game at me? How do I know it's not something in the middle or both?

You're get awfully defensive about a game that I only stated I had little interest in buying. I never said anything about DotA being a bad game or not worth money for. You merely assumed by my neutral opinion on the matter that I had a low view of it. I look to conserve the money I spend of video games and I'd rather pay money that I have an active interest in buying then another of unknown quality.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
Also, I didn't mention it before, but I don't really feel that this looks as good as a Blizzard cinematic. Maybe, MAYBE an in-game cutscene.


Chaos in Jeans
Feb 2, 2010
Eggbert said:
What is gameplay like in these things, anyway? I keep hearing about them, but I've never tried any. I do love the trailer, though.
Eh, gameplay is sorta...monotonous, really. Games are typically broken up into early-game (aka: "Laning phase"), mid-game (typically a roaming phase, where people start moving into other lanes/pushing hard in groups/working for map control), and late-game, where people start getting their builds together and teamfights have a more major impact on the outcome of the game (early teamfights can set one side ahead of the other, but rarely are they game-winning on their own; a late-game ace, on the other hand, tends to end the game right there if the winning side didn't die off as well). You kill a lot of minions that aren't paying attention to you to get gold while also attacking your opponents to try to stop them from killing YOUR minions for gold as well. Some of the above games emphasize killing your opponents over farming, others (LoL I know for certain) focus on the minion-farming and more or less discourage direct assault on your opposing champions until later on in the game. Economy differences, mainly.

One thing they all have in common, unfortunately, is incredibly insular, intolerant, and generally crappy communities. One need look no further than a thread on the LoL forums detailing their community's relationship with Brazilian players to see what I'm talking about, or browse a few threads griping/laughing about how much trolling goes on in games, and so on. It's worse than I ever saw in the WoW hardcore arena/pvp community, which is saying something.

All in all, DotA-style games are an okay distraction without much depth that tend to be plagued by jerkass communities.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Hmm, I was sincerely hoping for a different approach in DotA 2. The same heroes, the same Str-Agi-Int scheme, even the same items are hinted by the Heavy guy.

While DotA was an amazing mod, which kept me entertained for quite a while, I want something different, now. Specially considering that HoN is now free and a DotA clone with newer graphics and LoL offers a more entertaining development progression for its characters (which are also quite unique, for the most part).

I'll keep on following DotA 2, but I have to say I'm not very excited about it, so far.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
It looks, so good. Normally, i think "3P1C GR4PH1CZ" arnt all that important to a game.
But this looks beautiful. Beyond what i thought it would be.

Even if i like Dota 2, i'll still probably play LoL more, just because of the friends i have on it.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
While Valve is admittedly awesome they are basically just taking DotA and porting it warts and all. I think I will stick with LoL. It was made by one of the original DotA creators and he tried to improve upon the game instead of just make a direct copy. And then when it gets right down to it... LoL or DotA... I'll always know in my heart which MOBA is truly the best. Bloodline Champions of course.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
I really hope they design this game understanding the differences between working within the limitations of the Warcraft 3 engine and actual good gameplay mechanics. People get really pissy about maintaining the integrity of dota and half the time it is blind devotion that people defend some of the gameplay mechanics and not so much if the mechanic is the actual ideal design for the game (working within limitations vs intended design).


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Fortesque said:
Oh, Hey Ashe, Hey Sion, Hey Skarner, Hey Nocturne, Hey Malphite, Hey Galio!!!

Poor form Valve, poor form.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Drow Ranger was in WC3, just like Axe and the other DotA champions.
If anyone is stealing, it is Riot from DotA/Warcraft.

Apart from that: Blizzard makes WAY prettier cinematics. More dynamic animations, far far faaaar more beautiful backgrounds.

And concerning DotA 2: It looks like DotA 2 is "stealing" some interface improvements from Riot, such as better hit point bars. Hope they also steal LoL's minimap, because it is just superior.

And I can see DotA 2 killing HoN. But LoL will be untouched, because it is just a different (better) game.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
To be completely honest, while this will no doubt be a high-quality and fun game, Valve's a little late. DotA clones have sprung up all over the place, and unless they actually move the genre forward (more than two or three maps, different objectives) this is likely going to be a complete waste of everyone's time.


Chaos in Jeans
Feb 2, 2010
Fortesque said:
Oh, Hey Ashe, Hey Sion, Hey Skarner, Hey Nocturne, Hey Malphite, Hey Galio!!!

Poor form Valve, poor form.
I'm reminded of a claim I read wherein someone stated that Don't Stop Believing was created by the writers of Glee.

These character frameworks have been around a little while. [] The hooded archer, in particular, has existed as a "thing" for a long time, pretty much as long as elves have been thought of as archers. The earliest example I KNOW I can point to is Alleria from WC2, but I have no doubt there are earlier ones than that. It's a pretty popular theme.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
I would usually sympathize with a community who had their mod bought by another company to be developed as a purchasable game - but the DotA community is so fucking terrible that I'm here enjoying myself watching 'em throw themselves into a fit.

Anyway, DOTA 2 is basically Valve's ticket to the competitive scene, which is big. The prize pool of LoL's Season 2 is $5 million, the winner of the DOTA2 tournament bags $1.6 million, and the Chinese DotA 1/StarCraft 2/Warcraft 3 team Catostrophic Cruel Memories was recently bought for $6.2 million.

CS:GO is being developed with eSports in mind as well.