Video game weapons you found most useless!

zega frega omega

New member
Dec 5, 2010
The crowbar from Half-Life 2. I realized it's pretty much replaced by the grvity gun, but after Ravenholm, you won't even consider whipping out the crowbar. Same thing with the pistol.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
Souldead341 said:
Personally, the shotgun in Mass Effect 1 and 2.
I agree, but the one exception to that is the Geth Shotgun that was in the weapon DLC for Mass Effect 2. It takes only one shot to kill anything that isn't shielded and it can hit stuff from across the room.


New member
Dec 7, 2007
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Wait, something that definetly should be added to your list: The BB gun from Fallout 3! Piss-poor damage, slow firing speed, and add it to the rareness of BBs.
Wasn't that intended to be a practice gun?. You got a better gun almost as soon as the next combat sequence arrives, and it worked fine against the Radroaches. By that logic you should add the wooden sword from Kingdom Hearts

Antonio Torrente

New member
Feb 19, 2010
soperg said:
i win with the most useless weapon EVER featured... the bubble gun in Just cause 2. or, if you count it, the first ever completely useless weapon, a lvl 5 magikarp in pokemon.
well at least that gun doubles your SMG ammo amount but still why would avalanche studios put it there in the first place?


New member
Dec 31, 2010
1) Alien Blaster (especially Firelance), Fallout 3/Fallout: New Vegas
2) Recharger pistol/rifle, Fallout: New Vegas

I know energy weapons in Fallout 3/FNV have been mentioned already, but I have one that's either really crappy or way too good: the Alien Blaster. With its ridiculously high damage (even with a low energy weapon skill) and 100% critical rate, it just makes the game too easy if you're fighting something up close, even on Very Hard mode. From a distance, however, the accuracy just sucks, and each missed shot consumes an extraordinarily rare Alien Power Cell.

You could take this one step further and mention the Firelance, the unique Alien Blaster from Fallout 3. It barely did more damage than the regular Alien Blaster, although it did have a fire effect which could benefit slightly from the Pyromaniac perk, but its condition degraded twice as fast as the non-unique weapon.

The only reason I even got the Alien Blaster in FNV is because I wanted to collect everything; I honestly never fired a shot with it.

My second choice, this one specifically from Fallout: New Vegas, would be anything that uses MF Breeder ammo. Sure, it's essentially infinite ammo, but it recharges too slowly to use in heated combat, and I honestly never found a single MF Breeder in the entire game after playing my first character for almost 100 hours and a second character for about 40 so far. Makes those "Recharger" weapons pretty well worthless.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
the golf club in dead rising. i barely even got close to beating that game, and the golf club was the most worthless thing i found in the mall. more worthless then the food in the game! at least the food helped you stay alive.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
Blatherscythe said:
Yeah, I have my own theories as to why the Brotherhood was doing horribly in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Their armor may be top notch, but they seem to favor laser rifles, the damage equivelent to a really strong flashlight. This can also apply to the Enclave, they favor plasma weaponry that has easily dodged projectiles, thus after using most of the their energy cells and a lot of strafing the Brotherhood was victorious over the Enclave.

And the worst part about the piss weak energy weapons is that I have the console version, so I can't just mod my troubles away.
Me too buddy. I eagerly await the day I can buy a gaming PC and breathe new life into my favorite game.

Alas, with Ireland the way it is right now I could be waiting a long time.
Have you considered picking a bunch of 4 leafed clovers, laminating them and selling them on Ebay as "authentic lucky charms from Ireland" to superstitious idiots? Believe me it could work, you just need to look at cults and religions and you too will realize that superstiious people will buy anything with a good enough sales pitch. You can fake the Irish accent/behaviours sterotype to Americans to make them think your funny and it may in turn increase sales and pull at their heartstrings with a sob story, because another thing about most religious people is that they love to give money to charities. Not always good ones but you can claim to support a charity their faith is assosiated with.

And there you go, a quick way to easy cash with minimal effort.


is a trap!
Nov 22, 2010
Digi7 said:
Hmmm, the Pulse Rifle in Dead Space was fairly useless and chewed up ammo like no tomorrow. It was great for supression though, put your back to the wall, aim at the horde of enemies charging at you, and spray!
pretty odd that the only weapon that is actually made for killing was the worst weapon in the game. I did a Pulse run. It was epic.

OT: Melee weapons or shotguns in any fps that has bosses.

Seriously, do all bosses need to be freaking immune to punching to the point of seige pulsing and magic jarate skills.

WOuld prefer a game where the bosses did not resort to such fake difficulty. >.>


New member
Apr 14, 2010
Shock and Awe said:
Well the MIRV could be the bet way to kill a behemoth on Very Hard, but I definitely see your point, any other time it is a waste. Also, I actually found the poison to be quite useful in AC2. You could use it to kill one guard and potentially hurt more without detection. Not in Brotherhood though, could not use it once without getting caught.
The one thing that I did in brotherhood was to use the poison darts because you could almost never get caught using it.

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
Let's see... any weapon in GoW II that wasn't the Blades of Athena or Blade of Olympus. All the rest had crappy reach. and the Blade of Olympus was an end-game weapon, and thus barely used unless you replayed the game. At least the Blade of Aretemis in the first one was purple and made cool swinging noises.

Nanissimov said:
Ever have those guns where you could not find a reasonable use for? I have and ive compiled a list of what i can think of from the top of my head. Oh yeah, and keep in mind that these are subjective personal opinions, just because you find it useless doesn't mean everyone else will. But i digress

#1) Experimental MIRV (Fallout 3) I could not find a use for it. The gun wasted 8 mini nukes which are 300 a pop (Depending on your barter skill) and were rare finds. But mind you, it only took 1 mini nuke to kill an enemy, 2 for the really hard ones (Even at a low big gun skill 2 at most) but this thing was wasting 8, 4x the amount required at most.

#2) Chinese pistol/32 pistol (Fallout 3) Yes i understand there 2 different guns but they were both utterly useless and i am not going to make two entries for each one of them. Anyways the guns were extremely weak and would earn you an instant game over if you so much as pulled it out on anything larger than a rad roach (Radiated Cockroach)

#3) M4/Shotgun (Hitman Blood money) These guns were useless in hitman because as the title implies your supposed to be a Hitman, not Marcus Fenix. They were non concealable and loud, but my biggest problem with these things is why you would want them, the pistol could be upgraded with magnum rounds, extended clips, and there was also an upgrade to make it automatic, making it a concealable silent M4. Same problems for the shotgun

#4) Poison stab (Assassins Creed 2) This had no purpose for anything other than giggles (or ad least i could not find one) it made enemies take out there swords and start waving them around.

Anyways thats what i could think of. What about you?
Chinese pistols make good vendor trash due to high(ish) cost. I also sold my MIRV, I was rich I tell you! Rich!

Poison was a hilarious way to cause a distraction. It's better in Brotherhood because you can pop a dart in someone in full plain view of other guards.

treeboy027 said:
Magikarp used Splash!
Nothing happened.
Hagikarp evolved into Gyarados!

Gyarados used Ice Fang! It's super effective! Dragonite faints!

The true useless Pokemon is Sunkern. It has weaker stats than Magikarp already (Magikarp is kinda fast, actually), and the only way to get it to evolve is to use a rare Sunstone. Even then, it's only marginally useful for a Grass 'mon.


New member
Apr 26, 2008
Miss-Launcher from Fallout 3, once fired the missile literally fell out of the barrel and exploded on you.

Also, the valkyrie rockets in Black Ops before patch. The rocket would detonate instantly after leaving the barrel killing you every time.


New member
Aug 21, 2010
Why are people saying that plasma/energy weapons are bad in Fallout New Vegas? The unique variants of the plasma rifle are literally the best guns in the game. The multi-plas rifle is basically an energy shotgun with extreme range, and the unique version(forget what its called) fires really fast.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Blatherscythe said:
Have you considered picking a bunch of 4 leafed clovers, laminating them and selling them on Ebay as "authentic lucky charms from Ireland" to superstitious idiots? Believe me it could work, you just need to look at cults and religions and you too will realize that superstiious people will buy anything with a good enough sales pitch. You can fake the Irish accent/behaviours sterotype to Americans to make them think your funny and it may in turn increase sales and pull at their heartstrings with a sob story, because another thing about most religious people is that they love to give money to charities. Not always good ones but you can claim to support a charity their faith is assosiated with.

And there you go, a quick way to easy cash with minimal effort.
LOL we exploit Americans enough with our 'Diddly-eye Darby O'Gill, leprachauns, comely ladies wearing green brogues and drinking Guinness' tourism industry :D


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
s69-5 said:
AE-21 Plasma Rifle was awesome.
My F3 load out included Xuanlong and AE-21 (among other unique weapons).

Xuanlong was more of an all-purpose mid/short range weapon to compliment my long/mid range Ol' Painless (love Ol' Painless). Those were my "go to" guns for the most part.

AE-21 Plasma was my "the shit has hit the fan and I need to kill things fast" gun - that is, if Terrible Shotgun was inneffective or just in disrepair (Shotguns are notorious for needing constant repairs). I didn't use energy weapons in F3 vanilla though, only when the DLC was added did I require the extra kick.

Yeah that one was cool too, and surprisingly easy to find compared to the other super-powerful weapons. I took it with me throughout Broken Steel as it was easy to repair with all those plasma rifles.

Man, I wish the Jury Rigging perk was in F3.

Baby Eater

Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!
Aug 27, 2009
Derf Llennod said:
Sledge's Shotgun in Borderlands, 2 shots 0% accuracy.
just melee for more damage
It has the special ability to launch enemies a good 5 meters if you crouch and aim up at them from point blank. Tons of fun. And any point blank shot will send them flying. Really good for crowd control. Just blast them then toss a grenade/fire a rocket.

OT:The dildo on San Andreas. Hilarious to use with the hulk strength cheat though.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Stasis Field Generator in System Shock 2. What a disappointment, especially on your very first run of the game. You find this huge, cool looking beast of a high-tech weapon, only to find that it does nothing of value.