Video game weapons you found most useless!


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Buchholz101 said:
Grenades in Mass Effect.

There's a reason they were removed in the sequel.
I found them pretty handy actually. Nice for softening up groups of geth.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
TriggerHappyAngel said:
Half of the Melee weapons in Left 4 Dead 2... why would you take a Frying Pan or a Police Baton when you can have a Katana?
Very true, the Guitar is useless!

Hmmm... not sure for useless weapons. They all have their uses, and it'd be better than having to say 'My game has no knives or pistols..."


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
every weapon from Fallout: New Vegas
either the game doesn't work properly or I really suck


New member
Aug 29, 2010
rescuer86 said:
How about the wrench in BioShock? Did anyone use it after they got the pistol? And the drill in BioShock 2? That thing used up fuel so fast the rail gun was a better weapon and it could barely kill the thug splicers.
Electro zap to stun, whack with the wrench is pretty much how I killed all the splicers. I had so much ammo 1/4 into the game I was forced to start shooting shit.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
plasma pistol in halo (on its own and not dual wielded with anything) goddamned useless, nvr rly killed anythign with it and im not a dial wield fan so i nvr bothered to pick it up. lame.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
The bomb suit in the original Megaman. Besides beating Gutsman, it's a useless weapon. That is, unless you can somehow convince your 8 bit robot enemies to stay in one place while it takes forever to go off.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
The Flamethrower in Dead Space...there was like 1 enemy it was really effective against and all it did to the other enemies was set them on fire but they would still be running at you like they were just slightly annoyed that they were on fire.

Pulse Rifle was also pretty useless in that game but at least it stopped most enemies in their tracks.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
I'll see your Chinese pistol and raise you the Zhu Rhong 4V18, which is the unique version of it and still utterly useless.
I liked the chinese pistols. Felt more exotic...

I love Mausers/Lugers... *Germany fanboy*

I say the Archimedes Death Beam in New Vegas is pretty much useless. Sure, it's powerful, but the blast radius is so damn small. Feels like I'm playing 40K all over again...

Azure Knight-Zeo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
I didn't find a use for anything other that the sword, hidden blade(s), gun, smoke bombs, maybe the throwing knives, and your own fists in Assassin's Creed 2. Mainly because you have so many weapons that you have to go into a sub menu to select them. Seriously, your an assassin, why wouldn't you choose the sword over the hammer?

However, here's a recipe for some fun: use the poison blade on someone and then throw coins around him, then all the people will run in to get hit, it cracked me up. XD


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Frozengale said:
rescuer86 said:
How about the wrench in BioShock? Did anyone use it after they got the pistol? And the drill in BioShock 2? That thing used up fuel so fast the rail gun was a better weapon and it could barely kill the thug splicers.
Seriously? I loved the Drill! I put on the Drill Specialist, Drill Vampire, Drill Lurker and Drill Power 2 Gene Tonics and then went to town! By the end of the game I was basically killing everything with one use of Winter Blast and a Drill Rush to the face. Best weapon in the game hands down in my opinion.

Also I don't see why the OP didn't like the Poison in AC2.
You can poison one person in a large group, the guards will go investigate and then you pick them off one by one while they aren't looking. Or you can use it as a distraction to get into a building or anytime you want the focus to be not on you. One of the best things in the game, I have to constantly stock up on Poison supplies because I use it so much.

As for worthless weapons in games... Half of the spells in Demon's Souls. Specifically Fireball, Fire Spray, Flame Toss, Soul Arrow, and Soul Ray. There is almost no variation in what these spells do. Straight line damage spells. The only difference is Fire Spray which you can hold down and do multiple straight line damage spells. It was pathetic and one of the reasons I went from loving the game to loathing the game. Most ingenious spell in the game was Demon's Prank.
Fire Spray is actually really good *providing* you have a fairly high magic stat. It is awesome against the Penetrator as you can just dance around him and he will never hit you. Any other spells require you to stand still and cast and then he mangles your face.

EDIT: Oh forgot I totally agree with the Drill from BS2 being awesome. Even early game in the levels where there is a fuel station to refill it for free. Drill will allow you to just murder a Big Daddy then you just go and refill it from the station.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Indecipherable said:
In almost every RPG, using a staff as a melee weapon rather than as a spell casting implement.
What if the staff in question is the enchanted bo staff of the monkey king?

Nalgas D. Lemur

New member
Nov 20, 2009
Toeys said:
Now to get back on topic of naming something which actually IS useless i would say the drunken missiles/rockets (cant remember the name perfectly) from the old game Rise Of The Triads. It was extreme fun in multiplayer though.
It may not have been particularly useful, but that weapon is the single reason I will never forget ROTT. The first time I saw someone use it, it was easily the most awesomest FPS weapon I'd seen. Of course, then Duke3D came out...

There are so many useless weapons/abilities in so many different games that I really don't even know where to start. Good call on this, though:
Indecipherable said:
In Worms, prod. Although it was so bad that it was delicious to get a kill with it.
After all this time, I still get myself killed trying to be clever and pull that off sometimes. It's up there with Luigi's taunt kill in SSBM.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
mjc0961 said:
By the time you find it in the game, I found the Mag-Net Launcher in Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time to be quite useless. By then you already have the Groovitron Glove and the Cryomine Glove, both of which are far more effective at keeping enemies distracted/at bay than the Mag-Net Launcher. So why bother bringing it back from Tools of Destruction? I never used the damn thing after I finished leveling it up.

Also the Volcanic Pistol in Red Dead Redemption. Man I hate that damn thing. Such a low firing rate, and it always feels so weak. Add to it that for some reason, every time you enter multiplayer, it selects the Volcanic Pistol as your selected pistol even if you have better weapons like the High Power Pistol or Mauser Pistol, and I would like to toss that piece of crap back into the volcano it crawled out of.

And an honorable mention to every weapon in ModNation Racers, although it's because the AI cheats and blocks even instant weapons like the sideswipe and level 1 bolt, not because the weapons are bad. If the AI played fairly once in a while, they would actually be pretty good.
I actually NEEDED the Mag-Net launcher for my Hard and Challenge mode play-throughs. The battle against
was just so unforgiving on ammo that I would have to take advantage of those precious few seconds to get a few wrench wackes in.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
My prime vote goes to the Tranq gun in Turok 2. It earns my vote on account of it being fairly worthless, taking several shots to put an enemy down for just a few seconds. Second, it has an aggresively low level of ammunition. And lastly, it's a flipping Turok game, you're meant to (and do) have a vast array of over the top weapons, why the hell is the Tranq gun there?! At least the Charge Dart gun does some thing useful.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Pirate Kitty said:
The Gravity Gun.

I'll take a bullet fired at the speed of sound over that, thank you.
Not if you're playing multiplayer, then everything else is useless. Ha I shot you in the back of the head with the crossbow. Oh wait you survived and killed me with a paint can despite my full health and shields. Yeah that actually happened to me. Did not play that game long.