Saviordd1 said:
Admittedly this might be due to over-exposure from a friend who won't shut the hell up about it, but I really can't see the appeal of the story of Warhammer 40K. (I emphasize story because the games are pretty fun gameplay wise)
The entire setting seems like a big case of Darkness Induced Audience Apathy [].
I read through some wiki pages and listened to my friends and have played enough of the games to know the basic premise and factions; and I couldn't give less of rats ass who wins. 90% of the characters are jackasses and the ones who aren't are probably dead knowing this setting, and that's not getting into how there are no actually "good" or even "meh" characters.
Hell reading the wiki alone made me feel uncomfortable, there's no hope, its overly violent and its practically childish; something an "edgy" thirteen year old would make up.
Not to mention its a tad misogynistic (Such as there being limited female soldiers that aren't part of the female only faction, the eldar or the dark eldar) and obviously caters to younger males. (Something that irks me to no end)
Can someone explain the appeal of this universe to me? Because to me it all seems over the top and plain stupid.
Can I explain it and make you understand? YES!
That's the good news.
The bad news is that I'm not going to really try too hard, unless you want to pay me to teach you a college level class on it. Because I can. Easily.
What your friend has realized, which you haven't, is that you're right. It's over the top, violent as hell, designed to make people uncomfortable, and be unapologetically racist, xenophobic, dogmatic, sexist, whatever. It is a universe without hope designed specifically to instill a notion that everyone is doomed, and that the few good guys that there might be can't do anything to change that. A universe where the good guys don't always win. They rarely win, if ever. ...IF they can be called good guys.
It's a universe that plays upon the fact that all things are relative. You may say there are no good guys, but that depends who you ask, and which point of view you take.
Beyond all that, it's a setting that amalgamated all the best stuff from all fantasy, all scifi, all, history, and mythology, wove them together into an insane tapestry, and somehow had it all come out as a coherent, functioning, fairly elegant setting. That in itself is fascinating and damn near miraculous.
And then, to cap it all off, the entire setting has an awful lot of underlying grim humor self aware of how over the top bat shit loco funky bananas it is.
Your friend may not be aware of all that in so many words, but apparently he is in tune with all that enough to get how damn awesome it is. If he talking your ear off....well, it's kind of addictive, and the setting has 25years worth of fiction spanning a whole galaxy and at least 10,000 years. There's a lot to talk about.