Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Look at Self

You look at the carnage that was wrought from all this.The IMPS were no match for you it seemed as they fell beneath the might of your KNIGHT'S SWORD.You stand there,still breathing heavy,as the glow of the short battle dies away.

You put the SWORD down and look at your hands.

Your RAGE got the better of you.After years of training you had thought that you had had it under control.You look at the remains of the IMPS or more correctly the GRIST that is all that remains of the IMPS.

You pick it up and sit down ZEN LIKE and begin your usual meditative trance that your MOTHER had taught you long ago to bring yourself to a CALM state.Your RAGE ATTRIBUTE drains and your REALLY CALM GUY meter slowly refills.

Just as it fully refills you stand up and get a better look at what the IMPS have done to your ROOM.

The BOOKSHELVES are in disarray and most of their content now litters the floor.Looking around it would seem like seventy five percent of the books can be saved or are undamaged.The rest are beyond repair.Your PC and PC table are untouched as is your BED.

You begin the process of cleaning up your room,putting books back on shelves and putting the ones that cannot be saved in a pile in one of the corner.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Read note

Well, that was certainly worth the effort. WILL SMITH has been avenged at last, and you are now level 10! You can barely even explain your GLEE, but decide to ignore it altogether and instead read that NOTE your BIG SIS gave you.

You wonder what exactly she was planning to accomplish by hopping off of your HOUSE ISLAND, and decide there was probably some sort of landmass below you. Once you finish READING THE NOTE you will check.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Beth: Winston can't really look more threatening than he already is. He continues to keep staring at the IMPS.


>Dirk: You unfold the piece of paper given you by your SIS, and find an ITEM-CODE scrawled across it. Looks like she wants you to make it, whatever it is.


>Rich You suddenly hear your UNCLE burst through the door. He begins shouting about METEORS.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Create item

A CODE? From SIS? Well this is certainly ODD. You can't recall the last time your SIS gave you anything that didn't involve a BEATING. This must be something MONUMENTALLY IMPORTANT. Or a STUPID PRANK. You head off to put in the CODE, since you certainly don't have anything more IMPORTANT to do. Nope, nothing at all. You friends are probably all fine doing whatever.

It sure is nice feeling so CERTAIN of your friends' safety.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
>Rich: Server hunt.

You certainly try, but to no avail. It seems as though all your FRIENDS are a bit busy either NOT DYING or NOT BEING ONLINE. The nerve! Well, nothing you can do about it. You instead decide to check on Greg. You wonder if he's gotten himself into any trOH YOUR LORD HE IS MUTILATING THINGS.

>watch the carnage unfold.

M-maybe you should help? Just like throw a BOOK or something? Those poor imps, you can at least even the odds. Oh? Nope. Too late. He's done. okay, well at least now you can give him a piece of your mind. Or, no, looks like Chas has decided to grace you with his online presence. Mannnn.


Oh well. Maybe he can at least provide some answers.

<spoiler=Show pesterlog>color=#005500]SS: rich, you will not forking believe what has transpired over the past several hours.[/color]
SS: long story short:
SS: i have laser eyes.
SS: also, the entirety of texas has been blown up.
SS: i have no idea what stage of this game you're on.
TC: I... you... Laser eyes.
SS: it is my leaderly duty to check.
SS: yeah, i'm pretty much the best.
SS: you have no idea how much i forking own at this.
SS: i even made a csi pun.
TC: Why... I...I just got Greg in.
SS: good, good, excellent.
SS: are you in the medium yet?
TC: Not yet. Been checking on some candidates.
TC: Thy're surprisingly sparse during the end times.
SS: yes, they are.
SS: let's see.
SS: according to my charts...
TC: You have charts.
SS: let's say i have charts for the purpose of leadership.
SS: okay, so, the charts tell me absolutely nothing about your server player.
SS: you're on your own on that one.
SS: so let me give you a quick briefing on what's going down.
TC: Go for it.
SS: we are a team of seven heroes, kicking ass and taking names.
SS: samurai, if you will.
SS: the village we are saving is called the battlefield and it's where all this bullshit is going down between light and darkness.
SS: do you know what a sprite is?
TC: Kind of? from what I gather, it's a stalkerish ghost that stares at you.
SS: okay, yes, that would be the creepy floating ball thing.
SS: here's what we're doing.
SS: there's two kings and two queens.
SS: eventually, all seven of us will be on the battlefield after all this gate bullshit.
SS: if the dark king kills the light king, which he inevitably will, we lose.
SS: everyone dies.
SS: boo hoo the end.
SS: the kings gain the properties of our prototypings.
SS: so right now, he's a mechanized giant robot with a rockin' scarf.
SS: or to my knowledge.
SS: i haven't kept my charts filled on prototypings.
SS: so basically, keep your future prototypings lame.
SS: if you don't want to fight it, don't prototype!
TC: Okay, so basically just throw in, like, a sock or something. Got it.
SS: perfect.
SS: shape it into a puppet or something so it can talk.
SS: that sprite is also your guide or whatever.
SS: second, we want to be as alive as possible for this.
SS: so you should get into the medium.
SS: or else you're dead.
SS: really dead.
SS: this may be a lot to take in, but whatever, i got used to it when i discovered i could shoot lasers from my eyes.
TC: I would make a snide comment, but I just watched my friend mutilate a gang of imps.
SS: greg killed something?
SS: he can do that?
TC: I know, right??
SS: i kind of always thought of him as a really calm guy.
TC: Dude goes apeshit bananas, apparently.
SS: wow.
TC: anyway. Laser vision. Is that a thing that just, like, happens?
SS: yeah, just kind of walked around.
SS: i guess they manifest when you're in trouble.
SS: i was just like
SS: hey, take this you big forking ogre.
SS: ogres are a thing, by the way.
SS: they will fork your shit up.
TC: Well of course.
SS: so i was just walloping on it with my laser fork.
SS: which i also have.
SS: experimental salesman bullshit.
TC: Why wouldn't you?
SS: and then suddenly.
SS: i shot lasers out of my pupils.
SS: i think it's a sign.
SS: that i am really goddamn cool.
SS: speaking of that.
SS: i just did, like, a slow-mo walk to david bowie's fade.
SS: funky enough to blow up the universe.
SS: *fame
SS: oh man i am so excited i can't even type straight.
TC: Because they play bowie in there?
SS: no, no.
SS: i play bowie in here.
SS: in the land of the blind, the man with the laser eyes is emperor.
SS: i think i've filled you in pretty well. i am simply the best at leadership.
TC: Consider me informed, o captain my captain.
SS: i'm so glad you're not a smartass like dirk.
SS: between you and me, we're really the ones with our shit together.
TC: Of course. Who am I to question the glorious leader
TC: ?
SS: or really between you, me, and dirk, because he can admittedly lay some smack down.
SS: aliens are real.
SS: minor at this point.
SS: but there's some weird troll dudes going around.
TC: Yeah, no. I pretty much figured.
SS: one's a chick and she's the maiden of something.
SS: she wants to be rescued from someplace.
SS: and she's a politician or something?
TC: Well at least she is good at giving information.
SS: and then i haven't talked to the other one but he's obsessed with being a rustblood or whatever.
SS: red blood is apparently a big forking deal.
SS: so if you're pestered by these folks just remember who filled you in.
SS: (it was me. i filled you in.)
TC: Oh, man, does that guy just go around yelling 'rustblood' at everyone?
SS: evidently.
SS: and he's poor.
SS: like, really poor.
TC: Well he'd pretty much have to be
TC: With all the rust in his bnlood.
TC: Lockjaw central.
SS: i mean, like, according to what i've gathered, the man is not only poor.
SS: he is flat broke.
SS: literally penniless.
TC: Then... how does he get internet...?
SS: he's an alien!
TC: Oh, right.
SS: wait, that's a really good question.
SS: texas blew up.
SS: how do i have internet.
SS: i guess the medium is made of internet?
TC: I guess that wouldn't be the most improbable thing I've heard today.
SS: i'm just cutting out the sprite middle-man.
SS: or, well, cutting out the sprite and inserting myself as the other man.
SS: mostly because dirk is busy and i honestly have nothing better to do than make a boat for the survivors of the apocalypse out of a bathtub.
TC: You're cutting the man who was supposed to be the middleman, to become the middleman yourself.
SS: it's a sales thing, you wouldn't understand.
SS: exactly.
SS: you are so good at this.
SS: see, i had this big scheme to kill time.
SS: fill in the others.
SS: first beth, then you, then xavier.
TC: OH yeah?
SS: once everyone's in the loop i can figure out what this gate shit does.
SS: honestly, this game just sort of makes stuff up as it goes along.
SS: the only logical certainty is that i have laser eyes.
TC: This is a good thing to hear.
SS: i could probably solo the final boss by shooting a laser through its torso.
SS: everyone take the day off, i am great.
TC: I'm being so hopeful right now, you don't even know.
SS: you must be like the prince of hope or something.
TC: I am the duke thrice removed of hope.
SS: and also the best subordinate ever.
SS: so submissive.
SS: it's marvelous.
SS: empowering.
TC: Yeah, no, all submissive here.
SS: you've really done a lot for me this conversation.
SS: i was doubting my status as universal leader, but then you assured me that i was simply the best there was.
SS: thank you, rich.
SS: it means so much.
TC: Any time, Chas. ;T
TC: Oh, my bad.
TC: ;P
SS: that t face looks like it'd be pretty hard to make.
SS: now then, time has been a-wasting.
TC: Yes. Yes it has. I gotta go Server huntin'.
SS: fulfill your destiny or something.
TC: Yes, sir!
SS: that's my boy.

Well that's just wonderful. Dude's GOD COMPLEX has REAWAKENED. At least you got the LOWDOWN on what's going on. In all your chatting, it seems as though Greg has started MEDITATING again. You take this opportunity to start THROWING THINGS at imps. It should amuse you until Greg wakes up or someone comes online. Either or.

>Hear uncle
Uh oh. the imp/Greg's house abuse will have to WAIT. You rush down the STAIRS, Towards your UNCLE's screaming. He isn't usually the type to get riled up. You wonder how you will explain. IF you could explain. Probably not. You're not very good at comforting.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Clean room

You continue cleaning your room,moving stuff to and fro.Most of the BOOKS are now back on the shelves and all thats left is the paper from the shredded remains.You check PESTERCHUM on your PDA to see who is on while you finish cleaning up to distract yourself from the carnage.Or you would but it seems someone is pestering you.

[02:52:02] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 14:52 --
[02:52:05] UA: ok bRo hEREs thE dEAl
[02:52:14] UA: you NEEd to GEt youR shit toGEthER ANd hElp youR cliENt out
[02:52:40] GK: Well,once I do get everything together I will
[02:53:08] GK: I have not been just sitting here twidling my thumbs
[02:53:23] UA: yEAh i cAN sEE thAt clEANiNG up youR REspitE block
[02:53:30] GK: I will get to Dirk as soon as I can
[02:53:35] UA: No REAlly hEs just stRifiNG thE hEll out of thosE imps
[02:53:39] UA: ANd oGREs
[02:53:50] UA: ANd pREtty sooN his lEvEl will bE so hiGh
[02:53:51] GK: Hmm I see
[02:54:02] UA: thAt bAsilisks will comE ANd sAy fuckiNG hEllo
[02:54:24] UA: i doNt mEAN to NAG oR ANythiNG
[02:54:25] UA: wAit
[02:54:26] GK: Well i will get to him once I have finished up with what I am doing
[02:54:48] UA: fuck dudE
[02:54:54] UA: ok wEll just huRRy youR shit up okAy
[02:54:56] GK: Hmm?
[02:55:01] GK: Ok I plan on it
[02:55:07] UA: AlRiGht Good
[02:55:21] UA: so uh
[02:55:30] UA: you pREtty much fREAkEd thE fuck out A miNutE bAck
[02:55:33] UA: whAt wAs thAt About
[02:55:46] GK: I'd rather not talk about it...its personal
[02:56:21] GK: It would be different if you were a friend.Not someone I randomly met this morning :/
[02:57:11] UA: shit dudE i NoRmAlly doNt lEAvE A bRothER stEwiNG iN his tRoublE likE this
[02:57:41] UA: but i GuEss you NEEd thAt stRANGE humAN EmotioN cAllEd fiENdship bEfoRE shARiNG oR somEthiNG
[02:57:48] GK: I will be fine.this is the first time in years i can lost my cool
[02:58:45] GK: Yes friendship.As it stands I still plan on helping you.but not enough to share personal secrets yet
[02:59:15] UA: shit thANks mAN
[02:59:30] UA: but hElpiNG us mEANs GEttiNG kAtANA dudE RiGht thRouGh thE sEcoNd GAtE
[02:59:55] GK: And once I am done here i will do so,You have my word
[03:00:03] UA: cool bRo
[03:00:15] UA: AlRiGht ill lEAvE you to youR clEANiNG
[03:00:18] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 15:00 --

Sigh.Just one more thing you will have to do after cleaning.You decide to pester someone else while you clean.

[02:34:32] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 02:34 --
[02:34:51] SS: oh, hey.
[02:34:59] SS: i just filled in rich on the situation.
[02:35:02] SS: it is really quite dire.
[02:35:05] SS: also, did you kill a thing?
[02:35:07] SS: or a few things?
[02:35:11] SS: because that is worrying.
[02:35:34] GK: How do you know about...oh crap...Rich saw? D:
[02:35:49] SS: yeah.
[02:35:55] SS: keep your cool, man.
[02:35:58] SS: rage is a powerful thing.
[02:36:03] SS: it's hard, greg.
[02:36:03] GK: I know....
[02:36:06] SS: being a kid and growing up.
[02:36:11] SS: it's hard and nobody understands.
[02:36:18] GK: This is the first time in years I have lost my temper
[02:36:22] SS: but hey!
[02:36:24] SS: i have good news.
[02:36:38] SS: first off, i have embraced my role as leader.
[02:36:42] SS: second of all, i have laser eyes.
[02:36:50] GK: Uh ok
[02:36:56] SS: no, seriously.
[02:37:23] GK: Was the trolls involved in the aquiring of these"laser eyes" in anyway?
[02:37:30] SS: i can shoot lasers out of my pupils. it just sort of manifested.
[02:37:35] SS: destiny and all that.
[02:37:38] GK: I see
[02:37:53] GK: /sigh So many dead books....blah
[02:38:16] SS: so that sent you over the edge.
[02:38:26] GK: Blasted Imps made a mess of my bookshelves
[02:38:46] GK: and yes...it was the Shock..otherwise I wouldn't have lost my self to the rage
[02:38:56] SS: so, you're fresh into the medium.
[02:39:09] GK: I was able to save about 75% of my books and yes I am
[02:39:43] GK: Oh and that Complete Business Etiquette Handbook that you recommended i get sometime back was one of the casualties
[02:39:53] SS: oh no!
[02:40:03] SS: speaking of business.
[02:40:07] SS: i have some serious duds.
[02:40:09] SS: candy corn in my hat.
[02:40:12] SS: laser tridents.
[02:40:16] SS: and everything.
[02:40:22] SS: the troll did end up giving me a pretty sweet weapon.
[02:40:30] GK: Well thats good to know
[02:40:36] SS: i merged the weird giant axe she gave me with my lucky fork for when things get a little close.
[02:40:46] SS: it's pretty much a trident, but it counts as a fork!
[02:41:07] GK: I see..I guess that could be useful
[02:41:24] SS: there's also the laser eyes, laser fork, miniature trident that shoots lasers...
[02:41:36] GK: What is it with you and lasers?
[02:41:43] SS: they kick ass!
[02:41:53] SS: it's also pretty much all i have to talk about.
[02:41:55] GK: I mean i know addiction is a powerful thing and all but still....
[02:42:02] SS: dirk's busy and connor's doing his thing.
[02:42:33] GK: Well how many people are in this place....what did you call it...the Medium?
[02:42:38] SS: let's see.
[02:42:39] SS: off memory...
[02:43:29] SS: me, dirk, beth, and you, which leaves connor, xavier, and rich.
[02:43:37] SS: connor's soon to be in.
[02:44:26] SS: i'm sort of tired of explaining this, so i'm going to abridge what i know about the game to you.
[02:44:30] SS: we are the seven heroes.
[02:44:41] GK: Of Legend? :p
[02:44:41] SS: there is a big thing called the battlefield where darkness and light fight.
[02:44:46] SS: yes, of legend.
[02:45:02] SS: dark is eventually going to murder light.
[02:45:09] SS: when that happens, game over man, game over.
[02:45:37] SS: that's where we come in!
[02:45:54] SS: we are going to have a massive boss battle eventually with the dark king.
[02:46:00] SS: another twist!
[02:46:07] SS: the kings take on the forms of our prototypings.
[02:46:15] SS: so if you made a particularly nasty sprite, correct that.
[02:46:19] GK: You know....this sounds less of a game
[02:46:26] GK: I made a Dummysprite
[02:46:40] GK: Which may or may not have ninja attributes
[02:46:43] SS: excellent.
[02:47:13] SS: basically, now your goal is to reach your gate.
[02:47:19] SS: it's the big spirograph in the sky!
[02:47:27] GK: But I must ask...where did you learn all of this?
[02:47:38] SS: my sprite, then dirk's sprite, then some just sort of came to me.
[02:47:45] SS: i don't exactly know where the last bit comes from.
[02:47:46] GK: I see
[02:47:57] SS: i've been getting some weird thinky-feelings since i entered the medium.
[02:48:00] SS: minor stuff.
[02:48:01] GK: I will have to ask my sprite later then
[02:48:08] SS: he'll probably fill you in even more.
[02:48:13] SS: it seems like every sprite has more to tell.
[02:48:35] GK: As of right now he only seemt to answer by smashing things >.>
[02:48:55] SS: that's...nice.
[02:49:03] SS: i don't think prototypings after you enter the medium matter, though.
[02:49:10] GK: I'm guessing that another prototyping will fix that
[02:49:19] SS: so just go ahead and prototype whatever.
[02:49:29] GK: I might use Lily then
[02:49:50] SS: sounds good. whatever can talk!
[02:50:12] GK: Well she is an angel doll so i don't know how well she could talk
[02:50:34] GK: But I won't know till i try
[02:50:35] SS: dolls seem to work.
[02:52:08] GK: Now onto another topic...has your troll friend given you anymore info on what they need help from?
[02:52:17] SS: well, we've talked a little bit more.
[02:52:19] GK: Or with?
[02:52:43] SS: she is the maiden of something-or-other, who needs to be rescued from someplace, apparently is a politician of something, and doesn't grasp friendship very well.
[02:52:49] SS: her name is legusa.
[02:52:57] SS: i am a bit on the fence about pronunciation.
[02:53:20] GK: I see.well atleast they aren't totaly alien..They have names
[02:53:26] SS: otherwise she's not exactly that helpful.
[02:53:28] SS: there's another troll, too.
[02:53:34] GK: I see
[02:53:35] SS: red text dude.
[02:53:40] SS: never talked to him.
[02:53:46] GK: The one I talked to maybe
[02:54:01] SS: supposedly obsessed with rustbloods and kind of ditzy, also dirt-ass broke.
[02:54:07] SS: he's her brother or something.
[02:54:29] GK: Haven't heard back from him yet..though now that I'm in the "game" I probably will eventually
[02:54:30] SS: i wish we had some sort of source of exposition for trolls.
[02:54:59] GK: I'm sure we will eventually.
[02:55:07] SS: yes, hopefully.
[02:55:09] GK: Considering how this day has gone and all
[02:55:22] SS: with my manifestation of laser eyes, nothing is impossible!
[02:56:03] GK: I know this is probably in poor taste...but do you have to wear sunglasses all the time now? :p
[02:56:16] SS: i dare not remove my glasses.
[02:56:21] SS: i might blow up the world.
[02:56:27] GK: Probably for the best
[02:57:02] SS: seriously.
[02:57:06] SS: i'm not taking off these glasses.
[02:57:08] GK: Though I understand what you mean.As it stands I am on top of a tower now
[02:57:21] GK: And that Volcano came with me apparently
[02:57:33] SS: oh, i'm actually talking to you on the glasses.
[02:57:50] SS: once you get yourself leveled up, do some forking alchemy.
[02:58:19] GK: Forking?And I plan on doing so once I have this mess cleaned up and I talk to my sprite
[02:58:35] SS: yeah, it's my new typing quirk!
[02:58:52] SS: i noticed that my text was really dreary.
[02:58:59] SS: and then the troll chick helped me out.
[02:59:20] GK: Helped you out?What did she say it or something?
[02:59:26] SS: yes.
[02:59:53] SS: it was catchy.
[03:00:05] GK: If you say so
[03:00:17] SS: i just sort of wish someone could have seen that forking battle.
[03:00:20] SS: seriously.
[03:00:24] SS: let me describe to you what happened.
[03:00:29] SS: between you and me, i was getting my ass handed to me.
[03:00:42] SS: i had gotten a laser fork exploded in my face, but the weapon stayed intact, then this giant forking ogre came at me.
[03:00:42] GK: It happens
[03:01:06] SS: so i stabbed him a little.
[03:01:08] GK: Ogre?There are more creatures in this game D:?
[03:01:11] SS: forked him up and whatnot.
[03:01:15] SS: yes, ogres are forking huge.
[03:01:32] GK: Well that makes me worried
[03:01:40] SS: god forbid they start showing up with gundam parts.
[03:01:50] SS: but, the story!
[03:01:56] SS: so that just kind of made him mad.
[03:02:05] SS: then i stabbed him in the hand, and he promptly grabbed me and smashed me up and down.
[03:02:13] SS: i cried out in rage.
[03:02:26] SS: as even the thought of losing my cool crossed my mind, something inside me stirred.
[03:02:29] SS: and that was it.
[03:02:36] SS: i shot some forking eye-beams right into his chest.
[03:02:40] GK: >.>
[03:02:47] SS: did a triple forking pirouette backwards onto the floor.
[03:02:55] SS: then i just eye-beamed the ogre and all these little imps into oblivion.
[03:03:06] SS: later i would strut-slowmotion-walk to david bowie's fame.
[03:03:06] GK: well that was an interesting story...
[03:03:19] SS: it's like, i hope nobody saw me do that, because the sheer funk would explode their eyeballs.
[03:03:32] SS: i actually do hope someone sees that at some point.
[03:03:39] SS: maybe i accidentally recorded it.
[03:03:59] GK: Heck,I barely remember my...err...battle...with the imps..though I'd rather not
[03:04:32] SS: sorry, dude, either you gotta commune the shit out of some imps or you're stuck at a level pothole, which means no alchemy!
[03:04:45] SS: the imps are kind of scaredy, though.
[03:04:53] SS: you might be able to just be friends.
[03:04:54] GK: If I msut kill,it will be in self defense
[03:05:02] SS: who knows, charisma might pay off!
[03:05:15] SS: i can
[03:05:19] SS: 't speak for your echeladder, though.
[03:05:52] GK: Well charisma,luck and wisdom got me a friend who has a fork fetish so I should be fine if need be on that front :p
[03:06:05] SS: it's not a fetish.
[03:06:08] SS: it's a healthy obsession.
[03:06:59] GK: Loving books is a healthy obsession..ok maybe going ballstic if they are hurt less so but....
[03:07:22] SS: i can't really say what's going to happen to you.
[03:07:26] SS: oh, man, i love a good mystery!
[03:07:29] SS: it keeps me on my toes.
[03:08:15] GK: So do I...I'd rather not be the mystery though...However considering this was the first time in years I have lost my temper..I doubt it will be a problem...just don't tell anyone else
[03:08:48] SS: okay, consider it a secret.
[03:08:52] SS: between you and me?
[03:08:55] GK: I'd rather not have everyone belief I will be a liability
[03:09:00] SS: we're the only ones with our shit together here.
[03:09:07] SS: haha, you're pretty much the therapist.
[03:09:09] GK: And yes..i will have to talk to Rich about it later
[03:09:34] GK: I would like to stay the voice of rationality in our group
[03:09:38] SS: between beth's weird criminal tendencies, connor's approaching insanity, and my excellent but constantly challenged leadership...
[03:09:44] SS: we kind of need you!
[03:09:59] SS: oh, also, if i forgot to mention it, connor is probably crazy.
[03:10:18] SS: he was pretty much freaking out about sburb destroying the universe.
[03:10:29] SS: then he kind of mellowed out for a little bit and kept insisting it was all a dream.
[03:10:37] SS: then he 'woke up' and started telling me not to let him die again.
[03:10:42] SS: it's all a little disconcerting!
[03:10:44] GK: Hmm i will have to talk to him later then.Make sure he is ok
[03:11:20] SS: yes, that would be a good idea.
[03:12:39] GK: Oh well..a band of brothers..and one sister..are we
[03:12:56] SS: of course! a band of superhero brothers!
[03:13:07] SS: with a glorious and handsome laser-beam-eye leader at the head.
[03:13:41] GK: You know..your only leader if everyone agrees to that >.> just syain
[03:13:53] SS: hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha as if anyone would question it!
[03:13:59] GK: I'd rather us not break into infighting over that
[03:14:06] SS: no, seriously, nobody's questioning it.
[03:14:14] SS: i have my shit together.
[03:14:16] SS: i have all my irons in the fire.
[03:14:26] SS: you have no idea how much power i have over the fate of this world.
[03:14:43] GK: How long have you been in this game >.>?
[03:14:52] GK: A few hours?
[03:14:55] SS: i think maybe two hours?
[03:15:19] GK: How in the heck did you gain that kind of power that fast? >.>
[03:15:29] SS: maaaagic.
[03:15:35] SS: haha, no, that's total bullshit.
[03:16:00] SS: i'm the destined leader, greg!
[03:16:03] SS: first into the medium.
[03:16:08] GK: I don't know about that..after the strange stuff I've seen so far..I'm not ruling out anything
[03:16:25] GK: And you can be leader..i'll stay the mediator
[03:16:34] SS: just, trust me, alchemize the shit out of everything.
[03:17:07] GK: I wonder what would happen if I combine stuff with some of my books....
[03:17:11] SS: hahah!
[03:17:17] SS: merge your sword with war and peace.
[03:17:43] SS: then you'll get your forking meditation on, man.
[03:18:12] GK: I have no problems with meditating
[03:18:27] SS: take my advice! it is always good.
[03:19:09] SS: oh, man, i can't just lie to my teammates.
[03:19:13] SS: to be totally honest with you.
[03:19:17] GK: I thought I was the one who gave advice around here? >.How the tables have turned it seems
[03:19:21] GK: And yes?
[03:19:21] SS: here's what really happened.
[03:19:35] SS: the eye ruse was a ....distaction
[03:19:58] SS: see, i got my ass kicked by the ogre, but instead of killing them all with my eye-beams, my grandpa used his salesman powers to turn the ogre against the imps.
[03:20:07] SS: while they were duking it out, i went and alchemized a few key items.
[03:20:26] GK: Hmm that doesn't sound as bad as you make it out to be
[03:20:44] SS: i got a miniature trident that shoots lasers, and then merged that with my glasses to create a fully smartphone-equipped pair of glasses.
[03:20:47] SS: and they shoot lasers.
[03:20:53] SS: so THEN i walked outside.
[03:20:58] SS: and then i killed them all with my eye beams.
[03:21:07] SS: that's why i must never remove my glasses.
[03:21:09] SS: never ever.
[03:21:12] GK: I see
[03:21:19] SS: or i might lack the power to destroy the universe.
[03:21:39] GK: You make it sound like thats a bad thing
[03:21:50] SS: just don't tell anyone.
[03:21:55] SS: it's hard to lie to you.
[03:22:05] GK: Your secret,as always,is safe with me
[03:22:12] SS: thank you.
[03:22:48] GK: I have never revealed anything personal about our talks before.Don't plan on doing so now...unless it will save a friends life
[03:23:12] SS: as if the knowledge that i need my glasses to be cyclops will ever save anyone.
[03:23:24] GK: You never know
[03:23:47] GK: Did you think when you woke up this morning that you would be shooting lasers from your eyes period?
[03:24:50] SS: um.
[03:24:59] SS: well, i always kind of hoped that every day, to be honest.
[03:25:03] SS: but not exactly expecting.
[03:25:28] GK: Hmm well loks like fate smiled upon you today
[03:25:36] SS: yes, it did!
[03:25:38] SS: i have all the luck.
[03:25:41] SS: all of it.
[03:25:53] GK: But anyway I'm done cleaning up in here
[03:26:05] SS: good work.
[03:26:14] GK: I should probably go deal with the sprite situation and alchemize some things
[03:26:39] SS: yes, you should!
[03:26:41] SS: good luck.
[03:26:49] GK: I shall talk to you later.And again I shall not repeat anything personal that was discused
[03:26:55] GK: /bow
[03:27:02] -- ghostKnight [GK] ceased pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 03:27 --

You sigh a breath of relief.You hope that your friends won't think of you as a problem in the future.You will have to talk to Rich later bout that.

But now that you have finished cleaning this mess you decide to head back to the LIVING ROOM to start putting your plan into action.But first you grab a few random books that you think could be useful later.

As you get to the LIVING room,CAT and DUMMYSPRITE in toe,you take out your LITTLE ANGEL DOLL.

You look at her a moment.She has been your guiding light,your good luck charm,your voice of reason,which considering she is a DOLL may seem silly.You even gave her the pet name Lily to make her special.Of course she was always special.She has never led you wrong before.Now maybe she can help you again.

Before all that however,some is PESTERING you.
[12:28:22] -- avouLeance [AL] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 12:28 --
[12:30:27] GK: Greetings Beth
[12:30:36] AL: Are you in
[12:30:49] GK: In the medium?Yes
[12:30:59] GK: Or whatever its called
[12:31:05] AL: Did you have to get to this gate?
[12:31:20] AL: Apparently i have to build my way up to it
[12:31:24] GK: Don't believe I have yet
[12:31:41] AL: Ok weird
[12:31:43] GK: I'm still working on so things.Not like I'm in a rush
[12:31:48] GK: *some
[12:32:27] AL: Ok
[12:33:50] GK: Oh and i just talked to Chas...he says you have criminal tendencies...do I want to know what he ment buy that >.>
[12:34:18] AL: Criminal tendencies
[12:34:19] AL: No
[12:34:22] AL: Not an idea
[12:34:30] GK: Hmm strange
[12:35:46] GK: Well Ill take your word on that...i guess >.>
[12:36:22] AL: Yeah Well I've got something to try.
[12:36:24] AL: Cya
[12:36:34] GK: Later Beth /bow
[12:37:36] -- ghostKnight [GK] ceased pestering avouLeance [AL] at 12:37 --

Well atleast Beth is focusing on something today.But anyway back to what you were doing.

You take one last look at her,giving her a pat on the head,then throw her into the DUMMYSPRITE.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Get pissed off
I do so.

I SLASH the OGRES' hands, then the legs so they fall.

> ==>
I turn my attention to LAUNCHING OGRE and large chunk of lawn coming towards me.

> ==>
I SLASH the chunk down the middle, separating it.

> ==>
I use the rush toward the LAUNCHING OGRE, use a flying chunk of lawn as jump-off and I SLASH the OGRE face.

> ==>
FATHER finishes up the fallen OGRES.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Be trolled

You are BEING TROLLED. You take our your SIS' CELL PHONE and decide to answer.

[02:16] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] began pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 14:16 --
[02:16] UA: so uh
[02:16] UA: hi
[02:16] SS: =]=> Hi
[02:17] UA: i thiNk i GottA ExplAiN somEthiNG to you bRo
[02:17] UA: lAst timE you tAlkEd About this sis thiNG REmEmbER?
[02:17] SS: =]=> Of course I do why do you bring it up
[02:17] UA: wEll i thiNk i kiNdA fuckEd up cAusE i told you i Got my owN sis up hERE
[02:18] UA: i thouGht you mEANt uNRElENtlEss ***** who houNds youR EvERy movEmENt
[02:18] UA: but it tuRNs out you mEANt 'sibliNG'
[02:18] SS: =]=> Well yeah sister is sibling but the other thing is true about my sis in particular
[02:18] SS: =]=> So I guess I can understand the confusion
[02:18] UA: didNt wANt ANy coNfusioN About ANyfiNk hERE so i thouGht id clEAR thAt up
[02:19] SS: =]=> All right man that's cool
[02:19] SS: =]=> So if this girl up there isn't your sibling what exactly is she
[02:19] UA: oh fuck No
[02:20] UA: ENtiREly diffERENt symbol ANd blood NAh No wAy wERE RElAtEd
[02:20] SS: =]=> Right the blood thing
[02:20] UA: wAit
[02:20] UA: shit dudE youRE Not thRouGh thE sEcoNd GAtE yEt ?
[02:21] SS: =]=> No my server player is a lazy asshole I am just sitting around my house defending my posters from wannabe ogre vandals
[02:21] UA: GoGdAmN
[02:21] UA: which fuckER is youR sERvER
[02:21] SS: =]=> Fuck let me think he hasn't talked to me in something like an hour
[02:22] SS: =]=> It's ghostKnight
[02:23] SS: =]=> Greg if you go by everybody's names
[02:23] UA: oh thAt dudE
[02:23] UA: GoNNA liGht A fiRE uNdER his Nook iN A miNutE sEE if i cAN GEt him to build foR you
[02:24] SS: =]=> Thanks for that it'd definitely be nice to get moving again
[02:24] SS: =]=> But right now I have to alchemize some sort of code my Sis gave me
[02:24] SS: =]=> No idea what it's for though
[02:24] UA: oh ok
[02:25] UA: wow shit
[02:25] UA: thAt thiNG you ARE holdiNG
[02:25] UA: AlchEmisE it
[02:25] UA: RiGht Now
[02:25] SS: =]=> What the code
[02:25] SS: =]=> What is it
[02:25] UA: oh dudE i doNt wANNA spoil thE suRpRisE
[02:26] UA: just do it im GoNNA tRoll GK ANd sEE whAt his dEAl is
[02:26] SS: =]=> All right then I guess I'll just go get this thing made
[02:26] UA: lAtER dudE
[02:26] -- unopressedAgitator [UA] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 14:26 --

Well that was interesting, and now you have even more of a reason to ALCHEMIZE this CODE, which you immediately set out to do. You also make yourself a mental note to ALCHEMIZE SOMETHING ELSE as well. But first, the CODE.



Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: You complete the necessary WEIRD PUZZLE SHIT and drop the TOTEM on the ALCEHEMITER...

You made a RUSTED POCKET WATCH! -5 Build Grist, -10 Shale, -10 Chalk.

Well, it looks like it's just a POCKET WATCH. One that doesn't even forking work apparently! Still, SIS gave it to you, so you should probably hang onto it.


>Rich: It would appear that your UNCLE has locked himself in his STUDIO. He always does this when he's upset; he'll come out a few hours later with a new painting or something.

Anyway, it's probably more important for you to get a connection set up to a server player. Let's see, it sounds like everyone's been taken except for Beth. Should probably pester her soon.


>Greg: Lily and DUMMYSPRITE merge, creating LILYSPRITE! Although she's as scratched and scarred as the practice dummy you originally prototyped with, her angelic beauty still shines through.

You proceed to have this conversation:

-- lilySprite [LS] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 17:27 --
LS: Hello Greg.
GK: Hi Lily
GK: Well glad to see it worked
LS: Me too.
LS: Now, I'm sure you have a lot of questions.
GK: Yes,very much so
LS: But first, I have one for you.
GK: Yes?
LS: Are you alright? After witnessing your display back there, I'm worrying about you.
GK: I will be fine Lily.Considering the last time I gor anger was years ago,I shouldn't have trouble with it for years to come
LS: Greg, you know there's nothing wrong with being angry right?
LS: It's an emotion as natural as love or friendship.
GK: It clouds my judgement and has almost led me down a bad path.i'd rather not talk about it
LS: Very well.
LS: If that's the way you feel.
LS: Now, do you have any questions for me?
GK: yes,any information you can give me about this place would be helpful
LS: Alright, here's a summery.
LS: You've just entered the Medium.
LS: Right now, you are isolated from the rest of the Medium, trapped on this tower.
GK: Hmm I see
LS: In order to leave this tower, and enter your Land, you must reach the First Gate.
LS: As your friends have told you, you must build upwards until you can reach it.
GK: Very well
LS: Once you have reached the Gate, you will be able to explore the rest of the Medium.
GK: What is our goal in all of this?
LS: To solve the Ultimate Riddle.
GK: And i'm guessing you can't tell me what that is?
LS: No, it is not my place.
GK: Very well.I guess that info will be revealed in time
LS: Yes, it will.
GK: Random question but do you know anything about the trolls?
LS: The strange people you have been talking to?
GK: Yes
LS: I am afraid to say that I know nothing about them.
LS: I am sorry.
GK: I doubt you would but I figure I might as well ask
GK: Its ok Lily
GK: So as it stands I should help Dirk get to his gate then work on getting to mine
LS: Yes. That is what you must do.
GK: Any other tips you can give me?
LS: That is a rather vauge question. Let me see...
GK: I'm sorry if that question was a problem Lily
LS: Although you were able to easily defeat the Imps who attacked you earlier, do not rest just yet.
LS: There are far stronger foes you must face.
LS: Do not lose sight of your goal; there will be many distractions along your path.
LS: But you must remain strong, and fulfill your destiny.
GK: Of course
LS: One last thing.
LS: Greg, I know you fear losing yourself to anger.
GK: Very much so
LS: Know this.
LS: The time will come when you have to make a choice.
LS: And anger will cloud your judgement.
LS: But, is this a bad thing?
GK: Depends on the choice
LS: Well said my Knight. Well said.
GK: Yes if someone suffers because of it
GK: I thank you Lily.As always you have not lead me wrong :)
LS: Thank you Greg. I will be here if you have need of me.
-- lilySprite [LS] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 17:42 --


>Beth: Winston has no idea what PLAN you're talking about. He begins walking towards the IMPS.


>Xavier: Your FATHER manages to take out one of the fallen OGRES, but pauses, out of breath before he can finish the other.

The OGRE you're leaping towards grabs you, and begins shaking you around. You take some damage, reducing your HEALTH VIAL to 80%.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Return to Room

As you return to your room to help Dirk out you ponder what Lily said.Atleast you know what the ultimate goal of the game is,this ULTIMATE RIDDLE you all will have to solve.Of well,no point int thinking about that now.You also ponder the other thing she told you.A CHOICE to make one day.You sigh.Oh well another thing to worry about.

But now that you are at your PC DESK you will worry about all of that later.Time to help Dirk.

[07:09:43] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 19:09 --
[07:09:48] GK: Hey dirk
[07:11:17] SS: =]=> Oh hey I was wondering if you were still alive
[07:11:24] GK: I am for now
[07:11:30] SS: =]=> I guess the crazy red-text guy talked to you then
[07:11:44] GK: Yes,he told me to come help you
[07:12:14] SS: =]=> All right that's great has anybody explained the gate system to you yet
[07:12:19] GK: I was going to get around to helping you but since I got into this place it has been almost gogogogogo
[07:12:24] GK: And yes Lily did
[07:12:44] SS: =]=> Lily
[07:12:57] GK: She also told me what we must do:Solve the Ultimate Riddle.whatever that is
[07:13:22] SS: =]=> What the hell is the Ultimate Riddle if you don't even tell us what it is where are we supposed to start
[07:13:30] SS: =]=> I mean that's a riddle in itself
[07:13:37] SS: =]=> We are reaching Inception levels of riddleositude here
[07:13:43] GK: /shrug atleast we have a goal of sorts
[07:13:54] SS: =]=> I guess
[07:14:01] SS: =]=> But anyways how much Grist have you got
[07:14:18] GK: Shot answer:alot
[07:14:37] SS: =]=> Well that's good enough see if you can start building up towards the gate above my house
[07:14:57] GK: Ok let me see what i can do
[07:15:15] GK: Hmm that gate is really high up.this may take sometime
[07:15:48] SS: =]=> Speaking of time
[07:16:05] SS: =]=> My sis gave me some weird code to alchemize before she fell off the face of the fucking planet
[07:16:20] SS: =]=> I made it and it turns out it's some kind of pocket watch
[07:16:24] SS: =]=> A really old rusted one
[07:16:38] GK: Hmm you should probably keep it.It may be important later
[07:17:04] SS: =]=> Yeah sure I'll keep it I just don't get it
[07:17:13] SS: =]=> Why a rusted pocket watch
[07:17:15] SS: =]=> And here's a thought
[07:17:19] SS: =]=> Where the hell did she get the code
[07:17:58] GK: you will probably find all of these answer to these questions in time.
[07:18:16] SS: =]=> Time this time that what is it with fucking waiting in this game
[07:18:33] SS: =]=> I had to wait for Gundamsprite to solve my Rubiks Cube too and that nearly got me killed
[07:18:53] GK: Maybe the game is trying to teach you to be patient?
[07:19:15] SS: =]=> Maybe
[07:19:26] SS: =]=> Or maybe it's just a dick I mean it's already humiliated me in multiple ways
[07:19:36] GK: Oh and just so you know:I have two options of building upwards
[07:19:44] GK: stairs or ladders
[07:20:05] GK: which would you prefer?
[07:20:19] SS: =]=> I'd say stairs
[07:20:28] GK: Ok,Ill get right on that
[07:20:34] SS: =]=> More options for if I need to drag something or if I get the shit knocked out of me
[07:20:45] SS: =]=> Good luck getting up a ladder half dead
[07:21:10] GK: Makes escaping something easier though
[07:21:27] SS: =]=> True but on the other hand did you see that ogre I fought
[07:21:31] SS: =]=> Would have snapped a ladder like a twig
[07:21:47] GK: No i was dealing with my own problems
[07:21:52] GK: Imps and all that
[07:22:01] SS: =]=> Oh well it was like those imps but about ten times bigger
[07:22:03] SS: =]=> Much angrier
[07:22:08] SS: =]=> And also a murderer
[07:22:13] SS: =]=> It killed Will Smith
[07:22:33] GK: I see.lily did say that things would get worse
[07:23:06] GK: Or something to that effect
[07:23:10] SS: =]=> That's the second time you've said Lily who is Lily
[07:23:15] GK: My sprite
[07:23:24] SS: =]=> I know that but before she was a sprite
[07:23:25] SS: =]=> What was she
[07:23:50] GK: She was a dummysprite then I combined it with my angel doll
[07:24:06] SS: =]=> Oh ok
[07:24:10] SS: =]=> Cool that's a good choice
[07:24:51] SS: =]=> You and your angel sprite have gotta get over here to me and Kaminasprite and we can all chill and kill some fucking imps together
[07:25:07] GK: Well one thing at a time
[07:25:17] SS: =]=> Right right
[07:25:17] GK: Get though the first gate alive
[07:25:33] SS: =]=> Yep gotta keep my ass unsinged and all that
[07:25:53] SS: =]=> Anyways good luck with the building I just got the coolest idea ever
[07:25:59] SS: =]=> Gonna go make it
[07:26:11] GK: Ok later Dirk
[07:26:23] GK: /bow
[07:26:48] -- ghostKnight [GK] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 19:26 --

You begin the slow but necessary task of building up Dirks house toward the FIRST GATE.This will probably take awhile


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Revert back to your stabs
I STAB the ORGES' hand, he let's me go.

> ===>
As I fall, I do a downward SLASH on the OGRES' torso and land, stumbling a bit.

> Xavier: Ponder for a moment
Perhaps SLASHES and STABS work effectively for all occasions, you cannot just select them like there were weapons, because in reality they a just swings off the blade (or knife rather). How you ever thought you could use them like they weren't is unknown to you. And while you are thinking, what of those Trolls, or whatever the species name is? How are they watching us? Why are they watching us? Are we destined for something we don't know? Why can't they just tell us? What secrets does Sburb? And why the hell did you buy a game that you didn't know jack-shit about?
So many questions, so little answers.

> ===>
I get punched by an IMP.
You wish this game had a pause button.

> ===>
I make quick work of the IMP and do a STAB'N'SLASH combo on the fallen OGRE.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Investigate watch.

You cannot INVESTIGATE your SHITTY WATCH. You are too busy being PESTERED.

>Dirk: Answer chum.

[06:33] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 18:33 --
[06:33] GK: Hey dirk
[07:11] SS: =]=> Oh hey I was wondering if you were still alive
[07:11] GK: I am for now
[07:11] SS: =]=> I guess the crazy red-text guy talked to you then
[07:11] GK: Yes,he told me to come help you
[07:12] SS: =]=> All right that's great has anybody explained the gate system to you yet
[07:12] GK: I was going to get around to helping you but since I got into this place it has been almost gogogogogo
[07:12] GK: And yes Lily did
[07:12] SS: =]=> Lily
[07:13] GK: She also told me what we must do:Solve the Ultimate Riddle.whatever that is
[07:13] SS: =]=> What the hell is the Ultimate Riddle if you don't even tell us what it is where are we supposed to start
[07:13] SS: =]=> I mean that's a riddle in itself
[07:13] SS: =]=> We are reaching Inception levels of riddleositude here
[07:13] GK: /shrug atleast we have a goal of sorts
[07:13] SS: =]=> I guess
[07:14] SS: =]=> But anyways how much Grist have you got
[07:14] GK: Shot answer:alot
[07:14] SS: =]=> Well that's good enough see if you can start building up towards the gate above my house
[07:15] GK: Ok let me see what i can do
[07:15] GK: Hmm that gate is really high up.this may take sometime
[07:15] SS: =]=> Speaking of time
[07:16] SS: =]=> My sis gave me some weird code to alchemize before she fell off the face of the fucking planet
[07:16] SS: =]=> I made it and it turns out it's some kind of pocket watch
[07:16] SS: =]=> A really old rusted one
[07:16] GK: Hmm you should probably keep it.It may be important later
[07:17] SS: =]=> Yeah sure I'll keep it I just don't get it
[07:17] SS: =]=> Why a rusted pocket watch
[07:17] SS: =]=> And here's a thought
[07:17] SS: =]=> Where the hell did she get the code
[07:18] GK: you will probably find all of these answer to these questions in time.
[07:18] SS: =]=> Time this time that what is it with fucking waiting in this game
[07:18] SS: =]=> I had to wait for Gundamsprite to solve my Rubiks Cube too and that nearly got me killed
[07:18] GK: Maybe the game is trying to teach you to be patient?
[07:19] SS: =]=> Maybe
[07:19] SS: =]=> Or maybe it's just a dick I mean it's already humiliated me in multiple ways
[07:19] GK: Oh and just so you know:I have two options of building upwards
[07:19] GK: stairs or ladders
[07:20] GK: which would you prefer?
[07:20] SS: =]=> I'd say stairs
[07:20] GK: Ok,Ill get right on that
[07:20] SS: =]=> More options for if I need to drag something or if I get the shit knocked out of me
[07:20] SS: =]=> Good luck getting up a ladder half dead
[07:21] GK: Makes escaping something easier though
[07:21] SS: =]=> True but on the other hand did you see that ogre I fought
[07:21] SS: =]=> Would have snapped a ladder like a twig
[07:21] GK: No i was dealing with my own problems
[07:21] GK: Imps and all that
[07:22] SS: =]=> Oh well it was like those imps but about ten times bigger
[07:22] SS: =]=> Much angrier
[07:22] SS: =]=> And also a murderer
[07:22] SS: =]=> It killed Will Smith
[07:22] GK: I see.lily did say that things would get worse
[07:23] GK: Or something to that effect
[07:23] SS: =]=> That's the second time you've said Lily who is Lily
[07:23] GK: My sprite
[07:23] SS: =]=> I know that but before she was a sprite
[07:23] SS: =]=> What was she
[07:23] GK: She was a dummysprite then I combined it with my angel doll
[07:24] SS: =]=> Oh ok
[07:24] SS: =]=> Cool that's a good choice
[07:24] SS: =]=> You and your angel sprite have gotta get over here to me and Kaminasprite and we can all chill and kill some fucking imps together
[07:25] GK: Well one thing at a time
[07:25] SS: =]=> Right right
[07:25] GK: Get though the first gate alive
[07:25] SS: =]=> Yep gotta keep my ass unsinged and all that
[07:25] SS: =]=> Anyways good luck with the building I just got the coolest idea ever
[07:26] SS: =]=> Gonna go make it
[07:26] GK: Ok later Dirk
[07:26] GK: /bow
[07:26] -- ghostKnight [GK] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 19:26 --

>Dirk: Make the coolest thing ever

All right, but first, what to do with your WATCH?

Looks pretty messed up to you. BROKEN, in fact, as it's not even telling the correct time. You consider adjusting the time yourself to the correct moment, but after a bit of staring you realize the HANDS aren't moving at all. It's just flat out SHIT. And yet, you decide to keep it god knows why. But what anime could possibly involve something as retarded as a SHITTY SILVER POCKET WATCH?

Wait, you've got it!

You stick the WATCH safely into your BOBOBOBO-BOBOBO CAPTCHALOGUE CARD, content to let it rust there until you might possibly need it. What you'd ever need it for is beyond you. However, it is now time to make THE COOLEST THING EVER. While GK had been talking to you on your SIS' CELL PHONE you had wished you had your own PHONE. But then you realized, why bother using hers? MAKE YOUR OWN! You ALCHEMIZE 3 DOZEN more CAPTCHALOGUE CARDS and pull a pair into your SYLLADEX. Another TTGL CARD and a LUCKY STAR CARD. Perfect. You put your SIS' PHONE and, fresh from your CLOSET, your replica pair of KAMINA'S SHADES into cards, and punch them.



Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Beth: Winston doesn't stop. He continues to walk towards the IMPS. Who are getting very nervous.


>Greg: You find that you can manipulate Dirk's environment in more ways than simply moving stuff around. You can utilize his supply of Build Grist to create structures, add floors, and even copy parts of his house.

Thanks to the large amount of Grist Dirk has managed to gather from the IMPS and OGRE, you find yourself with plenty to work with.


>Xavier: Your random musings are suddenly answered. Not by you, but by a voice in your head.

Stabby one! Focus on your foes!

You suddenly feel a lot more inclined to fight. You're able to finally finish off the remaining OGRES. The IMPS are easily defeated once their larger allies are destroyed.

Level up! You are now a level 5 Energetic Tot. +3500 Boondollars. +247 Build Grist, +223 Amber Grist, +154 Shale Grist.


>Dirk: You create 36 more CAPTCHALOGUE CARDS! -36 Build Grist.

You also create BRO'S HANDS-FREE! -30 Build Grist, -15 Amber.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Stabby one: Focus on your foes
I point my KNIFE at the OGRES while staring them down.
You're going down! ...Wait, stabby one? ...Whatever, you have no time to think about random voices!

I SLASH and STAB OGRES quickly...And even my FATHER a couple times.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Build up Dirk's house.

You spend a few minutes learning more of the CONTROLS,particularly the controls that let you create structures, add floors, and copy parts of Dirk's house.Once you do that you get to work immediately,though it will still take sometime to build everything.This should keep him busy for awhile.

But while you do that you decide to have a CHAT with Rich about what he saw earlier.

[11:22:40] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 23:22 --
[11:22:48] GK: Hey Rich
[11:22:57] TC: Hey.
[11:23:13] GK: I need to ask you something anout what you saw earlier....
[11:23:30] TC: You mean the imps?
[11:23:34] GK: Yes
[11:23:50] GK: I must ask you not to tell anyone else what you saw
[11:24:36] TC: Is it really that bad? could be useful to have somebody out here that can do something like that.
[11:24:57] GK: No Rich.I won't let my anger control me
[11:25:40] GK: You saw those imps...
[11:25:57] GK: I'd rather not have that happen unless I have no choice
[11:27:01] TC: Well... alright. I'll keep it a secret. But, uh, Chas kind of knows.
[11:27:18] GK: I know,i have talked to him.He will keep it a secret as well
[11:27:40] GK: I'd rather not have everyyone thing I'm a liability and will snap at the worst possible time
[11:28:31] TC: Fiiiiinneee.
[11:28:38] TC: Still, just so you know:
[11:29:19] TC: That kind of power isn't a liability. I think we all know that.
[11:29:31] TC: You're still fine.
[11:29:35] GK: Hmm if you say so
[11:29:52] GK: Anyway time to change this grim topic
[11:30:29] GK: I have had a talking with Lily and it would seem we have an objective:Solve the Ultimate Riddle...whatever that is
[11:31:06] TC: Your angel, right? You made it into your sprite?
[11:31:19] GK: Yes,she has been quite helpful
[11:31:51] GK: She told me to get to my First Gate,which i will need your help with when you get the chance
[11:32:49] TC: I would love to help, but it seems as though things are getting dire here on Earth.
[11:33:18] TC: And to make things worse, I think the only person who can server me is Beth.
[11:33:36] GK: I'm aware,like i said once you get a chance.preferably when your not in live threating danger
[11:33:43] GK: and why is that a bad thing?
[11:34:06] TC: We seem to be on completely different timeframes.
[11:34:19] TC: I haven't spoken to her since these shenanigans began.
[11:34:22] GK: Hmm I see
[11:34:43] GK: I will try and talk to her later about that
[11:35:36] TC: Aaaah, thanks man.
[11:36:16] TC: In any case, do you have any idea how these 'gates' are related to the puzzle? Chas was mentioning them, too.
[11:36:34] GK: Oh and perform i forget,when you get the chance deploy the Punch Designix.I think it helps with making stuff
[11:36:50] TC: PUnch designix... got it.
[11:37:01] GK: And as to your question..i don't know
[11:37:24] GK: Lily could only tell me so much
[11:38:22] GK: I'm guessing we will find out in time
[11:38:34] TC: This all seems so ridiculous to me.
[11:38:50] GK: Meh,seems like something out of my books really
[11:39:42] GK: Nothing we can do about it for now it seems.Just go with the flow
[11:40:03] TC: Yeah, I guess so.
[11:40:53] GK: Well i better get back to building up dirk's house.Just wanted to check on you and take care of that nasty business
[11:41:32] TC: Right, right. Not a problem, man. Don't worry about it~
[11:41:36] GK: I will talk to you later Rich /bow
[11:42:11] TC: Sounds fun. Hopefully I won't be dead.
[11:42:28] GK: I hope so too /bow
[11:42:30] -- ghostKnight [GK] ceased pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 23:42 --

Well your glad thats out of the way.You do hope they will keep it a SECRET.You don't want your friends thinking less of you for it.

But for now back to building up Dirk's house

Greg:Build up Dirk's House