Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Remain intrigued

Wait, this WATCH definitely changed. You are almost certain of it. You decide, out of curiosity, to set it back another TWO HOURS to see what happens.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You go outside to observe five OGRES, along with a small horde of IMPS, assaulting your home. Hey, that's the same number of OGRES you were bragging to Xavier about taming and having them carry you around! Oh, the irony!


>Dirk: Winding the POCKET WATCH back even further causes it to rapidly lose most of the damage done to it. Most of the scratches fade away, although the POCKET WATCH still remains rusted. It continues to tick forward.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Finish Building

Your at the home stretch of building.Never let it be said that you don't put your friends before yourself.

You hope that that will keep Dirk busy for awhile so that you can go mess around with the ALCHEMITER.Woot.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: Greg's house now reaches the First Gate! Alright.

It also looks like Rich has deployed the Punch Designix. Time to mess around.


>Chas: Your X2 LASER COMBO takes down one of the OGRES, before the others notice you. You manage to bring another one down before they begin attacking you.

You're probably gonna need some help on this one.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Admire time watch

OK, you are now officially holding some sort of crazy TIME WATCH. But it is still UTTER SHIT. What use is this to you? All it does it fix itself then slowly get the crap knocked out of it. You decide to ask KAMINASPRITE about it in a bit, but first you determine to work on Chas' HOUSE. You have been way too easily distracted from that today. You sit down at your COMPUTER and get to work on building, refusing to let anything whatsoever interrupt you.

>Dirk: Get the lowdown on Chas, build up


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Done with House.

You are finally done with Dirk's house.You give it one more check to make sure.Yep your done.

Now time to go ALCHEMIZE some stuff.But first you grab some more RANDOM BOOKS from among the SURVIVORS.You also,after a second,grab the remains of the COMPLETE BUSINESS ETIQUETTE HANDBOOK from the pile in the corner.

Checking to make sure you have a wide selection of BOOKS,you head down to the KITCHEN.On your way past the DOOR you remember to grab your KNIGHT'S SWORD,though somewhat reluctantly.

You find the new device waiting for you...and that your KITCHEN seems to be bigger then it was before.Oh well,you will worry about that later.Time to make stuff.Or to attempt to make stuff anyway.But first you will make a test item.And you think you have an idea what.

You take the CARDS with the COMPLETE BUSINESS ETIQUETTE HANDBOOK and your PLAIN WHITE TEE,which you forgot you stuck in your BACKPACK MODUS,in them and begin the process of making an ITEM.

This is exciting!


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: GRANDPASPRITE responds to your summons.

-- grandpaSprite [GS] began pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 00:00 --
GS: Hello Chas!
GS: How can I be of service?
SS: uh this is not really a time for friendly greetings!
SS: there's a handful of ogres climbing the house right now!
GS: Oh dear.
GS: You're right; this is not the time for friendly greetings.
SS: i can handle a boss battle, but unfortunately, the world is kind of bullshitting me right now.
GS: How so?
SS: by throwing several boss battles at me at once.
GS: The ogres aren't boss battles.
GS: Just thought you should know.
SS: ...right.
GS: Well, let's go take care of them then.
SS: yes, let's!
SS: they shall fear my laserface!
GS: The Cassock of Denver shall rise to fame once more!
SS: wow, how many titles did you have!
GS: Several.
GS: But now isn't the time to list them all.
SS: yes, you're right.
GS: To battle! To victory!
GS: To half-priced silverware!
GS: Oh, wait. Probably not that last one.
SS: for will smith!
GS: I don't know who that is, but alright!
SS: tell you later!
-- grandpaSprite [GS] ceased pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 00:06 --

GRANDPASPRITE is able to spread chaos throughout the enemy ranks with his persuasive abilities, allowing you to rain HELL-LASERS down upon them. You leap into the fray, dealing massive damage with your handheld weapons as well as your EYE-LASERS.

The opposing army, despite all their scarves, wrenches, teddy-bear ears and fangs, damage-resistant dummy parts, and robotic enhancements, are no match for your X2 ALDER COMBO.

You level up! Level 14 Door-to-door Rookie! You gain an unprecedented number of Boondollars! You now have an entire Boonbuck (Equivlent to 1,000,000 Boondollars)!

+1276 Build Grist, +982 Chalk Grist, +845 Amber Grist, + 844 Shale Grist, + 673 Tar Grist, + 243 Rust Grist.


>Dirk: You get to your computer just in time to witness the X2 ALDER COMBO. It is pretty awesome.

Looks like Chas has earned enough Grist for you to build a lot of stuff. Time to get started.


>Greg: You create the BUSINESS-CASUAL TEE! Are you wearing a business suit, or an ordinary tee shirt? No one knows! -5 Build Grist, -2 Shale.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Create more items.

Success!You have created your first item!Granted you doubt you will ever wear it but hey thats what tests are for.Before you continue however you think now would be a good idea to take stock of your INVERNTORY

Slot2:Two Sharpened Pencils(Misc)
Slot3:Deck of 52(Misc)
Slot4:The Mind and the Psionic(Book)
Slot5:War and Peace(Book)
Slot6:Ninjas:Fact or Fiction?(Book)
Slot7:The Secret of Magic and its Practical Applications(Book)
Slot8:Mythical Creatures v XXXVII:phoenix Edition(Book)
Slot9:Mythical Creatures v XXIV:Kraken Edition(Book)
Slot10:Symbols of the Knightly Orders 1998 Edition(Book)
Slot11:Space and It's Relative Dimensions(Book)
Slot12:Knight's Sword(Weapon)
Slot13:Business-Casual Tee(Armor)

Man,that sure is alot of books but hey you love reading!Now time to make something else.But first you try to make four extra cards CARDS,two extra DECK OF 52 and two extra KNIGHT'S SWORD.

But first,pester time!
[01:38:36] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 01:38 --
[01:38:49] GK: Well Chas,I made my first item :)
[01:38:59] SS: look, greg, i like you.
[01:39:04] SS: you're really a nice guy.
[01:39:08] GK: Hmm?
[01:39:10] SS: so i am going to break this to you nicely.
[01:39:19] SS: i just did.
[01:39:24] SS: the most FORKING AWESOME THING
[01:39:27] SS: i have EVER DONE
[01:39:41] SS: it just cannot be topped.
[01:39:45] GK: And what was that?
[01:39:47] SS: you cannot beat me in an awesome-off.
[01:39:51] SS: i am simply the best there is.
[01:40:00] SS: i am truly a man now.
[01:40:12] SS: yes, i just for real killed, like, i think my killcount is nine ogres now.
[01:40:19] GK: Hmm I see
[01:40:27] SS: but that's not the best part.
[01:40:36] SS: there comes a day in every alder's life when he realizes his destiny.
[01:40:40] SS: when he makes a boonbuck.
[01:40:43] SS: today is that day.
[01:40:51] GK: Whats a boonbuck?
[01:40:55] SS: one.
[01:40:56] SS: million.
[01:40:58] SS: boondollars.
[01:41:18] GK: Oh those?What do you even use them for?
[01:41:53] GK: Seems the grist is more useful at the moment :/
[01:42:24] SS: ...
[01:42:28] SS: you're missing the point.
[01:42:53] GK: And the point is?
[01:43:29] SS: i have a boonbuck.
[01:43:36] SS: i have honored my family.
[01:43:52] SS: this is the happiest day of my life.
[01:43:57] SS: except for the earth-exploding thing.
[01:44:15] GK: Hmm if you say so
[01:45:00] GK: But I figured you would want to know that that Business Book came in handy after all.I made a Business-Casual Tee :p
[01:45:18] SS: haha, okay.
[01:45:26] SS: i should send you some serious duds sometime.
[01:45:45] GK: Granted I can't tell if its a Tee shirt or a Business suit but hey it was a test
[01:46:19] GK: But that reminds me.I had a chat with Lily.
[01:46:37] GK: She told me our...goal if you will
[01:46:51] SS: go ahead, shoot.
[01:46:52] SS: i'
[01:46:55] SS: m feeling particularly inspired.
[01:46:58] SS: nothing can get me down.
[01:47:00] GK: Apparently we must Solve the Ultimate Riddle...whatever that is
[01:47:08] SS: i'm pretty good with riddles.
[01:47:37] GK: I doubt its that kind of riddle
[01:47:45] SS: :/
[01:47:49] GK: She couldn't tell me anything about it though
[01:48:18] SS: yeah, cryptic sprite bullshit.
[01:48:21] GK: Also Dirk's house now reachs to his gate
[01:48:34] GK: That should keep him busy for awhile
[01:49:31] SS: oh, that's cool, i guess.
[01:50:44] GK: Both UA and Lily told me to do it,so I did it.Let it never be said that my friends don't come first
[01:51:05] SS: ua.
[01:51:08] SS: god, that forking guy.
[01:51:09] SS: i hate him.
[01:51:12] SS: so much.
[01:51:18] SS: but he can't bum me out right now!
[01:51:27] GK: I thought he was a nice guy myself
[01:52:05] GK: Did you try being nice to him?
[01:52:11] SS: no.
[01:52:15] SS: or, well, yes!
[01:52:18] SS: he is just a natural asshole.
[01:52:19] GK: Hmm
[01:52:25] GK: If you say so
[01:52:50] GK: I still want to talk to the other one eventually.I might be able to learn more about them :)
[01:53:52] SS: i think the blue chick's pretty cool.
[01:53:59] SS: but trolls are sort of cryptic all the time.
[01:54:41] GK: That has never been a problem for me before.Just have to know how to press the right buttons sometimes :p.It worked with all of you,didn't it? :p
[01:55:29] SS: i guess it did.
[01:56:32] GK: Granted,If i hadn't,I wouldn't have become frineds with all of you,you and Dirk would have pressured me into getting this game and I would probably be dead with the rest of florida
[01:56:55] SS: i guess it would be pretty jarring if you really think about it.
[01:57:08] SS: we're the last seven humans, aside from maybe all our families.
[01:57:14] SS: like, direct families.
[01:57:20] SS: supposedly, dirk's sis is alive.
[01:57:28] SS: i already went through my little mindfork phase, though.
[01:57:31] GK: I see
[01:57:43] SS: i guess that was good, since i became totally more open to all this ridiculous bullshit like aliens.
[01:58:02] GK: We all need to work together to see this though
[01:58:26] GK: and I have a feeling the trolls will help us as much as we help them
[01:58:44] SS: probably!
[01:59:05] SS: i definitely wouldn't have killed as many ogres as i did without that weird axe the blue text troll sent me.
[01:59:16] GK: Hmm
[01:59:27] SS: i guess i would call it, like.
[01:59:36] SS: an axade?
[01:59:37] SS: a spadaxe?
[01:59:42] SS: yeah, spadaxe is much beter.
[01:59:49] GK: It needs work
[02:00:30] GK: Forking Axe?The Axe of Forkipilation?
[02:00:48] SS: no, i'm calling my fork axe the alternian trident.
[02:00:55] SS: that's what the game calls it.
[02:00:57] SS: sounds kind of badass.
[02:01:07] SS: i mean the original axe looked kind of like a spade.
[02:01:13] SS: the card symbol, not the shovel.
[02:01:33] GK: Hmm I see
[02:02:01] GK: That reminds me,I want to try to combine my Deck of 52 with a book on magic I have.Wonder what will happen...
[02:02:30] SS: sounds like a crazy idea!
[02:02:39] SS: like, absolutely ridiculous.
[02:02:48] SS: i cannot even think of any hero who would use magic cards.
[02:02:54] SS: there was that one dude from x-men but he was dumb.
[02:03:38] GK: Ya I'm proabably twisting fate or something but hey might as well give it a try.I also want to combine my sword with a book about phoenixes
[02:04:39] SS: haha.
[02:04:50] SS: i have a laser macguffin, and you have a bunch of weird-themed books.
[02:05:23] GK: Hello,we are in a weird place.
[02:05:41] SS: okay, yeah, fair enough.
[02:06:04] GK: I might as well use them before more imps try to destory them again...I'd rather not have a repeat
[02:07:04] SS: to be honest, it'd be awesome if i had a hulkometer.
[02:07:26] GK: No..No it would not..trust me on this
[02:07:33] SS: the only meters i have are my employee of the month bar and, oddly enough, a measurement of how much steve buscemi i have inside me.
[02:07:57] GK: Ok I understand the first one...not really sure on the second
[02:08:45] SS: it's not a bad thing.
[02:08:52] SS: i sort of fear what will happen if it gets too high, though.
[02:08:57] GK: I have a meter for Calm and a meter for Rage....I would rather not have anything in the Rage meter
[02:10:00] SS: crazy stuff, i guess.
[02:10:05] GK: Very
[02:10:41] GK: I have read about a state beteen the two off course...but i doubt it is possible
[02:11:20] SS: just don't go all tibetan monk on us.
[02:11:27] SS: we will need your crazy fighting powers for the boss battle.
[02:11:34] SS: unfortunately, laser eyes do not win every war alone.
[02:11:59] GK: Last I checked there never was a war with laser eyes involved but i digress
[02:12:08] SS: now there is.
[02:12:11] SS: i am the future.
[02:12:14] SS: the dark, dark future.
[02:12:18] GK: I will fight if I need to but only if I need to
[02:12:44] GK: I will not be a burden
[02:12:53] GK: on our group
[02:13:09] SS: sorry, bro, it's not an option!
[02:13:27] GK: We shall see,won't we?
[02:14:00] SS: look, man, you aren't going to charm the pants off of mr. lord of all evil.
[02:14:11] SS: we have to be ready to make sacrifices.
[02:14:16] SS: i hate to be all sappy and shit, but come on.
[02:14:40] SS: the ultimate thing we're out to do is look out for eachother.
[02:15:01] SS: we can't have one of our dudes trying to make friends with mindless game constructs that were built to kill him.
[02:15:07] GK: I understand that all too well.
[02:15:38] SS: we're out to forking save the world here.
[02:15:47] GK: I want to see us all out of this crazy game and,yes,if we can bring the trolls as well we should
[02:16:16] GK: I know you don't like UA but they need our help and it would be cruel to just leave them to rot :/
[02:16:43] SS: i fully intend to help rescue them.
[02:16:48] SS: i just may or may not shoot ua in the face.
[02:16:57] GK: Good..ok not so good
[02:17:17] GK: I;d rather not have to deal with more murder today thank you
[02:17:32] SS: the man.
[02:17:33] SS: said.
[02:17:35] SS: my forks.
[02:17:37] SS: were stupid.
[02:18:17] GK: Well...they aren't very practical as a weapon..by themselves anyways
[02:18:28] SS: greg we do not need more infighting.
[02:18:37] SS: i just prevented myself from going full sappy leader-rant.
[02:18:42] SS: just corning it the shit off.
[02:18:49] SS: like i have a cornstalk in my brain ready to blow.
[02:18:57] SS: but no, i already had a hippiefest with dirk.
[02:19:13] GK: Hmm if you say so
[02:19:21] SS: i know ua's name, by the way.
[02:19:25] SS: marked it down on my charts.
[02:19:47] GK: and that is?..wait no don't tell me
[02:19:53] SS: i figured you'd say that.
[02:20:02] GK: I will let him tell me on his own
[02:20:03] SS: i didn't want to tell anyone just yet anyway.
[02:20:08] SS: especially not empathic pacifists.
[02:20:34] SS: it is my own vendetta.
[02:21:23] GK: I remember this empathic pacifist helping you with near breakdowns in the past :p
[02:22:00] GK: But Anyway before this leads to infighting..You try your way,I shall try mine
[02:23:16] SS: yes, right.
[02:23:39] SS: dirk should hunker down and build me a bridge to the sky pretty soon.
[02:23:54] SS: either way, one of us is going to figure out what this gate shit means.
[02:24:14] GK: No point in rushing into someting
[02:24:52] SS: i'm not rushing!
[02:25:00] SS: i am level fourteen and i have 1 million boondollars!
[02:25:22] GK: I'm just saying,and I didn't say anyones name
[02:25:57] GK: Heck,Dirk is more likely to stop what he is doing and make a dash for the gate once he finds out I'm donw building up to it for him
[02:26:05] SS: no, man.
[02:26:07] SS: we go way back.
[02:26:19] SS: i was just a plucky young lad with a penchant for cutlery.
[02:26:33] SS: he wouldn't just, like, run off without giving me a forking platform.
[02:27:17] GK: I'm just saying,I doubt Dirk would do it too.He is just the one out of us most likely to do so
[02:27:43] SS: a fair enough psychoanalysis.
[02:28:25] GK: Well I have had to break up fights and relieve tensions enough times
[02:30:00] SS: i guess so.
[02:30:21] SS: right now i'm just trying my best to be the leader, i guess.
[02:30:32] SS: aside from momentary interruptions by ogres trying to get at me.
[02:30:38] SS: forkers just learned their lesson.
[02:30:44] GK: Don't try too hard to be leader
[02:30:53] SS: trying too hard?
[02:30:59] SS: i don't understand.
[02:32:10] GK: Simple,you can't believe that as leader you have to be the best
[02:32:24] SS: that's science, greg.
[02:32:28] SS: you are trying to disprove science.
[02:32:42] GK: A leader is only as strong as his weakest grunt
[02:33:02] SS: that will be true when if i ever lose my laser vision.
[02:33:05] SS: which i will not.
[02:33:08] GK: And I'm not not trying to disprove science
[02:34:12] SS: you're trying to weaken my stance as leader!
[02:34:16] GK: I'm merely saying that we all need to be on the same page.Being leader is a very important role.I'm not saying you aren't up to it.
[02:34:18] SS: this is one of your psychoanalysis tests.
[02:34:27] SS: i will not back down.
[02:34:27] SS: never.
[02:34:39] GK: I'm not trying to weaken your stance on this
[02:34:52] GK: Merely to advise wisdom
[02:35:02] SS: sure.
[02:35:31] GK: I'm not a leader,I'm a mediator.i know this role well
[02:35:50] SS: which is why someone needs to step up to the role with zeal!
[02:36:14] GK: Just don;t be afraid to ask for help
[02:36:52] SS: haha, okay.
[02:36:54] GK: You can have all the zeal you want,but it won't help you if you don't have the wisdom to use it wisely
[02:37:03] SS: relax, greg.
[02:37:07] SS: i would never sabotage the team.
[02:37:12] GK: I know that
[02:37:19] SS: i'm in this to save the world and help everybody i can!
[02:37:40] SS: and, i mean, i'm just trying to stay positive here.
[02:37:49] GK: As am i.The second part not the first.I doubt we can do anything about the first part
[02:38:01] SS: who knows.
[02:38:04] SS: maybe we'll save more aliens.
[02:38:37] GK: Yes..assuming you don't kill them yourself? :p
[02:39:11] SS: only if they dare tell me the forks are dumb.
[02:39:35] GK: But enough boring you with my therapist babble
[02:40:04] GK: I should return to making items and you probably have something important to do as well
[02:40:25] SS: sure, i'll talk to dirk and see what i can do about getting to the green spirograph in the sky.
[02:40:32] GK: Just remember:if you need someone to talk to,you know how to reach me
[02:40:47] SS: of course.
[02:41:27] GK: oh and let the blue troll know that I wish to talk to her at her earliest oppurtunity
[02:41:39] SS: i have to relay so many messages her way nowadays.
[02:41:46] SS: just another important leaderly duty.
[02:42:22] GK: Well if I can talk to her I can make your job somewhat easier :p
[02:42:32] SS: i guess so!
[02:42:46] SS: good luck then, greg.
[02:42:56] SS: hope you end up making some imp friends.
[02:43:10] GK: Same to you Chas..the luck part not the imps part... /bow
[02:43:23] -- ghostKnight [GK] ceased pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 02:43 --

Well that was a very fulfilling conversation.But anyway back to making things!


I found it humorous that half way through that last convo with Chas I thought"Oh my god,this guy is becoming Rose with out me trying to be". lol


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: As you take a quick glance around, you notice a severe lack of enemies. Looks like they might be all gone for now.



You create 2 DECKS OF 52! -2 Chalk Grist.

You create 2 KNIGHT'S SWORDS! -60 Build Grist, -20 Amber Grist.

As you finish your alchemy, you notice a few IMPS scurrying around in the corner of your eye. After your last battle, they seem to be focusing more on sneak-attacks than outright combat with you.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Be kinda freaked out
I do so.
Your sprite is kinda creepy up close...

> Xavier: Flip the fuck out
Nah, you're good. Its not that bad.

> Xavier: Consult with your sprite
LA: Hey!!1
LA: Can you speak?


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Build! Further up!

You take a look at the controls, and they seem PRETTY SIMPLE. You can make LADDERS or STAIRS. You briefly consider being a TOTAL ASSHAT and using one giant ladder up to the gate, but that would be a bit much. You instead begin making a SPIRALING STAIRCASE, every two floors' worth stopping to make a PLATFORM for CHAS to rest on. With all your GRIST, you expect to be done with the first SITTING.

Then you are going to go get that SUIT, and then find the most outlandish way possible to outdo Chas' own KILL COUNT.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Xavier: TEDDYSPRITE growls at you. Well, you guess that answers that question.


>Dirk: You make good progress on Chas' house. Looks like you'll be done soon.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Become enraged

> Xavier: First, switch the cards, then alchemize
I do both.
This better work!


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Xavier: You retry your previous alchemization, except swapping the positions of the CHAINSAW and BUTCHER'S KNIFE. You create the TEXAS CHAINSAW MASA-DAGGER! -50 Build Grist, -15 Amber, -30 Shale.

I'm so, so sorry about that horrible pun. I'll probably rename it later. When I can think of something witty.




Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Finish up the house

You continue to build, the ease of which is rather startling. You really thought this would take some time, but with endless GRIST this is going pretty fast. Just before you finish, you spot CHAS down there, GLOATING. He thinks he's so great, wait until your kickass ARSENAL rips the BLACK KING a new one. Just to prove you're not JEALOUS IN THE SLIGHTEST, you casually toss down his GRISTTORRENT DISK, intentionally making it almost fall off the cliff, but in reality it was in no danger of doing so.

You then get back to WORK on BUILDING. You want to finish quick so you can ALCHEMIZE your newest BATMAN based weaponry.