Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Look at teddybear
Well, its not a MONSTROSITY, but its pretty damn cute.

> Xavier: Hug Dead-Teddy
What! No, you are to much of a man t-

> ===>
I look to my left.

> ===>
I look to my right.

> Xavier: Ok, now hug Dead-Teddy
I do so.
Nobody's watching.

> ===>
I captcha DEAD-TEDDY, for safe keeping.

> ===>
The glue gets flung my SYLLADEX and falls below the clouds.
Eh, I've got a lot of glue.

> Xavier: Alchemize again, but this time flip the cards
I do so.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Minor breakdown

S..she really...

NO! THIS IS STUPID! Your SISTER has been a complete MONSTER your whole life, some sharing of interests isn't going to make you get all TEARY-EYED now, you say as you reach for a BOX OF TISSUES. After dabbing several dozen times, you sneakily hide the TEAR-SOAKED TISSUES, hoping with all your might GREG didn't see that, before walking up to her CLOSET.

You feel a little bad, admittedly, raiding her privacy like this, but damn it your friend needs a suit and you know for a fact that there is a DIAMONDS DROOG SUIT in here you can give him. You can just ALCHEMIZE your SIS a new one if she FLIPS THE FUCK OUT over it.

You OPEN THE CLOSET DOOR, and take a look inside.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Defeat Imps

You STRIFE! with the IMPS and it is over in less then ten seconds.As you collect the GRIST and BOONDOLLARS you cross your arms over your chest as a sign of respect to the fallen.

Now that that business is done,back to ALCHEMIZING.






Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: Your DAD agrees to sign your CRUXTRITE PERMISSION SLIP. He does so.


Suddenly, your KERNALSPRITE floats through your DAD'S door. He naturally freaks out a little bit, and reaches for something to throw. The next thing you know, a MLP:FIM CD is flying towards your KERNALSPRITE...


>Xavier: Dead-teddy squeaks as you hug him. Awwwwwwwwwww.

Your alternate combination of the TEDDY-BEAR and the WALL-BREAKER'S JUMPSUIT creates the FUZZY JUMPSUIT! It looks exactly like the name sounds. -10 Build Grist, -5 Amber.


>Chas: You examine the shop listings.


It looks like there are even more items, but you can't afford them yet. Sigh.


>Dirk: You forgot to check for TRAPS! Luckily, there aren't any in your SIS' closet!

You see a bunch of her clothing, nothing special really. You also see a few of her LARPing costumes. Finally, tucked away in the corner, carefully folded and pressed, you find the DIAMONDS DROOG SUIT!


>Greg: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH! You create the DECK OF 52 SECRETS! Ooooh, looks interesting. -200 Build Grist.

You can't make this yet. It costs 500 Build Grist and 7,000 Amber Grist.

You can't make this yet. It costs 500 Build Grist, 500 Shale Grist, and 500 Tar Grist.

You make the PDG (Personal Digital Glasses)! -50 Build Grist, -15 Shale.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Yell in slow motion!


The MLP CD is prototyped into the Sprite.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Take the suit

You take the DIAMOND DROOGS suit in your FMA CARD which you recently added, since it kinda looks like GREEDLING'S OUTFIT. You love how flexible this MODUS can be at times. You immediately pester CHAS to let him know the code.

[06:27] -- stabsSalesman [SS] began pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 18:27 --
[06:28] SS: =]=> OK
[06:28] SS: =]=> So I just got your suit
[06:28] SS: dude, this will seem kind of out of character for me.
[06:28] SS: but honestly that is not my biggest concern at the moment.
[06:28] SS: send me the code anyway, though, i'll chart it down for when i get back to my alchemiter.
[06:29] SS: =]=> Wow man what the hell is up that makes you turn a blind eye to the most refined suit this side of the Dream World
[06:29] SS: it's not turning a blind eye!
[06:29] SS: =]=> And the code is 31s68ng506 by the way
[06:30] SS: but my dad is alive but in a plane and i chased off some imps and i met a gecko and now i am in a shop?
[06:30] SS: and apparently that thing i said about us all having lands is totally true, and mine kicks ass.
[06:30] SS: =]=> Wait so that's what is one the other side of your gate
[06:30] SS: =]=> Planes geckos and shops
[06:30] SS: and these big natural, like, wind chimes.
[06:30] SS: wind is a big thing here.
[06:30] SS: it's all serene.
[06:31] SS: =]=> Windy shit huh
[06:31] SS: =]=> Cool
[06:31] SS: =]=> Now I've gotta see what's over on my side
[06:31] SS: =]=> Going to be fucking incredible I can just tell
[06:31] SS: =]=> Oh and by the way I just made Batarangs that look like Kamina's shades
[06:31] SS: i sort of miss my alchemiter.
[06:31] SS: but i already did the dramatic climb!
[06:32] SS: =]=> Well you'll have to think of a way to transport quickly
[06:32] SS: =]=> Or maybe I could just move it to the platform beside the gate
[06:32] SS: i could probably use the gate back, i think.
[06:33] SS: but i have other matters to attend to.
[06:33] SS: =]=> Yeah that seems much more likely to deny you an awesome moment or two I'm gonna do that
[06:33] SS: you try and hamper my storm of awesome all you want.
[06:33] SS: it's gonna come.
[06:33] SS: =]=> OK the Alchemiter is up at the top platform
[06:33] SS: and it's gonna blow everybody away.
[06:33] SS: move all the other machines up, too.
[06:33] SS: =]=> All right doing
[06:34] SS: =]=> And done
[06:34] SS: thanks.
[06:34] SS: =]=> Anyways there's your code just thought I'd give you that before I got on Greg's ass about getting me through my gate
[06:35] SS: i'm totally getting to the battlefield first.
[06:35] SS: =]=> That's fine the real hero's gonna need a meatshield anyway
[06:35] SS: =]=> Might as well be his best bro
[06:36] SS: i guess i'm going to have to survive without the meatshield for a little while, then.
[06:36] SS: =]=> Oh keep laughing just wait until you're beaten and alone
[06:36] SS: =]=> Black King's got you cornered
[06:36] SS: =]=> And then out of they sky here comes Dirk Pace riding a goddamn meteor
[06:36] SS: there is no way either of us are going to stop the black king alone.
[06:36] SS: =]=> Throwing sunglasses-shaped Batarangs and blinding that ************
[06:37] SS: i will be the only one doing the blinding, i have the laser eyes.
[06:37] SS: =]=> You keep going back to those laser eyes but I have got a sword that is also a bass guitar
[06:37] SS: i have the full support of aliens who will probably just keep sending me weapons.
[06:37] SS: for sure.
[06:37] SS: =]=> I've got my sister
[06:38] SS: she beats you up every time she sees you.
[06:38] SS: =]=> Well yeah but she also beats up the shit trying to beat me up
[06:39] SS: =]=> Did I ever tell you about the time she got arrested
[06:39] SS: i figured she legally didn't exist.
[06:39] SS: at least in her 'sister' persona.
[06:39] SS: =]=> Right the whole "being my sis in the off-time thing"
[06:39] SS: never stopped being a theory.
[06:39] SS: =]=> Well the point is this in the seventh grade there was this dick like five times my size
[06:40] SS: =]=> Football team or some shit I never paid attention
[06:40] SS: oh, man.
[06:40] SS: the jokes i could make.
[06:40] SS: but i won't.
[06:40] SS: i'm no prankster.
[06:40] SS: =]=> Don't even think about it you tool there is no reason to pull that
[06:40] SS: =]=> The point is the monster stops me on the sidewalk one day with like five of his buddies
[06:41] SS: =]=> And he says that anime is for dweebs and punches me in the stomach
[06:41] SS: =]=> Broke three ribs
[06:41] SS: =]=> And out of motherfucking NOWHERE comes my big sis, swinging her d20 like a couple of medieval flails
[06:41] SS: to rescue her dweeb brother.
[06:41] SS: =]=> Before those football chumps know what hit them their leader's got a dent in his skull
[06:42] SS: =]=> Another has a broken arm
[06:42] SS: =]=> And the rest are out cold and bleeding out the mouths
[06:42] SS: =]=> The police arrested her and told me she'd be in jail for about 4 years and I'd need to find a foster home
[06:42] SS: =]=> She came back home the next day and told me she'd "arranged a deal" and never spoke of the incident again
[06:43] SS: and then a boat.
[06:43] SS: i mean, really, man, do you have any stories that are not complete bullshit.
[06:43] SS: i'm telling all the geckos about this.
[06:43] SS: probably the aliens, too.
[06:43] SS: =]=> All my stories are true as true can fucking be man
[06:44] SS: =]=> How can you look at the situation you're in and not believe something that relatively mundane
[06:44] SS: i don't see anything out of the ordinary in my situation.
[06:45] SS: =]=> Yet my sister performing a basic act of protection for me is completely unbelievable
[06:45] SS: =]=> Wait
[06:45] SS: =]=> Scratch that it is completely unbelievable but it happened I swear
[06:45] SS: you are not helping your chances.
[06:46] SS: =]=> When was the last time I lied man
[06:46] SS: when you told me your sister risked legal action to protect you
[06:46] SS: .
[06:47] SS: =]=> Oh shut up bro if you're gonna be like that we're done with this subject
[06:47] SS: =]=> But in all seriousness I have to go talk to my server player so I'll check in again later
[06:47] SS: see you, i have some weird shit i need to buy.
[06:47] SS: and then i need to talk to the king gecko or whatever.
[06:48] SS: =]=> Since I'm an awesome friend I'm going to believe you
[06:48] SS: =]=> See you
[06:48] -- stabsSalesman [SS] ceased pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 18:48 --

For a BEST FRIEND, CHAS is kind of skeptical. Oh well. Now that you've got the suit it's time to get your own gate ready. You try to pester ghostKnight, but he appears not to be online. So you just leave him a MESSAGE to finish the building to your GATE and hope he gets it.

In the meantime, you decide it's time for some GRINDING. You go out in search of various MONSTERS to slay.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Get Items.

You don your new PDG.It seems to be able to switch from being a PDA and back to being regular glasses with a push of the small button at the base of the frames.Neat.You wonder if it is voice activated.You decide to test that out later.

You pick up the DECK OF 52 SECRETS.You wonder what this does?

>Greg:Examine Deck of 52 Secrets


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> My God!
This...This is amazing! Its comfortable yet stylish and you only see a little of the Fourth Wall! A pretty good alchemization if you do say yourself!

> Xavier: Ponder again
Its astounding how the developers of this game have thought of every possible alchemization. Who would think someone would think of combinig a TEDDY-BEAR and DEADPOOL POSTER? Astounding but yet, disconcerting. Its almost too perfect; what's this game point anyway? Usually, games give you a plot or at least an objective, but this game tells you nothing (or at least, your sprite doesn't). And what of this 'Black King' 'kingdoms of light and darkness' your glorious forking leader spoke of? So many question, so little answers.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2009
Pappytech said:

>Xavier: Dead-teddy squeaks as you hug him. Awwwwwwwwwww.

Your alternate combination of the TEDDY-BEAR and the WALL-BREAKER'S JUMPSUIT creates the FUZZY JUMPSUIT! It looks exactly like the name sounds. -10 Build Grist, -5 Amber.


>Xavier: Briefly reflect on possible ramifications of this alchemising

>Xavier: Disregard silly image.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Disregard silly image
What silly image? Surely you don't except me to ignore nothing I have never seen.

> Xavier: Wear the jumpsuit, be the pimp
You have no idea what's that supposed to mean!

> Xavier: Alchemize Squiddle and Walking Cane
I do so.

My God.
Listen to me.
Are you listening?
That picture.
That picture.
That picture.
Is awesome!


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: The SHOPKEEPER hands you a SHINY ROCK. -546,004 Boondollars.

He tells you that the CHIEFTAIN lives in the large building in the center of the village.


>Connor: You made PINKIEPIESPRITE! Dammit.


>Dirk: Surrounding your house are several large groups of IMPS, as well as several OGRES. Time to get your GRIND on!


>Greg: As you mess around with the DECK OF 52 SECRETS, it would seem that each card has some kind of unique, albeit random ability. You test this out by playing the ACE OF DIAMONDS and the QUEEN OF HEARTS. The ACE transforms itself into 500 Boondollars! The QUEEN fades into some powder, which clings to your skin. You feel strangely rejuvenated.


>Xavier: You make the PIMPPLE! -0 Build Grist.

The pimpple is weirding you out a little. You believe you will keep your distance from the pimpple.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Be Rejuvenated

You blink at the randomness of having a card turning into a healing powder.On the plus side you feel much better and are now 500 BOONDOLLARS richer.Granted you still have no idea what you spend BOONDOLLARS on but you figure it probably will come in handy later.

As you play around with the DECK,a small message scrolls across the corner of your GLASSES.Looks like someone sent you a message.You click the button at the base of the frames,switching it over to PDA MODE,and read the message.Seems Dirk wants you to finish his house.

You blink.You thought you had done that.You better double check on that.

You return to your ROOM,stuffing your DECK into your MODUS,and double checks on Dirk's HOUSE.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: As you enter the building, you see several geckos walking about. Most noticeable is a very old one, with a long grey beard and a walking stick. When he sees you, he immediately comes up to you.

-- geckoChieftain [GC] began pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 06:54 --
GC: Yes? Can I help you?
SS: hello there, chieftain!
GC: Hello there young fellow!
SS: i am the representative of the folks who are going to save this universe.
GC: Ah, you are the heroes.
GC: Wonderful! Exactly who I was hoping for.
SS: oh, good!
SS: finally, someone's heard of me.
GC: Well, I haven't heard of you specifically...
GC: But, I do know who you are!
GC: You are the one who will return the light to us.
SS: that sounds like me!
GC: Good, very good.
GC: Now, there is much I must tell you.
GC: But, first, is there anything you'd like to ask of me?
SS: well, i figure you're going to fill me in on where to go from here?
GC: That is my job, yes.
SS: i guess after i finish the quest for all you little dudes.
GC: That is correct.
SS: wow, this is sort of cool.
GC: I should hope so; this quest is very important for my people and I!
SS: so all of my friends get their own land and gecko dudes and quest?
GC: Yes, no, yes.
GC: You all get your own Land to explore.
GC: However, the inhabitants of that Land will vary from hero to hero.
SS: oh, cool. so i get geckos.
GC: Yes.
GC: We are geckos.
SS: well, i think that's pretty much all the pointless questions i have, so let's get to the questy stuff!
GC: Alright.
GC: Now, when you first arrived on the Land of Suns and Stainless Steel, did you happen to observe the hundreads of stars that surround our world?
SS: yes! it was very pretty.
GC: Indeed.
GC: But, they used to be far more beautiful!
GC: Each of the stars was as large as a sun, bathing our world in their glourious light.
SS: what happened to them?
GC: One of the most powerful beings of this land, its Denizen, stole most of the light.
SS: denizen?
GC: Yes, he is one of the most powerful beings in the Medium!
SS: aha! a boss battle!
GC: It is your task to confront him, and to return the stolen light.
GC: But, he is not the only enemy you will face.
GC: He also allied himself with the dark moon Derse, and created armies of underlings to destroy us!
SS: sounds like a pretty epic quest!
GC: Yes, it will be quite challenging.
GC: I'm afraid that as you are now, you have no chance of defeating him.
SS: oh.
GC: Luckily, right now the Denizen is asleep.
GC: He will not awaken until you choose to confront him.
GC: Or, so I believe.
SS: oh, sweet, i can just grind the hell out of this army.
GC: Yes, it would probably be best to earn more experience this way.
GC: Is there anything else you'd like to know?
SS: i think i'm pretty clear on the idea of the quest - beat up some imps until i can save the light! but there was one more question.
GC: Yes?
SS: i may have bought something at the shop named flash.
SS: what does that do, exactly?
GC: Ah, yes. One of your Fray-Motifs.
SS: like a special ability?
GC: It is a powerful combat ability, one which will aid you in your quest.
GC: So, yes, exactly like a special ability.
SS: sweet! i knew i'd get superpowers.
GC: As for what Flash does specifically...
GC: I'm not sure myself. It's up to you to find out.
SS: i'll be sure to try it out!
GC: Yes, you should.
SS: by the way, do the imps i fought come from derse?
GC: Yes.
SS: so let's say they take someone prisoner.
SS: they would take him to their evil kingdom place?
GC: Yes, they would take him back to Derse.
GC: Why? Was someone you know taken?
SS: yes! my father has been captured.
GC: Oh dear... This is very bad news.
SS: he's pretty hard-boiled!
GC: As strong as your father may be, I'm afraid he will be of no match for the Black Queen.
GC: Even her subordinaes are incredibly strong!
SS: i'll go find him when i kill the denizen!
SS: and we can be the father-son team we always wanted to be.
GC: If that is what you want to do, then so be it.
GC: I will be here to provide what answers and advice I have.
SS: cool. so i can get back to my house through the first gate? i have one last thing to do before i go out there and beat up some evil armies!
GC: Yes, the First Gate will take you back to your starting location.
SS: okay, thanks!
GC: Before you go, there is one more thing I must do.
GC: What is your name?
SS: chas alder.
GC: Well then, Chas Alder, I proclaim you to be the Heir of Light!
GC: Save our world. This is your quest.
SS: woah! nice!
GC: We place all our faith in you.
GC: May Prospit never fall.
SS: i will guard your civilization valiantly, chieftain!
SS: and prospit too, i guess!
GC: Thank you Chas.
GC: I wish you luck along your journy.
SS: thanks!
SS: see you once the denizen's dead!
GC: I hope to see you then as well.
GC: Farewell!
-- geckoChieftain [GC] ceased pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 07:16 --


>Greg: You double-check Dirk's house. Yeah, you finished building it. It definitely reaches the First Gate.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Check Dirk's house

Yep it was finished and it definitely reaches the FIRST GATE.You wonder if Dirk needs to have his eyes checked.

Anyway now that that is down,you decide it is time to get out of the house and explore.Unfortunately the DOORS and WINDOWS are still locked so you will have to find a switch to open them up.And a good place to start looking would be your MOTHER'S ROOM.

You walk to the door leading to the only other room in the HOUSE:Your MOTHER'S ROOM.Granted you have never been inside but you doubt that you will find anything surprising in there,probably NINJA stuff.

>Greg:Open Door to Mother's room and go inside


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Ascend

It's two hundred yards and as many IMPS to the GATE, you've got a sword that shoots bullets, a sword that plays music, it's dark and you're wearing sunglasses.

Hit it.