Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>CJ: Completely slap yourself silly for forgetting to actually post after reading


>Dirk: Be completely prepared for this

After releasing a very many GIRLY SHRIEK, you think quickly and realize that you are pretty much perfectly prepared to fight this ROBOT. You clap your hands together, forming an ALCHEMIC CIRCLE. You think. You really hope these GLOVES work.

You stare down the beast charging at you. It's getting very close now. You should probably dodge...


Dodge? Hello?


IN A SECOND, you tell the mysterious voice in your head. You just had to wait for the perfect moment. You leap to the side just as the thing charges at you, and slam your hands into its side. With a quick TRANSMUTATION, the robot's metal plating should be about as tough as WET RICE PAPER.

You decide to test this theory by shooting it with your HYPERION GUNBLADE.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Be surprised that Dirk was on Prospit

Wait,Dirk was here?!?! you blurt out before you realize what you were going to say.Wasn't he a Prince of Derse?How did he get on Propsit?And if he could,could the other forces of Derse get here just as easy?

You shake your head and quickly compose yourself before adding Apologizes.I was not aware he was here.

You look around,taking a moment for the surprise you just had to pass before remembering the issue at hand. Dirk being here aside,and not to doubt your judgement Your Majesty,but is it wise to send so many away from Propsit? A worrying thought crosses your mind. What if that is what the Black Queen has planned?Won't Propsit be vulnerable to attack?

You quickly realize you have probably overstepped your bounds and shoot off Not that I am wise enough to make such a call or anything.This is your city and these are your people.And I'm just a stupid kid.What do I know,huh? You give a nervous chuckle.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Comprehend
Nope! No can do, boss! You're mind is full of fuck at the moment, so you'll have to wait for a while before any thoughts can occur.

>Xavier: Mindlessly run behind the man


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Rich: Your attack temporarily breaks the universe. As inane dialogue, horrid acting, and simply painful inflection flow from your MP3 player, cracks are ripped in the fabric of space by an incompetent weaver, threads of fate and destiny are severed by a scissor-happy demigod, and time's eternal march trips over a pothole. The cacophony that is the destruction of all Existence rumbles through your ears, through your mind, through your very soul, tormenting you with the pained cries of billions of beings, as their voices are suddenly and horrifically wiped out.

Nice job breaking it hero.

A Lovecraftian god, finding itself alone in an eternal void, grumbles about moronic kids and their dumb little movies. With a single flick of a poorly defined appendage, he recreates a thousand trillion years of history and reality, across millions of dimensions and universes. Since said being makes sure to keep back-ups of his creations, things are pretty much the same, with a few minor differences. Most important is the fact that Tommy Weiseu's The Room was never made.

Anyway, you find yourself standing in a field of flowers, yadda yadda yadda. OGRES, BASILISKS, CENTAUR. What's the plan?


>Dirk: As you slam your palms onto the DRAGON's leg, you can hear the crackle of energy destroying and rebuilding the limb's structure, fundamentally altering it.

So, the good news is that the glove and hand work!

The bad news is that you can't really control what they do. Basically, the just turn stuff into chest-high walls. Because, as everyone knows, battlefields are populated by nothing but identical soldiers and chest-high walls.

Anyway, the air is driven from your lungs as a wall of steel suddenly slams into you, knocking you backwards. While you struggle to catch your breath, the DRAGON attempts to deal with its suddenly reshaped leg, the reallocation of mass throwing off its balance. With a roar, it uses another foot to stomp on the wall, pounding it again and again until it snaps off. Its task accomplished, the beast turns around, its mouth spreading open, a dangerous red light pouring from its throat.


>Greg: WQ points out that a few hours ago you were all for this attack on Derse. The ships have, quite literally in fact, sailed; there's no going back now, thanks in no small part to your own advice.

Regardless of Dersite schemes or trickery, the Prospitian fleet is no mere pushover. Add in the fact that they're all going to die at some point anyway, and the soldiers on those ships are going to do all they can to take out the Black Queen.


>Xavier: You know the drill; Derse dreamer, hear the horror-terrors.

[small]Your goal does not lie there. Find your protector; he approaches the fleet.[/small]

Images flash through your mind, of some purple building stuffed full of ships of every variety. You somehow know that this is the Dersite's main hanger, where the majority of their battleships are stored when not in use. You also suddenly know how to get there.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009


OH MY FUCK. You quickly roll away from the beam, singing your precious suit. THAT pisses you off. You don't have a spare of this! With the boss currently spitting LASER FIRE or something, you swap out to your HARUHARA BLADE to smack it upside the head with. You're fairly certain the BASS GUITAR it is spawned from had an affinity for smacking around ROBOTS.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Comprehend
You're honestly starting to think that comprehension is asinine at the moment, its simply a "Just do it".

>Xavier: Dash to the hangar and find your Father


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Be a bit figity at that fact

You figit a bit in place when the WQ points out that you were all for the attack on Derse and that all those soldiers are going to die anyway.

I was in favor of attacking Derse....when we had the possible element of surprise.And that we had more time to plan.Time which is getting shorter and shorter by the second. You cease figiting and return to a normal stance,but cross your arms and look inquisitively at the White Queen.
And not to be rude your Majesty,but I would rather not think that they are all going to die,even if they will eventually or not. You take a deep breath and pace around a bit,arms still crossed. I think it would be a wise idea to get the people of Propsit to somewhere safe incase the Black Queen retaliates.

You sigh and then look up at the White Queen,a look of sadness in your eyes.
These are not my people your Majesty,they are yours.But there lives mean something to me one way or another. You close your eyes and take a deep breath before opening them again,this time your eyes having a look of determination,your stance following suit And I will do everything in my power to do so.So I ask..what would you have me do to help Prospit and its people?


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: Your HARUHARA BLADE slams into the DRAGON's skin, denting it slightly. Sadly, it doesn't look like it's going to be strong enough to pierce through the thick armor; it seems like you're going to need a much bigger and/or stronger weapon to do that.


>Greg: Bottom line, there's really only one thing you can do: Defeat the Black King, and save Skaia. Prospit is going to lose the war, there's no way to stop it. But, that doesn't mean that Black King has to win.

Greg, every being in the Medium, every Consort, Underling, Prospitian, Dersite, Denizen, Horror-Terror, and Sprite is here for one purpose and one purpose alone: To ensure that you and your friends are worthy enough to win the Ultimate Prize. If Prospit is razed, if the Lands are shattered, if every ally and friend you make along the way is slain, but you win, then it was all worth it.

You are, quite literally, the center of this universe. It is all about you.

So go train or quest or buy Fray-Motifs or something. Because the fleet's not coming back.


>Xavier: As you charge towards the HANGER, you pick up on all sorts of chaos going on around you. Graffiti has been liberally splattered across nearly every building you pass, flames and smoke pour from several gaping holes in walls and streets, and troops of soldiers and police trundle around the city, their disorganized cries adding to the surrounding din. Whatever the adults have been doing, it seems like they've been doing it well.

Soon enough, you find yourself standing in front of a massive building, with its roof open to the sky. Inside, you can see the enormous purple hulls of a dozen warships, and hear the sounds of shouting and tramping feet. A few explosions can be heard as well, in addition to the screech of tearing metal. A squad of Dersite soldiers rushes past you, knocking you to the ground as they rush inside the building. Carefully, you follow behind them, peeking inside the hanger.

As expected, you spot a couple large groups of soldiers, each of them sticking to one side of the interior. Two tall figures stand in their midst, beating back the assault, one with a shotgun, the other with his fists. They both seem to wearing backpacks full of something.


>Chas: Well, although I can't really empathize with lady-friend relationships, I know what you mean with the rest of that. Which means I'm going to have to form an inspirational speech based on the lyrics of that one song I listen to whenever the trials and tribulations that litter my continued existence trip me up, and force me to stumble. But, doing that later.


Your BUSCEMI ROLL is a thing of beauty, an acrobatic maneuver that puts even the finest athletes to shame. With your FEDORA clutched tightly to your head by the sheer power of your MANLINESS and rays of light blasting from your fingers, you form a pretty damn imposing figure, tearing through BASILISKS like they were made of paper. The CENTAUR's arrow easily misses you, thrumming slightly as it hits the ground.

As you end your attack, the other UNDERLINGS backing away nervously, far away, in the vast reaches of PARADOX SPACE, a VOLCANO spontaneously forms and erupts. Because FUCK THE HELL YEAH.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Refuse to believe the White Queen on this matter

You shake your head slowly,then walk slowly up to the White Queen,and stare her right into the eye,or whatever the Propsitians call their equivalent,and say in a calm but kind voice No.I will not,nor will I ever believe that.Maybe its true,ignorance is bliss.Maybe my friends and I ARE the center of this Universe and its our destiny and all.But I will NOT accept that.You ALL are your own people,with your own thoughts,feelings,and emotions.You all have wants and needs.Your own hopes and dreams.And I will NEVER see you as something other then living people.

You backed away,turn around and start making your way to the door.When you are about half way between the DOOR and the White Queen,You slowly turn around and look long and hard at the White Queen,your eyes burning with a determination that even you didn't think you had in you! And understand Your Majesty,that Propsit may fall,but its people will live on.And as the Knight and Hero of Space I will do everything in my power to save you all.I may not succeed but I will do everything in my power to see to it!

With that,you give the Queen a bow then turn on your heels and walk out.Sure,you could fly off but walking out just adds to the point.

You have to put on that book learning to use somewhere.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Comprehend
You know, using the same command over and over again is getting really annoying! Plus, you already know what's going your FATHER and most likely Chas' FATHER are strifing it out!

You interject the strife with a flurry of stabs jutting from every which-way.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Think of something

OK, shit, shit shit. You wonder just how on earth you're going to get out of this mess, and try to draw on all of your OTAKU-PROWESS to solve the situation.

"Okay. Okay, maybe if I make the right symbol I could summon Gamabunta? Wait, FUCK, no, I can't summon frogs! I'm not Naruto. But I should DEFINITELY alchemize something like that later. OK, maybe I can transmute--oh, wait, I forgot these gloves are SHIT. Uh, OK, how about I summon my Dark Magician and--HOLY SHIT. WHY DID I NOT THINK OF ALCHEMIZING A YUGIOH DECK WITH REAL LIVE WORKING CARDS HOLY SHIT I HAVE GOT TO DO THAT LATER.

It is kind of a miracle you haven't been RIPPED TO SHREDS yet. Suddenly, a little tick in your mind goes off. An itching, burning sensation that seeks to remind you of long-lost HOBBIES AND INTERESTS that you've neglected. You remember now. The imagine of AGENT SMITH staring down at you... Arnold Schwarzenegger's cheesy puns course through your veins. You REMEMBER now...


>Dirk: Enraged by the loss of your pets, take action!

You shout at the MONSTER. How DARE it steal your beloved PETS from you? What kind of heartless abomination could kill such innocent creatures! IT WILL PAY FOR THIS CRIME! You launch a MIGHTY ASSAULT with your KEYBLADE DIRECTLY TO ITS FACE.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
>Rich: Provide SPEECH SUPPORT.

Your plan failed - time to give Chas a go with his. You'll spend the time productively, by thinning out the LESSER FOES. You select a nice OGRE to start with; drawing your HEADPHONES, you proceed to circle around behind him, move to slip the EARBUDS into his ears...and casually flick the cords inward, such that they wrap themselves around the front of his neck instead. You grab hold of each EARBUD and pull with all your might.

You could get used to this.

Still, as much as you'd love to asphyxiate this one, you need him alive, at least for now. You place both EARBUDS into one hand, lessening up on them (though only enough to prevent the OGRE from losing consciousness) in the process. With your free hand, your draw your STRANGELY-NAMED SONIC WEAPON. You level it at the HORDE OF HOOLIGANS. The side of your mouth curls into the faintest sliver of a grin.

>Rich: Ride.



Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: Most powerful man in the INCIPISPHERE, eh? Heh, kid, you've still got a long way to go.

Your speech, though pretty damn awesome, fails to impress or intimidate the CENTAUR standing before you. If he had heard of your various exploits, then maybe it would have had some kind of effect, but considering that these guys have never heard of you... yeah.

Anyway, the CENTAUR has taken the time you spent orating to string, aim, and fire another massive arrow at you.


>Greg: You leave the THRONE ROOM.


>Xavier: Your flurry of attacks manages to clear out a large part of the Dersites assaulting your DAD. With one of the large crowds taken care of, you and your Guardian go to help out Connor's FATHER, as his shotgun blasts tear through the soldiers surrounding him.

After a few more minutes of strifing, the three of you stand victorious, your foes vanquished. After expressing how proud he is of you, your DAD takes off his backpack, revealing that it's stuffed full of sticks of DYNAMITE and packs of C4 and other explosive materials. As he starts tossing the contents of the pack around the area, he advises that you evacuate the building. Or, at least cover your ears.


>Dirk: With the spirits of your DECEASED PETS fueling your rage and strength, you deliver a massive blow against the DRAGON, your KEYBLADE slamming into its head with all the force of an enraged otaku. This time, you actually manage to pierce his armor!

Unfortunately, the blow does little to deter or damage your foe. With a flick of his neck, the DRAGON flips you through the air, wildly careening and bouncing across his back. With a loud thud, you come to a halt as you slam into the massive sword currently stuck in the DRAGON's back. You know, the one that seems to have torn through a good part of its armor.


>Rich: Well, you've found at least one thing that OGRES are good for: They make pretty decent FAITHFUL STEEDS. As you project your CHORALE across the field, you and your mount parade around the area, dealing significant damage to the other UNDERLINGS around you.

Bleh, sorry about the short update. Kind of sick.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Figure out your next move

As you walk out of the Palace,you take the time to think and come up with a plan.

Your time has once again been decreased,though you don't really blame the Queen for that.It just means that you all will need to hustle.

And there is the problem with Chas.he seems to be getting worse and worse the more you all play this little 'game'.And he doesn't seem to be showing any signs of stopping.Of course with the way things have been lately the next time you speak with Chas the whole thing could have been resolved and everything is back to normal...figuratively speaking that is.And yet somehow you don't think that is likely to happen.Which means that you may have to stop him when the time comes.

You push that thought aside for now and try to figure out how you all will deal with the Black King and Queen.You can't exactly just rush in;that would be suicide.And you STILL don't trust Jack.He could very well be behind some of this.But you don't have any proof of this.

You sigh to yourself and look up at the sky of Prospit once you are out of the Palace.

Some much to do and yet so little time.

Welp,no point just standing here feeling sad all day.You have things to do,people to see,and friends to possible beat up.All in all a full list.

You take to the sky,flying over the city and looking down on the people.You will do everything in your power to save them.

Prospit may die..but its people will live on.

You decide to give Rich and Chas' Towers a quick check to make sure they are ok.They are still your friends after all.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Waffles: Review the early posts

>Xavier: Do it
You have waited your young life to do this and now is the time!

>Xavier: Walk away for the explosion, seemingly unaware of it in the background
If only you had C-Diddy's AVIATORS, that would make it 20% cooler!


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>CJ: Notice that the two Alpha trolls introduced so far are a pair, one girl who is upbeat, cheery and extremely helpful, and presumably a boy who is pissed as all holy hell towards the girl and towards the humans, but still willingly helps them beyond necessity's sake.


>Dirk: Oh, right.

That. You GRAB the SWORD by the HANDLE, and INSERT CAPS-LOCKED WORD HERE it across the DRAGON'S BACK. Really, any word would fit there. CUT, SLASH, SCRAPE, SCRATCH... actually, wait, not that last one. That one is stupid.

>CJ: Produce some accompaniment doodles to flesh out this tiny post.



Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: As you soar through the air, you pop by Rich's tower first, and peek in one of his windows. He's still lying in his bed, asleep. However, you note that he's constantly tossing and turning in his sleep, as though he's on the verge of waking up. Well, hopefully things won't be to hectic whenever he gets around to awakening.

Moving on, you hover over to Chas' tower, ready to check in on your quite possibly insane FRIEND-LEADER-GUY. As you near the golden spire, you notice a pair of ropes hanging from one of the windows, trailing down to the ground far below. You can a pair of muffled voices emanating from Chas' room.

Peeking inside the room, you see a pair of Dersites standing around the golden bed, right next to Chas' sleeping body. They seem to be trying to shake/slap him awake.


>Xavier: As you try to walk out of the building, a solitary figure steps into the center of the massive doorway, his form blocking your path. A large MONKEY WRENCH, clasped in his hand, slams into the ground with a loud clang.

"You broke them."

His voice sounds mournful, as he stares past you at the desecrated ships and vehicles, their flaming husks casting flickering shadows across his face. Clang.

"They told me I could have all the fun I wanted with them, but you've gone ahead and broken them all."

The air whiffs by the wrench as he brings it up to his head, slamming it against his carapace again and again as he begins to rant.

"As much as I want to believe that they're still whole and ready to be taken apart, I know that simply isn't true. I sadly cannot deny the fact that all my precious complicated machines are lying before me, blown into a thousand pieces by actions that were not my own! And if I wasn't the creator of these actions of horrendous destruction, then that means that someone else must be! So, I ask you, who was it? WHO WAS IT!"


Yeah, so you're apparently facing some insane guy. Have fun with that.


>Dirk: You manage to grasp hold of WRATH's hilt, dislodging the blackened hand that was wrapped around it. Said appendage crumbles to ash as it bounces against the DRAGON's armor.

Using the sword as a base, you manage to unsteadily rise to your feet, struggling to remain standing as the beast's back shifts back and forth. Ready to deal a massive blow, you yank the blade out of the monster's armor, and OH DEAR LORD THIS THING IS HEAVY.

About six feet in length, ten inches wide, and at least two inches thick, the sword must weigh at least 200 pounds, all of that solid iron. Even at your modestly high level, you're still about to topple over from its sheer size. Add in the fact that you still haven't really gotten your footing back yet, and you begin to fall off the DRAGON's back, hurtling towards the ground below.

Awkwardly twisting in the air, you manage to scrape the sword across the monster's leg, leaving a long scratch as you descend. As you slam into the ground, WRATH manages to sever one of the beast's toes with its weight.