Were you ever hit/spanked as a child?

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Very Rarely. Stopped happening completely when I started to apply the same medicine.

I think the example Matilda displayed for us should become divine mandate. :p

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
Yes. My father had an anger issue and would tend to spank me hard. I'm now kinda unstable and full of loathing. Good times, eh?


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
I got a smack across the arse maybe two or three times as a child and it was enough of a shock to teach me what wasn't acceptable behaviour.

Looking back on it, I was a complete dick as a child; I'm amazed my dad never properly leathered me as a teenager.


New member
Dec 15, 2007
A couple of times, but really not that often. Typically to break up a fight between my brother and I (in which case the next half hour would be spent holding me apologising) or the odd smack to break up a tantrum (I hear my tantrums were legendary).

I'm not going to say "It builds character" or any shit like that, but it didn't scar me for life or anything. You make too much of a racket you'll get hurt, that's life.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
jawakiller said:
Note: I really hate all the fucking liberals who think they have the right to condemn a totally decent punishment. Don't wanna come off as a troll cuz I actually believe all that.
"I really hate all the fucking conservatives who think they have the right to condemn children disciplining their parents."

Same logic isn't it? :p


Aug 5, 2009
All the time by my dad, my mum would only give me a smack if I did something really wrong. My dad stopped around 17-18 but my mum will still give me a good beating if she thinks I deserve it; wilst the more heinous acts receive a threat of homelessness.

EDIT - Ah yeah, my grandad had an old slipper he always seemed to pull out of nowhere. I got hit with it once when I was messing with the fire and a burning coal tumbled onto the rug and set it alight. One sore arse from the slipper and I never stepped out of line around my grandad again.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Don't know if I'd do it to my hypothetical children, but yes, a few times, as far as I remember. It's a cliche, I know, but it never did me any harm.

Stopped while I was still in primary school, in so far as I remember. I didn't have a tremendously rebellious childhood, to be honest. I've done things which've annoyed my parents no end, but the dissapointment's worse than a smack after a certain age.

Supernatural Girl

New member
May 31, 2009
I got smacked across the bottom when I had a tantrum fit, by my mum. Apparently, never had one after that.
I used to get a sharp tap round the back of the head, whenever I was rude or out of line, by my dad. But I was never hit with any kind of object and it was never more than once. If I did something wrong my parents would "hit" me and then explain what I did wrong, so I didn't do it again.


New member
May 29, 2009
I recall being spanked a few times, and the belt once or twice. Usually from my dad, which as a result made me think my mom was the nice parent.

I've since learned from my mistake, my mother is definitley a little nastier then my father most of the time.

I was never forceably cuffed by my parents, me and my brothers fought a few times but never anything from my parents.

Well, maybe when my dad did this thing where he poked our collarbones, really hard. That might count as hitting. The spanking stopped when I got into grade 3 I'm fairly certain. Thankfully I never had to stand up to and fight my parents.


New member
May 4, 2009
Yup. And if I was too fast, shoes were a welcome projectile. Well, not for me. I'm sure my parents appreciated the ease of hurling a shoe up the stairs. Or a remote. And then blaming me when it broke. Sorry I dodged, mother.

As I got older, about 17-18, the physical punishment stopped, as I started to match my parents in size, so my father resorted to kicking me out of the house, regardless of the time or temperature. 2am, in the snow, in my socks. That was traditional.

Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
Uriel-238 said:
Wow. It appears a lot of people here don't understand behaviorism very well.

Negative reinforcement works to diminish behaviors if it is applied a) consistently (for a single specific behavior), b) immediately following the behavior, and c) assuredly (there is no means by which to escape the punishment).

In the meantime, there's a strong correlation between spousal abuse and instigation of domestic violence, and personal history of being abused as a child (of which getting hit or spanked qualifies). While I wouldn't say the causation is absolute[footnote]I was hit, spanked and even had a wooden spoon broken on me, and am particularly anti-violent. I'm also batshit insane.[/footnote], but the statistics are conspicuous, as is the frequency in which hit children grow up and attack their parents, or wind up in prison.

Teaching with violence is teaching violence. I'm pretty sure there are better ways to train a child, say by showing them the consequences of their actions. But then again, I tend to assume that children are intrinsically intersocial, cooperative, industrious creatures, and have, so far, had good results treating them as such, so my perspective may be skewed.

I agree with a large part of this post, that being the terms and what not that you used for these sections of of your post. Negative reinforcement is not something that can be delayed, or else it loses its message. It is also known that in general positive reinforcement is generally more effective than negative.

That said, I do believe in some degree of physical repercussions to misbehaviours of the most extreme sorts; though this is due to a bias I have since that is the way I was disciplined as a child. However, this kind of discipline should never be administered while emotional from the activity as well; it should not reflect anger; instead it needs to reflect that it is simply discipline.


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
Not really, I was dropped on my head as a baby more times then what should have happened but that's about it. I was a good kid so there was not really many instances that required me to be disciplined.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Can only remember a few instances when I was really young (<10), but only when me and my brother got into a huge fight. My god, we didn't like each other when we were young...

Anyway, there is a difference between being hit and being spanked. Spanking works quite well on young children. At least it did on us. I would never have tolerated a beating.

Sexy Devil

New member
Jul 12, 2010
Once when I was out of line. I ended up crying excessively so I learned about the consequences of being a little shit and she learned that the little shit can sometimes be preferable so we both learned a lesson.