Were you ever hit/spanked as a child?

Captain Booyah

New member
Apr 19, 2010
I must be in the minority when I say I was never hit or spanked as a kid. (Me and my dad play-fought a lot, but that was it. The humiliation when a grown middle-aged man has a nerve blocked in his arm from his little daughter's well-aimed punch. *smugface*) But seriously, my parents were the friendly, easygoing type, so when they suddenly turned dead serious and they got their angry voices on, it was so out-of-character that my five year-old self was like Oh crap, shit's just got real. I had a lot of respect for them, so in turn I always HATED it if I ever felt I had disappointed them in some way. Thus, I tried to be as less of a brat as I could. I think I turned out fine.

jawakiller said:
Spanked, hit, same fucking thing. I was spanked as a small child. Did my parents do the right thing? Uh, hell yeah. I grew up to respect authority and fear punishment. Authority is not your friend, neither are your parents. Your parent's job is to feed, house, care and discipline you (and love you if they give two shits). They are not there to make friends with you. I fucking hate parents who feel that time out is an exceptional punishment but I really hate parents who are scared of even punishing their kids at all. Fucking pussies.

By the time I was too old to be spanked I could be grounded. By the time I was too old to be grounded I could be kicked out.

Note: I really hate all the fucking liberals who think they have the right to condemn a totally decent punishment. Don't wanna come off as a troll cuz I actually believe all that.
Sharing time! Know what I hate? "All the fucking conservatives who think they have the right to condemn a totally decent punishment." You said that as though non-aggressive punishments like time-out or whatever don't work, and that spanking is going to have as good an effect on everybody as it did you, because clearly everybody is exactly the same as you. (Also, "They are not there to make friends with you"? You're not one of those people who see kids more as annoyances to be controlled and less actual human beings, are you?)


New member
Aug 6, 2009
my mum slapped me on the back of the legs for a few years but nothing ever serious, and it never stopped me from playing up.


Sep 9, 2010
Yes, throughout my childhood, and I don't resent my parents one bit. They also used to lock me in the bathroom because they were smart enough to realise there were TOYS IN MY ROOM so putting me there as so many parents did would be pointless.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I got spanked a couple times. After the first two spankings the threat of it was enough to keep me in line. And not even with a belt, just a swat with the hand. I remember one time dad suggested he get his belt and I immediately started behaving.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Jesus, that's a lot of people being hurt by their parents. I could never picture my parents hitting me, even though my dad was hit as a child. This is kinda sad!


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Spanking or hitting children is possibly the worst parenting tool that exists.

There's a brilliant video on the subject done by Freedomain Radio.


Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
I got spanked once or twice I think, my memory is hazy on the subject but I know it happened at least once and I think it only happened rarely.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Got slapped, punched, hit with the cane, whipped with the belt, thrown out of the house, threaten with a kitchen knife and was nearly killed by a pebble thrown in my direction. Fun times.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
If spanking counst as a hit than yes (other than that no they didn't punch of kick me etc). All I can say is that I used to be a devil child when I was little.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Captain Booyah said:
Sharing time! Know what I hate? "All the fucking conservatives who think they have the right to condemn a totally decent punishment." You said that as though non-aggressive punishments like time-out or whatever don't work, and that spanking is going to have as good an effect on everybody as it did you, because clearly everybody is exactly the same as you. (Also, "They are not there to make friends with you"? You're not one of those people who see kids more as annoyances to be controlled and less actual human beings, are you?)
Haha, fair enough. Can't say I would categorize as a conservative but I guess it's close enough to reality for me. When I struck out at the people who use this form of punishment I was questioning their reasons, not the actual punishment. If you punched your kid in the face I would, again, question your motives. And yes, your parents first priority is to a) Love you and stuff, b) care for you, c) be cool with you. That's how this goes. If they truly love you they will quickly discipline you in order to prevent you from growing up to be a self-entitled little shit. Like most of my fellow Americans >.>

LegendaryGamer0 said:
"I really hate all the fucking conservatives who think they have the right to condemn children disciplining their parents."

Same logic isn't it? :p
Wait, wha?
Haha, sure dude. And using this logic I should probably replace the Bob-omb in Mario. I'd make a better boss. Better hours and benefits.

JoJoDeathunter said:
Huh, that's strange, I thought living in a country with free speech meant I had the right to condemn anything I want, however normal or accepted by most.
I reserve the right to fucking hate whoever I wish because, like you said, we live in a country which (kind of) practices free speech. And yes, there are people I've never met that I can say I don't like. Free speech is a two way street. You are allowed to believe Narnia exists but I don't have to accept or like you.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
Spanking once teaches kids what is possible if they act up too much. Not once do you have to do it again, the kid gets the point. Honestly, I was only spanked once but I remembered it as all the time until my mom corrected me. It was so blown out of proportion in my mind, I forgot it was only the once.

Though I guess afterwards they felt like shitty parents, if they hadn't done that just that one time I could have been even more of a snot-nosed little brat than I already was. It was the closest thing to the actual, physical beating I deserved as a kid but never got.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
jawakiller said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
"I really hate all the fucking conservatives who think they have the right to condemn children disciplining their parents."

Same logic isn't it? :p
Wait, wha?
Haha, sure dude. And using this logic I should probably replace the Bob-omb in Mario. I'd make a better boss. Better hours and benefits.
I award you this for losing me at "Boss".

I no know what joo Saiyan. :L


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Once maybe. It was when I was really little and didn't understand that stoves were hot. I was just reaching for it and my mom's warnings didn't pentrate, so she slapped my hand.

I don't actually remember this as I was too young, but that is how my mom says it.

I think had I been a difficult child, I would've been spanked, probably mostly by my dad, but I wasn't. It was enough to give me sharp words and take priviledges away. I was a sensitive soul. So, I think hitting me would've just broken me completely.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Just once, but they made up for it by getting angry, yelling and punishing me over every little thing.
Got lower than a B- for my homework? An hour of yelling and telling me how worthless I am, followed by a week without being allowed on the computer.