Were you ever hit/spanked as a child?


Still Approved by Shock
May 30, 2010
United States
Yup, a few slaps, a couple punches, and one bit of accidental dismemberment.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Aigaion said:
Never, my parents solved things the only sensible way and talked to my brother and I about it.
I'm frankly amazed that so many people have been hit.
I have always been serious in my belief that if either of my parents or a teacher ever hit me I would hit back, unless I seriously deserved it.
Beatings don't make "authority fearing, well behaved children", they make resentful, hateful people who go and take out that aggression on others.
Don't forget everyone over what? 40? 50? Was hit as a child. Are they all resentful beings?


New member
Oct 2, 2009
I got spanked a lot as a child.. But then again, I was a little hellion. When I was really bad, it was the wooden spoon.

It always amazed me when people get all up in arms about it.. I was a evil little child who was pretty out of control and those spankings made me stop doing some things.. But governments and organizations are pretty much making it impossible to discipline a child anymore...


Dec 12, 2010
United States
I was spanked when I was younger, sometimes with the wooden spoon. I also always knew it was coming and the details of why and were laid out so that I could see what I had done wrong.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
I was spanked a few times when I was little. I didn't "misbehave" very often though, and spanking didn't really hurt or anything, so it didn't really bother me. And no, I don't have some weird spanking fetish today.

I think my mom might have slapped me once, but I might be misremembering things. I don't have a very good memory of my childhood years. I seem to have a habit of only remembering the negative moments in my life...


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Two words: Irish Family.

Personally, I don't see a problem with getting an arse whippin' if you deserve it. Its when its over the top and unwarranted that it becomes a problem. However I can quite certainly say that every time I got beat, I deserved it. XD


New member
Mar 30, 2010
I always see people say things like "Ya I was hit as a child and it straighten me out, it was good for me" I seem to be the oppisite

I was hit as a child, it made me hate, fear and resent my father. Even now as an adult he makes me flinch and im bigger than hims.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Sure, it never did anything to stop me though. Then they tried talking about it. That worked a little. Then they kept doing it and I did stupid things just to spite them.


New member
Jan 21, 2011

yeah, i've been thrown, kicked, beaten, punched,strangled, bitten and of course there was the wooden spoon. that's what i got for being hyperactive when i was young i guess.

also, i think that's how i learned to lie. (in the context of avoiding physical harm)


Minecraft King
Mar 17, 2010
My parents used to do that, spankings at justifiable times, but as I got older It just didnt happen because I didnt misbehave, then I did once, my dad tried it, so I fought back, never tried it again, older guy vs teenage guy thats taller and stronger, it just wasnt a smart idea.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
Yes, but my situation was more of a child abuse kind of deal. The very few valid times it would have been acceptable to hit me were never punished for some reason. I do remember having my Mom back hand me because I said I didn't like babies. I was eight years old and some women kept pestering me to hold her baby. At least she left me alone after that. :3


New member
Feb 14, 2010
I got hit with the wooden spoon all the time. Sometimes my mum would lose control and just keep hitting harder and harder or without provoking her, it even broke a couple of times on my hand. My dad was more of a yeller, you always have to walk on egg shells around him because you never know what will set him off. I don't believe in no corporal punishment but the parents definitely shouldn't use it as a means of relieving their own aggression, or be use it often. Sometimes if a kid is overly disobedient, it can do them good, but too much or when it's unwarrented and they end up having problems. I think it's stupid how parents can get their kids taken off them just for spanking them a few times, because taking them away from their parents I think would be even worse.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
Sure whenever i did something really bad, I used to get locked out of the house in the backyard when I did something bad but I worked how to pull the window screens out of the windows to get back in.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
I recall a few times of getting spanked, but they were more like one to three swats then a full fledged spanking: I remember getting a swat on the butt from my mom for looking at my birthday presents early while she was tearing her hair out trying to put together my birthday party. Another time I stood on a street screaming like a self-entitled brat for my dad to carry me on his shoulders. He did, but not before giving me a good smack on my ass. But after a while I never had spankings again.

I think I learned pretty quick that I was blessed with two of the greatest parents a person could ask for in this crappy world, and at most all I needed was a time-out or some time in my room to learn from my screw-ups.

And for some reason, Dad was usually the one who could really get me to stand at attention, so to speak. Don't get me wrong, my dad and me are real buddy buddy and I love him to death. But I've seen him when he gets REALLY pissed. I recall him getting so mad one time he grabbed a chair and slammed it on the floor, but that was it. Another time he straight out told me if I ever cursed in front of him again he would put my head through the wall.

Stuff like that always made me learn fast. Not because I was afraid of violence; my dad would never lay a hand on any of his family. But my dad is normally a laid-back, really slow to anger kind of guy. This is the same man who after I crashed his car while learning to drive, with him in the passenger seat right next to me, merely sat silently for a few seconds before turning to me and jokingly saying, "Alright, I'll take over" while I burst into tears. So obviously if I could actually make my dad that angry, then it was a behavior I really needed to cut out.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
I was spanked a lot as a kid, but in reality it just sorta made me more angry than hurt.

I personally don't think spanking should count as domestic abuse.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Of course.

My grandad had a belt with a rather meaty brass buckle on it that got introduced to my thigh on a regular basis.

My parents didn't make a habit of it, they used to get my older brother to take me in the back yard and give me a proper beating if a went way out of line.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Elo125 said:
Wow, was I the only one who didn't get hit as a child? If my parents had a problem with me they'd talk to me about it. Sure, I made my dad furious a few times in my youth, but I was never worried that he'd physically hurt me. My dad showed me a lot of respect even when I was very young, and instead of acting like a little brat it made me respect him back and if I did something bad I was truly ashamed of it because I didn't want to lose that respect. No beatings necessary.
Same here.
Only got hit once and I -really- deserved it that time >__<

On the topic though, as said I only got hit once and shortly after that I turned into the cynical beeing that is the adorable me as we know me nowadays.



That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
Yes I was but my father stopped because I was always defiant, and he also knew that I really wasn't the one that had done the bad thing, I was only taking the fall because I didn't want my brothers or my sister to get hurt.
But I don't blame him, he comes from a completely different culture, being from a small Mexican village he grew up seeing that kind of punitive measurements as normal, but he changed by the time I was 12 he had completely stopped, though I still had to take it into my own hands to deal with that teacher that kept hitting everybody with his cane, good thing he got sued by another classmate, otherwise I might have been expelled for punching him in the balls.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Only when I deserved it. That's not some kind of Catholic guilt-complex; I was struck only if I was conducting myself like a little shit. It eventually made me stop.