Were you ever hit/spanked as a child?


New member
May 23, 2008
Timeslament said:
I always see people say things like "Ya I was hit as a child and it straighten me out, it was good for me" I seem to be the oppisite

I was hit as a child, it made me hate, fear and resent my father. Even now as an adult he makes me flinch and im bigger than hims.
Same here. I understand that I was a little shit when I was that age, but I learned nothing about why what I did was wrong and that I needed to correct the behavior, I just got better at getting away with it.

I still remember the day I tried to lock my jaw and not yelp. After the first 10 or 15 smacks he got angry and started hitting me hard enough to knock me over with each swing.

The next time I pissed him off that bad he picked me up by my throat, slammed my head against the wall until things got fuzzy, then threw me. Again, I gave him more than enough reason to be angry, but being tossed around like that only taught me to despise and fear him.

Eventually I stopped the behavior, but not because of the beatings. I only stopped once I understood the real impact my actions had on other people.


New member
May 29, 2011
I have never been hit by my parents. But then again, i've always been well behaved.

Honestly, it's quite shocking to read some of your tales.


New member
Oct 7, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
your older brother hit your mom back? What kinda soft shift is your family running? if you hit any woman in my family you could expect to be the immediate black sheep and someone clocking you. Unless youw ere a girl of course.


looking back on it now, I was definitely hit. I know my uncle cleanly laid me out once when I was 12 or 13, but I know I was hit before. Hell, Im 18 and I said the word shit around my mom and she slapped my mouth (it wasnt even directed at her, it was a just in general what is this shit statement).

So yeah.

EDIT: hell, my schools were allowed to hit you if your parents signed a slip saying they could. I always remember going home with my slip and giving it to my mom and she'd always sign it in really big letters with a black sharpie with a small note at the bottom saying "give him an extra one, just so he has one to grow one". And that went all the way through highschool till you were 18 or till you legally made yourself separate of any parental guardianship.


Actually, I had a teacher who you used to hit you with a yard stick. A metal one too. Square on the knuckles every time, and occasionally he'd crack you on the back if you were sleeping. Of course no parents signed for that, but Im pretty sure if he would have sent a slip home my mom would have just laughed and signed away.
Where the bloody hell do you live? Victorian England?


New member
Apr 28, 2010
My parents hit me until I was 16, it was always "hard enough to shock, but not hard enough to hurt much." My dad tried to smack me upside the head one day and I kicked him in the ribs, needless to say he was shocked, he asked why and I said "hard enough to shock, but not hard enough to hurt much, next time you try hitting me, it'll be to hurt." They never tried to again


Mad Cat Lady
Feb 25, 2008
Yep, Father was quite a scary person. If my brother, sister or I did anything bad we got spanked and yelled at. Sometimes if Father was in a bad mood from work and we messed up it'd be a full on hit. In the end I decided forgetting to do chores or misbehaving wasn't worth any amount of pain, so I was a fairly decent kid. Now that he's moved out and I only see him once every few weeks (and maybe something to do with the fact I'm not a teenager and feel like I can fight back if he ever tries to hit me) I'm a completely different person. All I have to fear is the banshee-like screaming of my mum. That's very rare though. She doesn't mind if I swear or shout or occasionally forget to do any of my chores.


I'm back, baby, & still dancing!
Dec 27, 2010
I was never hit, but my brother was by our mother. It's illegal in Sweden to hit your kids though, and I myself am vehemently anti-spanking. There are better ways to discipline kids and all the people I know that were spanked - such a awful term for it really, sounds silly - are fucked up over it.


New member
Jul 10, 2011
kman123 said:
Sure I did, got hit with the dreaded wooden spoon. I'm pretty sure I shat myself every time the drawer opened.
OOOHHH, you aren't the only one buddy, and once you held that thing in your hands.... you felt power. (well i did :p).

yeah i was smacked, but i'm better for it, it was a good form of punishment until i got into material goods. They learned i would rather be smacked then be banned from the ps2, then i was never smacked again... and had horrible withdrawal for my gaming habits...


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2008
Creator002 said:
OT: I was hit (as in open-palmed slap) on the bum and (for lesser punishment) the face. My parents also had really weird threats too. When my sister wouldn't stop peeing on the floor (out of laziness, of course) they threatened to rub her face in it. Needless to say, she uses the toilet now.
Not a weird threat at all, that's how you house-train dogs :D

I was spanked with a belt a few times, but it was quite rare. However, she would often use the simple threat of the belt, and that would be enough to get me to shape up. I reeeaaally didn't want to get hit with it. That was when I was young though, when I was a teenager, at worst I'd get a slap to the face if I was being unacceptably rude.


Mistress of Evil
Mar 25, 2008
I was slapped across the back of my legs by my mum for being naughty and I remember she once hit me across my arm for fibbing about something. Usually I would know by the tone of her voice if it was a serious telling off or not lol.

Never did me any harm, kids these days wouldn't hurt from a slap across the back of the legs. It's all a suing culture and i'm ringing social services if you hit me. Pffft i worked as a receptionist at social services and one horrible client who was a teenager trapped my fingers in a door so I smacked his hand away. He said he would report me for it so I opened the door to the children's department and told him to go ahead :D


New member
Feb 7, 2009
No, not here. Just a dad that will stop at nothing to irritate me day after day after day.

Vidi Kitty

New member
Feb 20, 2010
I got spanked when I didn't listen, and the belt got involved when I REALLY didn't listen. After working retail, I can't help but want to smack parents who stand there and coddle their children for misbehaving. Such as the kids who like to see how many buttons they can hit on a register before someone stops them. The parents ask nicely, then not so nicely, then stern voice, then they pull the kid away gently, once more gently, and then give up and let the kid go to town on anything they want. Also I get a huge grin when a kid acts up and gets the warning smack to the bottom and everyone around is looking at the parent like they are some monster.
Mar 5, 2011
I was spanked maybe once when I 4 or 5. I never really acted up.

Edit: Reading some of these other posts it seems some of you grew up like Cracked's John Cheese. Also if I hit my mom I would feel like suck a fucking dickface.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
jawakiller said:
Note: I really hate all the fucking liberals who think they have the right to condemn a totally decent punishment. Don't wanna come off as a troll cuz I actually believe all that.
Huh, that's strange, I thought living in a country with free speech meant I had the right to condemn anything I want, however normal or accepted by most.

OT: I was (as in punched full on in the face by my mother for "smirking") and it certainly hasn't helped me, luckily I've mostly got over it by now and have grown up as a non-violent respectable person, despite that and other stuff from her including threats to abandon us/kill my baby sister. There are far more choices than simply either hitting or no discipline/time-outs and if someone really can't think of those options or are too lazy to use them then they don't deserve to be a parent. My eight year old sister always does what I say and I've never needed to lay a finger on her, or resort to empty threats, building up a strong bond is key.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
Not that I can remember. Maybe once or twice, to shock, but never to hurt. My parents aren't the spanking type.

x EvilErmine x

Cake or death?!
Apr 5, 2010
I got spanked, but only when I deserved it. I too was in fear of the dreaded wooden spoon like a lot of you guys. It seems to be the weapon of choice doesn't it?

I think it's a very good way of disciplining your children as long as it's not used too much. If you are getting spanked all the time for the most petty things then it looses it's meaning as a punishment and ceases to be effective. The key to it is to spank only when it's necessary. It has to be used with other methods like, time outs, grounding, taking away of privileges, etc. Spanking should be for when you really fuck up.