What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
People who try and twist or disprove scientific knowledge without actually understanding the science being presented. Namely but not limited to the theory of Evolution, Abiogenesis, and the Big bang theory.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Internet Kraken said:
Also anyone who makes a comment along the lines of "90% of people are idiots. Not me though
" instantly earn my hatred, mainly because they remind me of myself from 4 years ago and I'm ashamed.
i make that comment, usually at work and directed at the costumer (out of ear shot mind you) though never included the 'cept me' bit though

OT: whiners for starters: doesn't matter what its about, since rarely it about anything important (Nexon's Vindictus forum is FULL of them to, Karok, hackers, dyes seem to be the top 3) do not whine to me and expect sympathy, I'll wanna hit you long before then

'stupid' people: to clarify: people that should know how to do something, but don't out of pure laziness (thus the above comment to Kraken) 98% of the people that come through the doors fit this bill, with 2% just being physically incapable (which leads to ...)

old people that are driving but really shouldn't be: when i see and old person drive in and then make their way to the waiting room slow and with difficulty, it makes me un-easy, i ride a bike to and from work (pedal power) an if they can't walk real well, then they probably don't see real well nor have the reflexes to not run some one like me down.

people that flat don't look out for other people on or around the roads: safety issue for me here, and I've almost been hit several times by such morons


Revelation 9:6
Mar 23, 2011
NeutralMunchHotel said:
CM156 said:
The people in high school who called me a Nazi due to the fact that I looked a LOT like a Hitler Youth poster in a history book. The fact that my school was 40% or so Jewish did not make this easy.

EDIT: Anyone and everyone who take themselves to seriously. Just freaking laugh at yourself guys.
Hypocrisy much?
No, let me explain. What I mean is that people should laugh at the things about them that are true.
As for me, I am not a Nazi. So calling me one was not hurtful, it was jusy annoying. That is why I objected to it. That, and people started thinking I was a Nazi. And in a highly jewish school, that can get you into trouble.

So I don't mind it that they called me a nazi, I minded it that they thought I was a Nazi.
I'm not offended by words, I'm offended by actions. And treating me like I am a Nazi is an action.


New member
Jan 21, 2011
Things people do that annoy me in no particular order.

- People who won't listen to your argument and claim " I'm right, you're wrong!".

- People who think that anything they don't like is stupid and should be made fun of at every opportunity.

- People who use the internet as an excuse to type like 5 year olds.

- People who judge something whithout trying it or doing research on it.

- People who say "your mom".

- People who hate gays/people of different ethnicity "because they're different".


New member
Aug 27, 2010
Homophobes/racists/bigots, people who believe they're better than everyone else, and children and animals getting hurt.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
simmeh said:
One thing that gets me personally is when people assume I'm getting angry and tell me to 'chill out' when I begin to talk with a bit of an edge in my voice. Yes, I had rage issues when I was younger, and I would lose my temper all the time. That changed around the time I hit my late teens. But there's a difference between intensity and anger - and a sizable one at that. Hell, in my books there's a pretty big gap between annoyance and anger as well. If I was legitimately angry, you'd know it, because you would cease to find me an enjoyable person to be around. If anything, telling me to 'chill out' when I'm not angry will only serve to make me even more irritated.
I feel your pain. Thats the thing that makes me miserable.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
People who are stupid but think they are clever by saying things like "Your Mum!" or "Why should I?"
also Peter Molyneux


New member
Dec 19, 2010
People who do/talk to/watch something they disagree with/find stupid for the sole purpose of getting angry and ranting on about it.


New member
Oct 4, 2009
Dungeons said:
Things people do that annoy me in no particular order.

- People who won't listen to your argument and claim " I'm right, you're wrong!".

- People who think that anything they don't like is stupid and should be made fun of at every opportunity.

- People who use the internet as an excuse to type like 5 year olds.

- People who judge something whithout trying it or doing research on it.

- People who say "your mom".

- People who hate gays/people of different ethnicity "because they're different".
Might as well be my list, everything I don't like is here.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
My friends being upset with me, especially if they snap at me for it. Even if they're having a bad day, or it was a small thing I did, or even if I didn't really do anything at all, I feel awful and decide that our friendship has been destroyed forever. Until later I realise how silly that is.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Calling Asperger syndrome a "disease". Yes, it can be a real pain occasionally. Hardly a "disease", however.

Also people who will inevitably try to bring up that "a disease is an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism" - while conveniently forgetting that I could use that very same logic to justify persecuting people of alternative sexualities/ethnicities, if I was sufficiently depraved (thankfully, I'm not).


New member
May 4, 2009
Ooh, there's another thing that gets at me. People who refer to the general public as 'sheep', or claims to have 'lost faith in humanity'. And when they say 'this includes me', it just makes them seem even MORE arrogant...like, I'm better than everybody else, but you guys can't handle that, so I'ma just pretend you're equal to me.

Also being patronised. That's a surefire way to piss me off. I get it a lot at the JobCentre. I'm unemployed due to misfortune and a lack of experience. Not because I'm an idiot. When I recite the exact definition of 'diversity', I expect you to say "Yes, that's right." Not dismiss my entire fucking answer for a more convenient definition that actually applies to 'inclusion'. And then give me a right funny look when I defend my case.
"-definition of diversity-"
"Yes, it's when you treat everybody as individuals..."
"Well, you can apply it to that if you really want to..."
"It's what it means."
"I just told you what it means and you dismissed it."
"'Ey, isn't Diversity that dance group?" - third party intervention


New member
Feb 21, 2010

I hate myself for typing it, just..any iteration of that damned work angers me no end

it..it's just..so damn..AARGH.


New member
May 2, 2010
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
So thousands of people haven't died at the hands of religion? Kthanxbai.


snuggere mongool
Apr 3, 2010
Tdc2182 said:
OT: I still have a very soft spot for religion. I don't practice anything to more, and I don't even know what I believe in, but people who do that whole "logic is power routine" tend to get under my skin. Maybe because of their cocky attitude, but none of them seem to be able to do it without a pretentious attitude.

But then again, I also hate religious folk that do that. But in my 3-4 years here on the Escapists I have yet to see one person be preachy in that manner.
Maybe they're genuinely scared, with all the in-your-face atheism.

OT: ^That's one of the (many) things I can't stand, even more than religious zeal.

Others are: "It's just a game, relax", and, yes, intolerance in general (I'm not even going to point out how hypocrite that is, but just to let you know, I know I'm also intolerant towards some aspects of life).


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Youtube comments.

They always manage to make me pissed off, whether it be about Justin Bieber or x people disliked.

Especially RWJ comments...


Plum tickler
Mar 28, 2011
There are alot of things, but the most annoying. When people come over to play my games, ask for my advice then play it wrong. Not badly, just wrong.

A friend played fallout 3 at mine, and was a total dick, and killed everyone when you first started out...
I know its petty, but it gets under my skin.