What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?

Sep 8, 2010
Fetzenfisch said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
This , just that its the opposite side
I think we can all agree that assholes loudly bleating poorly thought-out generalizations on either side can pretty much fuck right off.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
What always gets under my skin? People who are being homophobic or transphobic. People deliberately using the wrong gender pronouns for me and to a lesser degree others. People blindly following their 'leaders' no matter what they say without thinking for themselves.

The number one thing that will not only always get under my skin but probably the only thing that will send me into a violent rage is people abusing children.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Oh, and this. No, not the actual belief, but the way it is quoted in an obviously incorrect manner, attempting to use petty tactics to demean the person holding the view.


New member
Feb 26, 2010
The Westborough Baptist Church Morons (WBCM) with their bippin' an their boppin' an their everyones going to hell but us attitude, they've pissed me of especially since they created that hypocritical dance act.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
That pot is some type of crazy super drug that will lead to your demise. I've been smoking for years and I still do my job very well, graduated college and lead a normal life. It's a goddamn plant. Get over yourself people. If you can't judge when enough is enough then that's you're fault entirely.

And to respond to the people bitching about calling others "fags". there is a group of fags here in Columbus who call themselves The Friday Night Fags and they meet up and go party at the "trendiest" restaurants and bars here. So, the way I see it, gay people can probably care less. Snowflakes.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
The Escapist. It was great when I first joined, but now it's devolved into thinly-veiled insults to one's intelligence and firefights.

Okay, okay... I josh (mostly). :p

In all seriousness, I hate being mocked, and I mean in the "copycat" sense. It's a very good, very fast way to make me go from "not-so-friendly-neighborhood" Sage to "I-will-strangle-you-with-your-own-spine" Sage.

I hate being teased, as I'm somewhat naive. I suffered enough of that when I was little, and if I have to put you in the hospital to get you to shut up, so be it.

I hate people telling me how I'm supposed to think about certain things. You have your views and I have mine; sometimes we'll agree, and other times we won't. Try to force your opinions on me and I will personally make sure you no longer have a brain to form opinions with.

I hate when someone insults my intelligence; my family tried damn hard to make sure I didn't end like most young blacks you see walking around the street today with their skinny jeans, bad haircuts, and overall poor taste in clothing. Furthermore, calling me a "Ritalin-popping retard" because I prefer, say, fighting games - which I feel require more raw skill - over your oft-tooted Baldur's Gate or SotC will inspire me to make a way to physically reach through your monitor and knock every tooth out of your mouth.

Jackassery in general. On the flip side, elitism. You see it here on this very site all the time. All you need to do is pull up a thread about DA2 or, better yet, the whole "dumbing down" issue and you'll see what I mean.

SamtheDeathclaw said:
The word "******", variations thereof, and heterosexism in general. Nothing unusual.
Agreed, although if you know the original definition you can stealthily call someone an idiot when they address you as such. :D

Addendum: As you can see, I'm a very violent person. It's amazing how, as a nerd, no one respects you until you snap and almost kill someone.

Ah... middle school... where would I be without those years?


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Anyone hurting small animals for fun (rodents, cats, dogs, marsupials, birds, etc). I'v seen a lot of kids do pretty fucking stupid things, and I'v been very close to kicking them hard in the head for it.
For instance; Seen kid throw firecrackers at cat, seen kid kick dog, seen kid feed a bird with bread attached to a fishing hook, etc.
Sep 8, 2010
nekoali said:
What always gets under my skin? People who are being homophobic or transphobic. People deliberately using the wrong gender pronouns for me and to a lesser degree others. People blindly following their 'leaders' no matter what they say without thinking for themselves.

The number one thing that will not only always get under my skin but probably the only thing that will send me into a violent rage is people abusing children.
I often end up using the wrong pronouns with transfolks, but it's usually like innocent "He -- sorry, she" and the like.

When you're from rural Ohio, you just don't see it a lot, so you have to make a concious effort to use the right words.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Woodsey said:
ReservoirAngel said:
Woodsey said:
Generic Gamer said:
People who argue that no word should be offensive. Of course the words '******' and '******' don't offend you you straight white middle-class tit!

What particularly amuses me is that I was warned a while ago for posting a paragraph dissing Internet nerds, seems that 'n word' does bother a few people, proof that everyone has their button and if you want people to respect yours you should respect theirs.
There does seem to be a case of poor-little-white-man syndrome spreading on the forums.
I've noticed it on other forums, but not on here. People here tend to be pretty racially sensitive, but on some other game-related forums I've generally heard people complaining about the option to make your player character black in some games, because that doesn't tailor to their particular character choice.
Its less that, more "why can't I say ****** to a black guy when a black guy can say it to his black friends? Herp derp, double standards." Well yeah dipshit, it is double standards - double standards propped up by years of slavery, oppression, and general mistreatment.

People seem to think that they can simply deem themselves what words carry weight with other people, and which ones don't.
No word should be considered offensive.

And no, I'm not middle-class white. I'm a cross-breed, a shit-mix, a half-caste. Whatever you want to call it, I couldn't give less of a shit.
Life is too short to waste being offended.
Also, it's white people who are the most eager to label a word offensive.
Sep 8, 2010
Trolldor said:
No word should be considered offensive.

And no, I'm not middle-class white. I'm a cross-breed, a shit-mix, a half-caste. Whatever you want to call it, I couldn't give less of a shit.
Life is too short to waste being offended.
Also, it's white people who are the most eager to label a word offensive.
Again, it's good that you can be unoffended, but words do carry meaning and people can't help being offended.

And yeah, white people try a little too hard to be sensitive. They (we, I'm white) are responsible for a lot of horrible crap (see Colonialism in Africa), so they try to make up for it and maybe overcompensate a bit.


New member
May 4, 2009
People insisting I don't have an opinion on sensitive subjects because I'm a middle-class, straight white guy. I suspect that might be the only way you could suggest we were 'oppressed'. Apparently you need to have centuries of slavery under your (personal) belt to hold an opinion about whether or not black people are currently being hard done to.

I will admit I do find it slightly ridiculous that people still quote 'slavery' as a reason to be extra nice to black people. Slavery was abolished over a hundred years ago. As soon as everybody grows up and forgets about it, we'll all bloody get along. I get called a pikey and told to go home because the famine's over. You don't see me getting all riled up about it. Y'know why? Because I, personally, did not witness the potato famine. I, personally, did not travel to Scotland or England. My ancestors did. Maybe they could get upset by it...but not me. I have no reason to.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Uriel-238 said:
*snipped lulz worthy nonsense*
It grates my cheese that people deliberately ingore the fact that:

A child's sexuality has to do with 'informed consent' of which they are not capable of giving until around 16 years of age at the earliest, which is information easily obtained by anyone who does adolescent psychology in a tertiary institution.
The age of consent set around 16-18 years of age is actually quite strongly 'magically aligned' with the physical and biological development of an adolescent.

theheroofaction said:
People who actually scorn others for having different beliefs.

People who troll by scorning someone's beliefs.

Seriously, believing or not believing something doesn't make you a worse person.
People who have no idea what trolling is.
Also, fence sitters who refuse to look at the argument but claim they know better than either side.

le picklez

New member
Jun 16, 2010
People getting mad at every possible use of the word "fag" and variations thereof.
No, I'm not trying to flame the others who wrote that they are in the above group- it strikes me as unreasonable. It's entirely possible to use "fag" and not be offensive; I call my best friend a fag (note: he's homo) and he doesn't mind because he knows I'm just ribbing him, there's no actual negative attitude involved.


New member
May 15, 2010
As someone had said earlier, people who abuse animals really really upset me. I think people who inflict abuse on animals shouldn't be fined.... but have the same things happen to them. It's the only way cruel people will learn.

I also can't stand transphobic bigotry, especially when people think they aren't being bigots.

There should be a bottomless pit for people to be thrown down and starve from the endless fall for hurting/messing up little kids by doing bad things to them.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Trolldor said:
Woodsey said:
ReservoirAngel said:
Woodsey said:
Generic Gamer said:
People who argue that no word should be offensive. Of course the words '******' and '******' don't offend you you straight white middle-class tit!

What particularly amuses me is that I was warned a while ago for posting a paragraph dissing Internet nerds, seems that 'n word' does bother a few people, proof that everyone has their button and if you want people to respect yours you should respect theirs.
There does seem to be a case of poor-little-white-man syndrome spreading on the forums.
I've noticed it on other forums, but not on here. People here tend to be pretty racially sensitive, but on some other game-related forums I've generally heard people complaining about the option to make your player character black in some games, because that doesn't tailor to their particular character choice.
Its less that, more "why can't I say ****** to a black guy when a black guy can say it to his black friends? Herp derp, double standards." Well yeah dipshit, it is double standards - double standards propped up by years of slavery, oppression, and general mistreatment.

People seem to think that they can simply deem themselves what words carry weight with other people, and which ones don't.
No word should be considered offensive.
And yet, they are.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
orangeban said:
LCP said:
People who get pissed off at the word gay as an insult...

They're stupid... in their blind self-righteousness bandwagon jumps they fail to realize the equivalent is used in many different languages.
Sorry, I don't quite get your point here. People shouldn't be annoyed that people use homosexuality as an insult because other languages do the same? Have I missed something?
Exactly... It's something common in every language, no efforts are ever changing that. Besides, makes people look like a massive tool when they try.

Ben Simon

New member
Aug 23, 2010
Fox news. They are constantly using half-truths to make stories have a right wing bias. There should be a law against their type of lies.


Dyslexic Wonder
Sep 4, 2008
Double standards and authority fallacies.

I just can't stand it when someone says shit like "I read a whoooole book on it."

kittii-chan 300

New member
Feb 27, 2011
Naix99 said:
People who makes noise when eating.

/end thread
YAY! im not the only one!!!! i have to wear headphones at dinner; even at reteraunts and in school. i thought i was the only one~

also: How The Fuck Do You Eat a Banana Louder Than An Acoustic Guitar!?!?!