What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?


New member
Aug 25, 2009
TheMagicLemur said:
nekoali said:
What always gets under my skin? People who are being homophobic or transphobic. People deliberately using the wrong gender pronouns for me and to a lesser degree others. People blindly following their 'leaders' no matter what they say without thinking for themselves.

The number one thing that will not only always get under my skin but probably the only thing that will send me into a violent rage is people abusing children.
I often end up using the wrong pronouns with transfolks, but it's usually like innocent "He -- sorry, she" and the like.

When you're from rural Ohio, you just don't see it a lot, so you have to make a concious effort to use the right words.
Accidental use of the wrong pronoun is understandable and doesn't bother me to much. Even I do it from time to time. It's the people who refuse to acknowledge your change for whatever reason, or are doing it to be hateful and spiteful that gets under my skin.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
I hate people who use certain memes in conversations, such as "u mad/jelly", "trololol", "i herd u liek mudkipz".

Whenever someone says that, I usually reply "at that point, all possibility of an intelligent conversation flew out the window."


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Naix99 said:
People who makes noise when eating.
/end thread
Well, you sir have read my mind, or at least a portion of it. I agree with Naix99.
dstreet121 said:
I get enraged inside whenever I overhear anyone yelling at customer service reps. Be it my mother, one of my friends, or a guy a few days ago yelling at the convenient store clerk about the price of a case of Monster Drinks, I just hate it. I want to scream "THESE PEOPLE CAN"T CONTROL WHAT CORPORATE DOES, GIVE THEM A BREAK!" (Yes, as you've probably figured out, I work in a customer service position and am tired of putting up with this crap).
Isn't there some saying about not shooting the messenger... I completely agree with you, all kidding aside.
Purple Shrimp said:
Internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that, "THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE WITHOUT RELIGION," are high on the list
There ya go buddy, I fixed some issues with your post. By the way, capitalizing everything and including several misspellings (whether they were intentional or not remains a mystery to me...) does not make the other arguments wrong, it just makes you look like a douche. So, if you'd like to be civil and explain your point like a human being, then feel free.
Feralcentaur said:
When people who when trying to mock someone who disagrees with them they misquote them and will say it in a silly sounding voice or purposely misspell words in attempt to make the other person seem stupid instead of actually addressing their argument and giving a counter argument.
Hmm... Feralcentaur, what you're doing right there, it's called logic. Stop it. Bad.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Woodsey said:
Trolldor said:
Woodsey said:
ReservoirAngel said:
Woodsey said:
Generic Gamer said:
People who argue that no word should be offensive. Of course the words '******' and '******' don't offend you you straight white middle-class tit!

What particularly amuses me is that I was warned a while ago for posting a paragraph dissing Internet nerds, seems that 'n word' does bother a few people, proof that everyone has their button and if you want people to respect yours you should respect theirs.
There does seem to be a case of poor-little-white-man syndrome spreading on the forums.
I've noticed it on other forums, but not on here. People here tend to be pretty racially sensitive, but on some other game-related forums I've generally heard people complaining about the option to make your player character black in some games, because that doesn't tailor to their particular character choice.
Its less that, more "why can't I say ****** to a black guy when a black guy can say it to his black friends? Herp derp, double standards." Well yeah dipshit, it is double standards - double standards propped up by years of slavery, oppression, and general mistreatment.

People seem to think that they can simply deem themselves what words carry weight with other people, and which ones don't.
No word should be considered offensive.
And yet, they are.
Because everybody is a sensitive little dandelion.
If I took time out of my day to get offended at all the racial epithets thrown my way I wouldn't have made it as far as I had.

Detective Prince

New member
Feb 6, 2011
People who abuse animals...Oh that always pisses me off.

Racism. Say anything mildly racist around me and I will not tolerate it so you except a punch in the arm and being told to shut up.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
What really gets under my skin is when somebody I know accuses me of lying even when I would have absolutely nothing to gain by lying to them.

A good example would be that my grandmother fiddles with taking her pills at night with no lights on and drops some which roll under her couch but her most logical explanation is that I've been stealing her Prednisone pills so I can "get high." (LMAO)

A lot of the times I can brush off her accusations or even laugh so much at them because they are hilariously warped enough that I can't quite follow the logic train she is riding on, and sometimes I think she just makes shit up just to try and start a fight with someone.

Other than that nothing really seems to bug me much at all. I'm generally really patient and level headed enough not to let a lot of minor annoyances get to me.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
excusablegold said:
groups of people that walk horozontally along corridors (often while talking) so you cant pass
especially when your in a hurry...
Opposed to walking vertically along corridors?

Sorry, I just HAD to say that.

Oh, wait I didn't, I just really wanted to.

So I did.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Trolldor said:
Woodsey said:
Trolldor said:
Woodsey said:
ReservoirAngel said:
Woodsey said:
Generic Gamer said:
People who argue that no word should be offensive. Of course the words '******' and '******' don't offend you you straight white middle-class tit!

What particularly amuses me is that I was warned a while ago for posting a paragraph dissing Internet nerds, seems that 'n word' does bother a few people, proof that everyone has their button and if you want people to respect yours you should respect theirs.
There does seem to be a case of poor-little-white-man syndrome spreading on the forums.
I've noticed it on other forums, but not on here. People here tend to be pretty racially sensitive, but on some other game-related forums I've generally heard people complaining about the option to make your player character black in some games, because that doesn't tailor to their particular character choice.
Its less that, more "why can't I say ****** to a black guy when a black guy can say it to his black friends? Herp derp, double standards." Well yeah dipshit, it is double standards - double standards propped up by years of slavery, oppression, and general mistreatment.

People seem to think that they can simply deem themselves what words carry weight with other people, and which ones don't.
No word should be considered offensive.
And yet, they are.
Because everybody is a sensitive little dandelion.
If I took time out of my day to get offended at all the racial epithets thrown my way I wouldn't have made it as far as I had.
I'm not saying they should be offended, I'm saying they are, and you aren't everyone. And no, that doesn't make people particularly sensitive. Just because you put up with it doesn't mean you should have to, nor does it make it excusable.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
orangeban said:
I thought of this question because of what I said the other day. Someone said something a bit insulting towards me (inadvertantly) and apolgised. I just brushed it off and pointed out that I have very thick skin... but I don't. Or at least, I don't in some cases, somethings always manage to get past my defenses and make me very angry/seriously offend me/genuinally upset me.

The first thing that springs to mind is the use of the word "fag". That instantly pushes my rage button, I'm damn quick to jump on anyone that uses it (as an insult to gay people of course, in case your thinking of cigarettes). I don't even care if someone says gay or queer or whatever as an insult, it's just fag, something about it makes me spit metaphorical blood.

Second thing that pops up is people hating on welfare and benefits. This more upsets me than angers me. It's generally the "poor people don't deserve anything" type thing that gets me the most. I see this as grossly insulting to poor people, it is often a view-point born of ignorance (e.g. "poor people wouldn't be poor if they paid attention in school!") and I think shows blatant lack of empathy, care and respect for the right to a decent life in a fellow human being.

So, what upsets/angers you Escapist? What always manages to slip past your carefully constructed emotional defences?
What always pushes my rage button is he number of people on the internet who manage to completely and totally miss the god damn point. Who continue to ignore logic and make arguments that are based on flawed logic, which have already been pointed out to be flawed, but they just keep posting it anyway. It really makes me want to curb-stomp their throats until they drown in their own blood. Funny thing is, it doesn't even bother me that much irl, I mean, it still bugs me, but it's manageable.


New member
Apr 5, 2011
Threatening my family. Seriously, you can say everything you want about me, but point one finger at my family and I swear I'll have your neck, Duke Nukem style.

Flailing Escapist

New member
Apr 13, 2011
Uriel-238 said:
Flailing Escapist said:
I don't think some criminals get NEAR the sentence they deserve. For me personally, if you kill someone, you should get the death penalty: few to no exceptions.
People who still think, in this age of post-modern civilization that public corrections is intended to exact vengeance. People who believe that the state has a responsibility to exact vengeance as part of administering justice. (It doesn't. Containment and rehabilitation are its goals.)

People who believe that a conviction guarantees certainty of guilt. It doesn't [http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/innocence-list-those-freed-death-row].
I know, that is why I used words like SOME and MOST and FEW to NO exceptions.
All of the people I mentioned ^ way up there were guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. And all of them admitted to and even gloated about their crimes. So there is NO doubt that they commited horrific acts against the world and yet they live: writing autobiographys and spending their days peaceful in a tin car where they have plenty of resources, information, 3 meals a day (I would assume)and some of them even have fans who get to visit/and even marry them.

I never said I thought "public corrections is intended to exact vengeance"
> It's not about vengeance it's about you raped, killed and ate little Susie Somebody: then you shot her parents on the way out. You destroyed an entire family and commited some of the worse acts against nature and the law possible: your LIFE is forfeit opposed to your TIME is forfeit. The line they draw between LIFE and TIME is too minimal; especially when there is NO doubt.

And I also never said I thought "that a conviction guarantees certainty of guilt". ^Look above^

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
People calling me stupid or being patronising, it makes me want to smash heads.

Flailing Escapist said:
It's not about vengeance it's about you raped, killed and ate little Susie Somebody: then you shot her parents on the way out. You destroyed an entire family and commited some of the worse acts against nature and the law possible: your LIFE is forfeit opposed to your TIME is forfeit. The line they draw between LIFE and TIME is too minimal; especially when there is NO doubt.

And I also never said I thought "that a conviction guarantees certainty of guilt". ^Look above^
If you don't find out what makes people do stuff like this, you're just curing symptoms of a problem you'll never cure.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Being brazilian, our twisted, wicked version of the Evangelical Churches are a truly, deeply disgusting thing. They abuse people's ignorance and hopelessness to rip them off and take their money. To me, these people are the worst criminals my fucked up country has to face.

I'm not saying anything about religion in general, or any other church in the world, but particulartly I am repulsed by what we have here. It is not uncommon to hear of poor families who don't have enough money to afford food but have their faith abused by some disgusting religious asshole who just wants to rip them off.

I think this is one of the few things that really drives me to the brink of violence. I'm generally a very calm person, but this makes my blood boil.
May 28, 2009
One thing I find very cheap, and annoys me considerably, is kicks to the head when somebody is down. It is the utmost in twattiness, and incredibly dangerous to the person being kicked.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
I'm usually extremely thick skinned (as a small ginger nerd I've pretty much had to be), but I'm pretty sure I have some sort of "Short man syndrome", because certain things really do get to me. If someone uses the fact that they are larger than me against me in some way, I almost cannot control how I respond.

A friend of mine once jokingly pushed me out of the way to steal my seat, and I had to resist every fibre in my body just willing me to punch him in the face, despite the fact that he was my friend and he hadn't really done anything seriously wrong. It's especially strange for me because of how controlled I am with everything else.

It's also been a kind of advantage though, because when people used to attempt to bully me in highschool I could always respond with equal force straight back to them. This often involved things like me shoving people more than twice my size over after they had tried to do the same to me, and pretty much put them off from doing anything to me except call me a "ginger" from the sidelines.