What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?

Lil devils x_v1legacy

More Lego Goats Please!
May 17, 2011
BstrdChris said:
It kinda bothers me when people use horrid written grammar. Maybe it's not their fault and their school system didn't give two shits. Maybe they didn't give a crap to pay attention in class, though, school be damned.

The worst? When people say "should of" instead of "should've". Do they not educate you in the use of grammatical contractions where you are? If that's the case, GO AMERICAN EDUCATION SYSTEM!... If it's YOUR fault for blowing it off, enjoy your career at Wal-Mart.

Also, learn the proper uses of "THERE, THEIR, and THEY'RE"...
The funny thing is, the people I know with the worst handwriting and grammar are either programmers or doctors.


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Dec 22, 2009
I hate when people end all their sentences with ellipses. It's even worse when they end their sentences with two periods instead, like this..

I also hate when people tell me to "chill out" after having made me angry for some reason. If you didn't want me to get angry, you shouldn't have been such a prick in the first place.


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Jan 21, 2011
WayOutThere said:
Also people who hate on english anime dubs, especially when it comes to voice acting. At some point this stops being subjective. Voice acting in english dubs, of its own merits, is fine and your wrong if you believe otherwise.

i agree.

although considering i watch a shit ton of anime, i have still come across a few TERRIBLE english dubs(i'm looking at you, elfen lied), but i'm fine either way a majority of the time.


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Apr 10, 2011
What i REALLY hate is that people do not seem to understand that i like to spend time alone (i have introvent personality). During school, teachers were constantly harassing me for being alone even thought i liked it. One teacher even suggested that i should get some kind of medication for my "problem".


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Mar 17, 2009
Stupid people make me angry, with their stupid badly thought our ideas on science, religion, the government ect.


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Nov 17, 2010
When politicians argue against gay marriage because of their religious beliefs.
Whenever it comes up, I have to repeatedly punch my walls or pillows to lose steam.

Separation of church and state you hrmvutringrkjghbgrkgbrvjhntvj.

See now I hate people.
Must not tell people to go die in a fire. GRAAAAAAHHHH.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Lil devils x said:
BstrdChris said:
It kinda bothers me when people use horrid written grammar. Maybe it's not their fault and their school system didn't give two shits. Maybe they didn't give a crap to pay attention in class, though, school be damned.

The worst? When people say "should of" instead of "should've". Do they not educate you in the use of grammatical contractions where you are? If that's the case, GO AMERICAN EDUCATION SYSTEM!... If it's YOUR fault for blowing it off, enjoy your career at Wal-Mart.

Also, learn the proper uses of "THERE, THEIR, and THEY'RE"...
The funny thing is, the people I know with the worst handwriting and grammar are either programmers or doctors.
That's both unsettling AND entertaining. Programmers are different, but that can get a doctor in a nasty situation, misunderstood care notes, and all. I'm adept at deciphering various chicken-scratch after all these years. Some words are tricky, but adults should know better. I just roll my eyes when i see it here, no biggie. And when I see an advertisement with poor language, I avoid the establishment, usually. It's not a giant rage-inducer, but this stuff just sticks out to me, and I thank my parents for making me read when I was younger.


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Oct 23, 2009
orangeban said:
Second thing that pops up is people hating on welfare and benefits. This more upsets me than angers me. It's generally the "poor people don't deserve anything" type thing that gets me the most. I see this as grossly insulting to poor people, it is often a view-point born of ignorance (e.g. "poor people wouldn't be poor if they paid attention in school!") and I think shows blatant lack of empathy, care and respect for the right to a decent life in a fellow human being.
This is my thing tbh.
I'm 23 and a mum of two (before anyone starts on that I was using contraception so do not accuse me of doing it to get money) and I hate seeing people accusing me of being a bum. Admittedly I didn't finish school, I had a lot of personal problems and have no qualifications now because of it but I do a homestudy course at home so it's not like I'm actually being a bum. My partner works to support me and our two daughters but he gets paid an absolute pittance so we get benefits. He pays his taxes despite his poor pay, so it's not like he's not putting anything in to what we're getting back.
My youngest daughter has only just turned 1 and I don't plan to put her into a care. I'd miss out on the most important years of her life. I use my time at home to finish studying.
I cannot bare to hear people say that all people who stay at home are useless sponging bums. They think just because you hear of all the people on benefits in the news that we have a million pound home and thousands every week but it's simply not true. We struggle to make ends meet on the help we DO get. So not everyone on benefits is a bum, open your bloody mind.

/rant over.


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Jan 20, 2008
People who use volume to shout you down in arguments, or try to get their way by being loud and hoping you will give up in order to 'not cause a scene'.


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Jan 17, 2009
Tdc2182 said:
tofulove said:
circumcision, im very anti circumcision and is the only topic i am unable to discuss in a reasonable way. ether your on my side or fuck you.
Eww. Do you know why circumcision is recommended these days? Very nasty germs get under that excess skin and has very detrimental risks to your one eyed snake.

This gets under my skin. What, do you think people with foreskin don't clean it? And don't forget that sometimes the operation to get it removed can go wrong.

I'd rather take it upon myself to keep myself clean rather than trust some dude I don't know to not screw up.


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Feb 10, 2011
CleverCover said:
When politicians argue against gay marriage because of their religious beliefs.
Whenever it comes up, I have to repeatedly punch my walls or pillows to lose steam.

Separation of church and state you hrmvutringrkjghbgrkgbrvjhntvj.

See now I hate people.
Must not tell people to go die in a fire. GRAAAAAAHHHH.

I always vote YES on gay/lesbian affairs. I'm straight, myself, but who the hell am I to vote against a person or persons being happy, strictly based on their sexual preferrence ( i.e. THEIR OWN DAMN BUSINESS).


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Dec 6, 2010
Internet Kraken said:
Two main things; people who strongly support the death penalty, or who legitimately think a lot of people should be killed when it's not necessary. As someone who values human life to a high degree the death penalty really bothers me, and as a result people who defend it strongly do as well.
Indeed, there seems to be a very high percentage of people here that just wants to kill. Contribute nothing to society? Kill. Be handicapped? Kill. Overweight? Kill. Committed a crime? Kill. My god, am I glad these people are not in charge of the world.

Also anyone who makes a comment along the lines of "90% of people are idiots. Not me though
" instantly earn my hatred, mainly because they remind me of myself from 4 years ago and I'm ashamed.
What about people who say "95% of people are idiots. Me included


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Jul 1, 2009
Star Wars The Force Unleashed.
The block button... did... NOTHING.
Seriously, the only game I got legitimately angry over.

Otherwise I am very calm/apathetic. Nothing grates me too much.

Except Protoss who go early Phoenix. Fuck those guys.


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Jan 6, 2011
Smug atheists who are just as closed-minded as the religious people they are accusing of being close-minded. Not all atheists, but some.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
BstrdChris said:
CleverCover said:
When politicians argue against gay marriage because of their religious beliefs.
Whenever it comes up, I have to repeatedly punch my walls or pillows to lose steam.

Separation of church and state you hrmvutringrkjghbgrkgbrvjhntvj.

See now I hate people.
Must not tell people to go die in a fire. GRAAAAAAHHHH.

I always vote YES on gay/lesbian affairs. I'm straight, myself, but who the hell am I to vote against a person or persons being happy, strictly based on their sexual preferrence ( i.e. THEIR OWN DAMN BUSINESS).
Exactly! It's not my business if someone likes it up the duff from their own sex or a dildo or three different people and I don't know why the very same people here who hate government repeatedly use it to keep people from marrying each other because they think their god doesn't like it. If they want to have the right to have a big fancy wedding with their family, who the fuck am I to stop them.

And it's everyone too. They all want to pretend they're tolerant until they're faced with rainbow love and interracial marriage and...ok, must go punch a wall now. Go punch...a GRAAAAAHHHH.

Just...why America? Why must you be so hypocritical? Would it kill you to be honest about something?


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May 21, 2009
Mandalore_15 said:
Snake Plissken said:
I get pissed when people (I'm especially looking at you, Europeans) pretend to know a lot about beer. I can guarantee that you probably don't.
I know that I like it. What else is there to know? =P
Tdc2182 said:
tofulove said:
circumcision, im very anti circumcision and is the only topic i am unable to discuss in a reasonable way. ether your on my side or fuck you.
Eww. Do you know why circumcision is recommended these days? Very nasty germs get under that excess skin and has very detrimental risks to your one eyed snake.
Do you have any idea what a load of bullshit that is? If you're too much of a moron to wash under your skin then you deserve to lose your cock.
What exactly are you telling me is bullshit then?
Circumcision removes the ONLY nerve cells in your penis that are touch-sensitive (this is a specific kind of sensitivity, look it up if you don't believe me) which seriously impedes sexual pleasure. Also, it removes an entire mechanism from the penis known as the "glide mechanism", which your penis has been designed to do over, y'know, millions of years of evolution...
Good point, but I don't last long enough as it is. (joke by the way. People seem to have lost their sense of humor on this site as of tonight.)
Also, more children die in America every year from botched circumcisions and resulting infections of the wound than do from penile cancer and any other form of penis infection. Not only is it a monstrous thing to do, it doesn't even have the benefits people claim it does.
I don't think that has any backing behind it.

The closest thing I could find was African children dying of botched ceremonial circumcisions done by priests which used herbs to clean it causing gangrene.

The fact remains that there are more risks if you don't do it than if you do. Then again (to all being quoted) I'm not a doctor and am taking my facts where I can find them.
dogstile said:

This gets under my skin. What, do you think people with foreskin don't clean it? And don't forget that sometimes the operation to get it removed can go wrong.

I'd rather take it upon myself to keep myself clean rather than trust some dude I don't know to not screw up.
So can anything involving medicine, though I guess seeing how it's your manhood you should be a little more hesitant. It's not a matter of people not cleaning it, it's a matter of having more of a risk of getting bad things because of excess skin.

I've had shingles on my downstairs. Getting infections there is something I would never want anyone to go through.
Ultratwinkie said:
1. Exactly. It doesn't do shit. The CEO was wrong. Cutting out 20,000 nerve endings doesn't stop masturbating, but it does do unrepairable damage and heightened problems later in life. It became the norm for no reason. Later, rumors started becoming "fact" only as pseudoscience that has been proved wrong.
from what I've read, that's the main benefit to circumcision. The fact that you have less likelihood of obtaining any sort of infection.


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Apr 24, 2011
groups of people that walk horozontally along corridors (often while talking) so you cant pass
especially when your in a hurry...


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Dec 8, 2010
People trying to defend right wing politics, it takes a lot for me to get worked up but that always gets me angrier than a fat kid whos run out of crisps.