What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?


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Mar 30, 2011
Grammar. And pronunciation. And spelling.
AAAARGH WHY CAN'T PEOPLE REALIZE IT'S so and so and I, not me and so and so!!!


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Jun 7, 2010
ApeShapeDeity said:
orangeban said:
I thought of this question because of what I said the other day. Someone said something a bit insulting towards me (inadvertantly) and apolgised. I just brushed it off and pointed out that I have very thick skin... but I don't. Or at least, I don't in some cases, somethings always manage to get past my defenses and make me very angry/seriously offend me/genuinally upset me.

The first thing that springs to mind is the use of the word "fag". That instantly pushes my rage button, I'm damn quick to jump on anyone that uses it (as an insult to gay people of course, in case your thinking of cigarettes). I don't even care if someone says gay or queer or whatever as an insult, it's just fag, something about it makes me spit metaphorical blood.

Second thing that pops up is people hating on welfare and benefits. This more upsets me than angers me. It's generally the "poor people don't deserve anything" type thing that gets me the most. I see this as grossly insulting to poor people, it is often a view-point born of ignorance (e.g. "poor people wouldn't be poor if they paid attention in school!") and I think shows blatant lack of empathy, care and respect for the right to a decent life in a fellow human being.

So, what upsets/angers you Escapist? What always manages to slip past your carefully constructed emotional defences?
Incidentally, "fag" is an abreviation of the word '******'. Which is a bundle of sticks for burning. So, yeah. That's pretty offensive.

For me, I'd have to say big men beating women and children and being accused of theft. I see that red mist every time.
You know where the term "******" originated from? According to "The book of general ignorance" the term comes from medieval times, when homosexuals were occasionally burned to death. To keep the fires burning, they threw burning bundles of sticks, called faggots, on the fire.


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Jun 14, 2009
CM156 said:
The people in high school who called me a Nazi due to the fact that I looked a LOT like a Hitler Youth poster in a history book. The fact that my school was 40% or so Jewish did not make this easy.

EDIT: Anyone and everyone who take themselves to seriously. Just freaking laugh at yourself guys.
Hypocrisy much?


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Apr 7, 2009
thefrizzlefry said:
People telling me that I'm just confused when I tell them that I'm bisexual, people dismissing metal fans as being a glorified bunch of knuckle-dragging idiots, and people using language that's derogatory towards LGBTQ people. No, I don't care that you aren't using it to mean actual gay people. You're giving a negative connotation to someone's sexuality, which is fucking lame.

I Just call bisexual people greedy. :p

OT: People saying people smell bad, to other people, or out loud.

Emilox The Great

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May 26, 2010
I hate people who pick on others for something that cant be helped, like, if someone was black, or gay, or from a certain country, if you have to pick on someone, do it gently and for something they have chosen, not for something thats out of their control. anything else is just pure douchecock.

Nothing else though. :/ i have a very thick skin and lazy attitude, so i mostly just laugh at people who try to insult me. xD


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Just thought of another thing to add to my list of anger; the book of godammn Leviticus and all the ways people use it.
My converersations about homosexuallity with devout fundi Christians end up going,
"But why is homosexuality wrong?"
"The bible says so!"
"But the bible says love your neighbour as you love yourself, shouldn't you be nice to gay people then?"
"But Leviticus says they should die!"

Honestly, is it just me or is Leviticus the racist grandfather in the family of bible books. Most of the annoying rules come from there, and frankly anyone quoting Leviticus for use in their arguments pisses me right off.


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Sep 11, 2009
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
People who complain and claim that all atheists are similarly idiotic when there are even more idiots on the internet who say "ATHEISTS R THE DEVIL!"


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
When either people hurt children, or advocate something that would hurt them. It doesn't matter if the situation is real or fictional, either way it immediately activates my rage button.


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Mar 17, 2010
Anything that crops up on Fox News. Ten minutes of watching that station, and I want to punch something. I honestly can't help but get worked up about whatever it is that they're saying.


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Jul 4, 2010
Internet Kraken said:
Two main things; people who strongly support the death penalty, or who legitimately think a lot of people should be killed when it's not necessary. As someone who values human life to a high degree the death penalty really bothers me, and as a result people who defend it strongly do as well.

Although a close second is abuse of power, that can really get under my skin


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Apr 8, 2009
Friends who don't listen to reason and decide to become sluts and drug addicts...not that any of my mates have become them just that is what would upset me the most.


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Apr 4, 2010
When I play an MMO, and there is a quest that simply doesn't work. Broken a$$ b%¤h thing that should have been fixed ages ago. I really sets me of, irritation ensues.

Oh sure, I won't give a flying f@&k in a few hours, but right there and then im ready to go thru the roof.

Dr Jones

Join the Bob Dylan Fangroup!
Jun 23, 2010
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Well y'know it almost would be brah... Granted religion gave and gives hope which is a really good thing, but it has been abused so much that the original messages have been raped to serve the curch and the likes.

Also the hypocrisy of Fox and the bible itself... Someone actually pointed it out above..


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Mar 9, 2009
Being called a "loser." Mainly because I am one at the moment. Every attempt to find a job since the middle of last year has met with failure. No lucky break what so ever. I'm opposed to joining the military but am being forced to do so because I cannot find work and the lingering overhead of that title infuriates me.

Also, animal abuse.