What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Generic Gamer said:
Togs said:
People trying to defend right wing politics, it takes a lot for me to get worked up but that always gets me angrier than a fat kid whos run out of crisps.
What's wrong with decentralised allocation and raising of taxes?
Much, but Im in no mood to get raging on the internet for others amusement.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I'll soften the blow of my major one with a very minor one that just gets on my nerves for absolutely no reason I can think of.

I can't stand the texture of newspaper, especially when they're heavily inked. I have no idea why, it just really irritates me whenever I touch one because I somehow feel dirty afterward and have to wash my hands to feel better. If I can't then I constantly rub my fingers onto my jeans to try to get that sensation off. I don't know what it is about newspaper in particular, but it's just severely irritating to touch for me, which is a problem as it's part of my job right now.

And now the major one (which is actually two, but mostly combined into one).

People who only dislike atheists because they are completely ignorant of what that position entails. Atheism means ONE thing and ONE thing only: lack of belief in a deity or deities. That's it. Most of the people who say "I dislike atheists because they are constantly trying to disprove God" are ignorant of the fact that we wouldn't have to constantly be on the defensive if theists weren't constantly trying to enforce their particular brand of supernatural hogwash onto people who don't want to hear it, or use it to justify things that should never be acceptable in today's society. We wouldn't have to keep bringing up the contradictions, fallacies and downright nonsense in your beliefs if you weren't presenting them as legitimate facts despite no evidence being presented to justify them.

The other side of this are atheists (or anyone else for that matter) who think that atheism is some kind of label that dictates a dogmatic belief system when, in fact, it's nothing of the sort since atheists only share ONE thing in common and that's the lack of belief in a deity or deities.

For example, it's perfectly possible to be an atheist and a creationist at the same time as long as you believe that the universe was created by an intelligent being that is NOT a god. I could believe that the entire universe was created in the pouches of a giant space hamster called Bobo after a particularly big snack on gluon plasma. There's no deity of any kind in that statement so I can still legitimately call myself an atheist.

As an atheist, I can deny evolution or think that the big bang theory is a load of crap. I can even say that I believe fairies cause bad luck and that breaking mirrors will give you seven years of it. If you can't see a reference to god(s) in any statement of belief then I can still claim to be an atheist because, as I said, there is only ONE thing and ONE thing only that all atheists agree on and that is they lack a belief in a deity or deities.

So when you make that argument "I hate atheists because..." keep that in mind. You're addressing an entire group of people who might not even believe in whatever argument you're presenting against it. You're much better off saying "I hate the particular atheists that..." because at least that's accurate.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
What if they give perfectly logical justifications for that opinion?

Calibretto said:
Well pretty much when anyone mentions the word Dragon Age 2 I start to feel very nauseated.
Then when they follow up with ITS ACTUALLY A GOOD GAME I LIKED IT I feel the vomit going up my throat and clogging the airways....
If they stop there I can recover.
But if they say YOUR A BG FANBOY your a Witcher Fanboy Dragon Age Origons Sucked... The vomit then cuts off all airflow my eyes roll to the back of my head I fall to my knees my arms go limp at my sides. I defecate in my pants Blood starts pissing from my ears nose and eyes and an intense gurgling noise then comes from within me.
I explode and a shower of blood and guts... they then procede to rain down on everyone for an impossible amount of time in a 14 metre radius.
I LOL'd.

Tdc2182 said:
tofulove said:
circumcision, im very anti circumcision and is the only topic i am unable to discuss in a reasonable way. ether your on my side or fuck you.
Eww. Do you know why circumcision is recommended these days? Very nasty germs get under that excess skin and has very detrimental risks to your one eyed snake.
Are you people not taught how to wash? Its quite simple: some soap on the dick every day, keeps the smegma and germs away. The States is the only Western country in the world that advocates genital mutilation, and the most popular reason given isn't even for supposed "cleanliness" anyway, its because people think their kids will have the piss taken out of them.

Your finger nails collect a bunch of dirt too, you don't fucking remove them in case you're too stupid to wash your hands and put them in your mouth.

Hatchet90 said:
People who normalize homosexuality.
What should we do instead? Send gays to "correctional" camps and persecute them because they don't find the same things attractive that we do? Because that always works out so well. I don't like ginger girls, I don't fucking hate on people who do.

OT: Just running with the vibe (sorta) of the quoted post: religious people who tell you they will pray for you. Some smug fuck said it to me on here once, it bugged the shit out of me.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
People making threats against or shit about my loved ones. I know I confess hatred of my family all the fucking time, but only because they're naturally very annoying people, it doesn't mean I want any harm to come to them and people throwing shit about them in my face during an argument is a one-way ticket to getting my foot connecting at high velocity with your balls.

Same when you talk about my boyfriend or my friends. Shit doesn't fly with me at all.

Also, really obvious, explicit homophobia. Not when someone's just so oblivious about gays that they sound homophobic, I just correct them. But when someone really hates gay people and pulls out the most horrific shit to say against, that's when it always gets to me. Like this line from some prick I argued with once:

"Hitler was right to round the faggots up during World War 2. I wouldn't want them fucking up my country either." That's both horrendously offensive and very irritating, so that guy got a verbal beat-down for his troubles.

EDIT: People that are oblivious to everything outside their own sphere of existence. You know, the "why is that black guy being upset over someone saying '******'? It's just a word" crowd. Idiotic morons.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Generic Gamer said:
People who argue that no word should be offensive. Of course the words '******' and '******' don't offend you you straight white middle-class tit!

What particularly amuses me is that I was warned a while ago for posting a paragraph dissing Internet nerds, seems that 'n word' does bother a few people, proof that everyone has their button and if you want people to respect yours you should respect theirs.
There does seem to be a case of poor-little-white-man syndrome spreading on the forums.

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
Judgement101 said:
I'm okay with everything (except MLP) as long as they don't hate Nyan Cat!
Perhaps a middle ground can be achieved?

OT: Well, it's been said before, but hate the derogatory use of the word ******.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Woodsey said:
Generic Gamer said:
People who argue that no word should be offensive. Of course the words '******' and '******' don't offend you you straight white middle-class tit!

What particularly amuses me is that I was warned a while ago for posting a paragraph dissing Internet nerds, seems that 'n word' does bother a few people, proof that everyone has their button and if you want people to respect yours you should respect theirs.
There does seem to be a case of poor-little-white-man syndrome spreading on the forums.
I've noticed it on other forums, but not on here. People here tend to be pretty racially sensitive, but on some other game-related forums I've generally heard people complaining about the option to make your player character black in some games, because that doesn't tailor to their particular character choice.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Hatchet90 said:
People who normalize homosexuality.
it IS normal.....(humans have been doing it since the dawn of time)

and really...opoasing it is just delaying the inevitiable (because lets face it....unless some evil dictator takes over we arnt going back on years and years of gay rights)


New member
Aug 9, 2009
ReservoirAngel said:
Woodsey said:
Generic Gamer said:
People who argue that no word should be offensive. Of course the words '******' and '******' don't offend you you straight white middle-class tit!

What particularly amuses me is that I was warned a while ago for posting a paragraph dissing Internet nerds, seems that 'n word' does bother a few people, proof that everyone has their button and if you want people to respect yours you should respect theirs.
There does seem to be a case of poor-little-white-man syndrome spreading on the forums.
I've noticed it on other forums, but not on here. People here tend to be pretty racially sensitive, but on some other game-related forums I've generally heard people complaining about the option to make your player character black in some games, because that doesn't tailor to their particular character choice.
Its less that, more "why can't I say ****** to a black guy when a black guy can say it to his black friends? Herp derp, double standards." Well yeah dipshit, it is double standards - double standards propped up by years of slavery, oppression, and general mistreatment.

People seem to think that they can simply deem themselves what words carry weight with other people, and which ones don't.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Whenever my family decides that my life, my way of going about daily life, is everybody's business. As an example, (I am legally an adult, above 18) I was going out with a friend to see a movie, grabbed a scarf (red) and since I was wearing a purple shirt (with a closed green jacket over it) my mother and father decided that I do not care enough about my appearance. To be honest, I do not care so much that I would care which colour the little scarf had, the kind you just have around your neck, or even on your head, and thus upon hearing this my father said "Oh, you're being all tough".

Now, that is another thing that always upsets me; when people say "oh, how tough you are" whenever I calmly tell them that this is my business, and I rather not talk about it. Also the "chill out" when one speaks energetically about something, or shows interest in a topic...


A Simply Dignified Manly Man.
Feb 3, 2011
Not sure if this qualifies but, people who eat, drink, smoke or especially use a mobile phone whilst driving. I'll just leave it there because I will rant otherwise.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Woodsey said:
ReservoirAngel said:
Woodsey said:
Generic Gamer said:
People who argue that no word should be offensive. Of course the words '******' and '******' don't offend you you straight white middle-class tit!

What particularly amuses me is that I was warned a while ago for posting a paragraph dissing Internet nerds, seems that 'n word' does bother a few people, proof that everyone has their button and if you want people to respect yours you should respect theirs.
There does seem to be a case of poor-little-white-man syndrome spreading on the forums.
I've noticed it on other forums, but not on here. People here tend to be pretty racially sensitive, but on some other game-related forums I've generally heard people complaining about the option to make your player character black in some games, because that doesn't tailor to their particular character choice.
Its less that, more "why can't I say ****** to a black guy when a black guy can say it to his black friends? Herp derp, double standards." Well yeah dipshit, it is double standards - double standards propped up by years of slavery, oppression, and general mistreatment.

People seem to think that they can simply deem themselves what words carry weight with other people, and which ones don't.
Oh yeah, I've noticed that. I've noticed that seemingly happening everywhere recently, it's weird and incredibly stupid.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
simmeh said:
One thing that gets me personally is when people assume I'm getting angry and tell me to 'chill out' when I begin to talk with a bit of an edge in my voice. Yes, I had rage issues when I was younger, and I would lose my temper all the time. That changed around the time I hit my late teens. But there's a difference between intensity and anger - and a sizable one at that. Hell, in my books there's a pretty big gap between annoyance and anger as well. If I was legitimately angry, you'd know it, because you would cease to find me an enjoyable person to be around. If anything, telling me to 'chill out' when I'm not angry will only serve to make me even more irritated.
Yes! This happens to me all the time. Most of the time, I'm only mildly annoyed (sometimes I'm HAPPY and people still tell me to "chill"). Also, people always come up to me and ask "What's wrong?". Nothing's wrong, I was just thinking.


New member
May 10, 2011
Tdc2182 said:
Buddy, if any of what you said was right, you'd have backing from a medical organisation. But you don't. Funny that, isn't it? Isn't it funny how apparently you know the secret behind circumcision and yet not one medical association agrees with you. Why don't you type your bullshit to them, so if they care.

Tdc2182" post="18.287618.11368247 said:
I just think it looks better.
Glad you admit it.

You think it looks better, but these guys http://www.circinfo.org/doctors.html are just medical professionals who don't really care about cosmetic surgery in new borns.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
People standing in doorways, randomly stopping or walking agonizingly slowly in narrow corridors. SO FUCKING IRRITATING.