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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
-Final Vendetta feels like the really old-school, quarter-stealing type of games, and the biggest reason for that IMO is that it's pretty stingy with resources like food and weapons. Even the original Final Fight gave you more to work with, and that game wanted you to die as many times as possible so that you'd need to spend 12 credits ($3 at that time, closer to $24 now) in order to finish it.

-Another thing that reminds me of those old-school brawlers is that when an enemy decides they want to hit you, you're getting hit whether you like it or not. Between their attacks coming out too quickly to react to, having crazy priority (it feels) over your attacks and even grapples, and the aforementioned lack of weapons to outrange them or food to recover from their attacks, you're stuck in a war of attrition that you're probably going to lose. Even with blocking and dodging, you still have to be psychic to be able to not take damage from attacks, just like in Final Fight. And I remember a lot of people looking down on Streets of Rage 4's lack of blocking and dodging at the time it came out, but that game's designed so that you don't ever need to block or sidestep to avoid taking damage. Enemies telegraph their attacks fairly, and you get plenty of resources to get the better of them with. And since I'm used to games in this genre not giving you a block button, I'm not used to how Final Vendetta seems to want me to hold block all the time by default. (Except for all the enemies whose attacks can't be blocked, or the ones who attack you from behind, naturally.)
Yep, and it was even worse before the patch update. The 4th boss could knock you into an instant grab stun loop with no way to get out. Usually playing as Miller was near impossible to beat with because of it. Honestly, you're better off evading than blocking. Evading especially works the best for the final boss in his second phase. The only time I block are when the Raven ladies (darker variations of the night stick chicks) use their exclusive jump kick. The block works every single time, or they end up missing 98% of the time any way when blocking.

-The worst part of the game is in the third level, where it pops up a warning symbol and a siren... right as you get run over by barrels from the right side of the screen. You can't not be on the right side of the screen to advance it, so there's no way you can react to it in time. The only way to react to those barrels is to have played the game enough times that you know exactly when they'll appear, so that you can already be jumping when it happens. It does this multiple times, and none of them can be fairly dodged on reaction. "Hee hee hee! Free damage for me! Om nom nom nom nom nom nom!" What makes it even more unforgivable is that the later levels pull out the same warning siren for environmental hazards... that it actually is possible to dodge on reaction. Meaning the devs were able to do it that way, they just didn't feel like it in Stage 3's case.
First time, it is a biatch. It's worse on Ultra difficulty, because you don't get the warning symbol and siren, relying purely on the aduio while the hazards are off-screen. Once their memorized, they rarely become an issue. In stage 4 with the cranes, just keep running forward non-stop and they will never hit you at all. I was amazed about this exploit, when finding it on my own!
-I also have no idea if the game drops inputs or if there's something I'm doing wrong, but sometimes I press the attack button and no attack comes out, especially when I'm jumping.
I've had this happen some of the time as well, but it was at its worse pre-patch update. It rarely happens now, but it is annoying when it does. Which is odd, because Steam got the update first, and those on console had to wait almost a month for the update. By the time the game came to XBOX, it didn't need the patch, because Team Numbskull ported over the patched version to SERIES X.

. And speaking of moves, the movelist feels fairly limited despite the addition of a second attack button that only occasionally does things, and the game doesn't feel bothered to explain when it can do things outside of one case (edit: found the manual, which does explain all the possible moves, at least). And when I'm grappling enemies, my character feels pretty happy to just let go of them when I don't want him to, and I'm not sure what inputs he's basing that decision on.
The game does have plenty of hidden moves, but they do old-school design of "figuring it out" on your own, with only giving you some vauge hints or details. Duke is actually the easiest to use. For example, Duke has a flash dick he can do by dashing, and then hitting the second attack button (the same one that is used to kick an enemy on the ground). I never had my character lose grab, aside from Miller. He seems to the one to be most inconsistent with his grabs. I never lost a grab with Claire either, so this might be a Steam issue. All the characters do have a back attack a la Streets of Rage, so you'll never get hit from behind again. It's assigned to L1/LB. There is even an hidden forward directional input that gives you a combo ender. You can mix and match these combos as well. The game really wants you to experiment and find things on your own. On one hand I respect such as design, on the other, it is frustrating the developers don't give you enough and are to high on the old-school design. They really want you to play over and over, until you can achieve that 1CC run.

-Final Vendetta does do one thing differently from everybody else: no continues. If you get a game over, it's right back to the beginning for you. This, I feel, is unnecessarily cruel even for trying to evoke the feeling of playing a game like Final Fight. Sure, Streets of Rage 4's arcade mode also has no continues, but that isn't the only mode in that game.
Ultra Difficulty gives you 2 lives, and no extra lives to gain or be found. BTW, extra lives are also hidden behind certain background objects. Once again, it was even worse, because scoring 1 million point would not gain you extra lives before the patch update. Only Casual Difficulty gives you unlimited continues. And that difficulty came in with the patch update.

-Oh, and the level ranking system could do with a little more transparency about how it's calculated, other than 'if you died even once this level, you get the worst rank' (edit: that's in the manual too, apparently you need to be quick and avoid getting knocked down by enemy attacks). And since extra lives are based on points, and your level rank gives you bonus points if it's good, losing lives prevents you from gaining lives.
It was even worse pre-patch because two knockdowns would automatically knock you to A or B rank. I will give the update for being more lenient in this regard. Dying would still result in giving you an automatic E though. So that I get.

I know that there are other difficulty levels, but I get the feeling that all they do is make enemies easier to kill and deal a bit less damage, without fixing any of the core issues that I have with the game: enemy attacks I can't react to, controls that I occasionally feel like I'm fighting against, and generally just not being on the same level as Streets of Rage 4, or even Shredder's Revenge which I also have. Probably going to ask for a refund. Sorry BM, I'm not blaming you or anything, it's the thought that counts.
Nothing wrong with that, and at least you can get a refund. Not possible on the console versions. I did did achieve a 1CC No Death Run with Claire and Duke on Hard, so I got what I wanted and got 100% Trophies for the game. BTW, there is a level select, so you can to the last stage inside the Mansion, if you want.

One last thing:

-To unlock the hardest difficulty, you need to beat the second-hardest one with a specific character. I'm not sure why you can't just do it with anyone and it must be Miller.
That is nothing more than padding and false replay value. For first time players, I always tell them to find a co-op buddy and have one of the two pick Miller so you can get Ultra Difficulty the first time through. There's an even easier method by level selecting if you died on the final stage, so you won't have to go through the entire game again. Miller's problem is his attacks have too much wind up, even for a Mighty Glacier character. Even though he moves faster someone like Max Thunder, Floyd Irara, or Mike Haggar, they have way faster attack or punching speeds than him. Which makes no sense! Boris from Violent Storm moves faster and attacks faster than him!

The only other thing I can give this game is that the soundtrack slaps hard! But yeah, I can see why you're not a fan.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Trauma Center: New Blood

I liked Second Opinion, so I'm giving this a shot (sic), but fuck me, it can be so much harder than the first one. Apparently that's because it's focused on co-op mp and it is balanced around having two players doing the operations. It starts out ok, but after a couple chapters it just becomes kind of overwhelming how much stuff you're expected to do by yourself in a limited time, to the point where I didn't find it much fun. So I'll be honest, I slapped on a cheat that gives me infinite time. Meaning I can focus on calmly and methodically performing the operation without worrying about timing out. It might've made things a little easy actually, but I'll take that over getting frustrated and having to go through the same bits of intro dialogue over and over.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Trek To Yomi

Yomi is the Shinto term for the afterlife- but one of those dark depressing Hades type. So this game is like Limbo but with Samurai and combat and it's black & white to look and grainy to look and feel like an old movie. You play as a samurai who goes through your typical samurai hero trauma but this time you go through literal hell and back before taking out the bad guy.
I start and finished it in one day, took me about 5 hours or so. It's a pretty easy game- combat is simple and sometimes feels really rewarding, like a duel, and sometimes feels clumsy, but still better and more thematically fitting than most indy/small games. The navigation and exploring and are also very straightforward and there are even "puzzles" that are so dumb I dunno why they're even in here.
In fact the game is really about the mood and if you're into samurai stuff and this whole aesthetic and culture than it's for you, otherwise no. I really liked it and felt the length appropriate- I was really in the mood for a short game and this one had me engrossed in its world. I think some gamers would be disappointed by the easiness of it. I think there are difficulty modes though, I dunno I just almost always play things on default settings.

But anyway if you see the trailer and you think "oh that looks kinda cool" then, yeah it is. It is available through PS+, that's how I played it.

Next up will be Devil May Cry 5, also because I grabbed it on PS+. I wasn't planning to play it because I played the Bayonetta series last year and just finished FF16 and these are all kinda the same combat, but I do like this sort of combat and since I don't have to pay extra for it and I got nothing else pressing for my gaming time, I figured why not.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Next up will be Devil May Cry 5, also because I grabbed it on PS+. I wasn't planning to play it because I played the Bayonetta series last year and just finished FF16 and these are all kinda the same combat, but I do like this sort of combat and since I don't have to pay extra for it and I got nothing else pressing for my gaming time, I figured why not.
Best of luck, and have fun. I noticed DMC5:SE is on the PS+ Premium, so you get even more bonuses with Legendary Dark Knight Mode. As for all these games playing the same, you're only somewhat correct. Only to the casual eye or those not that invested, they "all play the same". When you're doing high level or tournament play, you'll notice differences. There's a big difference between high level Bayonetta 1 play compared to high level DMC3 & DMC4 play. With the latter two being more intercut nd harder to pull off. Or how DmC (2013) is an easier DMC4, but takes elements from Bayo1 (Demon Evade and the shifting environments in alternate planes of reality).

I'll save the nitty gritty for later, but will give you a head up: V plays nothing like Bayo summons her demons in Bayonetta 3. So big warning on that. You try to play him like that, and you will be in for a bad time. It is possible to play aggressively, and have a good time, but you have to know what you're doing and be a tip-top, high level, play.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Best of luck, and have fun. I noticed DMC5:SE is on the PS+ Premium, so you get even more bonuses with Legendary Dark Knight Mode. As for all these games playing the same, you're only somewhat correct. Only to the casual eye or those not that invested, they "all play the same". When you're doing high level or tournament play, you'll notice differences. There's a big difference between high level Bayonetta 1 play compared to high level DMC3 & DMC4 play. With the latter two being more intercut nd harder to pull off. Or how DmC (2013) is an easier DMC4, but takes elements from Bayo1 (Demon Evade and the shifting environments in alternate planes of reality).

I'll save the nitty gritty for later, but will give you a head up: V plays nothing like Bayo summons her demons in Bayonetta 3. So big warning on that. You try to play him like that, and you will be in for a bad time. It is possible to play aggressively, and have a good time, but you have to know what you're doing and be a tip-top, high level, play.
Oh yeah I know it's not literally "the same" but, you know... in the same, like... vein.
And you know I'm just gonna play in normal mode and beat the campaign and uninstall, that's how I do.
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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Alright, game 1 of 5 from steam summer sale; Faith: The unholy trinity.

Right off the bat, the game is super uncomfortable, which I love as that's what any horror medium should do. It is made all the worse as it follows story of priests trying to exorcise demons.

Anything that has to do with exorcisms or evil spirits has always both terrified and facinated me. It's the stuff that usually isn't taught in my religion. The terrifying possessed designs are amazing, and the symbolism found all over the game are amazing. Coupled with the game's 8-bit soundtrack, sound effects and voice synthesis, this could be my favorite horror game since Silent Hill 2
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
@NerfedFalcon, @Worgen, and @hanselthecaretaker2, I finally managed to beat Final Vendetta and 1CC on Ultra Difficulty. No Death, All S Ranks! A reminder: two lives, extra lives are disabled, and no continues on this mode! Fuck this game! Fuck Ultra; I am never 1CCing it ever again!

EDIT: My best chain was way higher than that! I went up to 240!

Final Vendetta_20230702223337.jpg


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA

Apparently this is an entirely separate project from the multiplayer game. While most of these leaks and rumors should be taken with a grain of salt, all these details do sound like something Neil Drunk-on-fame-mann would come up with

Wrong thread. SMH
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States

Apparently this is an entirely separate project from the multiplayer game. While most of these leaks and rumors should be taken with a grain of salt, all these details do sound like something Neil Drunk-on-fame-mann would come up with
I'm guessing fake because thats the exactly block of Black Summer, a popular netflix zombie show. Not to say it's a new concept or anything, but I'd bet $20 whomever came up with that got it there.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
I'm guessing fake because thats the exactly block of Black Summer, a popular netflix zombie show. Not to say it's a new concept or anything, but I'd bet $20 whomever came up with that got it there.
I mean, generic zombie tropes be generic. And (mildy and/or barely) unique take on mushrooms aside, TLoU wasn't exactly stepping outside the wheelhouse there.
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