What does the world have against America?

Jon Shannow

New member
Oct 11, 2010
I don't hate Americans, I just dislike a fair few of the ones I've met, mainly due to the invariable question: "Are you a Scotch?" No I'm not a fucking alcoholic drink!

doggy go 7

New member
Jul 28, 2010
it's because Americans think they ARE better than everyone else, at least the majority do, but this is a country where the republican party can exist, where being homophobic can be a campaign bonus, and where there is a very sizable minority of racists and sexists, where although they claim be disestablishmentarianist, they get fucking panicy over anything that's against christian law, where they appear to claim that "truth, justice and the american way (see cap. america)" are only the american way, invented by americans, and no-one else in the world could possibly belive in such alien concepts as truth or having a judicery, where politics is so party based that anyone trying to work with the other side/for the betterment of the country just gets slapped in the face by the other side for no other reason than they're the other side (the works both ways), where they refuse to act on climate change because it might hurt their precious money.
all of these things may well occour in other countries, but America has this claim of moral superiority and arrogance, and that's what pisses everyone else of.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
People will always hate on the strongest country and right now that is the US. They make excuses like we stick our noses in other peoples business but last time we did that Hitler marched over much of Europe and Japan over much of Asia. I the US had not been lead by isolationist Hitler may have been stopped much sooner and many lives could have been saved. as far as US military bases in other countries, yes there are problems with the occasional soldier committing crime but that also happens around military bases in the US. These bases also bring a lot of money into the communities that are built up around it. And many countries hate to admit it but the added protection of a US Base can often deter attack from outside as well as rebel forces. Most of the Hate is just from people trying to find someone to blame for their problems when what really needs to happen is that we should all work together to solve our problems instead of complaining about them.


New member
May 2, 2011
Many reasons really, I can't say I "hate" America, simply it's politics and ambitions.

Mostly I think it boils down to the abuse of power, corrupt capitalist system and the fact that it's commited some pretty evil crimes in the past (let's just be honest here).

Starts wars with countries that didn't really pose any initial threat to begin with, how many are they at war with now? 3? It's pretty fucked up when you lose count.

America also considers itself to be the most important country in the world, even though it's the youngest with therefore the least amount of history. IT'S military victories should be remembered by all (WW2 etc...). IT'S historical acheivments are the most important (Moon landing etc...) and IT'S tragedies should be forced down everyones throat for all eternity.
Sorry, I know I'm gonna get flack to this but seriously, shut up about 9/11. It was terrible, yes but terrorist attacks happen ALL THE TIME these days. Just a few days ago yet another car bomb went off killing around 80 people in the Middle East but you won't see them talking about it 10years later like it only just happened.

- Obesity
- Racism
- Creator of black slavery
- Highest amount of gun crime in the world
- Creator of nuclear weaponry
- Most advanced army in the world and a reckless ambition for global domination
- Some of the most embaressing and incompetant leaders in history (George W. Bush, need I say more?)
- Has a history of military occupation in countries it went to war with (they still have a base in Germany)
- Pretty much created the Global Economic Meltdown and it's banks are doing it again with other countries currently
- SOPA!!!!

I could go on but I think I'll leave it there. Just to make clear - I don't hate "America" or it's mass populus (save a few assholes)


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Murdoch's News Corp empire, electoral winning of Bush Jr... twice, shrill racist conservatives,and a 'liberal' president with worse interventionist policies than dear George.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
Australia doesn't have any of those things, our government is just stupid. The thing is that countries are represented by their governments and since the government is there to represent the people, at least in western countries, most of the time, the people is judged on its government's decisions and the US's government has made some pretty bad decision. There are some other stereotypes that many Americans and to some extent, the culture, such as being so patriotic it borders on nationalism, encourage and people judge it as such but I think it is mostly the actions the US has taken in the world lately.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Hm... I think we here in America should stop airing our dirty laundry in public. We tend to blow things out of proportion, so now we are a police state full of nothing but fat people run by the worst leaders in the history of the world.

Ignoring that the President of Italy is having/had to step down because he was paying under age prostitutes, there is also Neville Chamberlain from England (you did say ever), Raymond Poincaré's insistence on taking everything they could from Germany helped lead to WWII, Mao killed unknown tens of millions with ineffectual leadership and just terrible ideas, and Khrushchev about started WWIII because he wanted to test the new American president. Bad leaders aren't just from the US, and at least the US wasn't idiotic enough to set up laws allowing people to retire in their fifties with full benefits.

The police violence has also largely been blown out of proportion. There have indeed been incidents of violence with the Occupy movement, but there have been other instances where the police force refuses to force the Occupy people out of a park. Then you have the countless instances where they help with every day things, but you don't hear about these because it isn't news worthy.

Sadly, we are a rather large nation, but it's largely in certain states (I'm looking at you Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana). Besides, I'd rather have a bunch of fat people than the racist politicians from some European countries. They make most of ours look pretty tame.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
theseworlds said:
I've had an American family stay with us for 3 weeks. They are friends of my step mums that she hasn't seen for yonks, so they decided to come pay her (and us) a visit. There was a fat mother with a big mouth, who liked to down a bottle of wine every night, which made her even louder. There was a skinny father, who barely said a word the entire 3 weeks. I could actually stand him. And then there was the spoilt 8 year old fat daughter, who would just sit there watching me as I played games. Not watching the game. She would watch ME. No idea why. The most annoying thing though was their accent. They had a really deep, Southern accent, which pissed me off to no end whenever they would open their mouths. And as the fat mother would get drunk every night, the annoying accent would be heard from further and further distances. I really hope I never see those people again. I am not going to go to America, ever. I cannot stand that accent, and those people have ruined my perception about the country.

I don't know about everyone else, but this is why I don't like America.

(also, the patriotism I always see in the media, movies, etc, is sickening. Not a fan)
Ah, keep forgetting America is the only country with weird or annoying people. And hell, those people didn't even sound that bad, you just seem like you have unreasonable expectations.

idarkphoenixi said:

- Creator of black slavery
you...must be joking, right? Slavery has literally existed for millenia, with almost every ancient civilization having slaves. There are VERY few countries on this planet that don't have that black mark on their record, at some point in history. Hell, India and a few other countries STILL have slaves, though they're technically illegal by their own governments, it still happens in disgustingly high numbers.

Now, there are plenty of reasons to hate America, or it's government at least, but come on, these reasons are just pathetic.

I'm an american, but I admit our government has an un-godly amount of issues. Hell, do any of you really think the average citizen is okay with SOPA, or worse yet, the recently passed bill that literally lets the government detain American citizens for as long as they want? Ofcourse not, our government is mostly just the tools of our biggest companies.

Terrible government and colorful history aside though, it's not a bad place to live. Then again, that really wouldn't affect people outside the country, so I understand why so many hate us, even if a good chuck of that hate is misplaced.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
Raiyan 1.0 said:
Murdoch's News Corp empire, electoral winning of Bush Jr... twice, shrill racist conservatives,and a 'liberal' president with worse interventionist policies than dear George.
Im beginning to think that the only reason his foreign policies look better is because Hilary is at the rear.


New member
Apr 22, 2011
Crazy_Dude said:
Claiming to be the "land of freedom" while gay marriage is still banned in most states.
All the Americans I know do not fall for that; really only politicians try to eat and feed people that opinion.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
Starke said:
Thyunda said:
Starke said:
What does your name have to do with your political affiliation? Absolutely nothing.
Then you've never been to Ireland. I know of few other countries where your name denotes your religious and political beliefs.
When in point of fact it doesn't. It doesn't. You can shove your fingers in your ears and pretend you live in some alternate universe where human beings are hive minded organisms, where once you've spoken to one member of a hive, you know what they all are, but people, people everywhere on the goddamn planet, are individuals. You know, individuals, as in unique, just like everyone else. You want to say Ireland is a country where you have to conform under risk of violence, that's fine, but don't pretend that there isn't a single dissenting voice in the isles
Actually in Northern Ireland (not Ireland) people see your second name and will immediately place you in a religious and political group, for instance mine is McAleer, i can't go up to the park hell i can't even go near that area due to my second name (they heard it and placed me as a fenin) its a catholic name or its seen as one and due to that i must be a Nationalist. just thought id clear that part up don't really know wat this conversation is about and just skimming, so u can ignore me :p


New member
Apr 8, 2009
Starke said:
Thyunda said:
Starke said:
What does your name have to do with your political affiliation? Absolutely nothing.
Then you've never been to Ireland. I know of few other countries where your name denotes your religious and political beliefs.
When in point of fact it doesn't. It doesn't. You can shove your fingers in your ears and pretend you live in some alternate universe where human beings are hive minded organisms, where once you've spoken to one member of a hive, you know what they all are, but people, people everywhere on the goddamn planet, are individuals. You know, individuals, as in unique, just like everyone else. You want to say Ireland is a country where you have to conform under risk of violence, that's fine, but don't pretend that there isn't a single dissenting voice in the isles
Actually in Northern Ireland (not Ireland) people see your second name and will immediately place you in a religious and political group, for instance mine is McAleer, i can't go up to the park hell i can't even go near that area due to my second name (they heard it and placed me as a fenin) its a catholic name or its seen as one and due to that i must be a Nationalist. just thought id clear that part up don't really know wat this conversation is about and just skimming, so u can ignore me :p


New member
Oct 31, 2011
Pouring billions of dollars into hi-tech weaponry to 'fight' communism,but never getting to use them, and then selling themselves to communists(China,mainly) to get the money back they blew fighting communism.
Also, the US government seems to be fine with communism in China, which is much more strict & 'evil' than soviet communism.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
White-Death said:
Pouring billions of dollars into hi-tech weaponry to 'fight' communism,but never getting to use them, and then selling themselves to communists(China,mainly) to get the money back they blew fighting communism.
Also, the US government seems to be fine with communism in China, which is much more strict & 'evil' than soviet communism.
The US demonized the Soviets because they were a legitimate threat to world peace. China was lumped in with them until Kissinger opened up relations under Nixon, and we've been on better terms since then. Demonizing Communism was just a convenient way of accomplishing this.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Zebidizy said:
Actually in Northern Ireland (not Ireland) people see your second name and will immediately place you in a religious and political group, for instance mine is McAleer, i can't go up to the park hell i can't even go near that area due to my second name (they heard it and placed me as a fenin) its a catholic name or its seen as one and due to that i must be a Nationalist. just thought id clear that part up don't really know wat this conversation is about and just skimming, so u can ignore me :p
Nah, I understand, and I think I acknowledged that. What Thy is apparently trying to claim is that his name defines his political beliefs, not that his name defines perceptions of his political beliefs. Which was the distinction I was trying to make.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Sean951 said:
White-Death said:
Pouring billions of dollars into hi-tech weaponry to 'fight' communism,but never getting to use them, and then selling themselves to communists(China,mainly) to get the money back they blew fighting communism.
Also, the US government seems to be fine with communism in China, which is much more strict & 'evil' than soviet communism.
The US demonized the Soviets because they were a legitimate threat to world peace. China was lumped in with them until Kissinger opened up relations under Nixon, and we've been on better terms since then. Demonizing Communism was just a convenient way of accomplishing this.
Honestly, it was never really about demonizing communism per say. It was about demonizing the Soviet Union, and since it labeled itself as Communism, that was the label we followed, accurate or no.

It was carelessness in keeping track of that distinction that lead to some of the worst... let's call them "errors" in American Foreign Policy. Including the ousting of Moussadeq and supporting the Diem regime regardless of their actual (tenuous) ties to Vietnam.

Major Chip

New member
Dec 5, 2011
The cliche image of a U.S tourist with Californian accent (sounds dumb, questioning tone, horrid high pitch) combined with the "we need to police the entire planet" ideology that your governments can't or won't give up, is basically what has people pissed.

I know that plenty an American is as disgusted with their government (run by corporations, each side is more interested in making the other unsuccessful by veto/ blocking reforms, extremists are given more of a voice than everyone else) as many of us are. However, they get no real voice.

The only gripe I have is the unending cheap, plastic and shallow nature of the U.S in general. Everything has to be brighter and shinier, louder and bolder. Just because you're in the land of the free dosen't make a 30 ft pancake with a pizza in it a good idea. Unfortunately that kind of crap filters around the world, it is intoxicating. The X-Factor, completely synthed music, tasteless mounds of sugary crap and walking around a beautiful Spanish villa to find another Godforsaken McDonalds where the local butcher used to be.

Rant over, my bad.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
TheDarkEricDraven said:
Because we, as a country, are awful. Seriously. Just the worst.
Also we don't seem to have a grasp of the problems other countries face in comparison to ours. Y'know, famines, military juntas, that kind of thing.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Hating the US Government is ok with me. I don't like them very much either at this point.
What gets my goat is that people hate on ALL of America just because our leaders are corrupt bastards (like just about EVERY country with a lot of power and GDP to back it up). Also, people who hate on our military servicemen piss me off. Some of them yes are scumbags, but that extends to the entire population of the planet and is not limited to US Servicemen. They're volunteers, who actually in a lot of cases do a LOT of good things for foreign countries.
Example: One of my wife's best friend's husband is a Chief Warrant Officer in the US Army, deployed to Kuwait. When he was on holiday back in the states I had a chance to talk to him about his experiences over there. He, with tears in his eyes, told me that the people over there are very greatful for what we've done and continue to do for them. They don't hate us (well most of them don't, only the ones we're currently trying to keep out of power). They don't enjoy having another country's military on their homeland but they understand we're helping them and they accept that. He said there are days where women and children and sometimes the men (though they're very proud people there) would come to him and with tears in their eyes thank him for what we're doing there. Mind you this is Kuwait, not Iraq.
Most of our soldiers in foreign lands are taught to follow the customs of the country they're in as well (I'm a former serviceman myself though I didn't get too far due to a knee injury). We're not the same U.S. Military from Vietnam, that was a horrible time for everyone and we should never have been there (damn the French).
But enough harping on the Military.
Anyway, my point is this, don't hate on the American public for the American Government. Every time we try to vote the douchebags out, we get another set of douchebags in there. Its a revolving door of douchebags and I'm getting quite tired of it myself. I love my country, I love what we were founded for, equality (by equality I mean everyone has the chance to be what they want to be if they work hard enough toward it, not get it handed to them because they want it), freedom to speak our minds without being incarcerated or hung/staked/crucified or otherwise killed for it. We have the ability to elect our leaders (I just wish more people would actually learn about the person they're voting for and not just check the box because he said "I promise you {insert line of bullshit here}").
The next spoilered section has to do with religion and stuff and is a bit off topic so you don't have to read it if you don't want to. I didn't mean to tangent, but I did anyway.
We're also free to have or not have religion, any way we want (as long as it doesn't involve harming others). This last part here I wish to address (sorry for derailing) more:
Freedom of religion means this, everyone is free to believe whatever they want to believe without someone telling them they can't believe that. There is not a stipulation in the Constitution that says "Separation of Church and State". It was a quote by Thomas Jefferson who believed that the US Government shouldn't have any hand in telling people what they can believe in. Thus the First Amendment was born, which still does not say anywhere that there is a Separation of Church and state. So now to my point: There is a growing number of people in this country who are Atheists (and I am just fine with you folk believing that there is no God) who believe since they don't believe in God, there shouldn't be anything involving religion displayed anywhere in public places, no kids allowed to pray at school, no Ten Commandments allowed in courtrooms, etc. To me that is a gross violation of the First Amendment, since its infringing on the rights of others to have their own views on religion. Mind you, I am not a Christian, I am also not an atheist or Pagan. I have my own private views that take from myriad religious sources.
Back to the original post:
If other countries hate America/Americans, thats fine with me, you're well within your rights to hate people you don't know, for reasons that could be are ignorant or unjust or just based on an experience with a handful of douchebags who happened to be American, or just based off of the douchbags in the White House/Congress/Senate. Thats your right and you're welcome to it. But I personally choose not to hate anything (except ketchup and sharks). Hate is an emotion that destroys, causes way too many problems and wastes too much time and energy. I would suggest if you dislike America, then just ignore us and go about your day instead of wasting your time hating on us. We aren't going away, we aren't going to change just because you hate us (we have self-esteem you know, well most of us do but I think Barack Obama doesn't because he keeps apologizing for things America shouldn't have to apologize for).