What does the world have against America?


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Major Chip said:
The cliche image of a U.S tourist with Californian accent (sounds dumb, questioning tone, horrid high pitch) combined with the "we need to police the entire planet" ideology that your governments can't or won't give up, is basically what has people pissed.

I know that plenty an American is as disgusted with their government (run by corporations, each side is more interested in making the other unsuccessful by veto/ blocking reforms, extremists are given more of a voice than everyone else) as many of us are. However, they get no real voice.

The only gripe I have is the unending cheap, plastic and shallow nature of the U.S in general. Everything has to be brighter and shinier, louder and bolder. Just because you're in the land of the free dosen't make a 30 ft pancake with a pizza in it a good idea. Unfortunately that kind of crap filters around the world, it is intoxicating. The X-Factor, completely synthed music, tasteless mounds of sugary crap and walking around a beautiful Spanish villa to find another Godforsaken McDonalds where the local butcher used to be.

Rant over, my bad.
The rest of the world can't talk about our music being all synthed. I've heard the dance/electronica music you have over in Europe, all you lack is the auto tune fetish.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
DarkArk said:
If anything the US has been rather restrained with its military, relative to the power that it wields.
Maybe in a ratio of used:total, but the numbers there are pretty high, and compared to other countries, the US is still trigger happy.

I'll be honest with you guys, I used to never have a problem with the US. Then I saw Captain America, and I realized just how narcissistic and self centered the US really is, and I don't just mean in the movie. After I saw it, I kept seeing it EVERYWHERE. The patriotism of the US is frightening. I once went driving through Maine as a shortcut to get to New Brunswick once, and I recall driving through some town where EVERY street light had an American flag on it! Now, you don't see that type of shit in Montreal, where I am. I just feel that they REALLY go overboard on the "America is the greatest county in the world!" phrase. Oh, and my friend came up with something really good the other day, how America likes to "export freedom" to other countries.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Major Chip said:
The cliche image of a U.S tourist with Californian accent...
I always thought it was the Southern Drawl everyone hated, and the Californian accent was much less distinct.


New member
May 19, 2011
I dont so much hate as I am say disappointed. America used to be great, back in the early to mid 20th century America was this great place to live and even its people where respected. Its just the America doesn't seem to be aware of the big picture anymore, they bicker and fight about these tiny little things, like SOPA or how to restrict critisims from teachers to students, while their entire empire crumbles around them. Its like they have all this potential then got addicted to crack and we are watching it all get pissed away by some politicians petty arguments about how the internet should be controlled, or how video games are evil.

But what makes me personally dislike the people of America not just the politics is how they get sucked into it, like they couldn't fathom some alternative because that would involve admitting that their is something wrong with their country something that needs changing with their way of life and that they are to blame. I mean how can the right wing gain so much power when all it seems to do is shit all over the little guy, course that could be explained by their left wing coming across as being entirely incompetent. So in the end its a toss up between some bunch of assholes who are more concerned with their corporate backing and what shade to get their next Ferrari in. Or a bunch of blithering idiots who still can't even seem to believe they actually made it into government.

Now i'm not saying my precious Australian government is perfect but hell at least many of us realize how stupidly pointless it all is, like 70% of voters are swinger voters which shows just how little we think of our political structure, also our country isn't in any sort of decline at this time hell our dollar continues to compete with the USA a country that easily has 100 years on us and a significantly higher population, China is set to continue to rise in power (sorry about that by the way our bad >.>) So my only hope is that one day the American population either pulls their collective heads out of their asses and actually makes some serious changes to the way their country is run or well i dont know.


New member
May 3, 2009
Short answer: America is known to gloat a lot (MovieBob once claimed that the US is the only country left that likes to bag about itself on the world stage) and other countries are wary of the power the US has and how they use it (probably due to wars like Vietnam and the Iraq War and the way they behaved during the Cold War). Oh and this years Facebook controversy surrounding apan and Atheism probably didn't help. Personally while I don't really approve of a lot things the US has don't I don't particularly hate them.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
People don't like America because a large percentage of the American people are extremely ignorant. On top of that, people always say "it's just our governement that sucks". Well, guess what? America voted for these people...


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Its quite obvious that the world hates america because we have freedom. At least, thats what I heard on CNN, or something, and I believe what comes out of the picture box and then write about how I believe in it on the inter tubes.


New member
May 19, 2011
Jumpingbean3 said:
(probably due to wars like Vietnam and the Iraq War and the way they behaved during the Cold War)
Vietnam was what the cold war was all about which was showing off your latest tech in the hopes of demoralizing the enemy, and Iraq doesn't count as that more the continuation of a religious war thats been going on for over a thousand years, those nut jobs have been killing each other since long before America even existed so now its more America being an enabler to religions bad habit of mass murder and genocide.


New member
Oct 11, 2009
People hate us just because they need someone to hate. Just look at all the posts so far. People hate us both for sticking ou noses in other countries, then hate us when we don't help others.

Also, I would like to get some clarification on what exactly is an "American" company? With the aomunt of globalization present, I can't think of any coropration as having a set nationality anymore.
Additioanlly, all this talk about corporations selling their swill wherever they can to the detriement of other nations...well yea, corporations exist to make money. There are a few that are the exception, but what business is going to look at it's growing profits and think, "you know what? We made enough money now. Let's NOT expand."

As for all the nut job views you hear from the media about gay sex, religious freedom, muslims...we don't like them either! Journalism is a business though, and sensationalism sells. Every time the subject comes up, I'm always the sole one in support of America policing the world (not because I actually support it, but dammit, can't have a discussion if everyone is on one side.) Honestly, all the talk nowadays is lets bring/keep our troops/money home, and let the other countries deal with their problems their way.


New member
May 19, 2011
rednose1 said:
Honestly, all the talk nowadays is lets bring/keep our troops/money home, and let the other countries deal with their problems their way.
Well we have yet to see any indication of that ever happening so either a lot less people then you seem to think support this view or your country truly has no power over its own government and I'm honestly not sure which of the two is worse.

rednose1 said:
People hate us just because they need someone to hate. Just look at all the posts so far. People hate us both for sticking ou noses in other countries, then hate us when we don't help others.
I don't have a problem with either of those things the world cant survive long in such a fractured state anyway, so someone eventually has to "win" and there are only a very small number of candidates so we may have to pick one of them eventually.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
as an american i know why: Other Americans

Because of the media focusing on a few assholes and hollywood painting up an negative picture of this country.

Yes a little has to do with the politicians (in which case, blame them, even Americans hate them.) But its mostly the fact a negative view on america sells stories.

Personally, i love america, hate the media and politicians, but i love just about everything else about it.

Ironic Pirate

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May 21, 2009
Alistar said:
I'm actually scared to post my real feelings on this I just hope the various agencies don't mark me down as some subversive (sigh). Aristotle criticised the state he asked for his punishment to be a wage and free dinners for the rest of his life but he got poison, I think that's likely to be my fate.
No it isn't. Take the tinfoil hat off.

Other things of note, it was Socrates, and that was several thousand years ago, in a completely different culture. For you to actually compare yourself to Socrates because you posted a rather generic post about politicians being greedy is kinda funny. Fucking sitcoms have covered similar material, you aren't going to be marked a "subversive".


New member
Feb 20, 2010
theseworlds said:
I've had an American family stay with us for 3 weeks. They are friends of my step mums that she hasn't seen for yonks, so they decided to come pay her (and us) a visit. There was a fat mother with a big mouth, who liked to down a bottle of wine every night, which made her even louder. There was a skinny father, who barely said a word the entire 3 weeks. I could actually stand him. And then there was the spoilt 8 year old fat daughter, who would just sit there watching me as I played games. Not watching the game. She would watch ME. No idea why. The most annoying thing though was their accent. They had a really deep, Southern accent, which pissed me off to no end whenever they would open their mouths. And as the fat mother would get drunk every night, the annoying accent would be heard from further and further distances. I really hope I never see those people again. I am not going to go to America, ever. I cannot stand that accent, and those people have ruined my perception about the country.

I don't know about everyone else, but this is why I don't like America.

(also, the patriotism I always see in the media, movies, etc, is sickening. Not a fan)
Okay, but you realize this is unfair, right? I get that this family spoiled you on the United States, but you get that a family of jackasses, being--for example--four to five people, don't constitute a relevant sampling size when we're talking about a nation of 300 million people spread across 50 states, each the size of a small country?

Otherwise, it would be like me saying I think Australians are all jerks because the one Australian I've met in person was a raging homophobe, a racist, and an anti-science Biblical creationist who regarded the fields of modern medicine, biology, and geology as weak lies--or not liking Indian people because that one guy in my writing workshop was a pretentious git. Put bluntly, it would be bigotry.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Whatever reasons they say it is, it all boils down to jealousy. We Americans have far, far more in both standards of living and freedoms than most other countries could ever attain for decades if not centuries, and the rest of the world, instead of being inspired by that and improving themselves, decides to hate on us and try to tear us down to their level instead.

Don't get me wrong though, America does still suck, but the entire WORLD without exception sucks, some parts of it more than others. The USA is just the best country in the world not because it doesn't suck, it just sucks a little less than all the others.

Steinar Valsson

New member
Aug 28, 2010
I guess one of the reasons is that the U.S.A. have so much mainstream power, decisions made there impact the rest of the world. For instance, SOPA is an American thing that has affects on a global scale, same with the Iraq war and more things that have an impact all over. Most people outside the US disagreed with the Iraq invasion so most people didn't like the US for that reason. Not that all Americans agreed with the invasion, but that doesn't matter since the official stand is: attack.
I visited the US in August and I really liked it. The stereotype for an American is rude and self centered, I knew that this was only a stereotype and did not apply as a constant, but considering how big this assumption was you'd expect many people to be that way. But when Igot there I was actually a bit shocked. Everyone was truly helpful, went out of theyr way to help us sometimes. It was great.
But people still judge the country by it's actions and here is a short list of actions resaulting in hatred;
Being the world police: Invading countries far from them, banning countries to keep theyr traditions (whaling)
Religion: A poll was made seeing if people would vote a person for president given that they were; black, woman (99%) jewish (78%) atheist (28%) Western Europe has put science were religion once was, America is still confused.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
immortalfrieza said:
Whatever reasons they say it is, it all boils down to jealousy. We Americans have far, far more in both standards of living and freedoms than most other countries could ever attain for decades if not centuries, and the rest of the world, instead of being inspired by that and improving themselves, decides to hate on us and try to tear us down to their level instead.

Don't get me wrong though, America does still suck, but the entire WORLD without exception sucks, some parts of it more than others. The USA is just the best country in the world not because it doesn't suck, it just sucks a little less than all the others.
I don't think that countries like France, Britain, Japan, Canada, Australia, etc. etc. are jealous of the USA. In fact, I'd say the belief that we must be jealous of the USA because the USA is better than them is actually the reason that people get annoyed at the USA.

I'd far rather live in Britain with its secular government, NHS, welfare systems, political system, civil right, than live in the States.


Regular Member
Dec 26, 2011
UltraXan said:
I'll be honest with you guys, I used to never have a problem with the US. Then I saw Captain America, and I realized just how narcissistic and self centered the US really is, and I don't just mean in the movie. After I saw it, I kept seeing it EVERYWHERE. The patriotism of the US is frightening. I once went driving through Maine as a shortcut to get to New Brunswick once, and I recall driving through some town where EVERY street light had an American flag on it! Now, you don't see that type of shit in Montreal, where I am. I just feel that they REALLY go overboard on the "America is the greatest county in the world!" phrase.
I had the same feeling on a company visit to the US some years ago, waving flags and patriots everywhere. And thats not the govenment, thats just the way people behave.
Now this was like a month after 9/11, so I understand that I caught the US at a bad time for being friendly to foreigners, and that it's probably more relaxed by now, but phww, never been searched as much during every other trip combined then during those 2 weeks (and 5 flights).

Also, the policies on healthcare and education are just frightning
As I see it, and I hope i'm wrong, the US is creating a generation with considerable lower skills as their parents, that are ingraind to believe in the US as the ultimate supperpower.
Bassicly you're handing over the most powerful army in the world to people that just aren't as capable to take a rational dessision.

So while I don't hate Americans and probably even like them on an individual level I am somewhat worried about the effect America will have on the world when its all going to come crashing down....


New member
Mar 30, 2011
immortalfrieza said:
Whatever reasons they say it is, it all boils down to jealousy. We Americans have far, far more in both standards of living and freedoms than most other countries could ever attain for decades if not centuries, and the rest of the world, instead of being inspired by that and improving themselves, decides to hate on us and try to tear us down to their level instead.

Don't get me wrong though, America does still suck, but the entire WORLD without exception sucks, some parts of it more than others. The USA is just the best country in the world not because it doesn't suck, it just sucks a little less than all the others.
This is why people hate us. Our standard of living has been dropping for the last couple decades, and I don't think we were ever top, except maybe immediately following WWII.

Steinar Valsson said:

Being the world police: Invading countries far from them, banning countries to keep theyr traditions (whaling)
Religion: A poll was made seeing if people would vote a person for president given that they were; black, woman (99%) jewish (78%) atheist (28%) Western Europe has put science were religion once was, America is still confused.
It wasn't the US that banned whaling, it was an international effort to prevent the extinction of the whales. Being the world police has been a mixed blessing. We have done more to help Africa than the U.N. could ever hope to claim, and having an ally with the ability to project their power anywhere they feel like makes it easier for that country to maintain a smaller military. But mostly the former.