What does the world have against America?

Pierce Graham

New member
Jun 1, 2011
No, you're the one who came and picked a fight. I didn't go on your thread and provoke you. You came to provoke me. Because you're seeking attention. And now you have it, bravo.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Anoni Mus said:
scorptatious said:
I think it's kind of retarded how many people on here go out of there way to hate on America. Sure, we're not perfect. We elect idiots into office. Plus we are trying to pass a law that may very well destroy the internet.

But the fact that this site seems to focus it's hate on America instead of practically any other country strikes me as somewhat biased and hypocritical.
Americans are too ignorant about the outside World to be able to hate them lol.

But be my guest, start hating other countries too, and specify why.

I couldn't care less, we don't have to fight other countries, we workers should unite, whatever the country we're from.
Heh, you're not even trying to conceal the fact that you're being a troll now.

I'll repeat the tired line. Generalizations make you sound childish and naive. Try to be more specific in your hate. Not ALL 300 million Americans are ignorant...as a matter of fact, our literacy rate is higher than say Portugal's. Its not by a small amount, either. Just sayin'.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Pierce Graham said:
No, you're the one who came and picked a fight. I didn't go on your thread and provoke you. You came to provoke me. Because you're seeking attention. And now you have it, bravo.
Yes, I picked the fight. I'm a Canadian who came to an American website and suggested yet again, ad nauseum, that "Everyone in the world hates Americans". That was me who did that. I picked the fight.

Grow up, troll. I understand how fun it is to play "Big Lib" and come to an American website and get all the kids lamenting how sorry they are to have been born in America instead of some great country like Zimbabwe or Canada.

Maybe next time you can find something more interesting to write about. Because not everyone is a sappy mush-brained college kid who's going to feed your need for attention by picking fights with Americans.

Pierce Graham

New member
Jun 1, 2011
That's odd. I didn't say "Everyone hates America" I said "Why do people hate Americans?". I wanted to know why certain people dislike the US. If you could think properly, you would see that it wasn't designed to provoke, but to discuss. But people like you who crave attention come on these forums and start arguments.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Pierce Graham said:
That's odd. I didn't say "Everyone hates America" I said "Why do people hate Americans?". I wanted to know why certain people dislike the US. If you could think properly, you would see that it wasn't designed to provoke, but to discuss. But people like you who crave attention come on these forums and start arguments.

Don't you try to take some sort of high ground here. You knew damned well what you'd instigate by posting a thread so named. Now on top of that fact, you're not even remaining neutral. This isn't discussion, this is just flaming and berating other people with differing opinions.

I move to have this thread closed.

I have altered the plan. Pray I do not alter it further.

AladdinSane said:
Grow up, troll. I understand how fun it is to play "Big Lib" and come to an American website and get all the kids lamenting how sorry they are to have been born in America instead of some great country like Zimbabwe or Canada.
Troll account or not, this gave me a chuckle.

Joshey Woshey

New member
Jul 11, 2011
People only hate Americans because of how awesome we are. Yeah that must be it. That or they're commies who want to take my gun.

The Muslims are just mad at us because we saved them from the Nazis in the Anglo-Zulu war. That or they're evil commies who want to take my gun.

All through history we have saved the world and fought for what is right like freedom, liberty and guns.

Virtually all the worlds inventions ever have been invented by us. Without us where would the Greeks of been when they fought the Trojans? In Russia... Being commies!

We never had a king or queen because all men are created equal(unless they're commies) and no man has a god given right to rule. Although as it says on our fine American dollars "In God we trust" because god put the American race here to show the rest of the world what they should be instead of commies who don't have guns.

The British are jealous of us because we're not being watched 24/7 by our government and because our tinfoil hats look much nicer. They're also mad that we saved them from the Eskimo commies in The War of the Austrian Succession(which should be renamed America instills the mighty wrath of god on some godless commie scum while the rest of the world cries "Oh help us mighty America").

To conclude, we are universally loved except by commies and people who obviously hate our freedom and liberty and our other cliched American words.Oh and 9/11. Oh and people who want to take our guns.

If you've read this far well done. By now you should have realised this is only about 98% factual and that this actually makes more sense then most of the nationalists that have been plaguing this thread for the last few pages.

OT: 100 years ago what the American government does now would have been commonplace. Nowadays most of the countries that used to do it have stopped (The UK's turn now i should think). In the modern world however this shouldn't be happening and our governments are at fault just as much as they are because they are letting it happen.

Pierce Graham

New member
Jun 1, 2011
I tried to remain neutral. Over 400 comments and I barely said a word. Now people are openly mocking me (Not AladdinSane) and I get really annoyed with people who think they're so brilliant by saying "Already been done". I'm not mocking the US, I'm mocking him.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
It's about time the rest of the whiners in the world woke up and smelled the coffee. Anything that diminishes America, by extension diminishes them. And a lot of them are way too close to collapsing under the weight of their socialist/communist cages to survive going any lower.
Wrong, countries that decided to have horrible monetary policy are collapsing. Germany, with it's free healthcare and much higher rate of unionization, is doing wonderfully. They are even producing more cars than the US. Don't get me wrong, I like our country, but it's not social programs that are the problem.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Pierce Graham said:
...But people like you who crave attention come on these forums and start arguments.
Mr. Graham,

I've wanted to say this for the longest time, but didn't know exactly how. Thank you for saying it.

That being said, one can realistically infer from your ambiguous title that the general term of "people" means "everyone".

Furthermore though, I personally believe that when someone creates a thread like "Why does everyone hate "X"", it's really just "I personally hate X, and want to be validated", Or "Lets hear all the reasons X sucks". It's been done with Skyrim, Uncharted 3, Religion, Republicans, Fox News, and Evolution just to name a recent few.

I have a hard time believing that any educated person who comes on a forum and starts a thread entitled "Why does everyone hate X" doesn't already know why people generally dislike X. You of course start off with "Now, I'm Canadian, and I know that a lot of people dislike, even hate, the US. There are several things about the US that I really dislike and hate." Perhaps you already possess the answer?

You then go on to state a very clear and well thought out argument of glass house. Let the first country without an asshole throw the first stone, etc. So your question in effect seems to be, in my way of looking at it, not what the title asks, but rather Why are Americans often Generalized and Misaligned with their more evil counterparts?

If that is infact the query to meant to pose, the answer is equally general. You have, by the very question, generalized the people who are generalizing. So we need to dig further. Query: Why is there a pervasive and seemingly all encompassing social racism against Americans, by the general Canadian populace?

In summary, I am not attacking you, but your query has resulted in almost 500 posts, and you seem perturbed by the lack of maturity, inherent in those responses. Perhaps there is value in overstating the question in the future, to prevent the trolls.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Deviate said:
America *isn't* anywhere near wealthy anymore.
Wait, what? You call someone out for posting non-truths and then you spew this nonsense?

America is most certainly wealthy. Our GDP is the highest in the world. Second only to the EU, which is not actually a single country. The citizens here produce more per person than anyone else in the world. National Debt is meaningless. In layman's terms(since you don't appear to like big words or complex sentences), the US is good for its loans.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
DRes82 said:
Troll account or not, this gave me a chuckle.
I'm not a troll account. I'm just a new guy. I was looking at reviews of Skyrim, and this "Why does everyone hate Americans" crap over on the right column inspired me to create an account. I just love how the clever trolls begin their taunting with that sort of cloaked provocation.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
ComradeJim270 said:
Yes, getting rid of them would be a good idea, but our weapons industry is worth more than the GDP of a lot of countries, and millions and millions of Americans are either in the military, or working for companies that make most or all of their money through military contracts. So just suddenly disarming would be very bad for the economy.
Ah, the Great American Military-Industrial Complex. Don't you just love it?



New member
Dec 27, 2011
Sean951 said:
I like our country, but it's not social programs that are the problem.
Uh, say what? It's Social Security and Medicaire that's bankrupting us. It's *precisely* social programs. Our 80 trillion dollar unfunded liability is entirely social programs.

For you to say that social programs are not the financial problem in America is to reveal complete ignorance of reality.

Social programs consume four times as much federal money as the military. 2.5 trillion compared to 600 billion. Social programs are a debt that extends into the future. No other spending is. We can raise or lower military spending to match current needs.

You can't raise or lower little Billy's medicaire promise for when he turns 65.

It's *ALL* social programs. Social. Socialist. Communist.

When you contrive to pay your bills with other people's money, you begin the end.

Pierce Graham

New member
Jun 1, 2011
Point taken. I didn't make this thread to provoke. I don't want validation (Why everyone assumes people who post similar threads want validation intrigues me. Some people may simply be curious.) I made it because when I ask people why they hate or dislike the US, they can't give me an actual reason. It seems to be that people dislike the US because everyone else does. I find it sad, however, that everyone assumes that I want people to argue. I don't. People argue and fight more than enough without being poked and prodded into it. I was hoping that people could give me reasoned arguments. But as I look over the posts, I see only arguing and trolling. And if I had the option to delete this thread, I would.

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
DarkArk said:
Fieldy409 said:
Really it just boils down to the wars America has been in. Also America was half of the reason the whole world could have been fucked by nukes in the 60s.
But then nobody seems to hate Russia for that.
Would you be game enough to tell Russia you hate them? I sure wouldn't. :p

OT: I find that I disagree with some american customs. I understand that so do some Americans of course. For example the right for every American to own a gun. How is this a good idea?


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Pierce Graham said:
How very American of you. Arrogance, narcissism and ignorance all rolled into one.
And thus the troll is revealed for what he truly is.

So, Pierce. When you were putting together the words for all of us arrogant, narcissistic, ignorant Americans....

Why did you go to all the trouble of inserting all that verbiage that made you seem sympathetic? You know, that stuff that made you seem to have pity on us arrogant, ignorant, narcissists?

Oh, hold on Pierce while I reel in all this rope I gave you to hang yourself with...