What does the world have against America?


New member
Dec 27, 2011
ZeroMachine said:
Hey there.
Pretty pathetic rant. Okay, you found my last part most disturbing, the one where I pointed out that in all the times we've bleed and died for some foreign nation, all we ever asked for was ground to bury our dead under.

By all means, point out the time we asked for more. Until then, you've really got nothing to say. Since obviously, the only thing you want to do is reiterate the fact that you're a liberal.

Unwilling to engage on fact, capable only of ranting.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
ZeroMachine said:
AladdinSane said:
Anoni Mus said:
This post represents why people hate the United States.
Really. I didn't see anything in either the post, or your response, that would suggest any precise reason why.

Now, I understand that you lefties need to confirm your PC bona-fides with your fellows every so often by being dismissive like this, wouldn't get invited to the good parties and such if you don't puke out the talking point every so often.

But just this once, why don't you take just one point I made, one specific point, and give me one specific reason why it's wrong?
Hey there.

Fellow American here.

Your entire damn post REEKED of bullshit nationalistic arrogance.

We aren't some country of knights in shining armor. We don't "grow the corn that feeds the entire globe". We don't "invent virtually everything of any importance". And this:

When we bleed and die protecting weak, incapable nations from invasions and wars, we ask for nothing in return but a bit of land under which to bury our dead.
is the biggest, most disgusting and disturbing pile of absolute horse shit I've ever seen anyone post anywhere on the internet, save for people that were deliberately lying in order to troll or satirize something.

I really, really, REALLY hope you're doing either of those things. Seriously. Because your entire post, ESPECIALLY that last part, is too picture perfect of an example of the sort of image our government wants the world to think is true.

Now, I don't hate America (yet, but we're getting close). I DEFINITELY don't hate Americans, or any other person from any country/nationality/ethnicity. I judge everyone I meet individually. But I sure as shit am not going to deny that our government is definitely not clean or heroic.

I apologize for a lot of the bullshit that our government has done, for the fact that we, as a people, don't stand up against what they've done, and for people like AlladinSane. If he's serious. Which, again, I seriously hope he isn't.
Don't apologize for the US. Stop bitching and whining about how awful the country is for infringing on others' rights and go do something about it. Sell your American assets in protest. Go live in Somalia or Afghanistan. Put your money where your mouth is or shut the fuck up, because spewing hypocritical, self-righteous, whiny bullshit is just as bad as if not worse than nationalistic bullshit. You won't, because you like what your country and 'fellow Americans' provide for you. A decent life with plenty of opportunities.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
mangosofdoom said:
evil which is a purely subjective term.
Evil is purely subjective? How interesting. If I rape you, under what conditions is it other than evil? I'd like to get a better handle on this, "There is no real evil, it's all subjective" thing before we continue on to my question, which was:

Now, there remains my central point regarding evil. If you embrace Communism, then you advocate the notion that simply by continuing to breathe, you have a legal claim to my wages and property. That's evil.

Oh, and last I checked, "sharing" was purely voluntary. As I understand it, you don't get a choice whether or with whom you "share" under a collectivist regime.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
Coming from a person in America, I dislike it because of how much of a negative image it puts of itself out there without caring about how it could affect itself or others opinions.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
I think it's kind of retarded how many people on here go out of there way to hate on America. Sure, we're not perfect. We elect idiots into office. Plus we are trying to pass a law that may very well destroy the internet.

But the fact that this site seems to focus it's hate on America instead of practically any other country strikes me as somewhat biased and hypocritical.
DRes82 said:
Hey guys,
I totally hate America. Everything about it just pisses me off. Can I be accepted by the forum now? Am I cool?

In all seriousness, though, and at the risk of being disliked for my opinion I will say that I'm proud of my country. Its for selfish reasons, though. I like having the freedom to do and say whatever I want. If maintaining those freedoms requires that my government go knock a few heads in some foreign country that I can't relate to, then by all means, please do.

And before any of you self-righteous douche-bags start talking about how 'ignorant' and 'narrow-minded' I am, give me a break. I know that most of you posting here are just doing so because you think disliking the US is the in thing to do and that in any other situation, hypothetical or otherwise, you'd be just as goddamned selfish as I am. There's proof in hundreds of threads posted right here on these forums as to how selfish a good majority of the posters here are.

America does what it does to maintain its status as a world power, and so its citizens can maintain the lifestyle that they're used to. Unless you're completely willing to give up those freedoms or that standard of living so that other people in other countries can be happier and have a better life, then just stuff a sock in it and stop being a goddamned hypocrite. If you are willing to do so, then I offer my apologies for my assumption and wish you good luck in your sacrifice so that other people worlds away can live better. I'd like to also recommend that you pack some extra water bottles. I hear that its a scarce resource in those 3rd world countries.

On that note, I'm going to go pop a vicodin, plop down on my leather recliner in front of my 48" OLED TV and play some Skyward Sword with my golden Wii-mote.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


New member
May 19, 2011
AladdinSane said:
mangosofdoom said:
evil which is a purely subjective term.
Evil is purely subjective? How interesting. If I rape you, under what conditions is it other than evil? I'd like to get a better handle on this, "There is no real evil, it's all subjective" thing before we continue on to my question, which was:

Now, there remains my central point regarding evil. If you embrace Communism, then you advocate the notion that simply by continuing to breathe, you have a legal claim to my wages and property. That's evil.
you have used the same line repeatedly without responding to any critisim people have made. Now i won't continue to try and defend myself when I'm fairly sure you seem to believe I'm a witch but when your country finally collapses in on itself and all your corporate backers leave for greener pastures well we will all have a good laugh.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
AladdinSane said:
ZeroMachine said:
Hey there.
Pretty pathetic rant. Okay, you found my last part most disturbing, the one where I pointed out that in all the times we've bleed and died for some foreign nation, all we ever asked for was ground to bury our dead under.

By all means, point out the time we asked for more. Until then, you've really got nothing to say. Since obviously, the only thing you want to do is reiterate the fact that you're a liberal.

Unwilling to engage on fact, capable only of ranting.
By "last part" I meant the last part of your post.

"You should be much more concerned about whether we like you...."

Disturbing. As. Fuck.

We have military bases in most countries we've occupied. Why? What's the point? What right do we have to police other countries?

And you say I'm unwilling to engage on fact, and I'm only capable of ranting.

I say you're in denial of all the bullshit we've done over the years, and you're only capable of kissing a fictional "Golden Land" country's ass that happens to share a name with ours.

So yeah. I'm more technically more liberal than conservative (I hold some conservative views, but either way, I despise political labels). And I'm not in denial, like some people.

So tell you what. You want me to actually pay attention to views, ignore ideas such as liberalism or conservatism, and simply state facts about the United States that makes us so perfect. And don't just reiterate your post I originally spoke about. Site specific examples. Sources would be good too.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
mangosofdoom said:
So your accusations are not only completely unfounded
As I've pointed out, China's success is due to *RELAXING* Communism, and permitting capitalism in certain authorized zones. How amusing that you pretend you didn't see what I wrote, and then proceed as if I didn't write it.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Because they're only ever exposed go America through the media be it American itself or not...... and its usually negative. They are never told about the good things or good people. Even other Americans are of the same mind.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
DRes82 said:
ZeroMachine said:
AladdinSane said:
Anoni Mus said:
This post represents why people hate the United States.
Really. I didn't see anything in either the post, or your response, that would suggest any precise reason why.

Now, I understand that you lefties need to confirm your PC bona-fides with your fellows every so often by being dismissive like this, wouldn't get invited to the good parties and such if you don't puke out the talking point every so often.

But just this once, why don't you take just one point I made, one specific point, and give me one specific reason why it's wrong?
Hey there.

Fellow American here.

Your entire damn post REEKED of bullshit nationalistic arrogance.

We aren't some country of knights in shining armor. We don't "grow the corn that feeds the entire globe". We don't "invent virtually everything of any importance". And this:

When we bleed and die protecting weak, incapable nations from invasions and wars, we ask for nothing in return but a bit of land under which to bury our dead.
is the biggest, most disgusting and disturbing pile of absolute horse shit I've ever seen anyone post anywhere on the internet, save for people that were deliberately lying in order to troll or satirize something.

I really, really, REALLY hope you're doing either of those things. Seriously. Because your entire post, ESPECIALLY that last part, is too picture perfect of an example of the sort of image our government wants the world to think is true.

Now, I don't hate America (yet, but we're getting close). I DEFINITELY don't hate Americans, or any other person from any country/nationality/ethnicity. I judge everyone I meet individually. But I sure as shit am not going to deny that our government is definitely not clean or heroic.

I apologize for a lot of the bullshit that our government has done, for the fact that we, as a people, don't stand up against what they've done, and for people like AlladinSane. If he's serious. Which, again, I seriously hope he isn't.
Don't apologize for the US. Stop bitching and whining about how awful the country is for infringing on others' rights and go do something about it. Sell your American assets in protest. Go live in Somalia or Afghanistan. Put your money where your mouth is or shut the fuck up, because spewing hypocritical, self-righteous, whiny bullshit is just as bad as if not worse than nationalistic bullshit. You won't, because you like what your country and 'fellow Americans' provide for you. A decent life with plenty of opportunities.
You blind? As I said, I don't hate America, yet, and yeah, I live a decent life. That doesn't mean I can't be pissed about the bullshit our government has done and is doing. So kindly kiss my ass.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
ZeroMachine said:
"You should be much more concerned about whether we like you...." Disturbing."
You are disturbed by my suggestion that crappy wannabe countries should concern themselves with how we feel about them, rather than vice versa? Since when does the *best* have to concern itself with what the *mediocre* think?

It is your viewpoint that disturbs. What manner of twisted neurosis leads the best people ... objectively proven by any possible measure of excellence ... to care what the losers of the world think?


New member
May 19, 2011
AladdinSane said:
mangosofdoom said:
So your accusations are not only completely unfounded
As I've pointed out, China's success is due to *RELAXING* Communism, and permitting capitalism in certain authorized zones. How amusing that you pretend you didn't see what I wrote, and then proceed as if I didn't write it.
Which just goes to show that you need both those things in some amounts but you can't have just one or the other. Which means the USA is still doing it wrong. There happy now?

There now you got your response now can I have a response to my sharing comment?


New member
Dec 27, 2011
mangosofdoom said:
you have used the same line repeatedly without responding to any critisim people have made.
An amusing example of psychological projection. I haven't failed to respond to anything, I've addressed every question directly and specifically.

The only person failing to respond is you. Let me repeat my question yet again, and see if you answer it this time:

Now, there remains my central point regarding evil. If you embrace Communism, then you advocate the notion that simply by continuing to breathe, you have a legal claim to my wages and property. Kindly explain the moral justification for your claim to my property and wages under Communism.

Pierce Graham

New member
Jun 1, 2011
You know what I hate? People who are so desperate for attention they go on forums to pick fights with strangers. Grow up.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Pierce Graham said:
You know what I hate? People who are so desperate for attention they go on forums to pick fights with strangers.
Yes, this would explain why you came to a forum and picked a fight with strangers...


New member
Oct 11, 2008
AladdinSane said:
ZeroMachine said:
"You should be much more concerned about whether we like you...." Disturbing."
You are disturbed by my suggestion that crappy wannabe countries should concern themselves with how we feel about them, rather than vice versa? Since when does the *best* have to concern itself with what the *mediocre* think?

It is your viewpoint that disturbs. What manner of twisted neurosis leads the best people ... objectively proven by any possible measure of excellence ... to care what the losers of the world think?

meg·a·lo·ma·nia noun \ˌme-gə-lō-ˈmā-nē-ə, -nyə\

Definition of MEGALOMANIA

1 : a mania for great or grandiose performance

2 : a delusional mental disorder that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur

? meg·a·lo·ma·ni·ac adjective or noun
? meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a·cal also meg·a·lo·man·ic adjective
? meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a·cal·ly adverb

You may also want to look up the definition of "delusions of grandeur".

You are the most disturbing person I've ever had the displeasure of having a discussion with in this forum (or anywhere, for that matter) and I'm backing out of this thread immediately as well as suggesting that the moderators close it.


New member
May 19, 2011
mangosofdoom said:
Also doesn't your last comment work both ways so you are entitled to my property and wages, which as far as I know is simply called sharing...

any comments.

but no I'm done with this you have clearly made up your mind and only time will tell which of us is in the right. No amount of arguments over facts or figures or continued evasion from clearly defined questions on your part or quoting wiki (which is not a viable source of information and is not accepted as a source in any self respecting university) is going to change anything.

Pierce Graham

New member
Jun 1, 2011
How very American of you. Arrogance, narcissism and ignorance all rolled into one. So people are wrong to hate America because America is great? Amazing. You view yourselves as flawless heroes of freedom, democracy and equality when you're one of the most divided and unequal nations on Earth. Any nation that would even consider passing SOPA or the National Defense Authorization Act is a terrible place. We don't hate you because you're great. It's because you're also quite evil.