What does the world have against America?

Pierce Graham

New member
Jun 1, 2011
I'm simply generalizing. I know not every American is arrogant, narcissistic and arrogant. But once, just once, I'd like to speak to one who isn't.
Why did I go through all the trouble? Because I wanted to try to be neutral. But then people started openly mocking me for not being American, and in their opinion of thus being inferior, (not by you) and I was proven right in my assumptions once more.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Pierce Graham said:
I agree. SOPA is truly a issue to be concerned about, yet barely anyone is concerned. Everyone seems to believe it couldn't possibly happen. But I'm sure it will.
Barely anyone is concerned? Go check out reddit for a little bit, every liberal white college student out there is concerned.


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Apr 4, 2011
Bradeck said:
Pierce Graham said:
...But people like you who crave attention come on these forums and start arguments.
Mr. Graham,

I've wanted to say this for the longest time, but didn't know exactly how. Thank you for saying it.

That being said, one can realistically infer from your ambiguous title that the general term of "people" means "everyone".

Furthermore though, I personally believe that when someone creates a thread like "Why does everyone hate "X"", it's really just "I personally hate X, and want to be validated", Or "Lets hear all the reasons X sucks". It's been done with Skyrim, Uncharted 3, Religion, Republicans, Fox News, and Evolution just to name a recent few.

I have a hard time believing that any educated person who comes on a forum and starts a thread entitled "Why does everyone hate X" doesn't already know why people generally dislike X. You of course start off with "Now, I'm Canadian, and I know that a lot of people dislike, even hate, the US. There are several things about the US that I really dislike and hate." Perhaps you already possess the answer?

You then go on to state a very clear and well thought out argument of glass house. Let the first country without an asshole throw the first stone, etc. So your question in effect seems to be, in my way of looking at it, not what the title asks, but rather Why are Americans often Generalized and Misaligned with their more evil counterparts?

If that is infact the query to meant to pose, the answer is equally general. You have, by the very question, generalized the people who are generalizing. So we need to dig further. Query: Why is there a pervasive and seemingly all encompassing social racism against Americans, by the general Canadian populace?

In summary, I am not attacking you, but your query has resulted in almost 500 posts, and you seem perturbed by the lack of maturity, inherent in those responses. Perhaps there is value in overstating the question in the future, to prevent the trolls.
Mr. Bradeck,

You rock.


New member
Dec 14, 2011
Pierce Graham said:
I'm simply generalizing. I know not every American is arrogant, narcissistic and arrogant. But once, just once, I'd like to speak to one who isn't.
Why did I go through all the trouble? Because I wanted to try to be neutral. But then people started openly mocking me for not being American, and thus inferior, (not by you) and I was proven right in my assumptions once more.
So you came into this thread assuming that all Americans were arrogant and narcissistic, but you weren't at all trying to start a flame war by bringing up nationalism to a country that's stereotypically overly-nationalistic and defensive?

No, you're right. You're definitely the victim here.

Pierce Graham

New member
Jun 1, 2011
Until people started openly mocking me, I didn't say a word. I read the comments, taking in people's opinions. I just wanted to know people's views. Not everyone is looking for a fight, as hard as that can be for you to believe.


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Dec 27, 2011
Trippy Turtle said:
For example the right for every American to own a gun. How is this a good idea?
Well, Socrates thought it a good idea. Who would think that a government disarming the population is a good idea? That's just insane.


New member
Dec 14, 2011
Pierce Graham said:
Until people started openly mocking me, I didn't say a word. I read the comments, taking in people's opinions. And where exactly do I say that I'm a victim? I'll save you the trouble: I didn't.
Oh, here, let me get that for you.

Pierce Graham said:
No, you're the one who came and picked a fight. I didn't go on your thread and provoke you. You came to provoke me. Because you're seeking attention. And now you have it, bravo.
victim: (noun)
one that is acted on and usually adversely affected by a force or agent.

"I wasn't an antagonist! All these Americans came here and insulted me for trying to get other people to help confirm my own beliefs about them!"

You are the worst kind of self-entitled prick.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
adalekplunger said:
You are the worst kind of self-entitled prick.
At the risk of sounding nearly as pathetic as the author, I'm going to take the plunge and just forge on with what I think about Canadians. I mean, to the extent that I've given thought to Canadians at all. I rather imagine the sharpness of my toenail clipper of more import.

But isn't Canada where they can take you to court if you say something politically incorrect? Don't they haul you in front of the human rights commission, and shut you down, and ruin you? Like, there's no free speech in Canada today. It's totalitarian in that area.


New member
Dec 14, 2011
Pierce Graham said:
And this is why people can't have intelligent discussions: people like you. You assume I'm trying to provoke people into fighting. I just wanted to ask a question. But no, that's impossible in your world. Everyone must want to argue and fight each other all day long. What a bleak world you live in.
That right there. That godawful line of thought. The problem obviously is everyone else's. You couldn't possibly have done anything wrong here. I can't believe you have the balls to call someone else arrogant when you post things like this.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
I'm sorry Mr. Graham, but you have to see that by the very nature of asking the question, you are, in essence, making an attack. This is where properly phrasing a question comes into play. See these two and guess which one is not an attack?

"Why is Vana White such a whore?"

"Why does Vana White allow herself to be used as a Sex Symbol?"

Capcha: Hardar Romancing


New member
Dec 14, 2011
Anoni Mus said:
Joel Dawson said:
Crazy_Dude said:
Claiming to be the "land of freedom" while gay marriage is still banned in most states.
But not all Americans are anti-Gay Marriage.
Exactly, that's why you should fight for it. Specially if you want to hold the title (which I think it's non-existent) of the most freest country in the World.
You do realize that they aren't actually fighting for any sort of rights, right? They're only fighting for the title of marriage. Domestic partnerships have the exact same benefits as marriage. Both sides are incredibly petty, if you ask me.


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May 19, 2010
Fieldy409 said:
Really it just boils down to the wars America has been in. Also America was half of the reason the whole world could have been fucked by nukes in the 60s.
I think Russia had a lot to do with that too. It takes 2 to tango, or start an atomic apocalypse.


New member
Dec 14, 2011
Anoni Mus said:
It's a question of equality and freedom.
No, its not. Its one side wanting to "defend" an institution that has long since been so far removed from its original meaning due to the incredibly high rate of divorce as to be meaningless, and another side getting riled up over the fact that they can't tout a specific title that won't actually have any real meaning.


New member
Dec 14, 2011
Anoni Mus said:
Whatever, I don't actually care. I think Marriage is a little old fashioned.
It's just, if they want to marry, let them. No ones loses anything.
My point exactly. The whole thing is a giant, furious ball of nothing.


New member
May 19, 2010
Thyunda said:
To us in England, a lot of us are personally jaded towards the US, since they act like the spokesperson for the English-speaking West, and we do not like that. But for some reason, our leaders insist on sucking up to the States, even if we're well aware it makes no sense. Now we end up with Muslim extremists on our own soil, lumping us in with the Americans, despite the fact we're only in their countries because our leaders weren't man enough to tell the US to stop being such dicks.

I mean, really. Shooting Pakistani soldiers? Encroaching on Pakistani sovereign soil, and the moment they tell you to fuck off, you suddenly find ibn-Laden there? America, you ARE disgusting. You've imposed a sanction on buying Iranian oil, because Iran are supposedly developing nukes.
Well. You have nukes. I wouldn't be surprised if Iran is worried about a joint Israeli/American invasion. Wouldn't put it past you.
Oh, and the Iranian caught with radioactive contraband and Moscow International - what exactly are you trying to pull here? I'm fairly sure that if Iran wanted nuclear supplies, they wouldn't need to send a civilian via commercial airline.

And of course there's the Lockerbie bomber incident in the past. Scotland had no evidence with which to try the suspect, but did the Americans care? Nope. They wanted to put somebody away so they could swing their dicks at the public and say "Look what good anti-terrorists we are."

I feel so bad for the American people. In the Middle East, there are people that would happily burn you and rape your family due to the actions of your government. I know a lot of you are stupid, a lot of you are ignorant, and a few are completely insane, but you're really not bad people. 99% of the Americans on this site certainly don't fit into the above groups, but thanks to your leaders, you're the Infidel now.
You might want to rethink your reasoning and sources there.
Look, what is happening with pakistan is their own fault. They constantly fire on US troops over the border, and then the US troops retaliate. Not to mention the most recent case, the US troops did in fact check to make sure the people shooting at them were not Pakistani military, and the government (pakistan) told them no. Not to mention, Bin Laden had been living in Pakistan for who knows how long, and no one in that area noticed?? C'mon, there are obviously anti-US factions in Pakistan, this stuff doesn't happen for no reason.
And for Iran, they are not a good country to have nukes. I honestly thought that sanction was stopped due to the fact that it would actually help the Iranians (make gas more expensive, sell high, ect.), but even then, it is reasonable. Yes, the US has nukes....but do we have an extremely influential radical group hell-bent on the destruction of all people of dissenting views? At best, our crazies are locked up or somewhat sane. Plus, no one in their right mind would even think of invading Iran. This isn't Battlefield 3, and Bush isn't President anymore, our foreign policy is at least slightly sane.
For the Lockerbie bombings, I might be thinking of a different bombing, but that ended up being funded by Kadafi in Libya. So...yeah, that actually was a terrorist guy (mind you, a dictator of a country, but still following in the whole "inciting terror" stuff).
Really, this will turn around soon. The US had its fair share of Conservatism, now finally people are acting in a non-ignorant fashion. Just look at the Arab spring, no intervention or gung-ho invasion. Just good old fashion political statements and Close Air Support.