What does the world have against America?


New member
Dec 27, 2011
DRes82 said:
Unless you're completely willing to give up those freedoms or that standard of living so that other people in other countries can be happier and have a better life, then just stuff a sock in it
Bingo. And even if we crippled America and lowered our standard of living, and did everything the America-haters say we should do, it would destroy every other nation on the planet.

What would they do without their cheap American-grown corn that forms the basis of the food pyramid for the entire planet? Heck, just deciding to burn ethanol in our gasoline caused so much starvation the world over ... since we are now *burning* a huge fraction of the corn, thus driving up the food-corn prices.

It's about time the rest of the whiners in the world woke up and smelled the coffee. Anything that diminishes America, by extension diminishes them. And a lot of them are way too close to collapsing under the weight of their socialist/communist cages to survive going any lower.

Harming America is the pipe dream of anti-capitalists and other thieves disguised as governors. But what happens to the parasite, when he kills the host?


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Sep 1, 2011
That right there, the fact we have the audacity to think we've done so much unique good for the world and almost no harm. Even though our country is harming the world and freedom in the world right now with things like SOPA. People who talk so arrogantly and assuredly that we are literally heroes of the world. And again, completely ignoring all the harm we've done. It's comparable to holocaust denial. We're not innocent heroes who have done this amazing good for the world void of harm, anymore than Germany and Japan are the heroes of World War II.

Edit: Anoni Mus beat me to it.


New member
May 19, 2011
AladdinSane said:
Syzygy23 said:
The idea that and communism itself is evil is laughable at best. In fact on paper communism is the only really viable government method.
How sad, then, that we don't all live "on paper". Considering the abject and total failure of Communism anywhere it's been tried.

It is evil to demand that, by the simple act of continuing to respire, you have an enforceable claim to the property and wages of others. Theft, whether institutionalized under a political regime, justified in the name of welfare and compassion, etc. remains theft. Ergo, all such collectivist theories are inherently evil.
Well Communism seems to be going pretty well for China and I here in about 5 or so years it will bypass America economically, so there that...


New member
Dec 27, 2011
mangosofdoom said:
Well Communism seems to be going pretty well for China
Bwahahahahahaha! China is doing well due to relaxing typical Communist restrictions on property ownership, ownership of the means of production ... basically they've permitted general-purpose capitalism to exist in certain restricted areas.

If you're going to suggest that a nation of 1.3 billion people doing fractionally as well as a nation of 300 million (America) makes Communism the best, by all means argue on. Most folks won't be persuaded.

Chinese GDP is about 6 trillion. US GDP is about 15 trillion. You do the math...

Now, there remains my central point regarding evil. If you embrace Communism, then you advocate the notion that simply by continuing to breathe, you have a legal claim to my wages and property. That's evil.

Any comments?


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Anoni Mus said:
This post represents why people hate the United States.
Really. I didn't see anything in either the post, or your response, that would suggest any precise reason why.

Now, I understand that you lefties need to confirm your PC bona-fides with your fellows every so often by being dismissive like this, wouldn't get invited to the good parties and such if you don't puke out the talking point every so often.

But just this once, why don't you take just one point I made, one specific point, and give me one specific reason why it's wrong?


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Anoni Mus said:
Funny how all you care are the numbers.
Numbers are factual, so I care for them. I deal in fact, not wish.

You asserted that Communist China was an example of the superiority of Communism, I nuked your argument with facts. Now you suggest that using facts is somehow a problem on my part. Typical.

The *FACTS* are, Communism is an evil form of institutionalized thievery that fails wherever it's tried. Even in China. They had to relax it to become anything at all.

Anoni Mus said:
because the US are the 3rd most populated country in the World, so you have a good advantage.
Uh, China is the *MOST POPULATED* country in the world. We are the third. Who has the advantage?

If you can't get your own argument in order, you shouldn't argue with me. I'm sort of the "Maximum Difficulty" setting in your game.

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
Because they're a big, powerful nation that knows it.
And everybody likes to feel smarter than Americans.
And because its popular to hate em. Can't forget that.


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Oct 11, 2008
AladdinSane said:
Anoni Mus said:
This post represents why people hate the United States.
Really. I didn't see anything in either the post, or your response, that would suggest any precise reason why.

Now, I understand that you lefties need to confirm your PC bona-fides with your fellows every so often by being dismissive like this, wouldn't get invited to the good parties and such if you don't puke out the talking point every so often.

But just this once, why don't you take just one point I made, one specific point, and give me one specific reason why it's wrong?
Hey there.

Fellow American here.

Your entire damn post REEKED of bullshit nationalistic arrogance.

We aren't some country of knights in shining armor. We don't "grow the corn that feeds the entire globe". We don't "invent virtually everything of any importance". And this:

When we bleed and die protecting weak, incapable nations from invasions and wars, we ask for nothing in return but a bit of land under which to bury our dead.
is the biggest, most disgusting and disturbing pile of absolute horse shit I've ever seen anyone post anywhere on the internet, save for people that were deliberately lying in order to troll or satirize something.

I really, really, REALLY hope you're doing either of those things. Seriously. Because your entire post, ESPECIALLY that last part, is too picture perfect of an example of the sort of image our government wants the world to think is true.

Now, I don't hate America (yet, but we're getting close). I DEFINITELY don't hate Americans, or any other person from any country/nationality/ethnicity. I judge everyone I meet individually. But I sure as shit am not going to deny that our government is definitely not clean or heroic.

I apologize for a lot of the bullshit that our government has done, for the fact that we, as a people, don't stand up against what they've done, and for people like AlladinSane. If he's serious. Which, again, I seriously hope he isn't.


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Jul 14, 2010
I consider it to be mainly not a hate of Americans but a hate of the american stereotype as it is portrayed in various media's.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
Anoni Mus said:
Communism being evil is only a fact in ignorant peoples head.
Really. Then explain the moral calculus that gives you a claim to my wages. Under what rational moral basis are you entitled to any fraction of my wages?

Suppose you get sick, and it's difficult to afford your medicine. Is it moral for you to break into my house and steal my money to buy your medicine?


New member
May 19, 2011
AladdinSane said:
mangosofdoom said:
Well Communism seems to be going pretty well for China
Bwahahahahahaha! China is doing well due to relaxing typical Communist restrictions on property ownership, ownership of the means of production ... basically they've permitted general-purpose capitalism to exist in certain restricted areas.

If you're going to suggest that a nation of 1.3 billion people doing fractionally as well as a nation of 300 million (America) makes Communism the best, by all means argue on. Most folks won't be persuaded.

Chinese GDP is about 6 trillion. US GDP is about 15 trillion. You do the math...

Now, there remains my central point regarding evil. If you embrace Communism, then you advocate the notion that simply by continuing to breathe, you have a legal claim to my wages and property. That's evil.

Any comments?
seems pretty extreme and narrow minded to accuse someone of being evil which is a purely subjective term based on your own perception, for believing in something you don't. Now i also never stated that I believed in communism in any way shape or form just pointing out that China is doing well despite not being a country like the USA. So your accusations are not only completely unfounded but probably reveal quite a bit about yourself.

Also doesn't your last comment work both ways so you are entitled to my property and wages, which as far as I know is simply called sharing...

any comments.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Cazza said:
nbamaniac said:
"nosing on around other people's business"
That is a huge reason. The Vietnam war started because the US didn't like how communism was expanding. It's not their country, they have no right in going gun blazing to "fix" things. Im glad they lost that war. If they had won they probably would have gone after the othe communist counties and more people would have been killed.

Still on war. Both world wars the US stayed neutral for the first half so they could get rich selling weapons but when someone rocked the boat to much they enter and act like they were there the whole time. Then they act like they won the whole war by themsleves.

Much of the news about the US that get to other counties normally isn't the nice kind. It's wacky religious group does this, wacky laws have or might get passed or something bad happened to US soldiers in the Middle East. Sure other counties can have the same sort of crazy stuff happening but they aren't in the public eye. They are just too small for the public eye.

Tourists, I know many countries have tourists making their country look bad or stupid but when it comes to the Western world. The USA's population is a large percentage even if you combine all of the western world. Im Australian I know that many Asian tourists hotspots that think Aussie tourists are loud, rude & disrepectful. Many of the people in those countries even though the Australians have got that rep there they class all Westerners in it. So when an American goes there they get the same shit because some other white guy gave everyone a bad name.

That would be my top reason why I believe the USA have such a reputation in the eyes of the world. The sad thing is it has nothing to do with the average US person. Why should the average US person be blamed for what their government did? Because they might have voted for them? Thats unfair. I know I don't agree with all of what the government parties I support do. Even if you still want to use "because they voted them in" Im sure the early 20s tourist really voted for the party that caused the US to enter WW1 or WW2 or even Vietnam. They don't control the media or what other westerners did on holidays.

If only everyone gave everyone a fair go instead of judging them before they get to know them.
Thyunda said:
To us in England, a lot of us are personally jaded towards the US, since they act like the spokesperson for the English-speaking West, and we do not like that. But for some reason, our leaders insist on sucking up to the States, even if we're well aware it makes no sense. Now we end up with Muslim extremists on our own soil, lumping us in with the Americans, despite the fact we're only in their countries because our leaders weren't man enough to tell the US to stop being such dicks.

I mean, really. Shooting Pakistani soldiers? Encroaching on Pakistani sovereign soil, and the moment they tell you to fuck off, you suddenly find ibn-Laden there? America, you ARE disgusting. You've imposed a sanction on buying Iranian oil, because Iran are supposedly developing nukes.
Well. You have nukes. I wouldn't be surprised if Iran is worried about a joint Israeli/American invasion. Wouldn't put it past you.
Oh, and the Iranian caught with radioactive contraband and Moscow International - what exactly are you trying to pull here? I'm fairly sure that if Iran wanted nuclear supplies, they wouldn't need to send a civilian via commercial airline.

And of course there's the Lockerbie bomber incident in the past. Scotland had no evidence with which to try the suspect, but did the Americans care? Nope. They wanted to put somebody away so they could swing their dicks at the public and say "Look what good anti-terrorists we are."

I feel so bad for the American people. In the Middle East, there are people that would happily burn you and rape your family due to the actions of your government. I know a lot of you are stupid, a lot of you are ignorant, and a few are completely insane, but you're really not bad people. 99% of the Americans on this site certainly don't fit into the above groups, but thanks to your leaders, you're the Infidel now.
Muslim extremists attacked your country because their leaders are pissed off and using young men to push their own agendas foward. We do not control the Taliban or Al Queada. They attack because they can it is noyt the fault of the US nor is it the fault of the UK.

The US get 99% of it's oil from Canada, various South American countries, and from domestic sources. The war was never about oil, We needed to get into Pakistan to search for the terrorist leaders but we had no cause to invade, so we invaded Iraq on the pretence liberation to have a base of operations close to Pakistan. And yes Iran would pull that crap with the airline. Their still a third world country no matter how you look at it. Half their operations end up self destructing due to incompetence.

I feel bad for the people of the UK. Knowing that your government is watching your every move on their CCTV network. How terrible it must be to know that your being watched at all times. Their are people in my neighborhood from Iran, Iraq, and the UAE. They say the reason there is so much hate for America is pressure from extremist groups, not because of actual experience with Americans.