What game did you play today?


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Leeet's see...

Metroid Zero Mission
Metroid 2
Super Metroid
Megaman Battle Network
Quest 64

... I was in a retro mood.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
I've been playing GTA4 in celebration of its 1 year anniversary (which yes that is today, thank you for noticing) and Battlestations: Midway because I'm hyped for the Battlestations: Pacific demo that comes out TOMORROW!

I also played a bit of Red Orchestra.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Soulreaverm said:
I am immensely disturbed by the fact that I have done absolutely no gaming today.
I would rectify this at once, but I have homework.
Worr Monger said:
13lackfriday said:
Worr Monger said:
13lackfriday said:
I beat KOTOR2.
Its ending was the most anticlimatic, psuedo-cliffhangerish bullshit dickslap-in-the-face I've ever encountered.

Yet I thoroughly enjoyed it :)
It's amazingly annoying isn't it? But I still think the game is awesome... if only it had a better ending.

I played me some Starcraft SP.... finishing up Protoss. Might play some Gears of War later.
Yeah, you work so hard to get up to that point, making all your choices so carefully, watching the story unfold- All to have it suddenly cut off with almost zero explanation or sense of closure.
But yeah, like you said, it IS a hellvua journey up to that point.

My biggest gripe with the game (or the entire series for that matter) is that again and again, we are given control over the fate of a disgraced Jedi in search of redemption, and when we finally gain it, after countless battles and the forging of many strong bonds with our comrades (some romantic...), we are forced by the plot (for the sake of canon) to drop everything and abandon all we have accomplished to disappear into some godforsaken abyss, never to return or have our final fate revealed.
I hear ya... the original KOTOR was pretty solid. But #2 gave us so much more to work with.... Influencing our comrades, turning them into Jedi or Sith was really cool. Kreia was a great character until it essentially led nowhere.

The game was just really unfinished... I wish someone would just completely revamp it. What really got me... is when I turned the Handmaiden into a Sith (I gave her the dark side speech and all that goodness).... yet she still lectured me... "Be careful or you'll fall to the dark side".. What the hell?

I also thought the romance scenarios were great... having the chicks be jealous over each other was fantastic... but unfortunately... let to nothing.
The gaps are especially apparent towards the end, probably as the dev's neared their deadline, when you can just notice some significant portions missing and you have to struggle to keep up with the story or give up on it and make it all up for yourself as you go along.

Haha, maybe you should've handed Brianna a mirror...then again, do Sith even show up in mirrors?

There was definitely some amusing deja vu with Mass Effect's romantic subplots...BioWare's got a habit of carrying over all their favorite bits to their next projects.
I actually felt Kreia was one of the few things in the game that they really managed to flesh out and end satisfactorily. Her betrayal and all-along manipulation of you was a shock, but looking at her true self, you'd wonder how you'd never seen it coming. She had a good send-off, and even redeemed herself quite a bit in my eyes before her end came.

I guess BioWare doesn't believe in happy endings for Jedi tied up with destiny, at least not when they can sacrifice them to some great, evil conspiracy to keep us hooked.

Worr Monger

New member
Jan 21, 2008
13lackfriday said:
The gaps are especially apparent towards the end, probably as the dev's neared their deadline, when you can just notice some significant portions missing and you have to struggle to keep up with the story or give up on it and make it all up for yourself as you go along.

Haha, maybe you should've handed Brianna a mirror...then again, do Sith even show up in mirrors?

There was definitely some amusing deja vu with Mass Effect's romantic subplots...BioWare's got a habit of carrying over all their favorite bits to their next projects.
I actually felt Kreia was one of the few things in the game that they really managed to flesh out and end satisfactorily. Her betrayal and all-along manipulation of you was a shock, but looking at her true self, you'd wonder how you'd never seen it coming. She had a good send-off, and even redeemed herself quite a bit in my eyes before her end came.

I guess BioWare doesn't believe in happy endings for Jedi tied up with destiny, at least not when they can sacrifice them to some great, evil conspiracy to keep us hooked.
I think the problem was.. it wasn't really made by Bioware.. it was Obsidian... whom generally make good games based on Bioware's previous titles... but I think Lucas Arts rushed the deadline.. er someone did.

It also seemed like they were avoiding making it a direct sequel to KOTOR.... hence leaving out the specifics of what happened with Revan. Maybe they expected Bioware to make a KOTOR III (I wish they would instead of the MMO). Malachor V was a great place to end the game, and Kreia did make the ending somewhat satisfactory.

I think the ending was fine in itself... but rather than Kreia explaining what happened to my companions, I would have rather seen some results of what I did to them myself.. like maybe Brianna and Visas killing each other over you... that'd be awesome. Just some closure to my influence.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. That's right, old school. Back when games still had a soul. And were actually fun.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Second day in a row, no gaming. Damn this oppressive parental regime! How dare they suggest I do homework!


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I haven't played anything yet today, but I'm gonna finish up Fable (been playing it again to try and collect everything) and then maybe some nice Okami or Doom if the mood takes me. And at 12:01 tonight I will be playing Left 4 Dead. Woo, free samples!


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Project Gotham Racing 4 on 360. Only bought a 360 about a month ago and PGR4 came free with it, but it's the only game I have at the moment with which I can have some fun for 30 minutes, without then spending another hour looking for a *$&*ing save point. Yes, 'Lost Odyssey', I'm looking at you!
PGR 4 is damned good fun though. I've nearly perfected the power sliding on motorcycles, they look frickin' sweet on the replay!