What gear or accessory defines you?


New member
Sep 5, 2008
Silver Watch. Recently the battery died and I don't have spare money to replace it, but I still wear it. It's been 3:46 for about a week and a half now. I've worn a watch since i was in 4th grade

Other than that i pretty much always wear some form of Zipper hoodie


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Either my Think black Shirt or my Ring on my Left hand that was given to me by my last (and First, sadly) Girlfriend. Also have a black Tribly Hat that i usually wore to certain Events that I got known for.


New member
Jul 4, 2010
My jacket, many beautiful badges, many stories. It's heavy with all the worthless junk I've filled the nine pockets with. Its thin material but tough, too heavy for a sunny day and too thin for a windy one its seen me through all weathers and all hard times. It's the first thing people notice about me, they joke about it and say they like it. It's nicely unifying, a pretty will lean forward and find a badge she likes with the same smile as a homeless guy who wants to swap stories and borrow one he especially likes or a mod recalling his younger days railing against the machine. People know its my jacket, it doesn't define me but it covers at least half of me.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
the snake tattoo i have wrapped around my left forearm. people think it doesnt really suit me but i know they just have the wrong idea about snakes.


New member
May 25, 2010
German army coat, i always wear it. I also wear glasses but those aren't an accessory their required but thats beside the point. the main point is that i can literally disappear if i take off my glasses and jacket and mess up my hair, it has happened before.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
unabomberman said:
This thread makes me sad. I find it hard to believe that mere stuff could define anyone.

I'm not trying to be a dick, just expressing my opinion.
Whether intended or not, I think this thread has turned more into "items you have a certain fondness for" or "items you always keep on hand" more than what defines you, 'cuz I would agree with you if people really mean define.

To that end, I just mean things I like:
OT: I try not to carry too many things at any time because I never know when a good moment for parkour may arise, but I can always guarantee that I'll be carrying my MP3 player (just bought a huge memory card w00t!) and I wear cargo pants as often as weather allows (and probably quite a bit more), for much the same reason: that I don't like to carry much, so with cargoes I can keep things in my pants


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Most of the time i wear a Thors hammer amulet.

If not then i'm always wearing a smile. HA.
1 point for cheesey joke please.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
TheAceTheOne said:
Verlander said:
TheAceTheOne said:
Verlander said:
TheAceTheOne said:
Verlander said:
Beard, Pony tail and Flat cap... somehow it works on me
Sounds like you should be in some sort of band XD
Tried that, it's harder than those bastards let on!
What type of band? What didja do in it?

I'm vocalist, manager, and lyricist in my band.
Was in an industrial band, did quite well considering. I sang (heavily distorted, and synths. Later I joined a rock band, I play a mean bass, but can play guitar songs if given time to practice. I'm just a pretty good performer, and like a load of types of music. I won't lie, I generally slot into rock/punk tye of bands better...

You got a link to your stuff?
Sadly, no. We're probably going to be setting up a performance date sometime in the future, but it we're on hiatus due to a problem with the band lineup. We're a Slipknot-inspired band (Vocals style, drums, and when/if we get 'em, turntables.), and we're trying to mix in a little Beneath the Sky type of thing with our guitar. If that entire paragraph made sense to you, then you understand what we sound like XD
It does indeed. What country are you based in?


Super Sailor Moon
Jan 23, 2010
Definitely my glasses.

I look so hot in them. :D My boyfriend calls me his intellectual cougar. ;D tehehe


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Hmmm...My backpack full of hats that I take with me everywhere I'd guess. Ive got over £1500 worth of hats in my collection now, and I like to have variety when on the go. Ive got like 25 New era caps. Some Ushanka's ( my fave in an Adidas one called Ebenezer ) and Beanies, Toques, a fedora or 2, 3 trilbys...god loads. About 80+ hats on my Shelves. Each of which with its own unique name...What can I say, I just love hats :)


New member
Jul 27, 2010
Verlander said:
TheAceTheOne said:
Verlander said:
TheAceTheOne said:
Verlander said:
TheAceTheOne said:
Verlander said:
Beard, Pony tail and Flat cap... somehow it works on me
Sounds like you should be in some sort of band XD
Tried that, it's harder than those bastards let on!
What type of band? What didja do in it?

I'm vocalist, manager, and lyricist in my band.
Was in an industrial band, did quite well considering. I sang (heavily distorted, and synths. Later I joined a rock band, I play a mean bass, but can play guitar songs if given time to practice. I'm just a pretty good performer, and like a load of types of music. I won't lie, I generally slot into rock/punk tye of bands better...

You got a link to your stuff?
Sadly, no. We're probably going to be setting up a performance date sometime in the future, but it we're on hiatus due to a problem with the band lineup. We're a Slipknot-inspired band (Vocals style, drums, and when/if we get 'em, turntables.), and we're trying to mix in a little Beneath the Sky type of thing with our guitar. If that entire paragraph made sense to you, then you understand what we sound like XD
It does indeed. What country are you based in?
USA. Specifically, the rural area just outside of Missouri. Technically, we're in Illinois, but I was born and raised in Saint Louis, so I place a lot of stuff in reference to Missouri.

Azmael Silverlance

Pirate Warlord!
Oct 20, 2009
WHen i was a teen i was wearing a training glove on my right hand all the time. I just thought it was cool. I just like to have soem kind of accesories on me.

Right now i think my armani bracelet on my left hand defines me the most since i also take it everywhere with me. Even if im wearing a suit and its under my sleeve i still like to have it on.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
I don't wear things that do not serve a purpose, ever. It's fine when they have a purpose, and they're decorated versions of that (Like a watch)- but rings and bracelets etc.? Nah.


Pandamonium is at hand
Dec 3, 2008
I have a bracelet given to me at my ninth birthday,hich has been worn basically 24/7 ever since,and a gold plated necklace that my parents made for my siblings and me at birth.I was allowed to look at it,but not wear it until I was 11,which I wear 24/7 like my bracelet.
Both have some deep meaning to me,and I would feel emptier without them.

They're not worth much,one is stainless steel links and a plaque,the other pretty much the same,but the medallion part is covered with gold leaf,but I intend to pass them on one day.


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
FreelanceButler said:
My Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood hoodie.
Care to explain or post a picture? Does it look like the assassin's cloaks or does it just have the logo? Because it it's the former I need one.

That's not me in the picture, if you were wondering. I always have the sleeves rolled up so people don't notice it's actually a little too small for me.
Apart from the game's title on the front, it's just a regular hoodie. No pointed hood or anything. I was bitterly disappointed, but hey, the logo on the back's still cool.


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Top hats. I have small ones, big ones. I have a replica of the Mad Hatter's from the Tim Burton movie, one with bunny ears, another with Jack Skellington on it, a plain one with buttons all over it, even a black one with feathers and a veil. Every one knows me as "the girl with the hats."