What is your Scar?


New member
Jan 22, 2009
I actually thought this was about who your nemesis was, like, Scar from Lion King. The Capital S confused me. And maybe I'm a little tired.

But I don't have any scars on my body. Strangely enough.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
between my right index and middle finger, where i burned myself at the age of three, one of my first memories.
three scars from when a dog bit me in my left arm and chewed through the cast a had after braking my arm falling from a tree trying to steal some fruit


New member
Jan 11, 2010
I got loads, a burn on my leg from hot water, a scar on my finger from grabbing a light bulb, a scar on my arm from when I broke it and many more...


New member
Jan 21, 2011
I have a scar on the top right side of my forehead from when I was eight. My father had shot a deer, skinned it and hung it in our garage. I wanted to help him out so I snuck in the garage and used a curved skinning knife to try to cut out a square of meat. The hook ineviatably got stuck in a rib and so in an attempt to dislodge it I grabbed it with both hands and gave it a yank that broke the rib and and sent the knife into my forehead. It bled alot but it just cut the skin and it left a wicked scar.


New member
Jan 9, 2011
i have 2 scars on my thumb from when my little brother was little and bit me till i bled, it got infected too

i have several small scars on my arms from when i had chicken pox and yes, i scratched the bejeezus outta them

on my left arm i have several pin prick scars from when i used to slide needles under my skin to scare little children (and i enjoyed the pain)

on my right thigh, i have a triangle scar from a gf i had, she thought it would be cooler than rings and i stupidly agreed

i have a rather deep and big scar on my right arm from when i screwed an inch long screw into my arm in shop class to prove a point that i was screwy in the head and was not to be messed with... in the 4 years of highschool, not one kid bothered me after that

i was born with keloid scarring so all the scars i have are twice as bad then a regular person's scar


New member
Dec 22, 2010
I used to really hate being tickled. So my cousin was chasing me around my house and I fell into a table. Small scar in the middle of my forehead.

I guess there's also the time I was running around a fire while camping and tripped and fell into the fire.

I think I just liked falling a lot.


New member
May 18, 2009
Longish cut down below my eye, and a couple of smaller scars around it from going face first through a car window whilst cycling. Good times.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
TitanAtlas said:
Well if you followed the title, then you got half the question....

What i mean is, has a kid, we had our accidents, our misadventures... From falling, to getting hit, brawling or whatever you did, tell me my friends what is your scar...

We all have these little reminders of "that" accident we had...

i mean i got a scar on my knee from falling from my bike, and continuously falling downhill (dam flat tires), i got a scar in my arm from a dog bite (i was trying to seperate a dog fight... how stupid that was), i got glass cuts in my other hand (a glass broke in my hand... never understood why), i got a scar on my forehead (i fell against a glass table, the ones with sharp corners), and a scar in the top of my head from getting hit by a metal door...

all of these were made when i was a kid tough...

so tell me dear escapists... what are your scars, and how did you made them?
I don't have any scars from being a kid

I do have a scar on my right arm that I got when I was 17 when I got attacked by a dog when taking the trash out to the curb on valentines day though

that's it though

...and I always get injured on that day -_-
...and yes I am aware that it's coming up too...


New member
Jun 6, 2010
If got a scar on my left knee from when i had my leg cut off by a dog carrying a machete, didn't hurt much though....

...Ok i admit it i just tripped over and cut my knee

EDIT: Also i admit it hurt quite a lot


New member
Aug 14, 2009
I still have the bulk of a scar I got from a tar kettle 'flashing' when I opened the lid and the flames shot down my shirt-sleeve, causing 2nd degree burns that verged on 3rd degree. I spent the rest of my day dipping that arm in a 45-gallon drum of water that the bricklayers had onsite, but some 'helpful' drunken jackass ripped the blisters open that evening.

I promptly had the scar in my right eyebrow and the scars on my forehead re-opened during the ensuing 'discussion', but I left him pretty beat up, according to what people told me later. Strangely enough, after my burns got pulled open, I don't remember a whole lot.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Well during a quad-biking ride through an Egyptian desert I went a bit too quick and my quad hit a bump and flew in the air, did a BARREL ROLL and flew of ripped open my leg and part of my arm, but due to my bones amazing resilience I didn't break anything, well I think, didn't go to hospital, since I'm HARDCORE.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
henritje said:
a scar near my right eye I got it when I ran head first in a tabble corner I also cant blink my right eye (strangley enough I can close it when I close both of them)
Huh. Kinda like me, only my scar's near my LEFT eye. Well, at least, my parents told me that I hit my face on a table corner when I was 2 or 3...I don't remember it first hand. But yeah, the scar is there. Near the corner of my left eye.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I've got a scar across my chest from when I fell over running. Sorta have to think up a better story for it.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
I have a bunch of diamond scars in my face...damn you Bond!


New member
Oct 1, 2010
Got a scar on the top of my forehead from slamming it against a metal fence. (Slipped on some ice) Got a scar on the inside of my lip when I split the inside of my lip from the outside on the corner of a bookcase. That one was 18 stitches cause there had to be plastic surgery. Both my knees and elbows have scars on them from bike accidents. Many little scars all over my hands and arms from working construction and just screwing around in wooded areas. I forgot to mention the scar I got on the back of my head from wandering in front of someone trying to skip rocks at a lake. Had to go to the emergency room so they could pick the little pieces of shale out of the back of my head. It was also the 3rd 4th of July in a row that I was injured somehow.


New member
May 22, 2010
I am covered in scars, most of which I don't remember the origin of. I have a cool hourglass shaped scar on my left pointer finger, half of which came from a plastic box, but I'll be darned if I know where the other half came from. It's been there as long as I can remember. I also have a scar in my upper lip, from where I fell off of a sea wall and bit clear through it as a child. There's plenty more from my childhood, but they're minor, and I have no idea where they came from anyway.

The two that stick with me the most, though, are a scar on my left pinkie finger, and a scar on the webbing of my right ring finger. I earned both of them during my Freshman year of college, so they aren't exactly childhood, but they are notable. The first one happened when I managed to slice the tip of my pinkie off, except for a tiny bit of skin, with a cardboard box that I was cutting up. Before you ask, no, it wasn't the box cutter; it was the worst paper cut in history. We reattached it with steri-strips, but it never healed quite right, and there are times when I'm afraid putting too much pressure on it will break it back open. The other scar involved me walking into the sharp edge of a gas grill, and cutting myself in such a way that it would heal without stitches, but I wouldn't be able to play guitar until it did heal. Well, I had already taken a couple of weeks off of practicing for the sliced off finger tip (I was a music major at the time, not practicing was a bad idea) so I couldn't really afford more down time. I went to a walk in clinic, got it sewed up, was able to play while it healed, but wound up with a worse scar than I would have earned if I had just let it heal on its own. The things you do for your art, eh?

Edit: I forgot my most noticeable childhood scar. I have a perfectly round scar exactly centered between my eyes, looking for all the world like a Hindu caste symbol. In reality, it's a chickenpox scar that happened to wind up in an odd place, but people tend to notice it.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
I fell forehead first into a hardwood coffee table...
I have a nice big scar just above the line of my fringe.


New member
Oct 8, 2007
a scar? IVE GOT YOUR SCAR RIGHT HERE *flips you the bird* ... no really I have a scar on my middle finger on my left hand I fell over carrying a big metal pipe as a kid and it landed on my hand.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
About a 5 inch across circle that goes about of a third of an inch into my leg after a skin graft I had to have after a motorbike accident that removed all nine layers of skin, a line that goes from my shoulder down to my hip from falling 10 feet from a tree, caught my back on a broken branch, another line from my chest to my waistline after getting into an argument in my tech class and a kid went for me with a metal ruler, them fuckers be sharp haha.