What is your Scar?


New member
Apr 24, 2009
I have two really horrible scars from knife fights I wasn't even involved in!

And I have an ugly scar on my leg from cutting myself shaving lol. I also have a dint on my forehead from when I faceplanted the floor when I was little.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Erm, two surgical scars painfully close to my privates. A scar on the bridge of my nose from chicken pox, I call it the chicken pock/chicken pock mark now. I also have a peppering of scars on my right hip from some accident or other. I think it was from playing a game when I was 14 where I had to run from about three people who had to take me to the ground by any means necessary. I'm good at staying on my feet, hence their increased violence, hence the scars.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
ths one http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/FN_SCAR-L_%28Standard%29.jpg

... what that doesn't count ? Okay I've got this really ugly scar back when I was five. I was jumping around and fell into the coffee table. Managed to drive the granite adge thru the area between my lip and chin. The cool part is that the scar is just in the right position to get coverd up by my lip so unles I strech my lip inwards its practicly invisible.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
A white line roughly 2 and half inches in diameter running across my left palm, starting from the base of my index finger and ending almost in the middle of the palm.

Cause: Stupidly grabbed a sharpened can lid when I was 2 years old, which at the time encompassed the entire width of my palm.

It serves a direct scale for how much I've grown since I was 2. That's about it though.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
On my chin from when I slipped and was unable to catch myself with my hands. This exact same spot was opened up twice and I needed stitches both times.

On my lip from when I smashed my face into the corner of a dresser and lost a tooth- also stitches.

I will always have a very distinct left thumb print from a cut recieved from a cat food can.

I just remembered the one on my right leg (I seriously haven't looked at it in at least a year) from when I crashed my bike into a fire hydrant (laugh it up- everyone does) and needed about a dozen stitches. This one is surprisingly hard to see considering how obvious and bald it was last time I checked it out.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
I've kinda got Wolverine's healing factor, I don't really get scars. Especially from burns. I mean, I once burned the crap out of one of my arms with one of those fry baskets from McDonald's, and it healed so good I can't even tell which arm it was anymore.

That being said, I do have two noticable scars:

One is on my knuckle from when I was moving a rug into the trunk of a car... but I wasn't really a kid at the time, so that doesn't count.

One scar I got when I was 9 is still around, however. I stabbed myself in the arm with cutting knife. Okay, let me back up. You see, this was RIGHT after I had seen Toy Story, and my parents had just bought me a Buzz Lightyear action figure (the big one with all the same features as the one from the movie).

However, the box it came it didn't look like a spaceship at all, so I wanted a spaceship for my new Buzz. So, I took a cardboard box and a cutting knife into the front yard and went to work on my new Buzz Lightyear spaceship. I think you can guess where things went from there.


New member
Jun 1, 2008
I have a 1.5 inch vertical scar between my left eye and nose where the doctor had to re-construct my tear duct (after I destroyed it and a subsequent staff infection). I also have a more noticeable, yet smaller scar on my left cheek near my mouth, when the doctors pushed my cheek bone back into place from the same accident. Skiing. Deadly stuff.

There are other scars from that, but they've all faded over time.

My arms and legs are full of dog bite scars. Stupid piece of shit small terrier dog. I'm glad I took it in and put it down. 10 years of that can make someone crazy.

Mind you, I also have cat bites and scratches... Those simply never scar me for one reason or another.

I have a horrible pock-mark scar on my stomach from when a goose bit me, before I can remember.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
the best one i have is from a motorcycle i fell over going 40 down a hill and just grinded my elbow smooth but now the scar kinda looks like a flame so its kinda cool

Sad Face

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I still have pebbles under the skin on my knees from this time my wheel popped off my bike and I went in the ditch.
I knew if I went home Mom would make me come in and clean up so I stayed out biking for hours and hours later.

Those are the main ones I guess.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I have 2 big scars on my left arm from when I was mauled by a kitten when I was 7.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
I have a scar on my upper lip. I tripped and fell on the side of a radiator and split it in two. kinda like a tick mark. I quite like it but it's not that noticeable but I can never get any hair to grow out of it so it's somewhat more noticeable when I've gone unshaven for a while


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Which to start on... First I have a hard-to-see one on my left arm from when my sister scratched me. Then I have one on my knuckle from when I hit it on the edge of a desk while carrying a heavy load. Then I have a large series of deep stretch marks along my back and my buttocks, just from a growth spurt I guess. Then I have two matching scars below each of my pectoral muscles (breasts, but I'm a man) from when I had surgury.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
I have this scar near the bottom of my back, in the middle. No particularly interesting story behind it though, I am sorry to say.

vamp rocks

New member
Aug 27, 2008
hehe... i have a scar on the palm of my left hand a couple inches from my thumb from trying to get an aligator.

When i was on vacation with my family i got a little glass bottle filled with stuff and on the top there was a cork with an animal on top, I think it was an aligator or something; my sister dared me to try to get the animal off the top so i tried and tried and eventually broke the glass while pulling on the cork and sliced my hand open. oh, and sorry for the possibly misleading first sentence :p

oh, and i also have a little mark on my wrist from when i got stabbed with a pencil, i think a bit of graphite got stuck in there :p


New member
Mar 8, 2010
maninahat said:
Shirokurou said:
I've got a katana scar. No shit.
My dad received one as a present and most of the time it stood along with the interior. But I liked to whip it out and act all cool with it.
So one time I decided to throw it up in the air and catch it again. Catch it I did, right on the blade (not far from the hilt).
Had my hand sewn back by a surgeon in a hospital (after waiting for like 20 minutes). I narrowly avoiding cutting the tendons on my hand, so I didn't lose use of it.

But I have this sleek scar going between my right thumb and index finger.

But whenever I say, "Oh it's a scar from a samurai sword." People usually think I bullshit them.

Since that time, my dad bought me a second sword and years later I bought 2 more.

But I now I know how treat them with respect.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Apparently I tripped over as a kid and fell ear-first on a jagged rock, and cut it pretty badly. There's a scar on my right ear to this day, but it's small and I can barely remember when or how it happened. I really can't handle pain or cuts though so I'm absurdly careful.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Various small scars on my forearms and shins from bushbashing, and such when I was younger. The only major scar I have is on the right side of my head. I was playing dodgeball (I was 5 yars old) at school, I thought there was a concrete pillar to my left, so when the ball came at I went right...into the corner of said concrete pillar (my spatial awarness wasnt that good as a kid).