What Makes You Rage Uncontrollably?


New member
Mar 5, 2010
Gamingwise: The blocking in the Madden games. It's simply disgraceful.

Non-gaming wise: I have one friend on Facebook who's constantly posting the typical "I love my boyfriend in SO MANY WAYS" it just gets annoying/obnoxious after a while.

- Plus, I have another friend whos one of those "I had one bad relationship and even though I'm only 15 I have a lifetime of understanding of relationships, also I spend my time postage about how horrible all men are, then wonder why guys don't want to be in serious relationships with me (which is what all teenage guys want. A serious relationship)."

- People who aren't willing to adjust their stance when new information/facts are learned. You don't have to completely change your stance. But things change, peoples views of them should too.

- "my life sucks. Beig a teenager is soooooooo hard." not its not. You don't have a job to worry about/need a job, mom and dad pay for everything, and you have plenty of friends. But hey, your minor setback in life is bad too.
Sep 14, 2009
Murais said:
Juggalos. They are the only thing/concept/people that I really cannot tolerate, even when exerting self-control. I hate them, and I hate them shamelessly. I have refused to associate with people because of this simple detail. Cannot and will not tolerate their presence or attitude.

I could elaborate, but I'd rather not risk the ban or the 8 or so pages of text I'd be filling this space with.

EDIT: If I can give you a frame of reference, as a man who studies debate, and also studies the field of psychology, I can tolerate a lot of people. I can tolerate religious bigots, racial bigots, the pig-headed, the stubborn, the uneducated, the politically correct, the politically incorrect, politics, the homophobic, ultra-liberals, ultra-conservatives, stoners, jocks, melvins, preps, over-achievers, pseudophilosophers, pseudointellectuals, Karl Marx, and the French. I. Cannot. Stand. Juggalos. That is all.
wow gotta say up until urban dictionary'ing the term, i had never heard of a juggalo before. but i guess i'll just associate them with hardcore faggots who need to get taken down a few pegs.

OT: lately..multiplayer games. i have been getting so frustrated, especially with tf2, i might just delete that game from my computer its pissing me off.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Pandemic Studios being closed down made me rage a lot when I heard.

The new "Spyro" game by Activision.


New member
Mar 17, 2010

I'm not particularly in favour of either side of politics, but the mass delusions of the people on this website affect me like almost nothing else can. Whenever I get drawn into visiting the site, I want to lash out and just beat the crap out of something, despite usually being a rather mild person :p


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Oh, i forgot. Any loudmouthed vegan who's campaigning for animal rights. Now, mind you, I'm all for not abusing animals, but to go as far as saying killing animals for food is inhumane...that pisses me off. What makes me rage the most is when they ignore the fact that mankind itself survived on animals for the better part of our existence.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Multiplayer games. Not just COD either - anything competitive makes me get mad because people are better than me.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
kortin said:
Oh, i forgot. Any loudmouthed vegan who's campaigning for animal rights. Now, mind you, I'm all for not abusing animals, but to go as far as saying killing animals for food is inhumane...that pisses me off. What makes me rage the most is when they ignore the fact that mankind itself survived on animals for the better part of our existence.
Haha, yeah. I'm against killing animals for sport/abusing them, but to protest eating them? Give me a break :p


New member
Feb 3, 2009
People that say that any FPS "looks like doom", and people that mod.

Not related to gaming however, any time people take my words out of context or metaphorically put words in my mouth, and especially when they literally put words in my mouth, which happens too often, Haters, Rebecca Black, People that force their beliefs on other people weather they be Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or atheist, the movie "Knowing" that was the worst movie that I have ever seen in my life and trust me, I've seen "Teeth" and "Twilight", Liberals, Conservatives, Hippies, PETA, People that use the wrong (there/ their/ they're), people that think that evolution is supposed to explain the origins of life, All major sources of news (except the onion), People that would think that this is mean, People that take more than five seconds to move between sentences when talking, Kids these days, People that blast their music at 2:00 am, The fact that taking a shower at midnight attracts the attention of every RA on the north side of campus, The crown, Westboro Baptist church, Lawyers, People that are in a gang, and especially the ones that think that they are bad-ass because of it, My idiot roommate that walks in drunk and stoned at 3:00 am, The idiot that graded my stuff in history class that wouldn't know proper grammar if I curb stomped her into an encyclopedia, Inaccurate stereotypes, rodents, gals that wear incredibly loud footwear, people that don't get why I say gal instead of girl, people that hate how formal I am, people that just assume that I'm gay.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Nintendo getting undeserved praise.

People who need to feel better about themselves, and in order to do that put others down.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Brian Hendershot said:
Also...while we are here. What's up with all the anger lately Escapists? Did Jack Thompson say something dumb again?
Not that I know of, but $20 says that he will now that the School Shooter mod has been taken down.

OT: Currently, the Canadian Prime Minister. He was just found in contempt of parliament. Then he brings out the new budget which no other party is supporting and is making all kinds of BS excuses about that. My guess is that he made the budget that way so that a non-confidence motion will be brought up on it and we'll have an election, so then the in contempt of parliament charges will be dropped (I do give the guy some credit, he knows the system VERY well).

Luckily, the Liberal party has said that they will not bring the non-confidence motion in on the topic of the budget, but the fact that he was found in contempt. So there is a silver lining.

Though now the Conservatives (The Prime Minister's party, for those non-Canadians that don't give a shit about what happens up here) are going on about how the Liberals and the NDP and the Bloc are going to form a coalition like they tried to last time. Who knows? Maybe they will. Better question: So what? Last time when they tried it, Harper (the prime minister, again for non-Canadians) was going around saying that it wasn't democratic, even though it is.

He also said just recently that all Canadians expect parliamentarians to work together. He meant this as a dig at the opposition. This is stupid however as HE is the one not working with the rest of the house to get the budget (which included practically nothing of what the opposition asked for) passed.

For those wondering, I have no idea who I would want in power, I just want the current guy to fuck off.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
You earning twelve dollars an hour voting for the very party that wants to reduce your wage and worker's rights.
You with your private yacht and classic car collection complaining about the Government wanting to tax you more.
You and your whining children. You and your anti-child bitching. You with your excessive love for fashion and you who doesn't even try.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
Well, there are a lot of things i could say in reply to this but i'll keep it gaming related. I don't have a problem with all bad players especially ones that are new to certain games, however when i try and give someone genuine constructive criticism and they then start swearing at me in their high pitched twelve year old voice about how the've been playing it for years when they cleary haven't because they are fucking horrible it's needles to say i get a bit mad.On another note (not aimed at anyone specific) just because you're one the internet does not mean u get 2 speak like dis 2 me, get some grammar and spelling you illiterate fucks, i liked the internet before my generation ruined it.

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
People who see footage of tournament-level play in fighting games and say stupid stuff like "Oh, that guy's just spamming hadoukens" or "Oh, he's just mashing buttons, I could do that, I could beat him".

No he's not, and no you couldn't. Stop talking. Just... Just stop talking.


New member
Dec 4, 2007
some some bullshit play happens in Madden 11 where I magically get picked off by a lineman for a touchdown, a linebacker jumps 7 feet in the air and catches is, a WR falls down on his route and the ball floats into the safety's hand, my QB getting a broken arm...

yeah, I hate madden D:


New member
Mar 8, 2011
In gaming, protagonists that I actively hate, one-hit kill attacks that come from nowhere, and boss fights where if you die you have to replay the whole goddamn level.

In real life one of the only things that pisses me off is school (college, whatever). Not the teaching part, but the other students with their stupid, retarded, inane, backwards questions and comments. Yes, I realize they paid money to be there and have every right to be taught, etc. I don't give a fuck. I hate it more than anything in the world, being chained to a seat listening to idiots and knowing that I'm fucking PAYING FOR THIS. It's like paying for cable and the only channel you get is Lifetime Movie Network... and you're in bed with your arms and legs broke... and you lost the remote...


New member
Nov 19, 2010
28 Weeks Later. Now I'm probably inviting a flame here, so I'm just going to say I didn't mind it in theory.


I could have contained the entire problem with 4 words: "Shoot all suspicious targets".

Instead of wasting time shooting everyone, snipers could aim for anything they believed was infected or could be infected or could be a threat. This may not have helped prevent the safe zone from being overrun, but it would have drastically cut down the chance of someone like Doyle deserting to help civilians.

And if he did, he could have teamed up with that sniper he saw, formed a reasonably sized group, escaped the firebombings, group up with some more soldiers and none of the civilians would have had to die.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but still...