What Minecraft Is Missing


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Is redstone actually rare now? I usually filled up three rows or so of a chest with it and then just quit mining it since I never used it anyway.


New member
Nov 25, 2008

You should check that link out. You can find every single mod/wish for a mod there to download including sluice gates, spawn changers (makes compasses useful) elevators, minimaps, capes, etc. There's even a mod for an adventure mode which makes the game play like Legend of Zelda. Also a must have is the Fancy Pack for furniture - want to decorate all your rooms and castles well you can with proper furniture.

Seriously, there's even a hookshot mod... and a gun one, well, two.

One of my favourites is the more mobs mod, which adds foxes, bears, lions, trainable and ridable horses, ogres and more.

itf cho

Custom title? Bah! oh wait...
Jul 8, 2010
Notch has said a few times that he's working (at least thinking) about a tutorial. I think the last time I saw it mentioned, he indicated that there would be one before (or when) the game comes out of beta.

Trap doors would be a great thing to have, and kudos to the guy who suggested a redstone beacon. That's an idea I love - being able to attune your compass to your own beacon would be a great thing. That would be especially useful in SMP servers, where your home base is often quite far away from the spawn area.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
oh I so wish for one thing only

a god darn way of changing your spawn point after the world is generated

I don´t care if you need to make a point from gold and diamonds, just add one darn it.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
remmus said:
oh I so wish for one thing only

a god darn way of changing your spawn point after the world is generated

I don´t care if you need to make a point from gold and diamonds, just add one darn it.
ioxles said:

You should check that link out. You can find every single mod/wish for a mod there to download including sluice gates, spawn changers (makes compasses useful)......

King Crab

New member
Jul 20, 2009
I've just recently got into the mods there are for minecraft and some of the things you guys are asking for already exist --

telecompass - allows you to set a new spawn point and teleport to it
floodgates - uses redstone power to make a block appear/disapear - can use it to make traps and bridges and the like
fancy pack - lots of new crafting recipies for chairs, tables, decorations, potted plants and so on
mini map - a small map of your location on screen

if you can't wait for these sorts of things to be implimented officially, check out the one stop mod shop http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=93171 for a full list of mods.

note - you will need to read the readmes to get it all up and running. and back up everything.

now, back to my steampunk citidal (in construction) on my pegasus, huzzah!



Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
It's funny, Lapis Lazuli as the only means of acquiring blue is quite true to history. Historically, when artists wanted the colour Ultramarine Blue, they would have to get the pigment from ground Lapis Lazuli, which meant that it was the most expensive paint at the time. That's why you'll notice that frequently in paintings, pre-artificial Ultramarine, painters will rarely desaturate Ultramarine at all, they wanted to showcase the expensive pigments. Ever wonder why the Virgin Mary is always in Ultramarine blue clothing? Well, there you go. I'm not saying Minecraft should have it so that blue dye is super rare, I'm just saying it's cool that it's being rather true to history.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
The game really needs one. Notch said he was thinking about working on one, I think. Perhaps he should stop thinking about it and actually do it.

Ore detection;
I don't think so. You can explore caves and they have a bunch of exposed ore, but being able to detect ore easily would break the game a bit.
The discoloured rocks suggestion does sound interesting, though...

Sluice Gate
Very good idea actually. Not sure how it would be implemented, though.
Tangient; Redstone ore is only rare if you don't know where to look. At the bottom levels of the map it's almost as common as (or perhaps more common than) coal, and each block drops four redstone dust.
That said, actually getting down there can be a problem.

More ways to get blue dye;
Yeah, getting blue dye is a bit annoying. They made it a little more common, though; the Lapis Lazuli spawning is un-broken now so it isn't almost non-existent at bedrock as opposed to 20 up now, and each block drops more. That only helps slightly, though.


New member
Dec 16, 2009
Sorry if any of this has been mentioned previously, but what about obsidian tools and weapons? Holy crap, a lot of ancient cultures used obsidian for these purposes... not just really dark blocks you can use to make an nearly indestructible fortress.

Also, a backpack would be nice. I know a lot of people on the minecraft forums have made many mentions of this, and I think it would make a good use out of that cow hide.

Almost too bad you can't make silicon from sand. Eventually, I could see you being able to construct a more evolved machine of sorts, perhaps even a robot eventually. Would be great to have a robot to do some of the mining for you, even if you had to limit the lifespan of said machine to add a little balance.

Damn shame you can't find rubber. Plenty of uses for that, including making some sort of vehicle for land travel as well as insulation for wiring so perhaps you could lay it under the ground instead of just a crapload of redstone dust laid out.

I'm completely on board with the idea of creating markers/waypoints in the game to help you find your way around. There are mods to the game wherein you can use the redstone dust to craft spells and even teleporters to help you get around, but I think leaving markers you can pick up on the compass would help just as much. Kinda sucks having to build on the tallest hill in your starting location so you can always find your headquarters if you need/want to wander around for clay or other materials.

Saltpeter would make for an interesting addition, if not only for crafting gunpowder. But if you have guns, I'd imagine that Notch would need to balance it out with an enemy with some competing firepower as well.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Btw, you can use the mods on the forums to do literally everything you guys are discussing.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
CitySquirrel said:
I hope a lot more items are added by the final version. I also hope some kind of compass is added that can find a previously set way-point. (maybe you have to craft the compass and a magnetic structure?) I say this because in my largest world I have two houses that I can't find anymore. And one of them has some diamonds in it. I really want those back.
I'm kind of hoping there'll be the ability to change your spawn point in the future. As for the houses, I'd recommend building a road between them in the future. Lay down torches when you explore or something.

As for the sluice gate, I believe doors currently perform the same funtion. Place the door right in front of a water source, connect it to a lever.

But I'm going to say that I don't particularly mind waiting for ores. While I seem to run through iron rather quickly, I always seem to be able to find enough of it to make it worth my while.

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
Ashoten said:
I don't think Mr.Croshaw gets much helpful feedback if you don't give him some constructive critasism. SO here is mine. I find it a bit odd that his same reasons for liking Minecraft are the same reasons he hates WOW. Lots of grind that you lets you show off your big golden cock/Epic gear drops.
Here's some constructive criticism of your comment: In WoW you grind for items someone else designed, that have the ability to kill enemies with slightly less effort. In Minecraft you grind for materials you can use to build massive structures and contraptions of your own design. There's really no comparison.

ObsessiveSketch said:
Alexnader said:
So... Ben Croshaw wants a "A Buggering Tutorial"? I mean I wouldn't know but the concept doesn't seem particularly complicated to me.
If you haven't investigated the methods and madness of minecraft prior to purchasing the game, you literally have no way of knowing that putting two blocks of wood together makes a workbench, from which you can craft other much-needed items. Trial and error is one way of learning about a game, but the sheer number of possible combinations is rather staggering and intimidating, especially since you only have a limited amount of time before green cock-monsters blow you the hell up.
<----- the joke

<----- your head

Grabbin Keelz

New member
Jun 3, 2009
I know this would take a lot of fun out of the survival but why cant you make a gun? You have wood, metal, electricity, and gunpowder (sulfur now) There's no reason beyond your character's crafting skills that you couldn't give those hordes a taste of your homemade 12 gauge.

Also Mr. Yahtzee I would love to see your skull fortress on a video or some screenshots. I'm sure it would kick the shit out of my lousy sky colony. (no joke intended)


New member
Apr 14, 2009
...And since i've found Minimap mod i don't think there's any other important function Minecraft should be equipped with.

By the way : Watch yourself there angry Britishman. This whole hurricane thing looks serious.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
A way to find ores would be use full, but i still like the idea of having to look for stuff, but isn't it a unwrighten law but dimonds can be found near lava, and the easyist way to find gold (and most of the other ores) is to stumble on a underground cave, which i find very fun to explore with the added bonus of finding a monster lair (you know one of those cages what spawn monsters, and theres a chest near em and you get pretty mose coverd cobbles).

I some times find myself lost in what i like to lable "ye old pot noodle mine" to which after being down there for a couple of hours my friends would ask me, "where are you" and i'd have to reply, "I DON'T KNOW" to which my friends would stop building there doom fortress, to come into my "Bat Cave nananannananana" searching for me and then the way out.

After showing them my underground forest i have made as so to never have to adventure out of my pit (very simpler to real life) i would give them all the stone i have mined for them to use in the construction of there doom fort. If they want my gold they'll have to look for it because i've hidden it.

I have found the mine carts to be extremly buggy tho, and Hell to have alot of portential.
As for the colour Blue i see no reason not to make it hard to find, in medieval times it was the colour of wealth because it WAS so bloody hard to make!


New member
Oct 17, 2008
"That shit is primary."

I don't know why but those four words cracked me up.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
What the fuck Yahtzee?!

Making suggestions?
Whatever happened to the unlimited hatred for all beings dwelling on this dirtball? You had the snap and spoke from all our wretched much-disappointed gamerhearts. We wanted revenge for every half assed sequel out there and in a small but significant way, you gave it to us by pulling those fuckers apart. When did you turn into some constructive criticism ****? Answering to every bickering ****** you offended with your rant...
It was bad enough when you traded your anonymous-moaning-dick status for becoming semi-internet-celebrity that some people see in you now, mostly yourself. Now this! Why don't you just go over to the IGN board and write some 88 lines about how compelling you find Minecraft to be?


New member
Oct 19, 2010
The top three things I would like to see:

1) Blueprints: The ability to create an exportable/importable blueprint of a structure. This would allow players to share their creations with others as well as move their own favorite buildings between worlds. Sims has something like this, and it's very popular and does a lot to add to the community. If it feels too much like cheating, the blueprint could only be activated if the player feeds it the mats.

2) Paint: Dye is cool and all, but building my house out of flammable mats just to get colors kind of sucks. Alternately, just make dye work on different mats (stone, cobblestone, wood planks, glass)

3) Moveable spawn: People are always going off on the Minecraft forums about how people should explore their worlds. The biggest inhibitor for me is finding my main base again if it's 2-3 days away from spawn. I end up starting a new world, building a small base, gathering mats, then exploring slowly outward while building beacons and wayshrines until I find a good location for my main base. This is very time intensive and gets old after a few worlds. I would explore a lot more if I could take the bare minimum for survival with me and move my spawn point at will.

To the "there's a mod for that" crowd: finding these mods, installing them all, and praying they all play nice with each other is a major deterrent to enjoyment. It also makes it much harder on the more casual crowd that would just like to play the game without spending hours on forums. This is compounded by many of these mods (like Cartographer) being external programs and not usable in game.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Metal detector and trap door are most needed.

Finding iron and using a trap doors to drown mobs.


The Know-it all Detective
Nov 9, 2009
hawk533 said:
And maybe water should be able to flow through doors as well.
I disagree the point of the door is to keep things out so I think if you did want water or lava to flow through it should be like a grate rather than a door.
standokan said:
I agree with everything except the metal detector.
Agreed, the soil idea was perfect though.