Bloody mother SHART i delted my exxesivly long comment by hitting the back button whitch is a damn bad idea of makeing it also go back a page...
Minecraft needs to keep you interested at all time,they alredy have done so by makeing you work for you assesets.but there are only aprox 100crafts whitch can be memorrized fairly easily.if there were say a million crafts it would be very difficult to impossible to memmorize them.A better combat system would do wounders when i have a sword i should be able to ***** slap that zombie befor it touches me whitch i always get hit when i try to do so.There are the bow n arrows whitch i have grown to love

with there macine gun like firing rate.Cannons would be very nice to add the explosions keep just about anyone interested
and having simmilar effects like TNT.A moarter like shape with iron as the craft.
I like the metal detector idea but you would have tons and tons of ores what would you do with all of them?only way to keep balence is make a mind-boggling amount of crafts.A mode whitch i read about for minecraft a ind of zombie survival thing have a pre-built castle
the zombies can break blocks(and balls) keep the sunsa-bitches out cannons and arrows,it would have to be multiplayer to make it possible you would be swarmed and forced to bend over if you didnt.
INtelegent NPC's pigmen seem to be a good choice they can harvest materials and build villages make them mad they hunt you down and gut you like a pig (haha).But if they had millions of crafts programed in them i would fear them that or have a nuke on hand>
There would be multipul vilalges all over the world each a diffrent color diffrent color makes them enemmys and when spoted they have a little fight,whitch i would find it ammusing seeing pigs fight to the death.And you could aliy with a village and have world domination
if a other colored pigmen kills the other village they capture it,whitch geares them all for worl-I mean minecraft domination.Yahtzee would prefer to nuke them all i imagine.Maybe even human NPCs whitch are loyal to you and fight to the death.Whitch would make it more like first shooter world domination strategy game.
My ideas may seem a bit beyond current tech nology conisdering i never seen a intellgent NPC.However they seem possible and excusse me for leaving a long comment*
eat your waffles grandmas,if you dont yo guna get a spankin.