What type of gamer annoys you most?


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Honestly there's one type that cheeses me more than any other type. "The Cheater."

I can't stand cheaters at games. The kind that exploit every glitch, bug, or code to get better, rather than just play the damned game. It drives me up the wall. Especially when they use the cheats and still can't play for shit.

The other kind I don't like are the Metagamers and Rule Whores of PnP games. I hate it when someone uses OOC knowledge with their character, and I really hate it when someone has their nose so far down into the rule book that they can't play properly without bitching every three steps about the rules. Ugh. . .


New member
Jan 7, 2011
Somnambulistic said:
Honestly there's one type that cheeses me more than any other type. "The Cheater."

I can't stand cheaters at games. The kind that exploit every glitch, bug, or code to get better, rather than just play the damned game. It drives me up the wall. Especially when they use the cheats and still can't play for shit.
I think the reason they cheat is because they can't play for shit and instead of trying to get better, they try and cheat to make themselves "better".

Vamantha said:
The type of Gamer I find most deplorable are the "Gamers". Basically, people who say they play video games but don't actually play.
I know the type, you asked them if there looking forward to a upcoming game and they don't have the slightest idea of any upcoming games, and if you ask them if they played a game other than a selected few such as Call of Duty or Fifa (big named one), which they have only played a couple of times, they never even heard of it.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
People who think they're better than they actually are.

I'm ok with bad players, if they know they're bad.
I'm ok with awesome players, even if they're jerks (I'm one of these, some of the time).

I'm not ok with people who go "I was just unlucky!" or "that was just lag" or "you must be a hacker. No one outplays me so much."

Well, fuck 'em. With a jackhammer. Literally. To death.


New member
Aug 7, 2011
"Hardcore" Gamers. You know, the ones who dicate who's a gamer and who isn't just by their library.

I don't play CoD or Battlefield, does that not make me a gamer dispite my steam library having a scroll bar?


New member
Aug 14, 2012
oh man where to start.

1. 12 year olds that spawn kill you and proceed to talk shit like you don't belong on their level of awesomeness.
2. 12 year olds
3. People that refuse to interact with you both in game or real life, because they think you are not at good as they are.
4. Rage quitters
5. People why make your life a living hell and will tell everyone how much crap you are just because you did not follow their rules and tactics.
6. 1337 typers/speakers
7. Anyone who starts of talking of any type with "mom jokes" or "dick jokes"
8. People who quit early because you refuse to give them a super weapon that only one person can have per map (nazi zombies)
9. People who cannot speak english and will get all their non-english speaking friends to join the game and just flood the chat with a foreign language and then start a vote to kick you out.
10. People who openly tell everyone how high on drugs they are like it's cool for kids to hear.

I will stop here.


New member
Mar 5, 2009
The entitled whiny brats that throw a temper tantrum every time something doesn't go their way. They live in their own little world where they are best and if someone appears to be better than them at something, then it must've been due to lag or hacking. And it is no surprise that all of them are from the participation ribbon generation.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
Daystar Clarion said:
I wasn't implying that playing the game that way was wrong, merely that I've met enough people in my time who won't play the game in any other way and look down on others who do.
Where do people find these guys? I've heard these godawful horror stories from all manner of people about stick-in-the-mud Smash Bros. players who're endlessly obsessed with the prospect of winning and competition and whatnot, but I've never actually met any such players, and I've met a metric assload of Smash Bros. players. I've lost count of the number of tournaments I've attended and I've never, not even once, met the kind of people you're talking about.


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Now that you guys mention it, I definitely hate the PC Elitist too. Every time I go to a forum or an article's comments section and there's some guy harping about pc vs console or just plain making fun of the fact that people play games on consoles, or even just complaining that games get dumbed down for console owners.

It's annoying. Not everyone has the time or the money to put together a lean mean gaming machine, that other nerds will want to have a pissing contest against. Just for a slightly better picture and the ability to use mods that I'll never use. Just sayin'

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
Smug Know-it-alls. You are playing that game WRONG, but they aren't. They never are. They know everything and they'll let you know what they think is wrong with your playing style and equipment every time they see you playing the game, or every time you play the game with them. Honestly, even if I am not playing it perfectly, I'm having fun. Remember fun? Where you just try your best and enjoy the game? Anyone?

And any console/PC elitist. I get it, you have a preference, just,...enjoy your preference and leave other people alone.

Polite Sage

New member
Feb 22, 2011
PC masturr race hurrr gamers.
Console "PCs are too expensive, gamepad is a better controller, we get exclusives" hurr gamer.

"I play Skyrim / CoD / *insert a current mainstream video game*, I'm such a nerd xD" gamers
Art gamers as described in OP's post. Closely related are Reddit hipsters who rate indie games 4.5/5.0 stars just because they are "different", disregarding all gameplay and quality, but actually those gamers just want to appear as "underground" and "deep".

Female gamers split in two categories:
DISCLAIMER: I'm obviously not saying all female gamers are one of the two. I really shouldn't even have to write this disclaimer, but I'm doing so anyway just to be safe from angry mod hammer and flood of female Escapists.

The "gurl gamer" whose gamer profile reads something like:
Yes I'm a girl AND YES I'm a gamer ;). Don't treat me differently just because I'm a woman. Boys, dont hit on me xD.
And then she acts like an attention whore during matches. Related to "gurl gamers" are "white knight betas" who act as if they actually care about her, when they're actually just wanting to get into her pants. Will retort with "stop bullying her" / "I will protect you with my life" type messages if anyone dares to disagree with the "gurl gamer". God help you if the server admin is a "white knight beta".

"Feminist gamer" who spends most of her time complaining how "current games are too sexist". See Anita Sarkeesian for the most triumphant example. Will complain that Ico is too sexist. Arguments consist of:
If you were offended, please reread the disclaimer. I might have just hit too close to home.

Hardcore gamers who complain about the current state of games just because of their "lesser difficulty". Will praise artificial difficulty and padding and things that more difficult = better game.

Kids playing games that are not meant for them. I don't really need to explain why, do I.

Fanboys and company apologists. Idiots who disregard all critizism as "tone trolling". Will defend DLC and current pricing. See
Bethesda, Bioware, EA, Activision, pretty much every big company.

Piracy apologists. People who justify piracy based on something else than horrible DRM / benchmarking. If you're going to steal games, just fucking do it. I won't care, but please don't try to appear as "the good guy showing big companies how it is".

In short, I hate almost all gamers, including over half the people of this very site.


New member
May 7, 2008
Basically, my cousin. Not only is he a graphics whore, but he seems to not understand why someone would want to play a single player component.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
Kirtap said:
Matthew94 said:
Hardcore gamers, fuck that shit.

99% of you all are casual, just fucking admit it.
I think you need to add some definitions, what exactly is "Hardcore" and what constitutes "Casual".
I figure he has it in for guys who perceive themselves as "hardcore" because they play the big triple-A releases over anything indie or casual.

The way I see things, a hardcore gamer is in it for the culture surrounding games, this involving the systematic sampling of *everything* that comes out. I try and match that, and to learn to see indies and casuals as having their own worth and advantages. A hardcore gamer, IMHO, is someone who can look at the big picture.

Sadly, most of everyone else thinks they're SUPA HAWDCAW because they managed to not die in some game or another's hardest difficulty, or because they've figured out attack patterns in Dark Souls.

Everyone's a casual, these days. We just won't accept it. We have jobs, studies, families and lives. If you define "hardcore" as being able to live, breathe, eat and sleep video games, then I pity you.

Not that you did, Kirtap or Matthew94 - the "you" is used in the general sense. :)


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Gamers who not only buy into every moneymaking scheme the publishers can come up with but make poor excuses for said publishers too.
Why take sides against your own side? You're just making things more expensive for everybody, including yourself.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
GonzoGamer said:
Gamers who not only buy into every moneymaking scheme the publishers can come up with but make poor excuses for said publishers too.
Why take sides against your own side? You're just making things more expensive for everybody, including yourself.
I think it's a form of stockholm syndrome.

darkmind35 said:
Seeming chip on the shoulder aside, I find myself agreeing with you.

Dark Prophet

New member
Jun 3, 2009
People who mindlessly hate something. This one time I was playing DoW II the last stand, we had played several games together, it seemed we could win it so I suggested we start camping cause with some heroes it's the only viable option in the late game. So one player made a joke about us being like CoD players camping in the corner so I told that I wouldn't know cause I have ever only played single player and we lol'd but the 3rd player just started to vomit hate on us something about CoD players all being idiots and they should not touch DoW games or any rts games and then (probably) he just dropped. I know I didn't like CoD very much and somewhat regretted buying it but hate like that just stunned me.


New member
Jan 16, 2011
My 25yr old cousin refuses to play Halo, because it's not realistic enough for him. No, it's got to be Battlefield, Forza Motorsport, or...Left 4 Dead? What the hell, cuz?

A friend of mine bought Marvel vs Capcom 3 some time ago. He played it for a week before calling me and a couple of others over to play. None of us had played had played it before, but he kept consistently losing to all four of us. Why? Because he absolutely refused to change characters mid-fight. It was "playing a mechanic, not the game" according to him. He considered it borderline cheating, even though that's exactly how the AI plays. Then he goes on to play Street Fighter, beating the last boss by spamming a single move that the AI doesn't know how to counter. HOW IS THAT DIFFERENT?! FUCK!

He does this in every game. He playes every fighter the same way, every FPS the same way, every RPG the same way, and then complains how the games are broken.