What would your Super Power Be?


New member
Oct 17, 2008
I would have to say... the power to summon creatures of all sorts... kind of like in Final Fantasy.

Or teleportation/flight


New member
Dec 6, 2007
I would want to control bio-energy. Like the electrical impulses organisms run on, 'chi' and so forth. Then I wouldn't have to fight, I could turn someone's body against them. Make their joints lock up, render them numb and unable to function, or if I was feeling particularly nasty, cause them to lose control of bodily functions.

I could be subtle or blatant with this power dependent on my mood and how much I'm willing to study the human body to learn to control it. The power would take some effort not only in use but in gathering and applying knowledge, so I think it'd be really fair to have such a scope of power, but only if I worked for it.

Barring that, I'd wanna be a shapeshifter. Not just animals and crap, but turn into stone or metal or elements, kinda like Clayface, you know? Turn fluid and drift under locked doors, or just flow into the keyhole and solidify, pushing the tumblers into place. So many ways to creatively solve problems with that.


New member
Jul 3, 2008
Well it's a throw of between superhuman agility and telekinesis, Time abilities would be nice but to catch a car going 90 in an invisible 0g area and just lift it up and throw it. The thing about telekinesis is that there is no clear definition of what that implies.

Anyhow in my version of it you can create an invisible wall or take a swing at someone with your mind, In other words materialize your power.


New member
Feb 7, 2008
Sigh, most people inevitably choose the Big 8 (Super Strength, Speed, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Time Stop, Flight, Invisibility, and elemental abilities), but few think of the consequences.

Strength = can't do anything with others otherwise you'd kill them (subsequently, mating is REALLY hard)

Speed = The thought of normal speed is agonizing, and you'd tear yourself apart with your speed (the human body isn't able to handle certain speeds)

Telepathy = if you can't turn it off, you go insane. When it's on, it's incredibly stressful if you're in public.

Telekinesis = You need to be able to focus on something. If you can't focus, whatever your lifting becomes a liability. Even if you do focus, constant use is going to burn you out.

Time Stop = Too broken. Naw, you'll become apathetic to the world. Think of it as cheating in a video game. Ever wonder why immortals in comics/anime/etc. are always neutral and bored?

Flight = wings SUCK. Too visible, too bulky, and the genetic shift would cause you to starve to death. Wingless flight isn't any better: too high, you'll freeze/body will stop functioning, too low, you'll be seen and be shot down/sucked into a turbine/etc.

Invisibility = If you can't control (which you probably won't be able to), people will forget you/be afraid of you. Including friends and family. You'll always be alone

Elemental abilities = Beware of weakness. A bucket of water will hurt fire and lightning, water can be defeated too many ways (sun, cold, etc.), earth is useless once you're off it.

My power? I'd be able to siphon off fatigue (of all kinds) to anyone or anything around with maybe a 100m radius. I'd never need to sleep, basically, can run forever, and can heal myself (to a certain degree). Who wouldn't want that?


Defender of the English Language
Oct 22, 2008
I think I'd prefer something more subtle, not like throwing fire or flying. An all-around ability enhancement would be my preference; harder, better, faster, stronger, all that. Hell, honestly I just want to be able to perform the inhuman (and yet somehow perfectly plausible) jumps and acrobatic maneuvers of Altaïr and the Prince.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
I have the advantage of already being indestructible, but if I had to pick something to augment myself, I would pick mind control. Not only could I entertain myself for hours making random strangers kiss each other, but imagine the effort I would save by forcing my helpless slaves deliver me food and drink!

The supplementary question I would have to ask is this: with your chosen power, would you use it for good or evil?




Reaperman Wompa

New member
Aug 6, 2008
Mind control. There's just so much you could do. Want a palace? Have a small country build it. Want a helicopter? Take t. Limitless choices, it would absolutely rule.

Isaac Dodgson

The Mad Hatter
May 11, 2008
Dread_Reaper said:
I have the advantage of already being indestructible, but if I had to pick something to augment myself, I would pick mind control. Not only could I entertain myself for hours making random strangers kiss each other, but imagine the effort I would save by forcing my helpless slaves deliver me food and drink!

The supplementary question I would have to ask is this: with your chosen power, would you use it for good or evil?



you're a bit much aren't you?

anyway...The ability to manipulate reality would be nice...


New member
Mar 31, 2008
Reaperman Wompa said:
Mind control. There's just so much you could do. Want a palace? Have a small country build it. Want a helicopter? Take t. Limitless choices, it would absolutely rule.
Yeah, but then you become creepy loser like the Purple Man from Alias and everyone you ever brainwashed but escaped would beat the stuffing out of you once they found a way around it.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Isaac Dodgson said:
you're a bit much aren't you?
You'd be surprised how often people rhetorically ask me that. I always respond that I suffer from an excess of personality.


Reaperman Wompa

New member
Aug 6, 2008
Pseudonym2 said:
Reaperman Wompa said:
Mind control. There's just so much you could do. Want a palace? Have a small country build it. Want a helicopter? Take t. Limitless choices, it would absolutely rule.
Yeah, but then you become creepy loser like the Purple Man from Alias and everyone you ever brainwashed but escaped would beat the stuffing out of you once they found a way around it.
I could do it sneakily. Just make Bill Gates make a fake competition in which he gives away all his money, and I win, or something like that.

I don't have to specifically go with the all who I see must obey type of mind control.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
This. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/362.67733?page=2#613908] Very useful, if you're imaginative. I might be able to use it for transmutation, though I couldn't in the RP.


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
I'd like the Super Power of Super Healing.

I think it would be great being able to heal any ailment in other people, I wouldn't need to be a villain with that kind of power, plus it would be functional invulnerability since I would be able to heal myself as soon as I got injured.