What would your Super Power Be?


New member
Sep 5, 2008
Akas said:
Sigh, most people inevitably choose the Big 8 (Super Strength, Speed, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Time Stop, Flight, Invisibility, and elemental abilities), but few think of the consequences.

Strength = can't do anything with others otherwise you'd kill them (subsequently, mating is REALLY hard)

Speed = The thought of normal speed is agonizing, and you'd tear yourself apart with your speed (the human body isn't able to handle certain speeds)

Telepathy = if you can't turn it off, you go insane. When it's on, it's incredibly stressful if you're in public.

Telekinesis = You need to be able to focus on something. If you can't focus, whatever your lifting becomes a liability. Even if you do focus, constant use is going to burn you out.

Time Stop = Too broken. Naw, you'll become apathetic to the world. Think of it as cheating in a video game. Ever wonder why immortals in comics/anime/etc. are always neutral and bored?

Flight = wings SUCK. Too visible, too bulky, and the genetic shift would cause you to starve to death. Wingless flight isn't any better: too high, you'll freeze/body will stop functioning, too low, you'll be seen and be shot down/sucked into a turbine/etc.

Invisibility = If you can't control (which you probably won't be able to), people will forget you/be afraid of you. Including friends and family. You'll always be alone

Elemental abilities = Beware of weakness. A bucket of water will hurt fire and lightning, water can be defeated too many ways (sun, cold, etc.), earth is useless once you're off it.

My power? I'd be able to siphon off fatigue (of all kinds) to anyone or anything around with maybe a 100m radius. I'd never need to sleep, basically, can run forever, and can heal myself (to a certain degree). Who wouldn't want that?
Well, since you're talkin about all the bad things that could happen without perfect control over one's powers, what about yours? No one would want to hang out with you. You said you siphon off fatigue? Doesn't that mean you make others tired in order to make yourself more energetic and vice-versa? No one would want to hang out with you; you'd be a party-pooper. Also, your power is contingent on having some kind of life near you.

Also why would anyone want to fly so high anyways? It would be cold. What's wrong with not needing a car? :)

My power: the ability to create illusions of all 5 senses and alter people's perceptions. I would always enter a house and it would be as if rose petals fell before me as I enter the house. Also, when I would wake up, as far as my power could stretch, I would make people smell cinnamon buns or other freshly baked goods. I would also numb cuts or scrapes or bruises but only to the point where they'd still hurt if something was applying great pressure on it because pain is an important feeling.
If anyone was being uncool to me, I would make them feel like spiders and centipedes were crawling inside of them for a few seconds to watch them wriggle around.
Also, every time I exit a bathroom, an illusion of 3-4 doves would fly out before me.
I could also make money with this power by selling people's dreams to them. Whether it's sex, or coming out to their parents and having them accept them, or even having somewhere to go on Christmas.
I could even make everyone not notice me (free invisibility power!) or just make everyone around me blind so they don't see me anyways.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Magneto's/pyrokinetic powers combined with Wolverine's regeneration. Immortality anyone?


New member
Aug 7, 2008
I would be able to tap into the knowledge of all man kind, everything anyone has ever known I would know. I'd go kung fu some people fly away on my home made jetpack then pull off the sickest guitar solo you ever seen!

Reaperman Wompa

New member
Aug 6, 2008
KaZZaP said:
I would be able to tap into the knowledge of all man kind, everything anyone has ever known I would know. I'd go kung fu some people fly away on my home made jetpack then pull off the sickest guitar solo you ever seen!
And you still wouldn't understand women :I

And wouldn't you eventually go crazy or something?


New member
Sep 24, 2008
I'm going to have to go with shape-shifting. But not that gay 'you can only turn into animals' shit, I want to be able to take anything,including myself, and turn it into anything else. Say I want 'x'. I just pick up a random rock and turn it into 'x'. Or say I need to do something like use telekinesis, I just turn into something that can use telekinesis. I wouldn't even have to be something different, it could just be a version of me that could do stuff like that.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Reaperman Wompa said:
KaZZaP said:
I would be able to tap into the knowledge of all man kind, everything anyone has ever known I would know. I'd go kung fu some people fly away on my home made jetpack then pull off the sickest guitar solo you ever seen!
And you still wouldn't understand women :I

And wouldn't you eventually go crazy or something?
I'm allready crazy
Jul 23, 2008
Either the ability to walk through walls and other things.
Or the ability to zap things in and out of phase with this dimension, say a theif stole someone's purse, i'd be able to zap it once to make it dissapear and zap it again to bring it back wherever i wanted.

I have thought about this long and hard whilst bored at work. Ask me about my plans for surviving a zombie apocalypse.


New member
May 12, 2008
Funny how I've only seen one other person who would choose healing powers.
If I could choose, I would choose the power to heal anyone/anything, from colds to regrowing limbs.
Think about it:
You could save people you care for when they get a terrible illness.
People would beg you to heal them, being a good guy I would as long as it's serious.
You'll be rich, since you might as well accept donations, give some to charity if you like.
You'll be famous in no time, people will think you're a saint.
And best of all, you'll get that warm glow inside for doing good.

Second would be telekinesis, just because once you've mastered it, it would be useful in daily life, not to mention awesome.


Nov 8, 2008
In terms of a classic super power I'd go for super speed. The single reason for this is that it'd be totally awesome to see everything blur past.

In terms of a bizarre super power I'd go for the ability to download stuff directly into my brain. Imagine it your in a boring lesson/lecture so what do you do. You turn on the movie you have stored in your brain. It would be brilliant.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
I would have control over gravity. If I don't like it, I send your planet into the sun. OR maybe expand your head. Or super compress you?

Reaperman Wompa

New member
Aug 6, 2008
KaZZaP said:
Reaperman Wompa said:
KaZZaP said:
I would be able to tap into the knowledge of all man kind, everything anyone has ever known I would know. I'd go kung fu some people fly away on my home made jetpack then pull off the sickest guitar solo you ever seen!
And you still wouldn't understand women :I

And wouldn't you eventually go crazy or something?
I'm allready crazy

Aren't we all?


Apr 24, 2008
Massive charisma. Insane likability and persuasive ability. There is no greater power or one more deeply useful.

*Looks up at post 89 in the thread*

How have i never noticed you and you oddly familiar name before?

Hey Joe

New member
Dec 23, 2007
Ultrajoe said:
Massive charisma. Insane likability and persuasive ability. There is no greater power or one more deeply useful.

*Looks up at post 89 in the thread*

How have i never noticed you and you oddly familiar name before?
Yeah, you both stole my name.

Anyhow, I would like the ability to change my bodies properties into a solid, liquid or gas at any moment.

Example, some thug tries to get fresh with you, you can turn into stone and break his hand. Or turn into a fine mist and leave him looking the fool, or into water and leave him...slightly damp.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
Time manipluation would be nice, but it can go wrong so quickly by paradox or something along those lines that it isn't worth it.

Just being able to move like a ninja would be useful. Like mirrors edge but in real life with throwing stars available at any time.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
I would have the power to create reality by way of words. Writing things down and binding them into existence like a spell. Hooray for magic.


New member
Feb 7, 2008
waffletaco said:
Akas said:
Sigh, most people inevitably choose the Big 8 (Super Strength, Speed, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Time Stop, Flight, Invisibility, and elemental abilities), but few think of the consequences.

Strength = can't do anything with others otherwise you'd kill them (subsequently, mating is REALLY hard)

Speed = The thought of normal speed is agonizing, and you'd tear yourself apart with your speed (the human body isn't able to handle certain speeds)

Telepathy = if you can't turn it off, you go insane. When it's on, it's incredibly stressful if you're in public.

Telekinesis = You need to be able to focus on something. If you can't focus, whatever your lifting becomes a liability. Even if you do focus, constant use is going to burn you out.

Time Stop = Too broken. Naw, you'll become apathetic to the world. Think of it as cheating in a video game. Ever wonder why immortals in comics/anime/etc. are always neutral and bored?

Flight = wings SUCK. Too visible, too bulky, and the genetic shift would cause you to starve to death. Wingless flight isn't any better: too high, you'll freeze/body will stop functioning, too low, you'll be seen and be shot down/sucked into a turbine/etc.

Invisibility = If you can't control (which you probably won't be able to), people will forget you/be afraid of you. Including friends and family. You'll always be alone

Elemental abilities = Beware of weakness. A bucket of water will hurt fire and lightning, water can be defeated too many ways (sun, cold, etc.), earth is useless once you're off it.

My power? I'd be able to siphon off fatigue (of all kinds) to anyone or anything around with maybe a 100m radius. I'd never need to sleep, basically, can run forever, and can heal myself (to a certain degree). Who wouldn't want that?
Well, since you're talkin about all the bad things that could happen without perfect control over one's powers, what about yours? No one would want to hang out with you. You said you siphon off fatigue? Doesn't that mean you make others tired in order to make yourself more energetic and vice-versa? No one would want to hang out with you; you'd be a party-pooper. Also, your power is contingent on having some kind of life near you.

Also why would anyone want to fly so high anyways? It would be cold. What's wrong with not needing a car? :)

My power: the ability to create illusions of all 5 senses and alter people's perceptions. I would always enter a house and it would be as if rose petals fell before me as I enter the house. Also, when I would wake up, as far as my power could stretch, I would make people smell cinnamon buns or other freshly baked goods. I would also numb cuts or scrapes or bruises but only to the point where they'd still hurt if something was applying great pressure on it because pain is an important feeling.
If anyone was being uncool to me, I would make them feel like spiders and centipedes were crawling inside of them for a few seconds to watch them wriggle around.
Also, every time I exit a bathroom, an illusion of 3-4 doves would fly out before me.
I could also make money with this power by selling people's dreams to them. Whether it's sex, or coming out to their parents and having them accept them, or even having somewhere to go on Christmas.
I could even make everyone not notice me (free invisibility power!) or just make everyone around me blind so they don't see me anyways.
Well, here's the thing: even without full control of my powers, my energy has a cap. If I burn out a lot of energy, then of course I'd drain and tire everyone else out, but not if I'm just acting normal. Besides, with a radius that big (although, perhaps a 1 mile radius would be better), I could leech off of neighbor's without them ever knowing.

Interesting: your power is based upon the mythology of the Evil Eye (i.e. changing what people perceive), but here's the downside. If you were born like that/have spent several years like that, you're going to have a hell of a time learning to trust people/letting people see the truth. Judging by how you'd use your powers (i.e. over trivial things), you're in danger of also going insane/losing yourself since you won't know what truth is. Nice power, but like all others, there's a drawback.

MSORPG pl4y3r

New member
Aug 7, 2008
I'd have the ability to turn back time Prince of Persia style, imagine it get into a fight, some one breaks your arm then *shwooooooo, shwoooooooo, shwooooooooo* back to the start....RUN AWAY!!! Also I'd try all that real life platforming, all the fun non of the death or injury, although insted of having sandtanks I'd just be able to do it any number of times and just cause I need a limitation I can only rewind time by 90 seconds.