Whats One of the Worst Games You've Ever Played?

Bagged Milk

New member
Jan 5, 2011
Matrixbeast said:
Anyway, worst game I've ever played is probably Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22. Total crap.
I cannot stand that game. that is the worst game I ever played come to think of it.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Yamaganto Iori said:
Lemony Snicket's a series of unfortunate events the videogame, took 3 hours for 100 percent completion and it was advertised as allowing you to make your own weapons but that was a lie.
I actually enjoyed that, it was kinda fun.
I got it cheap though, on the ps2 it was part of a 4 for £20 deal.

To be honest, I have no clue what the worst game I've played is.


Old Man? I am not that old .....
Jun 14, 2008
In order from least to most worst

Halo 2 (Xbox, Xbox 360)
Unlimited Saga (PS2)
X Blades (PS3)
Gilligan's Island (NES)
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (SNES)
Mega Man X7 (PS2/ PC)
Shaq Fu (SNES & Sega Genesis/Mega Drive)
The Original Halo (Xbox, Xbox 360)
Anything with Superman in it (Various)
Super Noah's Ark (SNES)
E.T. (Atari 2600)
Any 3D Sonic the Hedgehog (including any spin offs titles)

Corporal Yakob

New member
Nov 28, 2009
dickywebster said:
Corporal Yakob said:
dickywebster said:
Halo, world was zero, force unleashed 2 and mario kart wii.

Halo is probably the most overrated game ever, wwz no ones even heard of, for gd reason, force unleashed 2 was just a mess and MK wii might seem an odd choice, but its one of those games where i think you need luck more than skill to win.
World War Zero? As in Ironstorm? As in that game with the incredibly cool backstory of WW1 stretching into the 60s? That game was awesome! It had trench warfare AND suicide dogs: what more do you want?

Personally Alan Wake was a boring piece of crap with zero tension or atmosphere and I'm finding myself beginning to switch between "This is fucking tough but rewarding" and "This is complete utter bullshit" quite regularly whilst playing Dark Souls.
Holy crud someone else has actually heard of it! Well ok it might have had the whole ww1 one thing, but while its less overly used than ww2, its still be used a lot. Also i played the pc version and it was kinda oh so very buggy, but that could have just been my experiance?

Also i never did see why alan wake was seen as a good game, ive seen older games do similar stuff but better (not that i own every game of the alone in the dark, silent hill and resident evil series there is or anything). But im always wary with bad survival horror games as im not sure when ive just played so many im always cynical about them or if they are actually bad games.

I can think of a dozen WW1 games at most, most of those being aircraft based which is not to my liking and I can think of just one alternate history WW1 game-there need to be more of both damnit! Perhaps a video-game version of Tanhause is in order.....
I had the PS2 version of Ironstorm and while I won't say it was a fantastically well made game (especially looking back on it-hindsight is great huh?), I did love the setting and general feel of the game.

I only really bought it because it was on discount and Yatzhee recommended its atmosphere (lying bastard!)-complete disapointment. I would like to play more Silent Hills, all I've ever managed were demos of the first 3 games played on mute with a pillow to hide behind nearby.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Corporal Yakob said:
dickywebster said:
Corporal Yakob said:
dickywebster said:
Halo, world was zero, force unleashed 2 and mario kart wii.

Halo is probably the most overrated game ever, wwz no ones even heard of, for gd reason, force unleashed 2 was just a mess and MK wii might seem an odd choice, but its one of those games where i think you need luck more than skill to win.
World War Zero? As in Ironstorm? As in that game with the incredibly cool backstory of WW1 stretching into the 60s? That game was awesome! It had trench warfare AND suicide dogs: what more do you want?

Personally Alan Wake was a boring piece of crap with zero tension or atmosphere and I'm finding myself beginning to switch between "This is fucking tough but rewarding" and "This is complete utter bullshit" quite regularly whilst playing Dark Souls.
Holy crud someone else has actually heard of it! Well ok it might have had the whole ww1 one thing, but while its less overly used than ww2, its still be used a lot. Also i played the pc version and it was kinda oh so very buggy, but that could have just been my experiance?

Also i never did see why alan wake was seen as a good game, ive seen older games do similar stuff but better (not that i own every game of the alone in the dark, silent hill and resident evil series there is or anything). But im always wary with bad survival horror games as im not sure when ive just played so many im always cynical about them or if they are actually bad games.

I can think of a dozen WW1 games at most, most of those being aircraft based which is not to my liking and I can think of just one alternate history WW1 game-there need to be more of both damnit! Perhaps a video-game version of Tanhause is in order.....
I had the PS2 version of Ironstorm and while I won't say it was a fantastically well made game (especially looking back on it-hindsight is great huh?), I did love the setting and general feel of the game.

I only really bought it because it was on discount and Yatzhee recommended its atmosphere (lying bastard!)-complete disapointment. I would like to play more Silent Hills, all I've ever managed were demos of the first 3 games played on mute with a pillow to hide behind nearby.
Ah the silent hill games!
Im not embaressed to say that when yatzhee reviewed it i used this as an excuse to try and make every fan of his i was friends with to play the game. Probably slightly sad, but the only one ive not finished is origins cause i had to play it on my friends psp. The first 3 are the best, considering silent hill 4 wasnt meant to be a silent hill game to start with and the ones after that have just been meh. Though shattered memories was fun, it was more vaguely irritating than scary.
But silent hill 2 and 3 are coming out on the ps3 soon, so you will get your chance to play them if you feel up for it, shame they havent bothered doing the first one in HD as well...


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Need for Speed: Undercover. The graphics were ugly, the smoke didn't look like anything, either the races were so damn easy I sould win them with my eyes closed or they were so hard that I resulted in cheating to win it, the soundtrack was woful, you couldn't tune you're cars properly, the police were all dumbasses and the story was laughably forced. Perhaps the only good thing I can say about this game is that the cars look alright.


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. I love Sonic and all, but that game was just a huge sucker punch to the gonads.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
First Assassin's Creed. I'm still not able to force myself to complete the damn game. It's incredibly repetitive, dull, i feel like they don't want me to know the story and they've shred it to tiny chunks which you "unlock" by frustrating rinse-repeat cycle of a bunch of meaningless tasks. I'm at chapter 4 (last part of it) and have no bloody idea why i'm doing all that stuff in the game nor why were all my targets important.
So, what i'm trying to say is, IMO AssCreed isn't the worst game, but is not something worthy of praise and sales it got so far.


Nov 9, 2010
For me?
A PS2 game called
They somehow manage to screw up giving you and four other guys cops cars with miniguns and various other weapons on the front to blow the crap out of crime syndicates and even drunk drivers. The gameplay was horrible because you drove in a straight line, there was a very short time limit and any more than two guys shooting would cause the framerate to die. Voice acting was hilariously bad....there's just so much bad.
What? Don't believe me? Here:


New member
Oct 13, 2011
It was a driving game, V8 Supercars 2 IIRC (pretty sure it goes by different titles in a few different markets) - the driving mechanics were so horrible I uninstalled it after a single race.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
It's gonna have to be C&C: Tiberium Twilight. Worse game in the series since Renegade. Hell, I think I'd rather play Renegade than that tosh...


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Bayonetta. Pretty much everything about it I hated and what I didn't hate they just ripped from God of War but added tits to (Yes, I KNOW that's the joke. Don't care. Was a shitty game)


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Metroid Other M. Not just one of the worst games I have ever played, but one of those games I truly wished would be good till it slapped me in the face with its awefulness. The worst part is once I heard that Team Ninja was helping I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me "wait for reviews, don't get so excited, just wait". I didn't listen and I paid the price for it.....which is only about 49.99, but still a hefty price indeed.


New member
Apr 25, 2010
Eventidal said:
AtheistAndProud said:
Smash Bros Brawl.
I went from fanboy to hater in about a week.
It was as bad as being born, with the added disadvantage being that my mother wasn't there.

EDIT: Hey, I like Half-Life 2!
Admittedly, I just got it a week ago.
And it's the first FPS I've ever seriously played.
So...yeah, maybe I'm not the best judge. But I'm having fun. That's what counts, right?
Hating a game because of changes they made to earlier games you liked =/= it being the worst game you've ever played.

Or you really need to get out there and play more games. Because if BRAWL is honestly the one of the worst games you've ever played, and you're not just saying that because you hate them for taking out "wavedashing" (see: abusable glitches) and slowing things down, then you haven't even dipped your toes in the pool that is gaming.
Mate, I didn't mention even mention Wavedashing, nor slowing things down.
As Yahtzee Croshaw would put it "You're projecting so hard you could point yourself at a wall and show PowerPoint presentations."
I hated Brawl because it was disappointing, boring and repetitive.
I hated Brawl because the brand spanking new wifi feature was so slow it was unplayable.
I hated Brawl because massively overhyped Subspace Emissary took one level and copy-pasted it about eighty times.
I hated Brawl because I spent a good fifty percent of my time playing it staring at loading screens.
This is my opinion. I've played some bad games, but then, they were mostly christmas gifts from doting, but oblivious, aunts.
I expected them to be bad, and, lo and behold, they were bad.
Brawl, on the other hand, was so massively overhyped that it being mediocre makes me hate it more than a random bad game.

This is just my opinion. I'm sure you have your own, justifying the eighty-plus hours you've spent mastering throw-breaks or flips or whatever.

I've been playing videogames since I got my Gameboy in first grade.
I've gotten all the stars in both Super Mario Galaxies, I saved Curly in Cave Story, and I've gotten every OCD in World of Goo.
Recently, I got an Xbox, and I've already beaten every advanced challenge in Portal and gotten all the achievements in Portal 2.
I'm currently escorting a small garden gnome to the White Forest.
I'm enjoying myself and I'd also appreciate it if you wouldn't make snap judgements.
Brawl wasn't for me. If you love it, cool, go play it. I never said you couldn't.


New member
Oct 14, 2011
The worst game I ever played was an old JRPG on the PS1 called "Beyond the Beyond."

The storyline was cliched as hell, the game play was boring, and even the simplest fight took several minutes. But, the absolute worst part of the game? It had a RIDICULOUSLY high random encounter rate.

Take two steps.
Random Encounter!
Fight a Giant Bat and a Green slime for 5 minutes.
Take two steps.
Random Encounter!
Fight a party of three skeletons for 8 minutes.
Take a step.
Random Encounter!

It got so bad that by the time you actually got to the various switches, levers, and blocks in the dungeons, you forgot what you were trying to do with them.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Wait is this the most hated game, most over rated game, most dissapointing game or worst game now? my worst game would be the incredible hulk on the commodore 64 I just had no idea what the hell I was supposed to do so I couldnt get the idjut to even move out of the chair he was tied to so wait 40 minutes or so to load game and I cant even bloody move. I was quite young at the time so it may have just been because I was a bit dumb but still it remains as the worst game I have played simply because I couldnt figure out how to play the damn thing.

As for the other 3 well I will keep that to myself for now.


Slightly Sarcastic At All Times
Aug 12, 2010
Sonic '06. Just...Sonic'06.

I don't care how good Sonic generations might turn out to be; some sins can never be absolved.