What's the most you've ever been dissapointed by a game?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Going to be fairly common I think but, Dragon Age 2.

'Oh, man I can not wait to play this game!'
'Oh, so there is only this one city, I guess that's ok.'
'Hmm only one effective healer unless I play a mage.'
'Hang on a second, This is the same dungeon I was in 30 mins ago.'
'Offering to help someone to learn to read is a gay romance option? Ok being a dick it is.'
'So this is just a rags to riches celebrity story.'
'Oh, only one set of armour for each companion...'
'Right i've definitely been here before...'
'F**k off Anders, just f**k off.'

In the interest of fairness the following.

'Hmm this combat is less tactical but more fun.'
'Damn that dwarf is amusing'
'The pirate lady has nice boobs'

Dark Prophet

New member
Jun 3, 2009
Serious Sam 2- I looked everywhre for it and finally got it used for 8 euros, it was a bit over priced but I thought what the hell it's Serious-fucking-Sam and then I played it for an hour and then another hour hoping it will get better but it only got wores. It's almost as awful as DNF which is kinda ironic because SS2 laughs at DNF constantly but is the same kind of shit itself.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
LiberalSquirrel said:
One second. Let me prepare for my fellow Escapists to be very, very angry at me.


...Okay, I think I'm ready.

I was really disappointed by Oblivion. I heard a lot of hype for it, both on this site and elsewhere. I'm a huge RPG fan. And so I went into Oblivion with happy feelings, hoping to find a new addiction.

I just couldn't get into it. The game sat on my shelf for 3 years (with the constant justification that "I'll get back to it," despite the fact that I quickly abandoned it every time I popped it back in) until I finally just sold it.

So... yeah. That.
...KILL HIM!!!! lol, jk, your opinion. We can't force you to like the games we do and confirm to our ways, we aren't all yathzees. ZING!!!


New member
Aug 9, 2008
Dragon Age Origins, by god. Everyone hyped it up to be this masterfully crafted RPG with a genius story told fantastically. All I found was some incredibly generic fantasy, a few memorable characters, irritating, boring combat and sub-par voice acting in a lot of places. Oh, and it was linear as hell. Being able to choose in which order I will walk down corridors in a straight line killing things does not an open world make, and that system where you could pick which quests you did in what order served more to interrupt the flow of the story than it did to make it feel more open.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
The end to Alone In The Dark: Inferno. Everything was rather cool about it, and then came the ending.

Simeon Ivanov

New member
Jun 2, 2011
Half Life 2 ... it's hyped as shit, I was expecting to be blown away ... and then I played it ... you can hate me now


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
Wuggy said:
Bioshock 2. And the thing is that I don't know what it did wrong. It just felt... really boring.

No no! Wait! I have a better one:
Spore! And Master of Orion 3... damn, that was depressing... I mean the first two were AWESOME... but the third one... a real mess !


New member
Feb 20, 2008
To go against everyone here, I LIKED Spore.

However, biggest disappointment...the quest Salt in The Wound in Runescape. Just TRY and find a thread on that forum that doesn't reference pillars.


New member
Nov 5, 2010
fable 3. it was the first game i ever preordered and i liked the first 2. then when i got it and beat the storyline and all of the sidequests all of which were buggy and uninteresting i got to the end and thought: fuck this is it?


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
rob47 said:
Going to be fairly common I think but, Dragon Age 2.

'Oh, man I can not wait to play this game!'
'Oh, so there is only this one city, I guess that's ok.'
'Hmm only one effective healer unless I play a mage.'
'Hang on a second, This is the same dungeon I was in 30 mins ago.'
'Offering to help someone to learn to read is a gay romance option? Ok being a dick it is.'
'So this is just a rags to riches celebrity story.'
'Oh, only one set of armour for each companion...'
'Right i've definitely been here before...'
'F**k off Anders, just f**k off.'

In the interest of fairness the following.

'Hmm this combat is less tactical but more fun.'
'Damn that dwarf is amusing'
'The pirate lady has nice boobs'
Well described, but your three last arguments made it possible for me to finished the game... so there's that ?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Sixcess said:
Fallout 3. It's the last game I ever bought 'blind' (i.e. knowing virtually nothing about it except what was on the box) and in a shop. It sounded good, it looked great... and the awful character animations, slow and unintuitive shooting and constant crashing just killed it for me.

In some other reality there's a Fallout 3 that was made with a good FPS engine, and that game is probably in my all time top 10.
You did use VATS, didn't you? I almost gave up on Fallout 3 after a few hours or so. Once I started getting into it and wasn't coming out barely alive of every encounter, it became one of my greatest gaming experiences.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Craorach said:
Hellgate London.

A post apocalyptic steampunkish setting F/TPS based in London after demons have taken over? With Diablo style looting, a wide variety of classes, randomised maps, bosses, repeatable quests, single and online play, LAN..... YES PLEASE!

Oh, completely unsupported Single Player, hugely buggy release, company shutting down.. and now sold to another company which gives us a poorly translated Korean MMO grinding version where they expect me to pay for content I already purchased.
Yes. I completely agree with Hellgate: London. While I was reading this thread I was thinking back over the years, then this hit me like a knife in the heart... damn you hellgate.

Which is this other MMO you speak of?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
rob47 said:
Going to be fairly common I think but, Dragon Age 2.

'Oh, man I can not wait to play this game!'
'Oh, so there is only this one city, I guess that's ok.'
'Hmm only one effective healer unless I play a mage.'
'Hang on a second, This is the same dungeon I was in 30 mins ago.'
'Offering to help someone to learn to read is a gay romance option? Ok being a dick it is.'
'So this is just a rags to riches celebrity story.'
'Oh, only one set of armour for each companion...'
'Right i've definitely been here before...'
'F**k off Anders, just f**k off.'

In the interest of fairness the following.

'Hmm this combat is less tactical but more fun.'
'Damn that dwarf is amusing'
'The pirate lady has nice boobs'
You forgot:
"So if I'm a Mage I have to deal with a little prick brother who hates me."
"I see they entirely revamped the way both Darkspawn and the Templars look with zero explanation"


New member
Feb 26, 2011
Funkysandwich said:

I don't want to type anything else about that game. Ever.

Craorach said:
Hellgate London.

A post apocalyptic steampunkish setting F/TPS based in London after demons have taken over? With Diablo style looting, a wide variety of classes, randomised maps, bosses, repeatable quests, single and online play, LAN..... YES PLEASE!

Oh, completely unsupported Single Player, hugely buggy release, company shutting down.. and now sold to another company which gives us a poorly translated Korean MMO grinding version where they expect me to pay for content I already purchased.
Oh god and this!

not_you said:
Well, Duke Nukem: Forever... no explanation necessary...
I think that'll do...
And this aswell :( So many disappointments!


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I'd have to say a tie between Matrix: Path of Neo and The Force Unleashed II.

Both of these were obvious cash-ins, though less deliberately with The Force Unleashed II. FUII would have been fairly decent if it was sold as an expansion pack. Especially if it lets you use double-sabers in the original.

MPoN on the other hand just had sloppy mechanics, unbalanced gameplay, and a storyline that had very little to do with the movies except under the most broad comparison.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
Vampire Rain. The info on the back of the box basically hinted at squad-based vampire killing with advanced technology. What you get is a normal run-of-the-mill pistol to start with and a re-working of the Splinter Cell games. The weapons were shit from the get go and even the combined firepower of four of your squaddies managed to kill just -one- fucking vampire. I never finished it and have since buried it at the bottle of my ever growing pile of X-Box 360 titles.