What's the most you've ever been dissapointed by a game?


New member
Nov 24, 2010
The story of Dragon Age 2. It was so poorly executed that I just kept hoping that it would make up for everything at the end, only for it to sucker-punch me three times during the last 30 minutes.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Wuggy said:
Bioshock 2. And the thing is that I don't know what it did wrong. It just felt... really boring.

No no! Wait! I have a better one:
This. For awesome mutant creatures, try Impossible Creatures. For a better version of Spore's space stage, try Ur-Quan Masters(it's even free).


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Wuggy said:
Bioshock 2. And the thing is that I don't know what it did wrong. It just felt... really boring.

No no! Wait! I have a better one:
Of course, ninja'd by the first reply...

I was promised an epic evolution-based exploration/combat game. What I got was a whittled-down rip-off. The end-game especially was disgusting, and the expansion packs were the final nail in the coffin.

Will Wright broke my trust. Never again.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Oblivion was a pretty big let-down. I suppose it's partially my fault for going into it with high expectations, but whatever the case may be, I simply did not enjoy any of the time I spent with it. If I had to choose a few words with which to describe the game, I'd go with "dull" and "eyesore." All of that being said, I am interested to see what happens with Skyrim. Now that game looks like it could be impressive.

Bioshock didn't disappoint so much as make me want for its successor, which I played first. Yeah, collecting ADAM is unpleasant and being an inferior Big Daddy means moving about as though one is a glorified garbage bin, but on the whole, I simply enjoyed it more. I had more fun looting and I really liked the addition of the Big Sisters. Story-wise, I'm not really sure which one I prefer. I kind of prefer the characters in the second, but the first story is probably superior. To be honest, there are very few games I play for the story, titles by Atlus and Mass Effect being notable exceptions.


New member
Oct 4, 2010
Nazulu said:
SSB Brawl is the only game I hate. Failure in mechanics and design. After that, I made sure to do some research before buying anything.
Feelin' this.

Hmm, can't think of many games, but words can not express the disappointment I went through with the 3DS. I got mine launch day, traded it in a week later. I guess if consoles don't count, Street Fighter 3DS was rubbish. I have no problem with having special move shortcuts on the touch screen, but not having it disable-able online just ruined the game. Every single Guile player online:

Sonic boom, Sonic boom, Sonic boom, Sonic boom, Flash kick, Sonic boom etc etc.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Gameslayer_93 said:
Dragon Age: Origins, the combat was THE most frustrating thing i have ever seen, then again i'm not exactly a fan of party combat games, so thats probably why :S
I'm trying to be more forgiving of the combat in light of the fact that it's most suited for the PC, but I really don't feel like I have very much control over it. It's awkward at best.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
not_you said:
Well, Duke Nukem: Forever... no explanation necessary...
I think that'll do...
I'd say this but Final Fantasy XIII doesn't want to give up its spot for "Biggest Letdown" on my trophy shelf.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
varulfic said:
Eternal Sonata

I was so hyped for this game. An RPG inspired by Chopin, my favorite classical composer? Cool! Too bad the story was awful. I have never seen such a vast collection of unlikeable protagonists as there was in this game. Ever character you have is either annoying or stupid, and all conflicts in the game occur because the characters consistently pick the worst possible option in every situation. Gameplay is fine, the graphics are beautiful and the music is to die for, but everytime any character starts talking it's either a pretentious monologue about life that tries but fails to be profound, or a heavy handed social commentary that boils down to "war is bad - we should have peace instead of war!". Wow, how insightful. NOT. Either that, or they make a stupid decision and try to explain why it was a good idea, which always illicits the same response from me: "THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!" Eternal Sonata is a grand example of a potentially great game ruined by bad story.
Eternal Sonata had me cringing at the first cut scene.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I'd have to go with W40K: Space Marine and maybe Darksiders on the PC. I pre-ordered Space Marine and it's just been so buggy, I've tried the majority of the hotfixes and it still isn't playable, and by that I mean, audio-stuttering, insane FPS drops, bizarre technical glitches etc. The first chapter of the campaign worked fine, and it was rather fun, but apart from that my experience hasn't a fantastic one, hopefully it gets patched soon.

Darksiders, mainly for the same reasons as Space Marine, that and the fact there isn't any graphics settings at all.

Funny how they're both published by THQ, just a quirky observation is all.


New member
Jun 13, 2010
LiberalSquirrel said:
One second. Let me prepare for my fellow Escapists to be very, very angry at me.


...Okay, I think I'm ready.

I was really disappointed by Oblivion. I heard a lot of hype for it, both on this site and elsewhere. I'm a huge RPG fan. And so I went into Oblivion with happy feelings, hoping to find a new addiction.

I just couldn't get into it. The game sat on my shelf for 3 years (with the constant justification that "I'll get back to it," despite the fact that I quickly abandoned it every time I popped it back in) until I finally just sold it.

So... yeah. That.
I'm with you on that one, honestly it just bored me to the point where I said 'screw it, it's not worth my time" I hated almost everything about it, the world, the characters, the dialogue. Almost anything you could say about that game, I hated it. Also i'm not pumped up for Skyrim either. I'll be watching game play video's before I buy it.

BUT wait! There's MORE!
My real "Biggest Disappointment" was in Front Mission Evolved. So far I have never played a game worse than this, and I've owned a few shitty games in my day. Worst cash grab I've ever seen, especially considering how much I loved the other Front Missions


New member
Sep 27, 2009
Easy, easy pick for me. I was a huge Sonic the Hedgehog fan for the first ten years of his career, up through Sonic Adventure 2 (which is still a fairly decent nostalgic romp). Then Sonic Heroes was announced for all three then-major systems. I was excited to see my blue blue make his comeback and carry on the fun...


Sonic Heroes ended my faith in the Sonic franchise for a long, long while, and it still hasn't fully recovered. Awkward physics, railroaded levels, and just god-awful graphics and voice-acting, combined with somehow really, really frustrating level design, meant I never finished a single team's story.

I still watch Sonic's recent releases, but my old childhood hero and friend has been permanently broken since Sonic Heroes, and I'm afraid that nothing short of a Game of the Year nomination will restore him in my eyes...

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
Wuggy said:
Bioshock 2. And the thing is that I don't know what it did wrong. It just felt... really boring.

No no! Wait! I have a better one:

And I'd also like to add, Half Life 2, Episode 2. It was good n'all. But utterly disappointing.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I once what amounts to $65 for a taxi home for a girl i hardly knew (she was the cousin of one of my good friends), haven't talked to her since, and i still feel that those money were put to better use than the $60 i paid for Dragon Age 2.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
Phantasy Star Universe.

The gameplay felt more outdated than the predecessor I loved. How the hell did they manage that? -.-


New member
Feb 17, 2010
I have been disappointed by so many games before its hard to choose. But I will go ahead and say I was looking forward to 'Dungeons' (whatever its called) to be another Dungeon Keeper! I was way off and wasted $40 on it.

But I am happy to wait for the the amazing mod for DK 3 which is currently in development. Its called War of the Overworld. I am sure they will appreciate me advertise them a little.


New member
May 19, 2011
I was disappointed by any C&C after Generals (the best being Red Alert 2) I haven't even played 4 because I don't want that filth to reach my eyes.