What's the most you've ever been dissapointed by a game?


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Due to hype backlash?

Half-Life: Played it after it'd been out long enough that people acted like it was the second coming. Obviously it can't live up to that hype and I was pretty disappointed.

Due to just being totally disappointed. Recently Brutal Legend sticks out. It was a real bait and switch. It wasn't that bad a game, it's just... not what i wanted.

RedKurtain said:
I was disappointed by any C&C after Generals (the best being Red Alert 2) I haven't even played 4 because I don't want that filth to reach my eyes.
Generals was fricken awesome. Zero Hour made it one of the best RTS ever. Super Toxic GLA for the win.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
Prince of Persia 2008. I think the game would have been more interesting if there had been more enemies to fight instead of a huge empty world with like 7 different enemies. Also the ending pissed me off. The "Prince" goes and undoes EVERYTHING I had worked to accomplish in the game; waste of my time.


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Warhammer 40k: fire warrior, and xenosaga. I can't even start on what was bad about those games because my laptop only has an hour of battery charge left. but damn they sucked


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Sep 30, 2011
Silent Hill: Homecoming. The only game I've ever tried to return before I was finished... and I even liked Silent Hill 4:The room

Rock Beefchest

New member
Dec 20, 2008
Since dissappointment is created as a result of expectations not meeting reality, Final Fantasy 13 was my biggest dissappointment. I loved the final fantasy series and although I am a fan of innovation, I think when the changes are so severe as to recharacterize the entire game the brand loses. Thats what happenned to that game. If it did not have the Final fantasy name and therefore the final fantasy expectations then it would probably have been a good if not great game. Because the game was "Final Fantasy" though it fell flat and dissappointed me greatly.

I even gave it my all and got through to the part where it openned up but a free world RG without towns or NPC's just is not Final fantasy to me.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Heroes of Neverth.

After killing an enormous amount of time playing Dota, I was asked by a friend to join a game called Heroes of Neverth. The game was like a hard punch in the face. Everyone expected me to know every command and that I also could play l like a pro. I was hated already on the character selection screen, and throughout the whole match, i was flame-hated by my allies and loved beyond belief by my enemies. We lost that match and I was lucky to log off before anyone could proceed with the flaming. What a great game >:-(


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Sep 1, 2011
Master of Orion 3. Never again has a sequel so brazenly failed to hit the mark set by its progenitor.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
As far as I can tell I'm the only person on the planet with this opinion but I gotta say L.A. Noire, I don't know why but the longer I played it the less I liked it, the only time I had fun was when I ignored the story altogether and just drove around looking for the rare cars but even that got boring after a while.


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Aug 27, 2010
Call of Juarez: The Cartel.

I was expecting borderline TWEWY or even Kane and Lynch 2 (To put that into perspective, I really like those games)

But, at best, The Cartel is so bad it's good.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
The 'what's disappointed you about a game' theme is used quite often for threads and yet I have never seen a thread that goes along the same theme but voices it as 'what's disappointed you about a game but still liked said game despite said disappointment'. I suppose it's because most of the time when people are disappointed about an aspect of a game they end up disliking it for the disappointment in said aspect. There have been times where I've been disappointed in a game or an aspect of a game but still liked the game, and as this thread is focusing in what game has disappointed you the most I see no reason to list such examples.

When I first saw someone say Oblivion I was going to quote it however it turns out that several people have said Oblivion. My disappointment in the game is partly directed at myself as my disappointment in said game is being unable to get into the game. I found it fun to play for a short time but I never felt myself immersed and as such got bored after a while, and then I got lost...several times. Even when I did find myself doing things in game I could never decide what to do afterwards. The matter of immersion was always going to be an obstacle because I've never found first-person games immersive and the third-person gameplay was clunky and rough. As for the not knowing what to do part, that problem is a result of having too much freedom which is nice and all but I would have preferred to have been given at least a bit of direction as to what areas and side quests were best to take on from the start. I prefer it when games start out with some linearity and slowly introduce the freedom of exploring the world and doing things unrelated to the main story.

Oblivion though was not a game I brought or was intending to do so (my brothers purchased it and I liked the look of it and they were having so much fun with it that I thought I would too), Soul Calibur IV and Marvel vs. Capcom 3 on the other hand were games I wanted and looked forward too...and I was disappointed by both of them. To be fair the gameplay of both games were brilliant and enjoyable, it's just that I had nothing to put that gameplay into. Both games were severely lacking in modes, with Marvel vs Capcom 3 simply having near to no modes at all, and Soul Calibur IV being surpassed in both its story and it's extra side mode by the two previous games of the series (Soul Calibur 2 was the first one I've played and as such I cannot comment on the first two games in the Soul series). Those two games and their lack of things to do were by far the most disappointment I have received from a game.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
hehehe I LOVED Oblivion and I loved spore (it was kind of fun)

OT:Biggest let down ever is SPACE MARINE(read in 40k orc voice)
I mean I borrowed it and just got bored maybe it cause Im more of an rpg man

GAMES that weren't letdowns
Mass effect 2
Deus ex hr


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Surprisingly, most of the games I'm most-disappointed in are the ones I love the most.

For example, in KotOR when I find out that the protagonist is Revan, I wanted to turn off the game. Not because it was a huge, Earth-shattering twist or whatever, but because it was too easy and (frankly) didn't seem very believable. They really failed to set it up and hint at the fact that you were actually Revan (yes, I know that they dropped a few "hints," but they weren't exactly oozing with subtle brilliance). Maybe it was just too much of a leap for me to swallow, but I feel like the "epic plot twist" has been done far better (see: The Prestige, Fight Club).

Another example is in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, towards the ending, when the game experiences the "we ran out of money, so we totally rushed the ending" syndrome that Yahtzee always speaks of. It was going so well, and I was having so much fun, and I'd only just started truly integrating the Assassin Recruits into my fighting style, and the game just... ends.

By the way, (going on a slight tangent) I also feel that Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back's plot twist ("No, Luke, I *AM* your father") was poorly-done, as well. Again, they didn't hint at it with any sort of subtle brilliance, and it suffered from many of the same problems I saw in KotOR's twist.

Of course, if you're referring to the "This game is utterly shitty and I expected more out of my money" variety of disappointment, I will cite several examples:
1) LA Noire. I expected more from you, Rockstar. The interrogation aspect of gameplay sucked so much, because the acting was so horrendous. The gunfights seemed to take a step backwards from previous installments. Although, as a History major in college, I definitely felt that the game did a good job of conveying the cultural attitudes and general feel of post-World-War-II America.
2) Assassin's Creed. Horrendous gameplay. Absolutely horrendous. And repetitive. I was so excited for this game, because I'm in love the idea of the stealthy assassin who dominates through evasion and wit rather than brute force, but, man, Ubisoft really dropped the ball on this one.
3) KotOR II and Dragon Age II. Simply because they failed to capture the brilliance of the first games.


New member
Dec 28, 2010
i have 4, my top one would Dragon Age 2, then Final Fantasy X-2 was there really any need to continue it on? i thought 10 ended rather well, i also don't like how yuna completely changed, Final Fantasy 13 possible the most linear game i've ever played, i don't care if it opens up half way through the game, i got bored of it well before that, and finally Final Fantasy 14 i expected great things from you after playing 11 for over 2 years pretty much constantly but you let me down and are only just really starting to get your act together.

It's a shame 3 of my favourite series are in there but they are my biggest disapointments.


New member
Sep 27, 2011
Star trek online,
played the beta and thought "Why don't I hate this, its an MMO?"
bought the game, payed a months rates and got tedious ground combat multiplied by tedious space combat grind. Buying an MMO and then complaining about grind might seem like slamming your head against a wall and complaining about how your face is bleeding, but in the beta it seemed totally different (you could only see like 5% of the game) and they promised it would only get better. it got bigger, but bigger is only synonymous with better when your talking cock size.

Being naive and new to MMOs I tried to come up with a good idea for a ship name, something that wouldn't jar the immersion too badly, I came up with USS Shockley (the guy who was instrumental in the development of the transistor?) anyway at some point this asshat in the "USS Stonerprise" under command of captain "i smoke a bunch of weed" turned up in the PvE place I had to do stuff in, in the highest class of ship available, crushed my suspension of disbelief and sent me immediatly off to cancel my subscription.
Role-playing is strictly a singleplayer experience for me it seems.
Fuck humans.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
most likely crackdown 2 after the first game I was rather hyped and then it turned out to be nothing more than crackdown 1 but somehow thay manged to make it dull as hell how they did that im still working out


New member
Jul 31, 2011
remnant_phoenix said:
I guess you really, really hate layered, well-written characters that masterfully display the heavy burden of being a benevolent person. More power to you, I guess. More power to the Final Fantasy X-2 whiners, too, while I'm at it. I guess some people can't enjoy a game if people are smiling in it, no matter how brilliant it is.

On topic: I'm going to go ahead and cut-and-paste my response to a similar thread from the distant past, since my opinions haven't changed in that regard.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 was a purchase I made after playing its predecessor for hundreds of hours. However, this sequel was watered down, poorly made, and glitchy as hell. Also, you can make any game worse by adding Gambit to it. I don't want to see that walking Popeyes advertisement ever again.

After the stellar 3rd Strike, I had high hopes for Street Fighter IV. What I got was an incredibly lazy, pedestrian snore-fest that exists only to make fighting games marketable to that special subdivision of the casual gaming crowd that sees its casual nature as a mark of shame. There's nothing wrong with a game that does half the playing for you and rewards you for losing, as Street Fighter IV does, as do other games such as more recent installments of the Call of Duty series. As a very devoted fighting game fan, however, I expected a deeper game, and what I got was a game where the best strategy at all times is to hold crouching guard and throw fireballs if you have them.

Wrath of the Lich King was the brass ring for World of Warcraft. The game was at its very peak after the decent "vanilla WoW" and the godawful clusterfuck that was The Burning Crusade. Being a decent raider in Wrath of the Lich King, it was inevitable that World of Warcraft: Cataclysm would excite me. The decisions to phase the quest areas(making group play all but impossible), water down the talent trees(making most classes play exactly the bloody same), and make an absolute mess out of the already dodgy story(Tauren paladins, because... why the hell not?) caused me to lose interest quite rapidly. I canceled my subscription a month after the release of the expansion, and I now play Final Fantasy XIV. Yes, I think that's better than Cataclysm. While we're at it, it's also much better than Rift.

After hearing the obscenely negative backlash, I expected Duke Nukem Forever to be unplayable ass. I was disappointed. The game is really quite average.