What's the most you've ever been dissapointed by a game?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Army of Two

It sounded good in theory, some fun co-op action, and what i got was a game that kept giving me some unexplained error everytime i tried to play it online, and a story that seemed like it had more holes cut into it then a swiss cheese.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Wuggy said:
No no! Wait! I have a better one:
Yeeeeeeeeeeup. To the people who enjoyed Spore (hey, I enjoyed it a little through my grit teeth) it's not about what we ended up with, it's about not getting what we were supposed to get. What Spore represented was the greatest gaming concept ever; what it delivered was a horribly restricted Sims-on-rails experience. HOW'D THAT FRANCHISE WORK OUT FOR YOU EA. Bastards.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
GTA IV, it just went way too serious for me...
Enjoyed RDR though, the style suited the games better.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Empire Earth 3: Loved the first game, was looking really forward to the big conquer-the-world campaign with 3 truely different sides, which was there... but it went beyond "No QA", and into the realm of horror that can only come from the programmers themselves never even trying to play it either, or just not giving a damn. Did no one involved notice that sea combat was impossible? (because the AI sails its ships right passed yours, most ships have a limited arc of fire, turn incredibly slow, have a microscopic sight range and stop attack commands immediately after the enemy moves out of their sight range. Essentially, you need to be lucky to get a single shot off before the AI sails of into another random direction) Or that if you surrendered a battle for a province that, instead of losing the province but retaining the army you actually won the province but lost the army? Or that units, especially ships, just stuttered across the screen? Or that half the special abilities of the units are bugged out beyond the ability to use them?


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Brink, Oblivion, Bioshock 2, Army of Two, Deus Ex HR (yes really although I didn't get far in it), GTA 4,

Games that I wanted to like but for various reasons couldn't quite manage it.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Dreamfall. Worst ending ever! I can understand realistic non-happy-endings. I can understand open endings. But that was just... no! Way too abrupt and way too many years passed without a sequel or some kind of medium that would continue the story.

I'll wait and see if Dreamfall Chapters will ever be released. Until then,

"The undreaming is unchained..." Bah!

Amethyst Wind

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Probably Half Life 1 and Final Fantasy X-2. I did finish HL however, gave up in disgust 2 hours into X-2.


New member
Feb 5, 2011
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, the shortest, most boring piece of crap I've ever had the misfortune to play. To sell a game as bad as it should be a criminal offence with the death penalty as punishment.


New member
Feb 28, 2011

Has put me off pre-ordering games which aren't sequels until I get other peoples opinions.

Then FFXIII, just plain terrible.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
I remember being really disappointed with Bio-shock 2, mostly because the original Bio-shock was the first "Next-gen" game I played when I got my 360. Bio-shock 1 blew me away and is still one of my all time favorite games. Bio-shock 2 on the other hand sucked and was nothing more then a pointless cash-in (Ironically it was the first game I got for the PS3)


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Okay , so o read the first two pages and im so surprised no one said : Metroid :eek:ther M . I don't think i need to explain why.

Runner ups are:
FF crystal cronicals


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I think I'm gonna make a few enemies by saying this, but FFIV did this to me. I placed a bit of risk and got FFII earlier this year, wound up liking it quite a bit, and thought FFIV would be just like FFII, but more locations, better characters, better fighting, better everything, right?

Hooo boy. This is just me, but: Characters that keep ditching the party, making me save constantly before any cutscene happened in case I'd lose valuable equipment, in FFII you just knew after a while that party member number four wouldn't stick arround long. Also, you could save ANYWHERE. (Screw you, demon wall.) Also, I'm someone who likes to thoroughly think a situation through before doing anything, but FFIV's more action based combat made me hysterical and paranoid and constantly had me target the wrong enemy, or accidentally hammer on the wrong attack, and once you select an enemy, you better damn hope you didn't piddle it up someone because you can't undo the damage. contrast to FFII, unless you piddled up with character #4.

Also, this is just me, but why did I have to endure the dried up mana pit that is Tellah? Yes, I enjoyed him as a character, the gameplay and story intergration is all really nice, but I spent so many ethers on him it wasn't even remotely funny.

On another note, the Golbez fight was intense and amazing and I wish the rest of the game was like that. Maybe I just set the bar too high for FFIV. I went with FFII expecting it to vomit poo-poo all over my face but wound up enjoying it, bought FFIV promptly afterward and expected diamond skittles to be dispensed, but got yoghurt instead. I partly blame myself for the disappointment.

Richard Keohane

New member
Dec 11, 2010
floppylobster said:
Command & Conquer 4. Death of a series. $80 for the 25 minutes I played it. No seconds of fun. It now props up my hard drive.
All my friends hated C&C4, but they just took one look at the different mechanics and gave up. Once you learned how to play, the multiplayer was a BLAST. CoH with C&C units? Balanced sub-races with various roles? Objective based play that didn't revolve around unsymmetrical maps? EXCELLENT

Too bad everyone cried about it. It was good times online.

Kelby Dawson

New member
Jun 20, 2011
carnival games: wii it was disappointing to say the least I started it up. and I was like what is this s**t?
but I guess thats what I get for Buying a B rated game for the Wii.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
It was the first Gears of War.

Before that I used to read reviews and watch trailers and buy good looking games sight-unseen.

The world of fun games was my oyster. When I saw this new game was getting perfect 10's all around I dropped $60 on what was sure to be a magical experience.

Then I get 8 hours of gravely voiced space marines hiding behind chest high walls and swearing at things. Mechanically perfect but not a drop of fun in the whole game.

After that I couldn't buy a game with out borrowing or renting it first just to make sure it isn't shit.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Devil May Cry 2. The first game had its share of problems but was fun enough for me to still go back to after all this time, the third and fourth rate amongst my favourite games. The second was just boring. The boss fights were tedious and unchallenging (although I will admit the last boss was pretty fun), the enemies weren't much fun either and the story and voice acting were both terrible even by Devil May Cry standards.

SirBryghtside said:
Metroid: Other M. I thought it was going to be like Prime 3, one of my favourite games, but with a more detailed and better story... well, at least they got the 'more detailed' part in there...
Strong contender for my most disappointing game too, although I didn't play it until I'd already heard some of the negative comments so I wasn't too surprised by its lack of quality.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Spore. Spore. Spore. Spore.

I wanted to build and shape a civilisation, not chose from a selection of simplistic minigames!