What's YOUR zombie escape plan?

Oct 19, 2008
1. Grab a bag of any kind and grab all knives from the kitchen, + food and drink.
2.Attempt to get in the car out the front of the house.
3. If that's impossible, try to get a lift from someone who lives behind me.
4. Go to my friend Madisons house, his place is the most ideal place for a zombie attack.
5. Hang there for a couple days, stay alive, get survivors, attempt the reproduction process. :)
(Not with my mate)

James Cassidy

New member
Dec 4, 2008
Let's see. I have two 38s, a 12 gauge, a 45, and a rifle, plus maybe another gun I might get. Yes I do have all these.

I would grab all the ammo and stuff I can carry, plus some knives to use as protection in case I get jumped.

I would make my way to friends in the northern California where he has more guns and stuff. I keep going north to where we have a shelter there. Any survivors we find on the way can come with us.

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
thatotherguy2 said:
I am assuming zombies have eyes some I am going to use hairspray to blind them and grap an mp3 and put some running music on. Then I just run to a hospital or tall building and run to the roof. I barricade the door and stock on food and wait it out ( assuming zombies cannot climb walls or use explosives)
Not only the coment that mossinmatt made later. It is said that the undead have the ability to smell things from miles away. Aparently thats what ive heard it may not be a fact but it is also said that they can also navigate by scent. Basically if you were in that situation it doesnt matter were you hide they will find you. Dont mean to sound creepy or anything.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
There's no decent weapons in my house, so I'd have to jump out a window and get that awesome hook ended machete from the wood shed and whatever else I can carry. Then I'd kill the surrounding zombies then pack up the car and maybe head for a military base.


New member
Dec 28, 2007
Got a baseball bat in the wardrobe which could probably bash in a few zombie skulls ... so id grab that and go down swinging !


New member
Jan 28, 2009
cheesemaster said:
Copypasta'd my answer from a similar (in fact, identical) discussion:

"The local military base is probably my best bet too, and although we're far from the best equipped base we have a good hundred odd rifles and twenty odd machine guns plus a few 66 sets (disposable one-shot RPGs), so all we'd need to do is round up everyone from the local reserve battalion and we'd be more than capable of handling a zombie invasion. Our biggest problems would be food (we have ration packs, but only about two weeks worth without ordering in more), and there's a mall about a kilometre or so away, and ammo, in which case we'll break out the bayonets and cricket bats. If we had a bit more time, we'd get some more explosives and claymores from the support battalion across the river."

(Yeah, I'm a soldier, which puts me in pretty good standing to survive this one.)
I live 4 blocks from an active military base. If this did happen what are my chances I would be shot on sight if I tried to get inside?


New member
Feb 28, 2009
I just read all 15 pages of this marathon.

That was an interesting read... Gave me some ideas for my plan.

From what i gathered I would need my copy of Zombie Survival Guide, and I could go and grab either my cricket bat, or a pool Que, both of which are 5 seconds away from my room. Beat my way through the front door to my car, and drive to the local shopping center, where hopefully others have had the same idea.

Hold up there until zombies break in, Beat my way to my car and drive to another shopping center about 15 minutes away.

Hopefully there will be more people there. And we can hold until the army clears its way through the town.


New member
Mar 22, 2009
Get loads of canned food and water before that goes and put it in bags and stuff.

We'll get into a car, and one of us knows how to get to lands end without ever hitting the motorway so that'll be useful I guess. And only I know how to read a map. And three of us know how to drive, 2 don't have licenses... but it's a zombie outbreak, so I'm sure it'll be fine.

We'll find a boat on the coast somewhere, get in it then set sail for the Bahamas or somewhere warm, we won't anchor the boat cos they could climb up on the chain and hopefully zombies can't swim.. otherwise I'm screwed.

The other one was head up to the big shopping centre 20 miles up the road, but that'd be over run by the time we get there, if we do.

morrie man

New member
Oct 5, 2008
Dark42 said:
cheesemaster said:
Copypasta'd my answer from a similar (in fact, identical) discussion:

"The local military base is probably my best bet too, and although we're far from the best equipped base we have a good hundred odd rifles and twenty odd machine guns plus a few 66 sets (disposable one-shot RPGs), so all we'd need to do is round up everyone from the local reserve battalion and we'd be more than capable of handling a zombie invasion. Our biggest problems would be food (we have ration packs, but only about two weeks worth without ordering in more), and there's a mall about a kilometre or so away, and ammo, in which case we'll break out the bayonets and cricket bats. If we had a bit more time, we'd get some more explosives and claymores from the support battalion across the river."

(Yeah, I'm a soldier, which puts me in pretty good standing to survive this one.)
I live 4 blocks from an active military base. If this did happen what are my chances I would be shot on sight if I tried to get inside?
I completley agree with you there as a standard militery code that no matter who it is if theres a possibility that you will give your position or indager the whole unit then they are promited to use any force nesserary to stop you if you try and get any were near a militery bace. So you are completly right.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
I think I could do pretty well at first. Live in an apartment at the second floor, if zombies started to come in I'd run to the other side of the room and grab some of the stuff on my wall (knives, machetes etc.) and hack away. Once I kill the zombies that made it in I'd lock the door and call my friend that lives just next door to see if he's alive. If he is, I'd load up my golfbag with every piece of possible weaponry I can find and fight my way down to him. Once there, I'd try to get a hold of my dad. He's a contractor and have all kinds of stuff that would be of good use (chainsaws, sledgehammers etc.). Then we would take my friends car over there and hole up their until we decide on what the hell we are going to do.

If I can't get a hold of anyone on the other hand, I'd presume that they are dead. I'd barricade the door as it's the only possible entrance to my apartment. I'd stay at home until I run out of food (which should take about a week or so). If help hasn't arrived until then, I'd make a break for the supermarket across the road and try to clear it from any zombies hanging out there. I'd then barricade the place completely and hang out there. The food should last a long time, hopefully help will arrive before it runs out (it should take a year or two or five though). If the food runs out and there's no help in sight, I don't know what I would do.


Maintenence Man of the Universe
Mar 19, 2009
My house has a ton of windows on the second floor so I could see zombies comming from a long ways away. I would go get the .22 rifle that is hidden in a closet and a bat (also one of the many swords that I own if the blood isn't toxic), lock every door and climb out onto the roof. When I see it's clear, I get up onto the shed via tree and hope the zombies didn't see me. If they don't see me, I can further plan my getaway. If they see me I'm pretty much screwed unless they are extremly stupid and I can pretend to be one (Shawn of the Dead) and get away. What's funny is that my friends and I came up with a plan of what to do if a zombie apocalypse happened. I would meet up with them and barricade our selves in a store that has everything we could need. Happily ever after if the zombies arent Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later style and can find some way into the building. If I did get bitten, I would start clubbing and shooting until I felt the virus taking hold then I would shoot myself. (Don't want to become your enemy)


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I've got guns. And ammunition. Unfortunately, nothing silenced. So, they'd be great in the initial rioting phase, but probably not the best later on when you want to avoid attracting attention.

The one that will likely wind up being the most helpful is my Beretta U22 Neos. It is a 10+1 .22lr with a 6" barrel. I have somewhere between 2500 and 3000 rounds and five mags for it. Since destroying the brain is critical, calm, aimed headshots are going to be required. I'd probably save this gun for later stages, as I have a 12ga pump, a single shot crack back, and two larger pistols (.40S&W and a 9mm). However, ammunition is significantly more expensive for those, so I don't have nearly as much.

We (my brother and I) have standing orders from my dad in the event of catastrophe (he isn't thinking zombie apocalypse, but more of Yellostone's volcano blowing) to acquire whatever weapons and ammunition are feasible and head home. Once we are there, we'll decide on a further course of action, which will more than likely include heading north. We have some outdoors experience, which will help in the long run.

Given that zombies are vulnerable to cold, we'd head far north with as much in the way of provisions and seeds as possible. Taking warm clothing would be essential, as would plenty of blankets and gloves and boots. We'd also have as much firepower as possible. Small arms for the zombies and people coming to raid what we've got, and the long guns for hunting so that we can work toward self sufficiency.

The ultimate goal would be something along the lines of a Richard Proenneke style situation. Rustic, but fairly easy to maintain once built. At least, that's the idea of it. Whether or not that would actually come to fruition, however, is another matter entirely.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
i would go into my basement and start to modify my airsoft guns so they could shoot nails. Then using what i have learned in auto shop sup up my moms minivan so i have an escape vehicle.grab several chainsws from my gargage. dissasemble my lawnmower so all that is left is the engine and the blades get to one of my friends houses and get some rations and possibly guns from there house. then drive to a gun sotre and set up shop there and edfend myself with near unlimited ammo until i pass away .

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
paladinkratos said:
i would go into my basement and start to modify my airsoft guns so they could shoot nails. Then using what i have learned in auto shop sup up my moms minivan so i have an escape vehicle.grab several chainsws from my gargage. dissasemble my lawnmower so all that is left is the engine and the blades get to one of my friends houses and get some rations and possibly guns from there house. then drive to a gun sotre and set up shop there and edfend myself with near unlimited ammo until i pass away .
Don't forget to use the blade from the Lawnmower you disassembled to build a Shishkabob. Not an Eagle Claw, but close enough :)

Anyway, I'd go with Grif's plan [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_OkRpCgPgE].


New member
Feb 23, 2009
Fangface74 said:
Angelina Jolie will not accept the current predicament as an excuse to repopulate the earth.
I'd let the zombies eat me, cause what's the point if she's being a stick in the mud


New member
Jan 31, 2009
I'd work with a partner to trade and sell my rotten eggs until I can buy a magnum, turn inf ammo on and go nuts


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Smoke enough weed or get drunk enough to blend in with the zombie crowd, the only difference that'll tip me off will be the lack of rotten smell, the word "FOOD" will replace the zombies "BRAAAINS"

Internet Kraken

Animalia Mollusca Cephalopada
Mar 18, 2009
I would break my lava lamp and use it as a makeshift nice to stab the zombies. I would then hijack a car and head to the grocery store.

Once I reached the store I would grab as much food as I can in shopping bags and fortify the very back of the door. I would then wait for the undead to starve to death.

Or, more likely, I will be torn apart by zombies.