What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
May 13, 2008
BrynThomas said:
riskroWe said:
Screw fleeing to the countryside, in the city there's more resources, more hiding places, more survivors to band together, more potential weapons. Although granted there are more zombies and day-to-day living will be a lot more difficult, after a few weeks we'd adjust to the lifestyle. And as the incompetant survivors are killed off, natural selection will start to take effect leaving only the most talented and resourceful.

And if necessary, a city dwelling vigilante squad could serve to evacuate refugees and survivors out of the city so they can go flee to their precious countryside.
Theres no sustainable future living in the city, eventually you will run out of supplies or in the long term the city will deteriorate. Zombie numbers will be much higher. Any fires could spread out of control and wipe out entire blocks.

In Australia, there is a larger number of accessible firearms in the country, along with people who know how to use them. There are crops in the fields, there are farms in the middle of nowhere that are can be completely self sufficient food and water wise.

Both options are going to be difficult, at least in the countryside you could build a new life, but I wish you luck enduring 3-4 weeks of a zombie infested city, let alone the rest of your life.

I for one would rather risking dying quickly for a better life, than slowly because its safer for the moment.
The problem with our open plain bush is that we have a lot of ground to protect and cover to keep us safe. One will need 24/7 high detection patrols along the perimeter, and very quickly build some defences. My first step would be a cyclone fence at least 2 meters high around the entire perimeter, then execute a proper wall building exercise to get defences in place properly - even so we are talking a decent sized wall, so roughly 20 k's of fencing and materials. You can cut it shorter and smaller, but you need a bit of diversity in the people living with you to prevent anything... gross.

Other options for us include hitting the ski slopes near hotham, the cold is good and defending hills is infinitely easier than the plains - the problem is that obtaining decent and reliable food in those areas can be difficult, and the hills can be counter intuitive to the defensive plan anyway - but these are our best hope.

Originally someone suggested that we try Tasmania, ok, but even if one gets down there, it's the only break in the 40's - any ship that gets lost down there is going to crash on the west coast and re-start infection - effectively destroying any hope we had for using the ocean for sustainability. Also we would be screwed for walling that much off!

Yes, as a matter of fact I do think about this too much, and I do have a plan (that is not just: I'm awesome and have all these weapons near by).


New member
Mar 18, 2009
So many zombie threads. I would just errrrr....... Why do so many people have shotguns,knives etc. I feel like that people are making it up to make a good post.OT I would just burn a certain area then make a run for it.
Also I would run to get a map so I can get my hands on guns.
Live in NZ nuff said?


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Sci-Fi luver437 said:
Why do so many people have shotguns,knives etc. I feel like that people are making it up to make a good post.
Don't have a shotgun (got some rifles at home though). But I do really have a couple of knives, only one worth talking about is the Ka-bar marine fighting knife I bought on the spur of the moment for 200dollars and even though it sit uselessly under my bed, I still do not regret buying it, because frankly its awesome.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
depends on what kind of zombies we are talkign about. the slow rambling kind will just amuse me and my shovel for countless hours. Those fast moving zombies? Get in a car with a full tank of gas and hope to get out of dodge.


New member
May 8, 2009
Well first off there is a fire poker within reach of me so that would do well untill I got upstairs and got my hands on one of the many baseball bats that we have. behind my house there is a forest and I have the tools to chop trees down hopefully one of my family members is alive to help me/cover me. I would then use the wood from the tree to barricade myself in my house and have only one functioning entrance for the purpose of getting food.


New member
May 12, 2009
BrynThomas said:
riskroWe said:
Theres no sustainable future living in the city, eventually you will run out of supplies or in the long term the city will deteriorate. Zombie numbers will be much higher. Any fires could spread out of control and wipe out entire blocks.
What city are you thinking of? The one I live in is not a barren landscape that survives entirely on imports. We could quite easily grow our own crops and breed our own animals. Granted we may have to eat dogs and cats for a while.
The risks and dangers of fire arent much lower in the country. If anything they're higher because of dried, overgrown bushland.

In Australia, there is a larger number of accessible firearms in the country, along with people who know how to use them. There are crops in the fields, there are farms in the middle of nowhere that are can be completely self sufficient food and water wise.
Yeah okay, guns, fine. :p Not sure how you'd go with ammo though.
I don't think there's any real difference with food and water self-sufficiency, just because we're in the city doesn't mean we can't grow food and catch rainwater. The only difference is that while the country already has all the tools you need to live self sufficiently, the city comes with massive supplies of food already prepared.

Both options are going to be difficult, at least in the countryside you could build a new life, but I wish you luck enduring 3-4 weeks of a zombie infested city, let alone the rest of your life.
That's the thing, assuming the difficulty of living remains relatively constant, by the inductive principle those who are still alive after 3-4 weeks of it should be able to continue living there with relative ease.
For references, see Father Grigori. :D

I for one would rather risking dying quickly for a better life, than slowly because its safer for the moment.
Naive ideals of all or nothing are what get people killed during crises like this. Survivors need to stay alive and stick together.


New member
Jan 12, 2009
Dress a monkey up in people clothes because: A) It would be hilarious, and B) Trick the zombie for a few minutes while i RUN LIKE HELLLLLLLLLL!


Opiner of Mottos
Mar 20, 2009
Well, I'm right next to a back door so my plan's fairly simple:

Run out back door.

But then again, being a zombie would be awesome so I may just go for that option instead.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
I'd probably end up mercy killing any survivors I met then sacrificing myself to the zombies or just killing myself, I couldn't survive without real civilisation.

Of course i may end up enjoying 'mercy' killing people so much that i kill zombies as well as survivors.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Indigo_Dingo said:
Grab my iPod. Go to my garage and grab a Sledgehammer. Put iPod on and start my Music To Fight To playlist. Grin like a maniac. Start doing whatever feels natural.
What if whatever felt natural was humping a sledgehammer?


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
riskroWe said:
BrynThomas said:
riskroWe said:
Theres no sustainable future living in the city, eventually you will run out of supplies or in the long term the city will deteriorate. Zombie numbers will be much higher. Any fires could spread out of control and wipe out entire blocks.
What city are you thinking of? The one I live in is not a barren landscape that survives entirely on imports. We could quite easily grow our own crops and breed our own animals. Granted we may have to eat dogs and cats for a while.
The risks and dangers of fire arent much lower in the country. If anything they're higher because of dried, overgrown bushland.
I guess you could do subsistence farming in the city, but there is still the fact but you run the risk of being attacked by zombies, due to a poor line of sight, where as in the country you could wide open fields with more crops and a better chance of early warning.

You know without a metropolitan fire brigade any city is equally at risk of going up in a bushfire as the countryside. I'll concede that. But what I meant is when using fire to dispose of bodies or perhaps as a weapon, it could easily spread building by building as opposed to a solitary house with no trees around it and very little scrub.

riskroWe said:
BrynThomas said:
In Australia, there is a larger number of accessible firearms in the country, along with people who know how to use them. There are crops in the fields, there are farms in the middle of nowhere that are can be completely self sufficient food and water wise.
Yeah okay, guns, fine. :p Not sure how you'd go with ammo though.
I don't think there's any real difference with food and water self-sufficiency, just because we're in the city doesn't mean we can't grow food and catch rainwater. The only difference is that while the country already has all the tools you need to live self sufficiently, the city comes with massive supplies of food already prepared.
In the country a lot families reload their own ammunition as it is a lot cheaper, so there's one option, all you need is lead and black powder. Plus there's a lot of camping stores in small rural towns that stock ammunition.

There are massive amounts of supplies in the country, where do you think your food comes from? Aside from supermarkets and such, one grain silo could feed a family indefinitely.
riskroWe said:
BrynThomas said:
Both options are going to be difficult, at least in the countryside you could build a new life, but I wish you luck enduring 3-4 weeks of a zombie infested city, let alone the rest of your life.
That's the thing, assuming the difficulty of living remains relatively constant, by the inductive principle those who are still alive after 3-4 weeks of it should be able to continue living there with relative ease.
For references, see Father Grigori. :D
What about the hundreds of thousands if not millions of zombies all swarming around your stronghold? That can't be "relative ease". I'm not admitting my way as easier, just we'd have less zombies due to terrains and obstacles.
riskroWe said:
BrynThomas said:
I for one would rather risking dying quickly for a better life, than slowly because its safer for the moment.
Naive ideals of all or nothing are what get people killed during crises like this. Survivors need to stay alive and stick together.
I have already mentioned in an earlier post, that if necessary I intend to hide in the city till the best time to flee to country. I'm not throwing my life way on a "naive" ideal, I am being practical city =/= long term survival for you and the human race.

But might I say this has been some fantastic zombie discussion, thank you.


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Well if the zombies came through the front door of my house we are pretty screwed as the only upstairs window you could escape from...is directly above the front door. So realistically we would have to fight out way out with our motley arrangement of weapons which would be
1) Air Pistol
2) The empty fire extinguisher
3) The 8ft length of wood I randomly have
4) My skateboard
5) My 360...it weighs a ton and could probably crush a head or two, that or its power adaptor
Start swinging and hope we can get out then make a run for it to wherever seems safer, probably the antique weapons and gun shop in town.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Since I live in the Netherlands, and basicly all of West Europe is densely populated and has no-firearm-for-civilian-laws, I think I'm just going to disable the utilities that keep this city from drowning (Netherlands 50% under sealevel ftw ) and then flee to one of our smaller islands north. Or live in a flat that is higher than 8 m, since that's how high the water will be here without maintenance :D


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Fangface74 said:
Angelina Jolie will not accept the current predicament as an excuse to repopulate the earth.
would Morgan Webb?


but seriously? Steal Lincoln's Repeater, go down historical style.