What's YOUR zombie escape plan?


New member
Aug 13, 2008
as i was reading these replies, and after submitting my own i thought that if the zombie in question could live without certain body parts and vital organs how the HELL are u guys planning on taking on the horde of zombies with a tiny ass katana and base ball bat. i mean if u had a bfg u could slow some of the oncoming threat but isnt there only 1 way to kill a zombie


New member
Jun 1, 2008
my room is choc full of dead rising opportunities, i might grab my guitar or an iron bar from a shopping trolley i have next to my bed, or one of the tvs or monitors i have in my cupboard, perhaps ill put on my football helmet and try and plough my way through em all


Lock 'n' Load
Feb 22, 2008
Just to clarify for people's responses:

Zombies are slow & shambling but vast in number (streets littered with them)
Severe Brain trauma is the only thing that kills em
Zombies can unnaturally sense where the living are, i.e.if you are the last person on earth at the North Pole, zombies at the South Pole will start making their way towards you.
Only being bitten, or mauled ALOT will turn you, Blood sprays are icky, but thats it.
Animals bitten by, or feeding on zombies will turn, so undead walking along the bottom of the ocean to get to you will eventually get nibbled by meat eaters then swim off to hunt their own living kind.
Military/Police unorganised (no change there then) so no city purging bomb drops.
Angelina Jolie will not accept the current predicament as an excuse to repopulate the earth.
(She'd probably just adopt all the zombies anyway)


New member
May 30, 2008
I would probably end up barricading myself in my house, leaving every now and then armed with anything sharp or heavy/blunt to gaurd myself with to gather food and provisions, leaving at night would be a heavy price to pay.

In fact i like to simulate how long i survive for on dead rising by barricading myself in a shop... even if the game does get redicoulously hard.


New member
Jul 16, 2008
Arming myself would be difficult... The closest thing to a bat would be one of my golf clubs, but they have carbon fibre shafts and are probably not very effective. A big knife out of the kitchen would probably have to do for the moment.
(That reminds me that I should have bow&arrows and some decent bat-like objects in the cellar, but going down there would probably be suicide with zombies around.)

Escaping my flat/apartment would be even more difficult. 4th floor is rather high. Either one of the two stairways would have to be zombie-free or i'd be brave enough to take the elevator. (hoping that there are no zombies waiting at the ground floor)
The last option would be to jump for a tree. It's only 2-3 meters from the balcony, so it might work.

When I'm finally on the street, I would try to get to my car (hope I'll remember where i left it :p).
Next destination would be a police station to find some guns.
Aferwards I'd drive to the nearest Land Rover dealer and get myself a Land Rover Defender. Probably more useful than a new mini when u have to run over zombies and the going gets rough. (I don't actually know a Land Rover dealer....damn)
Next stop would be at a petrol station for lots and lots of diesel, some good maps and some snacks :p

But what to do then? I'd probably head for the countryside, hoping that there are less zombies there. Probably find a military base and get myself an assault rifle and hand grenades and other decent equipment u won't find at a police station. (I've actually got no idea where the next military base is)

But what then? U should be able to get food from super markets for a few years, acquiring fuel for the car wouldn't be such a big deal either, but finding a save place to sleep would probably be.

I'd say your screwed anyway if you are alone...
looking for other survivors would be priority number one.


New member
May 30, 2008
MolotoK post=18.68064.623576 said:
I'd say your screwed anyway if you are alone...
looking for other survivors would be priority number one.
That very, very true, my golf clubs also have carbon fibre shafts, apart from my 3 wood, that has a graphite shaft. I would use a knife, you would have to stab them in the head which is tricky because you have to get relatively close, and if there are lots then theres a problem. Its not easy to suddenly get your hands on a fire arm unless you had some in the first place, not only that its the same thing with ammo, sure you might find a firearm but its useless without ammo.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Well I have decided I already posted what I would do if its slow zombies BUT if its the fast ones then stay on the move, in a vehicle obviously and start a convoy fortifying and big vehicles that can carry lots of people and can run on something other then gas (like the ones scientists are trying to develop which can run on rubbish (or something like that)). I would like to point out I toyed with the idea of doing the whole remote island thing BUT the zombies are dead, and hence cannot drown so they could just walk on the sea bed towards the island, albeit slowly considering they underwater and I doubt the ground is flat) But back to my plan keep moving, pick up survivors and loot shops (Yes I did get this idea entirely from Resident Evil 3 (the film)) I reckon we would survive as long as we have guns/weapons and one of the vehicles, preferably a truck, would get "The Land Of The Dead" treatment and so we have a semi tank that can carry lots of people/fuel


New member
Jul 24, 2008
i'm fucked. i live on a university campus and the campus security has probably 4 or 5 bolt action rifles, plus i don't think they're very effective with them. there is a severe dearth of motorized vehicles, maybe two 4wd's on the campus. the doors on our rooms and labs are a joke.... my friend broke the bolt on my door with a single fucking kick, and my window has bars so i cannot jump down, its on the third floor anyways. i have no food or water in my room. if i had to fight, i would probably end up trying to staple their fingers
or throwing ink in their eyes, i'll die hugging my laptop.

on the bryte syde of thyngs.... once i am reanimated, i would make it a point to hunt every single one of you guys down, lucky bastards who sleep with a bfg under their pillow.
now that i know where you guys intend to hole in and what steps you guys would be taking, there will be no escape.... muere,muere,muere... Lord Saddler...


New member
Aug 9, 2008
MolotoK post=18.68064.623576 said:
I'd say your screwed anyway if you are alone...
looking for other survivors would be priority number one.
Really? I'd say you're screwed if you look for other survivors. In situations like that everyone is essentially looking out for number 1, and I can imagine a lot of fights breaking out and people going insane.
Once the initial shock of the Zombie infestation blows over, I'd say the survivors would be more a threat to themselves than the zombies.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Thankfully my dad has plenty of rifles and shotguns. Plus my neighbors have plenty of trucks i could use. If they got to close i could always us a sword that I have or... my chainsaw.


New member
Aug 5, 2008
i have 2 very sharp axes in my room( ordinary axes). also have some nice handy metal bars, kinda heavy.

but the thing is , i live on an island with like 7k ppl in, so we would probably hear bout the zombie infastation thingy first, and then just demolish the bridges, and never sending the ferry back

but, if they enter the island, and ocme to my house, i just get my axes, my iron bars, and my fathers 2 hunting rifles +shotgun, and his 22, (for fun)
and ofc a chainsaw and our truck

and btw, if zombies can walk underwater, id like to see how they'l do with the norwegian fjords :)


New member
Aug 13, 2008
I'd be off to asda.

I'd hop the metal fence and break in the back door (the zombies couldn't climb the fence, assuming they're Romero zombies)
The huge metal shutters would still be down, cause it'd still be night, as in every zombie film, the epidemic always happens at night. Plus there are cctv cameras, so i'd stay in the control room, and monitor any zombies trying to get in. Not that they could get through the metal shutters,but still.

Also, I could survive in asda for a fair amount of time, with all the food + drink. It'd be quite easy to stay entertained aswell, plenty of stereos, cds, dvds etc.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Before I start critiquing everyone's zombie plans, I'll work on mine:

When the zombies bust through the front door, I'll flee to the garage( I just live in a regular one story house ), where I would pick up the hedge trimmer( think little orange chainsaw ). Then, unlike you lucky jerks with guns and katanas in every corner, I would have to run across the house to get to the master bedroom, where there is a nice little pistol ( my dad's not a maniac, he's a cop ) . From there, I would use the pistol/hedge trimmer to fight my way to the kitchen, where a whole cow's worth of meat is stored in the fridge. I would toss the meat out the door and lock it behind the zombies. At that point I have two plans:

A: Stay in the house. I could board up any broken windows with furniture or plywood from the hurricanes. There's enough non-perishables to last months, and once the water shuts off, I could get water from the lake and make fire to boil it with. Once I run out of food, I can fish in the lake also. Then i would hope that the intense Florida heat would decompose the zombies before too long.

B: Flee the house. While the zombies are distracted by the meat, I would get to the patrol car and grab the shotgun from under the seat. I would finish off the zombies outside the house with said shotgun, and then pack some suitcases with canned food, water bottles, the two fuel cans, and some blunt objects just in case. Then I would put them in the SUV and take one of two more strategies:

B1: Head into redneck country and survive on the crop yield, hopefully meeting some farmers to plant the crops and tend the fields.

B2: Avoid Miami and head down to the Florida Keys before the National Guard blocks the bridges( which they will).


New member
Jul 4, 2008
mine would be: grab my 9mm, 44 mag,.303 cal lee enfeild bolt action rifle, ammo, and drive to my uncle's house in my 2-ton dumptruck(its way to heavy to be stoped bye hitting zombies). Once there we would arm ourselfs with the years of ammo he has, cut a hatch to the roof incase the get into the house, plan where to head next, and search for survivers while traveling to find somewhere where the zombies haven't reached. I think that i have everything pretty planed out.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
the plan:
grab sharp object (ideally an axe or something bladed. me and my friends meet up, seize control of a a tanker truck of diesel, round up as many diesel fueled vehicles we can find and head east. from there we make our way to rural Alabama (which thanks to a low human population ought to be fairly zombie free) there we set up a fenced in farming commune, and live out our lives. this plan has the added bonus of avoiding all the idiots who would migrate north, and those idiots ought to draw the large swarms away from us.
along the way we would pick up and uninfected survivors and build up an armory and reinforce our vehicles with anything we can find.

Jolly Madness

New member
Mar 21, 2008
I did read The Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z. So I bought a Katana, we're not talking replicas, real stuff. Cost aaaaabout 2000USD. I got bloody much wood in the cellar, boarding up the house shouldn't be a problem, since most of my house is above ground I'll just seal of everything a ground level and keep one or two exits open at all times (above ground of course). Problem is perhaps food, water and fuel though... I got wood enough for 2 winters... water should I gather up and for food... I got cows walking up in the wood, shouldn't be too hard to take down...


New member
Jun 2, 2008
I've often thought up plans like these.

1- Grab a bat and make sure my family is safe.

2. Head over to my friend's house and pray she's not a zombie.

3- Head for my grandparents house and break in to their safe which contains at least a dozen rifles and shotguns (Where the Canadian blue-collar type, you get the picture)

4- Head south to our hunting property in Athens, there'd be very few zombies out there. And we have enough dogs to help patrol the property, we'll know when they come.

5- Survive. Once we run out of regular food, hopefully we can live off of deer, turkey and garden vegetables.