When Will Pixar Make a Bad Movie?

Feste the Jester

New member
Jul 10, 2009
Well, I didn't personally like Wall-E, but I can't really say its a bad movie. It's not like how I usually feel that the game is a knock off piece of shit, here I just didn't personally care for it. So I don't think Pixar will ever actually make a bad movie, even if I don't personally care for some.


Apr 28, 2008
Worgen said:
I didnt like cars
me either. IMO Cars was a poor movie. There were too many characters and we barely learned anything about them. They were just there and we never learned more about them than their first impression personality. The main car was a dick, and at the movie he's basically still a dick.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
TheYellowCellPhone said:
ProfessorLayton said:
When they decide to make a movie about a robot that collects trash.

Seriously, WALL-E was terrific. I was glued to my seat, so absorbed into that movie.
I hated Monster's Inc. Cars was okay and I never saw the big deal about up, felt like Pixars usually movie theme thing, nothing special.


New member
Jan 21, 2010
I would say the next blue moon when they finally come up with a bad idea that just won't work or they go for the $$$ trying to squeeze out all that they can from a particular franchise. Most movies are meant to be stand alones. That being said, I'd dare to say I'm proud of them and their accomplishments. I would have no problem with buying all their current movies for my hypothetical children (and myself).


New member
Apr 5, 2009
Sometimes I look at Pixar comercials and think, "That idea is fucking stupid." Then I see the movie and it's the best thing since sliced bread... or the last Pixar movie.

Sometimes I look at the titles of the stuff I write and think, "This is fucking stupid." Then I read it and it's the best thing since sliced bread... or the last time I read someone who can write better than I.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Eh I didn't really care for the movie Cars very much, I thought the premise was kinda dumb and the story was kinda uninteresting and bland. Oh no, winning a race, this is some how an important thing. At least the rest of their films had a real sense of danger or urgency, like there was actually something important going on.

Personally, I think most of the film Cars was a sort of 'screw you Disney' film, due to their 'breakup' after.. then getting back together on different terms.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
DarkRyter said:
And they turned it into the most heartwarming love story of the year.
So I'm guessing you missed out on Slumdog Millionaire and Let the Right One In? Both from the same year.

Look, I enjoyed Wall-E. But compare it to some of their best movies like The Incredibles, Up, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc... it lacked something. Even the characters in Cars were more likable. But I will at least say it was memorable, which is more than I can say about Ratatouille.


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
When will pixar make a bad movie? Frankly, when they make it about race cars that act like people. (I didn't like Cars.)


New member
May 18, 2009
armaina said:
Personally, I think most of the film Cars was a sort of 'screw you Disney' film, due to their 'breakup' after.. then getting back together on different terms.
Except John Lasseter really loved Cars and that was the film he really wanted to make so no its not really a screw you to disney. Dispite what you think disney isn't some malevolent company and other companys aren't trying to get back at disney

Puma Sauce

New member
Aug 3, 2010
Unfortunately, the Gold Rush may be over soon. Too many sequels. Cars 2 is teetering on the verge of 'trainwreck'. Monsters Inc. 2 has more potential but I seriously hope Pixar pulls something out of the bag for it. Brave I can't come to a consensus yet, but a Disney Princess? No bueno.

And then there is newt. I am really looking up to newt if it is not cut. Learning that love is not a science, huh? I'd love to see if the two Newts can't overcome their differences and wipe out the whole species because of their selfishness. But, the string of good movies is going to end. I loved Toy Story 1&3 (Didn't hate 2, but still not the best,) Up, The Incredibles, and A Bug's Life. Nemo and Monsters were pretty good, but I didn't like Cars or Ratatouille. Not terrible, but still pretty good in terms of making obscure plot work. Not sure About WALL-E.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
I never liked The Incredibles... I don't know why though... Maybe its because it was their first movie to use only humans as their main characters, rather than throwing in a few humans here and there like they did before... it was a huge change...