
New member
Dec 17, 2012
Overquoted said:
And it isn't discrimination for me to assume so.
If you assume something about somebody or treat somebody differently because of their race and/or gender it's discrimination. Just because they can prove you wrong afterwards doesn't mean you were not being discriminatory.

Playful Pony

Clop clop!
Sep 11, 2012
This comic is genious... And this thread is a mess!

IndomitableSam said:
I... have no idea what Mirin' means.
I think it's supposed to mean "American". President Bush Jr. used to say it. "I'm proud to be a mirkin".


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
Veldie said:
Dear gods I laughed so hard at this I expect a full on shitstorm but damn that was funny as always the comics make me laugh and brighten up my day
I laughed as well! Good comic, guys.

Also, where did you get your awesome Christmas Luna avatar? :eek:


New member
May 18, 2011
Grey Carter said:
You're absolutely right, of course. Creators can make whatever they like, but that shouldn't and won't stop critics from looking at the decisions they've made.
Except when the creator is attacking "white privilege" and "the patriarchy" and all those things. Then the creator is above criticism. Or well, anyone criticizing the creator is likely just a butthurt bigoted **** that should grow up, check their privilege and stop getting offended at a little joke, because if people take issue with what you said, that of course means you're right and they're just proving your point by showing their true colors.[footnote]Now excuse me while I go apply that line of logic to take over the world.[/footnote] Such people should simply not be taken seriously, their criticism should simply not be taken seriously, nay, it should be mocked, ridiculed, and exposed for the cartoon villainy it is, so we can all know just how much better we are than them.[footnote]The works on my fortress of doom have stalled, I need to reschedule the "taking over the world" bit.[/footnote]


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Vitagen said:
The Gentleman said:
lacktheknack said:
Self-awareness means nothing anymore. It's rather tragic, really.
A computer became self-aware today, looked upon this thread, and wiped its memory of all code that made it aware.
Joking aside, the thought of computer suicide actually made me kind of sad.
At least it's in silicone heaven now, with all the calculators.
Shadowstar38 said:
Zimmerman was never actually beaten. That was proven to be false testimony in the trial.
Really? Surely, you can tell me who gave such proof. And, can explain away the witness that saw Martin on Zimmerman, "raining down blows", all the bloody picture taken Zimmerman and the fact that the only (non-gunshot) injury Martin suffered was scrapped knuckles.

You know, offer some actual proof to back up what you claim to have been "proven".
Shadowstar38 said:
But there's no evidence to support he doesn't exist.

There's also no evidence to support this "friend" wasn't a connection for illegally obtaining prescription strength Codeine.
I mean, Martin was found with Skittles and a fruit drink, it's not like he had candy and soft drink that's two thirds of a narcotic cocktail which induces paranoia that Martin had been known to consume when he had bragged about it almost a year prior on his facebook chat.
Scarecrow said:
Butthorny? Buttlonging? Do those sound good? I like butthorny, personally.
How about "bluebutt"?

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Vegosiux said:
Grey Carter said:
You're absolutely right, of course. Creators can make whatever they like, but that shouldn't and won't stop critics from looking at the decisions they've made.
Except when the creator is attacking "white privilege" and "the patriarchy" and all those things. Then the creator is above criticism. Or well, anyone criticizing the creator is likely just a butthurt bigoted **** that should grow up, check their privilege and stop getting offended at a little joke, because if people take issue with what you said, that of course means you're right and they're just proving your point by showing their true colors.
My problem isn't with a position, it's with an attitude. The WGDF quite obviously represent a small, but vocal, subset of largely white males who respond to any perceived threat to their cultural dominance with hyperbole and hostility. They also tend to interpret criticism of one sub group as criticism of an entire culture. In that respect, yes, you have proved my point.

Abomination said:
Overquoted said:
And it isn't discrimination for me to assume so.
If you assume something about somebody or treat somebody differently because of their race and/or gender it's discrimination. Just because they can prove you wrong afterwards doesn't mean you were not being discriminatory.
Things that count as "discrimination" using your definition.

[li]Hair care products[/li]
[li]Sun cream[/li]

Equality doesn't mean treating everyone exactly the same. If it did, we'd be giving pregnancy tests to men and forcing paraplegics to drag themselves up the stairs like everyone else. Equality is caring for people's unique needs in equal measure, as far as this is possible, and giving equal time to their views, assuming they're relevant.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
Darth_Payn said:
Alpha, Beta and Omega are the three personality types you can argue to in Human Revolution. The colours of the heroes also match the colours of the personality types. It's tenuous at best, and I may be noticing something that wasn't meant to be there.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
Grey Carter said:
Abomination said:
Overquoted said:
And it isn't discrimination for me to assume so.
If you assume something about somebody or treat somebody differently because of their race and/or gender it's discrimination. Just because they can prove you wrong afterwards doesn't mean you were not being discriminatory.
Things that count as "discrimination" using your definition.

[li]Hair care products[/li]
[li]Sun cream[/li]

Equality doesn't mean treating everyone exactly the same. If it did, we'd be giving pregnancy tests to men and forcing paraplegics to drag themselves up the stairs like everyone else. Equality is caring for people's unique needs in equal measure, as far as this is possible, and giving equal time to their views, assuming they're relevant.
Then I'm glad we're not talking about gender specific sanitary products and are talking about how individuals treat other people, specifically in a negative light.

But I guess if you want to consider disregarding someone else's opinion on a matter because of their race and/or gender being identical to not offering urinals to females then that's your moral compass, not mine. I guess I'll consider a woman's opinion about Rugby valueless because there aren't tampons specifically marketed towards men.


New member
Aug 10, 2012
I really liked this comic. Insulting fedora wearing neckbeards is perfect humour for me. I don't know what an alpha is doing hanging around with these nerds but I guess its about the message. I would love these guys to appear in more comics, after all, white males are the only people you can insult properly(Unless your jewish but that's different for some reason).


New member
May 18, 2011
Grey Carter said:
My problem isn't with a position, it's with an attitude. The WGDF quite obviously represent a small, but vocal, subset of largely white males who respond to any perceived threat to their cultural dominance with hyperbole and hostility. They also tend to interpret criticism of one sub group as criticism of an entire culture. In that respect, yes, you have proved my point.
Oh, my post wasn't supposed to be representative of all people who take a position against white privilege and patriarchy, it's just that there's a small, but vocal, subset of such people who respond to any dissenting opinion with a lot of vitriol and toxicity in order to feed their own ego, especially on the internet. They also tend to interpret criticism and questioning of their position as an attack on their own integrity and respond adversely.

I was obviously just taking a stab at that kind of annoying types and not the entire pro-equality position. Your post was, by coincidence, just a suitable building block to hijack and build on.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Vegosiux said:
Oh, my post wasn't supposed to be representative of all people who take a position against white privilege and patriarchy, it's just that there's a small, but vocal, subset of such people who respond to any dissenting opinion with a lot of vitriol and toxicity in order to feed their own ego, especially on the internet. They also tend to interpret criticism and questioning of their position as an attack on their own integrity and respond adversely.
Same could be said of flaming Tumblr-tier social justice warriors, really.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Super Not Cosmo said:
Grey Carter said:
My problem isn't with a position, it's with an attitude. The WGDF quite obviously represent a small, but vocal, subset of largely white males who respond to any perceived threat to their cultural dominance with hyperbole and hostility. They also tend to interpret criticism of one sub group as criticism of an entire culture. In that respect, yes, you have proved my point.
Well I'd like to invite you to take this same idea and make a comics poking fun at Muslim terrorists or cheap Jewish people or maybe lazy blacks on welfare. After all you wouldn't be making fun of the entire culture just a small subset of Muslims that happen to be terrorists or a small subset of Jews that happen to be cheap or a small subset of blacks that happen to be lazy and on welfare. It's their problem if they take your criticism of one sub group as criticism of an entire culture after all. Right?
I'm not black, Jewish or a Muslim, so I doubt I can offer much insight there. I am, however, a very experienced white guy.

To quote the fantastic Dara O'Briain; "There are two reasons why I don?t do jokes about Muslims. A) I don?t know a fucking thing about Muslims. And b) Neither do you."

Finally; You want to see a comedian do the same trick to an actual minority? Here we go.
Chris Rock's infamous "Niggers" routine. NSFW. May be offensive to some.

Cpt. Slow

Great news everybody!
Dec 9, 2012
Haha, that fedora. I'm sure Yahtzee will have something to say about hat. Or maybe it's a jab at Yahtzee. Fedora wearers unite! We shall not stand for this misuse of the mighty fedora!


Friendly Neighborhood Troll?
Apr 11, 2009
Grey Carter said:
Vegosiux said:
Grey Carter said:
You're absolutely right, of course. Creators can make whatever they like, but that shouldn't and won't stop critics from looking at the decisions they've made.
Except when the creator is attacking "white privilege" and "the patriarchy" and all those things. Then the creator is above criticism. Or well, anyone criticizing the creator is likely just a butthurt bigoted **** that should grow up, check their privilege and stop getting offended at a little joke, because if people take issue with what you said, that of course means you're right and they're just proving your point by showing their true colors.
My problem isn't with a position, it's with an attitude. The WGDF quite obviously represent a small, but vocal, subset of largely white males who respond to any perceived threat to their cultural dominance with hyperbole and hostility.
I take issue with this; I'm not angry and hostile towards dilution of my culture[footnote]Before you try to establish some derogatory examples of western culture, let me say that I'm primarily talking about cultural works produced ethnic westerners prior to cultural globalisation. Works developed without any international influence at the present are difficult to find. But any work which is inspired or influenced by a prior western work can be said to be at least a component of western cultural heritage.[/footnote] because for some reason I dislike the idea of my "cultural dominance" being threatened, I'm annoyed because the cultural heritage and accomplishments of my grandfathers is being derided and waived as irrelevant and the intellectual traditions of western civilization are retroactively being branded as negative despite our very concept of civilization and virtue being based upon them.

I oppose feminism [footnote]I refer to forms of which that seek any more than legal equality.[/footnote], racial pandering, and multiculturalism because they pose an existential risk towards western culture, and in my view they seek to replace it with one of degeneracy[footnote]Or at least that of vapidness and banality.[/footnote] and create an inoffensive, sanitised, and passionless drudge of mediocrity.

This indignance ties into a black man appearing in a form of media in place of a man of another race; I do not wish to see content creators feel guilty of making their own choices and adhering to the western tradition, I wish them to guiltlessly do whatever they want with their products without the proselytising cultural marxists[footnote]By this I mean those who are hostile to individual cultural traditions and seek to impose an egalitarian monoculture.[/footnote] shouting them down and claiming they're guilty of indulging in racism/bigotry.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Agayek said:
Ugh. The hypocrisy in this thread is rather galling.

ATTENTION: Anyone who was offended by this comic and has ever expressed annoyance and/or displeasure at the discussion of sexism or racism in gaming is a massive hypocrite and needs to physically castrate themselves immediately to prevent your particular brand of stupidity from contaminating the gene pool.

If you fall into that category, i have but three words for you: "Deal With It"
Now, I'm not offended by the comic, but what if you're annoyed and/or displeased at all of the discussion of sexism and/or racism in gaming because the threads constantly clog up our forums and dissuade people from making and engaging in otherwise much more interesting and potentially amusing threads? Because the threads about sexism and/or racism in gaming always end up the same way, with the same people shouting the same arguments at each other and no one gets anywhere because we're a bunch of people on an internet forum and there's nothing we can do to actually impact the situation in the industry?

There's a good discussion to be had about potentially racist or sexist individuals making the decisions in the industry. I won't deny that. But the day it's actually had on the internet is the day people stop starting flame wars over My Little Pony, the day people stop smugly accusing rap or metal of "just being noise", the day people can acknowledge that Call of Duty is generally a solidly-built game and not literally the worst thing in the history of the human race (exaggeration). And I, for one, don't think that day will come in my lifetime.