In retrospect?
The Black Knight. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn.
He could barely be stopped by the strongest beings on the planet when the blessing on his armor vanished and after he got it back he became more unbeatable namely having solo'd an entire platoon of laguz, men laced in a goddess's blessing and COULD have killed Ike in the first Fire Emblem game had he not been told that Gawian had purposely crippled himself so he waited until Ike was older and more experienced to have a duel with Gawian again.
A master in sword/long/and great swords as well as extremely skilled in pole-arms, throwing Javelins and heavy anti-Calvary spears that are supposed to be used to hold up and hope for the best in large groups but he uses it like a bo-staff. He is as tall and possibly stronger than The Mountain from a song of Ice and Fire and faster on his feat than a friggen Olympic sprinter in that heavy armor.
The Black Knight. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn.
He could barely be stopped by the strongest beings on the planet when the blessing on his armor vanished and after he got it back he became more unbeatable namely having solo'd an entire platoon of laguz, men laced in a goddess's blessing and COULD have killed Ike in the first Fire Emblem game had he not been told that Gawian had purposely crippled himself so he waited until Ike was older and more experienced to have a duel with Gawian again.
A master in sword/long/and great swords as well as extremely skilled in pole-arms, throwing Javelins and heavy anti-Calvary spears that are supposed to be used to hold up and hope for the best in large groups but he uses it like a bo-staff. He is as tall and possibly stronger than The Mountain from a song of Ice and Fire and faster on his feat than a friggen Olympic sprinter in that heavy armor.