Who is Your Waifu?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Drummodino said:
My first choice
You don't choose a waifu, Drum. It just happens. Y'know, like in real life.

Similarly, multiple waifu is a bit of a faux pas as I understand.



Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Zira said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
Alright, watch out everyone, superior waifu coming through:

Yeah, that girl right here! I always had a very particular fondness for Bayonetta even though visually she's not my type at all. But she's _the_ shining example for how to make a good female action game protagonists and one of my favourite characters in gaming. She's strong and confident without ever giving up her feminity. Whe's incredibly sexual but yet never objectified but rather always using her own sexuality do show dominance. She revels in her own over the top campness but yet she always does it with a cheeky sense of self awareness. She's independent, competent, witty and classy and in a medium where a lot of female character and almost all female protagonist are either too objectified, to masculine or some combination thereof she stands out in the best way possible. She might not be the heroine the medium deserves but she's the one it needs right now!

Oooooh there is so much I could say against Bayonetta.

It's absolutely fine to like the character and to say that she is a well-designed character. With this, I agree.

But it's absolutely WRONG to say she's not objectified and is a paradigm of an independent, competent female character.
I'd feel bad for derailing this thread and i'd rather not but personally i wouldn't mind having that discussion. What exatly do you dislike about her?


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Do humanized (properly humanized,not that anorexic brazz doll crap)ponies count?

If not, Gavrill Madaraki from Franken Fran

Azudarko said:
Iskandar! The King of Conquerors!
I think this turned me bi.

Kyber said:
I mean, how can you NOT?
Griffith couldn't. That's how the whole mess started...


New member
Jul 9, 2011
Waifus and Husbandos, huh? Well, I think I have a few.
<img src=http://img5.joyreactor.cc/pics/post/full/%D0%98%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2-%D1%81%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8B-%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%83%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8-716625.jpeg width=600 height=450>
Sansa Stark stands as what is probably my most loved female character ever, but only the version one will find in the original A Song of Ice and Fire books. She's has a lovable personality, an amazing and tragic character development and her mind and viewpoint are one of the most interesting in the whole series. Also, speaking of A Song Of Ice and Fire...
<img src=http://www.cinelogin.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Brienne.jpg width=600 height=450>
This hideous looking 6'6" tall lady is Brienne of Tarth, and I just love her, when I read her chapters, specially the ones in late A Feast For Crows, I can't help but to want to hug her tightly.
<img src=http://eroderekko.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/hanako-1.jpg width=600 height=450>
Hanako from Katawa Shoujo is the closest I have to a traditional Waifu, however. I find her immensely adorable and absolutely love her story route, finding it the best route in the game.

Moving on to Man Crushes, then:
<img src=http://media.animevice.com/uploads/2/29947/674484-vash_the_stampede.jpg width=600 height=450>
I think that Vash The Stampede is the greatest character that has ever come out from anime and manga. I love his personality, his backstory, his energy, his beliefs are pretty much exactly the same as mine, I can't help but to always feel happy and smile when he is happy, and always feel sorry for him when he's is passing through darker moments.
<img src=http://m2.img.libdd.com/farm5/d/2012/0627/19/8C7FB9C072FAF90833F279E5602453F7_B1280_1280_1000_2243.JPEG width=450 height=600>
Going back to ASOIAF, I have the sickest of admirations for the book version of Petyr Baelish/Littlefinger. He's quiet, he's THE Chessmaster behind every event, he always has everything calculated and can manipulate everyone and use every turn of events to his advantages. I love how he used to be an idealistic sweet boy, and life turned into the cold villain he is now. He is a despicable monster, but I can't help but to sometimes cheer for him due to how amazing he is at everything.

However, all of the above are completely irrelevant when compared to the Waifus of Waifus, the most kawaii character ever created, she who fills my dreams every night:
<img src=http://erogamer.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/saya-says-hello.png width=600 height=450>
Saya from Song of Saya! I mean, look at her!, isn't that a face that says "Welcome home!" She's sweet, she has the cutest of loli looks, she's girly and gentle, while being a bit crazy and extremely smart. She tries to cook for the main character, lives with him and always supports him when no one else does, she's the perfect Waifu!
But seriously.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Ahh the seething underbelly of the Escapist finally comes into full view.

Not to indicate any disrespect but I do sometimes wonder if we, as a society, have become so conditioned to not making judgments about the behavior of others that almost everything is supposedly okay now as long as no one loses an eye.

Twenty years ago we'd have looked at someone who was a little too attached to their cat as a "little bit off" and a cat is at least a physical being with some level of cohabitation related attachment and even levels of personality and expressive capability. These days we just nod and smile at the idea of people forming attachments with inanimate drawings.

Point of this post? Expressing something that's been brewing in my head for awhile but attempting to do so in a respectful and non-confrontational manner.

I'm not being judgmental, I'm simply questioning our recently conditioned lack of judgmental analysis of well...anything. Its extremely easy to sit back and consider, "Well its the internet, I can be as weird as I want to be and I don't have to worry about the opinions of other people because no one really knows who I am anyways."....what is harder is to actually understand how easy that is, and how much harder finding the ever greying line of morality, within oneself, in the highly interconnected world of today, really is.

Ahh but what is morality? A very chancy word to use on the internet these days, especially without conjuring up the poltergeists of religion and ethics. One of which is just as prone to critical analysis as anything else and the other of which has been ground into a fine paste and spat back out by a professional system of legal manipulation as to be almost unrecognizable as the meaning of the word which describes it.

Regardless I won't suffer the reader with further paragraphs of non-additive drivel. I will simply say...this is definitely something that we need to be thinking about. And its trends such as these which make me think about it quite a bit more often.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Zira said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
Zira said:
I'd feel bad for derailing this thread and i'd rather not but personally i wouldn't mind having that discussion. What exatly do you dislike about her?

Well, we could always open a thread to discuss Bayonetta. XD

As a woman, I have mixed feelings for Bayonetta. The design of her entire videogame is creative and appealing, and she indeed is a strong character in the literal sense of the word (she kicks ass!).

But here's the catch.... no matter how cool and amusing she is, she's still entirely a fanservice character who's striking up poses for the male gaze alone. I know that it's pushed to the point of being so over-the-top that you can't even take it seriously, let alone get offended. But still....
If for example, Dante from Devil May Cry would show his crotch area to the camera in a allusive manner, lick an icecream allusively, make sexual moans when he fights enemies, and become completely naked whenever he attacks, you'd feel a little awkward playing that videogame.
Honestly, i think i wouldn't. Admittedly, it would make me aware that i'm obviously not the target audience for the game but if it was as good as Bayonetta it would not hinder my enjoyment.

But i am aware that there are lot of people that this would make uncomfortable so i see where you are coming from. I agree that she is obviously designed to appeal to male players. But what i don't agree with is the notion that this is necessarily exploitative. While her oversexualised appearance and personality are a big part of her character it's always treated as an expression of her confidence. Don't get me wrong, i do realize that she's still a character designed by a man to appeal to men but seeing how that could be said about most female characters she still stands out as a positive example for me. In most other games unrealistically good looks and overly revealing clothes, no matter how little sense they make in context are usually treated with a nonchalant "That's just what you do in videogames" attitude while Bayonetta takes it to its logical extreme, puts it in a setting where pretty much everything is over the top and has some fun with it. I'm not saying she's the be all end all of women in videogames but i vastly prefer her over the likes of Lara "I'm an archeologist who just happens to look like a supermodel, just go with it" Croft. Of course i'm biased because i really damn like her and her game.

So... do you think we should just get ourselves a cozy little thread over in the Gaming Discussion for us and anyone else who wants to join in on this discussion?

Rip Van Rabbit

Apr 17, 2012
Hawk of Battle said:
Nobody said Rikku yet? Gooood...

Cos she's mine people, nobody elses!
Oof, that's a good choice! I forgot about her, she was always my favourite party member.

Drummodino said:
Lilly from Katawa Shoujo!
Lilly was definitely my favourite and I was drawn to her the most from the beginning. Hanako has a lovely message and can be downright heartwarming (or heartbreaking). HOWEVER!

I feel compelled to give some attention to the underloved [small]bondage...hhhhhnnnggg[/small] Shizune!
She has an adorable character design. :D



New member
Oct 6, 2009
First choice: Lightning FF13
and second one would be: Preston Marlowe BFCB2
I cant help it hes so handsome T~T, and i have strong feelings for men in uniform.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
First choice: Lightning FF13
and second one would be: Preston Marlowe BFCB2
I cant help it hes so handsome T~T, and i have strong feelings for men in uniform.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Zira said:
PsychedelicDiamond said:
Zira said:
So... do you think we should just get ourselves a cozy little thread over in the Gaming Discussion for us and anyone else who wants to join in on this discussion?

Yeah, let's! :D This sounds like an interesting discussion, being able to discuss Bayonetta and sexism without any flamewars. :3
Alright. Let's continue there:



New member
May 21, 2010
I'm glad to see that the thread made it at least a page in before the party-poopers arrived. The last waifu thread I remember was torn to shreds by them.

OT: The OP snagged mine right from the get-go. Aigis is probably my favorite character in Persona 3/4. Also, her thing they introduced in P4U where she shifts back into her robotic tone of speech when she's subtly mocking people, just the little things like that just make me appreciate her character that much more.

Source: http://fromthelostdays.tumblr.com/post/72882959567

Also, for all you party poopers, despite what definition says, no, none of us(I hope) actually consider these characters to actually be our significant others, we aren't using the term for it's exact definition, we're just using the term in a loose/comical way to refer to female characters(or characters of your sexual orientation) that we like a lot, but not necessarily in an obsessive/sexual way as the term is defined. So basically, if you see one of these threads in the future on the Escapist(I can't guarantee anywhere else though), just know that it's intended purpose is simply an alternate phrasing of characters that we adore.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Definitely Daria. Just look at the love in her eyes:

She has transcended to a level of apathetic indifference towards all of her surroundings that I could only dream of reaching. She's intelligent, witty, sarcastic and never afraid to speak her mind.

Pr0 said:
I'm genuinely amazed at how seriously some people take this kind of question. Dude, you can give the armchair philosophy a rest. Whatever the origins/connotations this word may have in Japan, I'd be willing to bet about 97% of the people using this term in the West are doing so ironically/in jest; as a hyperbolic shorthand to express the notion of 'I really dig and identify with this character and would totally date the shit out of them if they were real.' Getting emotionally invested in some form of narrative doesn't suddenly negate one's ability to discern reality from fiction. Not to say that there aren't people out there who take their attachment to fictional entities way too far, but I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people in this thread and previous ones like it (I've seen this very same thread at least once before in these forums) haven't sunken to the level of purchasing body-pillows just yet. And even if they were, I can't really say I give a shit about what other people do/how they got their jollies in their own time. I mean at least with regard to my own personal moral code, other people's fapping habits aren't exactly a priority concern for me. I guess the abridged version of what I'm trying to get across is lighten up. This topic was clearly never meant to be heavy.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
OmniscientOstrich said:
I guess the abridged version of what I'm trying to get across is lighten up. This topic was clearly never meant to be heavy.
And I think what I'm trying to elucidate is that perhaps the subject is not taken seriously enough, or simply accepted as "not my concern" when collectively it is something that should be considered to potentially be a concern. The population crisis in Japan (Fukushima and surviving one of the largest recorded earthquakes in recent human history notwithstanding) is, I believe, the tip of an iceberg, and in the briny depths of the ocean, lies this subject..and others.

Now I suppose we could say that the population crisis in Japan is not our concern either. But perhaps it should be if Japan is simply a diorama image of a potential larger world problem in the near future where not just Japan is in crisis.

Armchair philosophy or no...it is, at least, critical thought about behavioral trends that could lend themselves to very real world consequences at some point. So while this topic is not meant to be heavy, and I respect it for what it is, the subject matter at hand is a facet of many larger potential philosophical problems which tend to have real world ramifications at some point down the line.

I believe in our pursuit to take things lightly we sometimes forget that without the few people taking things seriously, we'd have no room to take things lightly at all. And perhaps as a generation we are far too irresponsible for our own good.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Rei Ayanami


She has no personality, except for moments of kindness and selflessness for others, mainly her son Shinji and Husband Gendo Ikari. Well, son and father in a past life, pre-cloning...

I had a crush on her when I was 14 years old.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
II2 said:
Drummodino said:
Waifu - A fictional character from non-live-action visual media (typically an anime, manga, or video game) that one is attracted to and considers a significant other.

- Wiktionary [http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/waifu]
The fuck's a Waifu? The parameters of that definition just give me even more questions. Attracted to, fine, but 'considers a significant other..?' - Does that mean they have to be part of 'team' or 'party'? I thought S/Os were agreed by common consensus to be a identify-neutral parlance for romantic or sexual partnership? Is that just the daydream aspect of the term? Especially applied to linear entertainment - is it just both drooling over and rooting for a character? Romantic Favoritism? How does this concept even work?


But, alas, while I don't know what I'm talking about, I'll point out what I guess were my alleged 'Waifus' (or just 'fancied fictions') that I can remember.
Right there with you, man.

I had to ponder this for a while...
Elizabeth (BioShock Infinite)

Sodina Dawnfried (Thousand Arms)

Iris (MegaMan X4)

Elhaym "Elly" Van Houten (Xenogears)

Zoey (Left 4 Dead)
I think you can see the pattern there, especially if you know those characters.
And it extends into real life too.

EDIT: I had to add Zoey, because when I play Left 4 Dead my sole goal is to keep Zoey alive. t's easiest if I play as Zoey, because then I don't have to worry about her.