why does everyone expect all snipers to quickscope?


New member
Mar 20, 2011
Just play TF2, quickspcoping is impossible (I've gotten probably less than 10 kills with almost 20 hours as sniper logged). You need to hardscope, time your shots, and trust me its about 10x more rewarding to drop half a team with well placed head shots.


New member
May 25, 2009
Everybody on CoD has the tactics they hate, myself included. So they'll yell at anyone using said tactics. I can't even count the number of times someone was screaming at me for my LMG usage. Well, maybe I don't want to run around with an SMG today.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
ok now that sum part of this has come up can sumone tell me why 80% of all the cod palyer I have meet in the last week are all jackholes? (jackass assholes) like they all yell, talk shit, are racist, sexist, homophobs and are allways pissed off?

for example in a game I used the UMP (just cuz I never changed that class form wen the game came out) and a sniper got sum kills and won.

they called me a "N word, fag, try hard, litte girl (that sould go make them a sandwich), camper, rusher, jumper (claymore), hardscoper ex.." and wen they tryed to trick scope me I killed them and they would yell "WTF dont killing wen im trick scopeing god you suck!" and at one piont I heard them say " hey you get that? ya I will just remove the sound (sumone yelled out fake) and put it up!"

also tx you all for telling me its auto-aim cuz I could not figer the fuck out how they kill you wen ther not aiming anywere neer you.

end rant

god I feel better

also for the record Im 18, male, white and im straight so thats how I got the racist, sexist, homophobs part.

and one more thing noob tube is the RPG as in MW1 the rpg would kill you if it went by so all you had to do was aim and the emny team would be dead, so wen did it go form rpg to the grenade launcher?
sorry for spelling.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
i enjoy playing MW2 much more then BO and this pisses me off. ITS WHAT A FUCKING SNIPER IS BUILT FOR. HARDSCOPING. quick scoping is for the 12 year olds who cant sit still for 10 seconds or who are absolutely useless with hardscoping


New member
Mar 31, 2011
It seems some people here think that hardscopers (god I hate these terms) just sit there scoped in until they see someone and pull the trigger. However, the truth is that us hardscopers, defend a position or patrol an area where we can see a large area, and when we see someone, we make sure to kill the enemy with only one shot by aiming carefully. I personally don't care when people quickscope, but what does bother me is when people say very mean things to me for hardscoping them when I don't get bothered by the fact that they 'double tap y 720 grizz fakie knife whatever spin shot zero gravity silent super shot'


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Because, as my dear friend DSK has pointed out to me several times, you are expected to play at the game's pace, not your own. You'll do much better if you let the enemy come to you rather than running around like an idiot. Unfortunately, other players see that kind of tactical thinking and on-the-fly strategizing as unfair because they don't think they can do it. MW2 is intended[footnote]It fails pretty categorically at simulating small-squad tactics, but hey. Points for the effort.[/footnote] to simulate small-squad tactics, but suffers from a tendency towards lone-wolf syndrome (rewarding risky actions taken by lucky single players) while simultaneously punishing an entire team for a lone-wolf's actions when they fail (in the form of broad-range killstreak rewards like the airstrikes and especially the AC-130, not to mention the Nuke).

This is part of why, in my opinion, Modern Warfare would have benefited greatly from dedicated servers[footnote]The other part, of course, being CHRIST ON A CROSS P2P ARCHITECTURE DOES NOT WORK FOR MULTIPLAYER GAMES FUCK.[/footnote]. People who aren't interested in learning the deeper parts of the game can play on JFF (Just For Fun) servers while those like myself who enjoy the more tactical aspects of the game can play on Team Tactical servers and the like.

Anyway, if you're more interested in playing it slow and sniper-like, that's fine. Don't let other people dictate the pace at which you play the game. You'll do much better (in my experience) if you let the other team run around like chickens with their heads cut off while holding defensible positions. Build a close team of friends who can watch the other angles and talk to each other. My group uses Skype (because Steam's VoIP service is still pretty terrible). You've got to trust each other, though, or it all falls apart.

But most of all, remember it's just a game. You're supposed to be having fun and, if you're not, figure out why and fix that. Happy sniping, Geist.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Personally I don't see why either, i like taking my time to get good shots, not a crapload of sucky ones. Also, I don't see why headshots are so prevalent when sniping. Firstly, real snipers aim for center mass, not the head, since it's harder to hit. And either way, the enemy will be taken care of.

Guilherme Zoldan

New member
Jun 20, 2011
As a total non-shooter guy, the concept of quickscoping sounds kinda silly and unintuitive. I mean if I pick sniper at the class/weapon selection screen I assume this means Im gona be doing precision shooting from long range.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
most cod maps aren't really designed for proper sniping (except for certain super big ones with long sightlines). and since some spawns are just crappy, you'll get a smg up yer a®se so easily


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
When I used to play MW2 with friends I used to snipe quite a lot, which would nearly always end up with complaints about how I didn't quickscope all the time. Fuck that shit, I can snipe how I want, I bought the damn game.Just because you have been watching too many youtube montages doesn't mean everyone has to snipe that that. I mean, why were snipers put into the game in the first place? I don't think the developers thought of quickscoping when designing the game...

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
w00tage said:
TrilbyWill said:
w00tage said:
TrilbyWill said:
because fuck good snipers.
i sniped a lot in Halo 3 thanks to my friend, MW2 and BO. it was shit in CoD because nobody plays like that. its worse in BO because snipers only have pistols, the crossbow and the ballistic knife, so you cant get to a decent position (unless its Array and you get to the pylon fast)
also, people hate the good ones because:
thats my friend i mentioned before, and he gets a lot of rage from the other team.
that channel is 80% sniping and 50-50 Black Ops and Reach.
Anyone else note that he MISSED most of those shots? At least in RL he would have, he was whole feet off of many targets and behind their movement, not leading, and the lame game gave him the kills anyways. COD multiplayer SUCKS for hit registration.

He got one excellent headshot that I saw though, kudos for that, nice shot.
the thing is, IRL, he wouldnt be running around like that. another reason sniping in BO is pretty much impossible: you dont even have a shotgun or smg.
Dude, NOBODY runs around like that. He hit his first target, turned and ran to the right about 12 feet in 1.5 seconds (maybe less - seriously), then when he turned and targeted the soldiers crossing the road, they were ALL doing like 20 miles an hour! Like 4 full strides a second, they looked like friggin jackrabbits.

And yes I know it's the "perks" that let them do that. I own MW1 and 2 and played the multiplayer on both until I realized how pointless and mindless they were, and how ridiculous the perks were. Modern Warfare should really be named "Fantasy Colosseum", because when you kill the opposing team your god will give you magical powers and sometimes take you up to his bosom and let you throw lightning bolts down on the enemies blarrrg don't get me started.
actually, he sped up the video except for the last kill.


New member
Feb 27, 2011
Keava said:
BEcause as others said. It's the meta-game of modern 'competitive' shooters. Sniper role as in, the regular marksman camping type, is just simply not viable. You are useless to the team, no matter how many kills you rack if you stay on spot and pick off stragglers. Quick scoping is the way to bring sniper rifles into the actual combat, where it matters.
More often than not, unless the map/game is built around defenders/attackers positions, snipers are useless if they are not mobile, every other role benefits the team more.
i wish this were true but the only people who try to use any seblence of teamwork are "clans" and even then they still tend to do their own thing. the only thing people care about in these games are kill/death ratios, not who killed who were


New member
Sep 27, 2010
So... wait what?

I am constantly bitched at for "quickscoping" whenever I play an FPS, but it's how I play I move around the map like pretty much anyone else and as soon as I see someone I quickly line up with their noggin, scope in, line up a bit better, shoot, scope out and keep movin.
And I've practically been shunned for it.

Now you're trying to tell me people ***** if you DON'T quickscope?

This is why I don't like FPSes, the games themselves are a lot of fun but AI opponents are predictable and Human opponenents are all, without exception, fucktards.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
You could run around with a plastic cup that kills in 60 hits as a weapon and people would still insult you. Its the nature of the internet and online FPS.
Me want!

But I agree on the rest of your message:
Whatever you do online, someone will hate you and call you a noob.

If I got time to aim, I aim. People really hate that for some reason, but its their head thats being pierced and my name on the top of the scoreboard. ;)